You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

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Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

:lol: yeah, I kind of gave my friend that bought one for personal use a strange look when he told me that he was going to buy a hookah. The first time I saw one and used it I didn't think much of it. But I used it again and it was a lot of fun. For me the main thing is the people you are with and the atmosphere.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

What the hell is "hookah"? It sounds like the way someone from Boston or New York would say "hooker", with the thick east coast accent :lol:.

I glad we understand each other now Thumpy :lol:.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I've heard of The Oasis, its a Hookah Lounge out on La Brea... but, I dont know if thats the same one he was talking about... its a nice place, they have parties and stuff there and the food is pretty reasonable, at least thats what people I've talked to about it have said. I'll look around and see if theres another one... and maybe I just got stuck in a Hookah Lounge rut. Heres a link to the one my friend told me about, so check it out... see if it looks interesting.
Oasis LA

As for tanning - I'll be tanned long before July, BUT... I tan over my tan, so I'll gladly sit out and tan... I love it!! I got more oils and lotions to help you tan than someone should be allowed to have - Skin Cancer in a bottle...

That looks like it might be the place he was talking about. He mentioned it having all these lights everywhere. I've been wanting one of those star lights. :devil:

I'll also be tanned long before July. Actually, I will be starting in the next couple weeks. I'll pass on the tanning...I can keep a tan for weeks. I just want a tattoo. :p
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

If you guys wanna get tanned, you should visit me down here. Even David Caruso could get tanned in Puerto Rico. Well, maybe not Caruso, but a human being could.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Gotta second that "what the hell is a hookah" question. :confused:

Here's a little more what Top and I were thinking of in terms of LA nightlife -- Boulevard3. Of course, it's all dependant on what sounds fun to you guys.

Jorja - I'm a big 'ol fan of the fake tan. I've gone twice a week for oh ... I dunno ... my entire freakin' life. Accordingly, I'll already be tanned. After living in Hollywood for a summer though, I can steer you in the direction of the nearest tanning salon. Of course, in LA they're on every street corner so you'd be able to find one on your own anyway.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^ Ooh sweet. I need to fake tan before I can obtain a real tan :lol:. Like, I'll burn & then it'll turn in a tan but a brief tan. Other times I'll peel & if I get lucky then I'll get a tan as well. Basically, I hate my natural skin tone & I wish I was darker :lol:.

Boulevard3 sounds pretty cool. As long as I can hit a night club & a strip club it's all good. If I were to get a tatoo I would get one that says "Porn star" on the right arm & than on the left arm it would say, "Not really"

:lol: It would be like, "Hey mom, look what I got in LA!"

*eta* Hmmm I'm down for Puerto Rico too. I *love* the sun & where I am, it's all snow & rain.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

a Hookah is basically like a fancy pipe - people smoke tobacco and like herbal stuff with them - they are ummmmm I guess interesting is the best word... and I ditto what ThumpyG said about it all depending on the people and atmosphere - the first time i was like WTF?? That was so not cool, the second time it was like "woo hoo!!"

See, in terms of tans, I've never EVER been to a tanning salon, I need about 4 hours out at the beach surfing (which is happening on Sunday!! woot woot... 4ft-10ft waves baby!) anyway... I just need a few hours of natural sunlight and I start to tan, after the first initial tanning, I just tan over the tan, over the tan... and so on and so on... :)

1CSIMFAN- I'm all in for tats too... :)

Jorja - love the idea for the tattoo... would your mom even laugh before she killed you?? or would she just go straight to the killin'?

Mrs. G - Boulevard 3 looks awesome, and it has a dance floor?? sweet!.. I like it.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Fake tan? Seems like we're all thinking alike! I usually tan in the sun but I need time and considering the trip is in July I probably won't have much of it so I've already scouted a place not too far from where I work and I'll be paying it some visits starting from... April, I think. That'll give me enough time to look decent when we meet. :D

Also, didn't mean to discourage you guys about show tapings. It can be a cool experience. Last year for example, me and my friends watched the taping of an episode of "The Class" and the "Megan Mullally Show". This second experience was a lot more interesting than the first... okay, it mostly had to do with the guest-stars but still, since someone mentioned Conan or Leno if we want to do it, I'm definitely up for this.

Boulevard3 looks... wow. I can't even picture myself in there. ;)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

a Hookah is basically like a fancy pipe - people smoke tobacco and like herbal stuff with them -...
herbal stuff? that legal? :lol:
I'm a big 'ol fan of the fake tan.
I am glad you guys can tan-fake or otherwise...I burn even in a tanning booth.
Boulevard3 looks... wow. I can't even picture myself in there.
I know! to this little southern girl, it kinda seems unreal?!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^^Oh, Okay--phew *wipes hand across forehead*
I didn't know what was going on there in LA ;) :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

LA is home to beautiful people and beautiful clubs. Here's another one for you to check out: Les Deux. Top and I went to this one last summer on Hill's recommendation. Gorgeous place, gorgeous people. Though I think Boulevard3 may take the cake for beauty.

Here's another activity that might be fun one night. Something the whole gang might enjoy. Lucky Strikes. A hip bowling alley/bar in the Hollywood & Highland complex which is in walking distance from the hotel, so you can all get tanked and stagger home safely.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I am really in need of someone that is willing to share a room with me in LA. Is someone willing to share a room with me?? It would be super awesome of someone.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I think I've made an important decision for myself.

If I come, I'm not going to drink. At all.

I forget about things when I drink, like the other night. I went to a friend's house the other day and she says to me, "You got a haircut." And I'm like, "Yeah, no kidding genius. I got it cut Saturday before we went out." And she goes, "Oh. I didn't get to see much of your head that night, if you remember correctly." Which, I didn't. I forgot I put my hood up in my sister's car on the way home and slept/blocked out everything in an effort to 'sleep it off'.

I'm going to remember this trip, damnit. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

My luck, my friend that lives out there is gonna want me to go party with her. I must behave myself and not drink....yea right lol
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