You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

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Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^ Delete the "if I come" language from that post and I'll fully support you in that decision. Would suck hard to travel 3,000 miles to a fantastic destination and not be able to recall your trip. We'll make sure you remember every embarrassing moment that ends up posted on the board. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

*fans self* I can't delete the 'If I come' language! Because, really, I DO want to come. I just hate being in debt...even more than I already am, which is a lot more than I had last week. :lol: I went from being about $400 in debt to like, $21,000 in debt in roughly 60 seconds.

It sucks and I'm scared!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^ Car payments are just a reality of life and nothing to stop living your life over. If that's stressing you out, just wait until you take out your first mortgage. :rolleyes:

You MUST come. You're one of the original members of the Locker Room and your attendance is mandatory. Start rolling your pennies and recycling your soda cans. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

:lol: I know I have to come. I think I'll be ok though. Once I get my 'large' check in June, I'm going to bang out 3 car payments with it before I do anything else.

And! It just occurred to me that I'll be getting state and federal tax returns! :D
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ Delete the "if I come" language from that post and I'll fully support you in that decision. Would suck hard to travel 3,000 miles to a fantastic destination and not be able to recall your trip. We'll make sure you remember every embarrassing moment that ends up posted on the board. :lol:

ISn't that what digital cameras are for? Last time I became "Black-out Betty" one of my coworkers helpfully took some video with her camera phone :lol: None of that for me on this trip though; drinking a lot when it's hot outside is a very very very bad idea.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

hey MrsG-
take me off the maybe list. I won't be able to go that week.
due to our schedules, my cousin and I will have to go July 5-8.
sorry and thanx for the invite
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

There will definitely be pictures. :lol:

But lookaboomerang, if you don't want to drink, I totally respect that. So long as you know you have to get your butt down to LA in July. :p

Boulevard3 is awesome, but it is pretty clubby. It's a very, very classy club, but if clubs aren't your scene you might not like it. I've been twice, both times for parties, but it had a different vibe each time. I enjoyed the exclusive party more than the other one, and the latter is probably more along the lines of an average night.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Y'all can have an instant tan just by standing next to me. Contrast, baby. :lol: I'm not tanning, fake or otherwise, before we go. ;)

I'm also not drinking. I'm 22 and haven't gotten drunk yet, and I don't think I plan on starting any time soon. So anybody who isn't getting soused will have some company--we can sit around and laugh at the drunk people. :lol:

I'm not really the type to enjoy clubs, being a get-together-with-a-small-group-of-people-you-know kind of person, but I think this is a trip to have a lot of different experiences, so I'm open to just about anything. :)

Of course, I'll just be standing to the side and cringing when y'all get tattoos. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

:lol: I am no boozer but I plan to have a few mimosas/bellinis & possibly an apple martini or tartini. I *love* girly drinks. I'm also cool with whatever people do. Smoke, drink whatever. It's all good :lol:.

LA & clubbing always go together for me. I always think of LA as a partying capital, along with NY. I bet the nightlife in LA is wayyyyy better than the nightlife here.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I really wanna go clubing there. That would be fun. I have heard about some of the clubs there and they sound interesting.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Well, maybe I can't be COMPLETELY dry the whole time. Anyone starts noticing me get stupid, cut me off. :lol: Really. I get to a certain point and then it's not fun to be around me anymore, because I think it's bedtime and I get real pissed if you try to stop me from falling asleep where I sit.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I'll cut you off, if you can cut me off, if you notice me getting too weird or stupid.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Sorry you won't be joining us, peanut. :(

I really can't decide which I'm looking forward to most -- the trip itself, or the ensuing photo thread. :lol: Just be courtious and don't pull a Paris or Britney on us as we can't post those kind of pics on the board. :rolleyes:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Damn, I go to work and this thread lights up like a Christmas tree! :lol:

OK, Both clubs sound amazing, damn, I really need to make sure I look good before I go then. :lol: or get some really hot clubbing clothes, nothing too trashy, no way, I am a classy lady outside of the bedroom. ;) I *may* try to get some form of a tan before I get there, so I am not entirely ghostly white and pale.

Jorja, if you get those tats, I will get them too. :devil:

MrsG , the hookah is LEGAL. :lol: My ass so wouldn't have done it if it weren't. :lol: It is a lot of fun, and the flavored tobacco is neat to try. I tried a strawberry ice cream flavor while in Las Vegas at a hookah lounge at one of the casinos and it wasn't bad. If anyone is up for it, it would be fun, plus I have a huge addiction to mediterranian food which would be there to enjoy.

lookaboomerang, your ass has to be in LA. Who else can I annoy with my bad bodily functions, beside MrsG ? It has to be you my dear. ;) j/k Plus, I will be consuming alcohol, but I really don't drink anymore to get completely wasted, so I will be able to steer you in the right direction- unless someone sneaks some Bacardi 151 in a drink- then I am screwed.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

ThumpyG said:
Who else can I annoy with my bad bodily functions, beside MrsG ?
Bad bodily functions?? :eek: Information that might have been helpful prior to making rooming arrangements. :lol:
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