You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

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Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Faylinn said:
*sniff of disapproval* MrsG, I did not call my ass "fat," I called it "big." I'd appreciate it very much of you didn't change my words. *scowl*... Hehe. :p
Didn't mean to offend. "Big", "fat" -- how 'bout if we go with "endearingly fluffy" and call it all good?

It's a good thing that I'm not drinking then, isn't it? You're an evil woman. :lol:
Indeed. I'm sure the photo thread will be a riot and we'll all have to post little gems from the trip.

Did I just hear mention of Neiman's? *gets aroused* :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

ThumpyG said:
jorja_fan86 said:
Oh man, I lurv shopping. The mall, shops & credit cards are three of my many weaknesses. Fashion magazines as well. Yesterday I spent over 45 minutes checking out the latest coats & purses in In Style. That magazine has got me hyped for Rodeo Drive. Oh, & I am not one for window shopping :lol:. If I see something I like, especially shoes & purses, I am running into that store. You all will have to hold me back :lol:.

*dreams of Hermes*

:lol: Which is why we will get along splendidly, too! :lol: I have already talked to MrsG, about this, but my mothers perfume that she wears is from Hermes, and when I told her I was going to LA, she wants me to pick up a bottle for her, on her dime, of course. ;) So...... we will be hitting Hermes, or Neimans, or Saks so I can get the perfume. and hitting the racks for cute clothes... but sadly, no Birkin. ;) Wayyyyy beyond my budget.

I think I know why I like you :lol:. It's eerie that how much we enjoy. I mean, there's men, high end botiques, porn & many other things that's too rated r for this board :devil:.

I *love* Hermes & any other French brand out there. I like French designers over Italian ones, except for the one that design shoes. Nothing makes me happier than a good day of retail shopping. Oooh yeah...
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Didn't mean to offend. "Big", "fat" -- how 'bout if we go with "endearingly fluffy" and call it all good?
I wasn't really offended, you know that, right? *is paranoid now* :lol:

Endearingly fluffy works--now who wants to snuggle into my ample bosom for a nap? :lol:

Y'all have me zoning out with all your talk of shopping-related things...*mind wanders* :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Faylinn said:
I wasn't really offended, you know that, right? *is paranoid now* :lol:
:lol: Yes, I know that. ;)

Endearingly fluffy works--now who wants to snuggle into my ample bosom for a nap? :lol:
Not so much wanting to snuggle into it, but that is definitely one area where the phrase "endearingly fluffy" will never apply to me, so perhaps I'll just gaze jealously.

Y'all have me zoning out with all your talk of shopping-related things...*mind wanders* :lol:
We're gonna have to find some way to rectify that. Perhaps you could window shop as if buying an outfit for your first date with AJ or something? There's gotta be some mental imagery trick that could make you happy to spend a couple hours shopping.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Perhaps you could window shop as if buying an outfit for your first date with AJ or something?

:confused:if that actually happens, I will be so insanely jealous that I will not be able to talk :devil: :(....sorry to interrupt
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

perhaps I'll just gaze jealously.
Honey, I'd offer to share with you if I thought it would work. *glares down*

We're gonna have to find some way to rectify that.
I like to look at the pretty. "Oh, that's nice," etc. But I don't like to try things on (I'm sure some of y'all can relate to that :lol:), and the idea of spending oodles of money on clothes/shoes/purses/etc just makes me laugh. :p

Y'all can shop, I'll wait outside and watch for AJ to fall out of the sky onto the pavement in front of me. :D I don't remember who suggested it, but it seems like a premonition to me--after all, when I was in Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios or somewhere like that, the little fortune telling machine told me I'd end up with a red-haired man. Coincidence? I think not...


ETA: peanut, have no fear--I'll be sure to throw some love you way...I'll send you a picture or something. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

ETA: peanut, have no fear--I'll be sure to throw some love you way...I'll send you a picture or something.

oh my-and you say MrsG is evil? :devil: hehe j/k. :p no, but really I think I am going to pout now... :( *big crocodile tears*

on another point: I don't care for shopping that much either-but I guess that's mute since I will be going 2 weeks before y'all do. :(
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

jorja_fan86 said:
ThumpyG said:
jorja_fan86 said:
Oh man, I lurv shopping. The mall, shops & credit cards are three of my many weaknesses. Fashion magazines as well. Yesterday I spent over 45 minutes checking out the latest coats & purses in In Style. That magazine has got me hyped for Rodeo Drive. Oh, & I am not one for window shopping :lol:. If I see something I like, especially shoes & purses, I am running into that store. You all will have to hold me back :lol:.

*dreams of Hermes*

:lol: Which is why we will get along splendidly, too! :lol: I have already talked to MrsG, about this, but my mothers perfume that she wears is from Hermes, and when I told her I was going to LA, she wants me to pick up a bottle for her, on her dime, of course. ;) So...... we will be hitting Hermes, or Neimans, or Saks so I can get the perfume. and hitting the racks for cute clothes... but sadly, no Birkin. ;) Wayyyyy beyond my budget.

I think I know why I like you :lol:. It's eerie that how much we enjoy. I mean, there's men, high end botiques, porn & many other things that's too rated r for this board :devil:.

I *love* Hermes & any other French brand out there. I like French designers over Italian ones, except for the one that design shoes. Nothing makes me happier than a good day of retail shopping. Oooh yeah...

:lol: It is amazing isn't it? or strange, depending on how you look at it. I have to feed one or all :devil: of my addictions on a regular basis (when I can, of course) LA really is the place to catch all of them at once! Plenty of men, porn, chocolate, and high end shopping. What more could a girl ask for? ;)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

ThumpyG said:
Plenty of men, porn, chocolate, and high end shopping. What more could a girl ask for? ;)

Damn straight! :devil: :lol: *sings* These are some of my faaaaavorite things!

So, hey, for those of us living further away, what kind of clothes should we bring there? :) Please to be specific on the clubbing clothes too. :devil:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

California and July means it's going to be hot. Well at least down here in the inland empire. :(
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Wow...I miss a few days and this thread just takes off. :(

Bodily functions. I love them. :D I am the lone female in a house with three males. Bodily functions are the norm for all of us. I'm just as bad as they are. So, nobody will offend me with that. :p

Fay, how can you not like to shop??? :eek: That's one of the things I'm looking forward to out in Also, I need to be pointed in the direction of a Fed-Ex place or something. I plan of fed-exing everything I buy back home. I doubt there will be room in my luggage for everything I plan to buy.

As for clothes, I'm bringing what I wear here in the summer...shorts, sandals, tanks/sleeveless shirts, maybe a dress or two for clubs.... can't wait to get my tattoo...How many of us are planning on tattoos?
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

1CSIMfan said: can't wait to get my tattoo...How many of us are planning on tattoos?

I'm definitely thinking about it. Nothing big, just a nice reminder of this experience. ;)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

count me in for tattoos.

As for what you guys should wear/bring... I'm no like high-end dressed fashionista... BUT... FYI: This summer is supposed to be one, if not THE hottest and worst Summer Los Angeles has ever seen, thats according to the weather guys and their predictions because of the weird winter we've been having, so be sure to pack lots of shorts/flip flops/tanks, etc.

Bodily functions, I'm not big on farting, I'll laugh if someone else does it, because its usually pretty funny, but burping, I think I've got ya'll beat, I dont need any form of carbonation (though it helps), to produce a very, VERY manly sized burp... ;) I have a feeling we're all going to be a pretty interesting group to be sitting near while out at meal time.

Fay , when I first moved to LA about two years ago I was so not a shopper, I freakin' hated it, and then I spent a day with a friend out at 'The Grove' and was like "oh my gosh! this is awesome" we'll change your mind about shopping... :)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Kimmychu said:
ThumpyG said:
Plenty of men, porn, chocolate, and high end shopping. What more could a girl ask for? ;)

Damn straight! :devil: :lol: *sings* These are some of my faaaaavorite things!
Ah, yes, the simple pleasures in life. High end retail, sunny skies and a good [sex toy] are all I need to be happy. :lol:

So, hey, for those of us living further away, what kind of clothes should we bring there? :) Please to be specific on the clubbing clothes too. :devil:
LA in July can be quite hot. Flip-flops and tank tops both appear to be part of a standard LA uniform. :lol: The bottom half varies -- capri pants, shorts, cute skirts, jeans, whatever. LA is a very casual place during the day.

At night, bear in mind that some of the hottest women on the planet reside in LA and they do put time into their appearance. Club wear tends to be somewhat upscale. Bust out those slim fitting jeans you spent far too much on. Pair them with a camisole top and heels. Also for higher end clubs, a cute dress with some nice strappy sandals works well too.

During the day, the LA look is totally low maintenance. Anyone who looks good in a ponytail with no make-up can be a happy camper. Even the movie stars will feel free to shop Rodeo Drive in their Juicy sweats, flip flops and no make-up. Night time is about looking good though.
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