You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

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Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Show tapings aren't the most exciting thing in the world at points, but they are fun if you're a fan of a show or the guest on a talk show. I've been to several, and I kind of fall in the middle. It's definitely a very LA (or NY) experience. It's up to you guys--if there isn't a lot of interest, it doesn't have to be on the list of things to do. It's not like we don't have oodles of other options.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^ Exactly as Top says. It's a very LA experience. I fall in the middle as well and would endure a taping out of love for you all. However, if the interest isn't there, there are absolutely a zillion other ways to spend an afternoon in LA.

At this point, why doesn't everyone let me know if a taping is something they want to do or not. If it isn't, we can ditch it altogether. But if there is demand for that, let me know.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I would love to do a show taping, but I am fairly flexable one way or another. It isn't something that if we don't do, that I will be pouting the whole trip that I didn't get to do. :lol: My main goal is getting the stuff on my moms list that she wants. The woman is giving me enough money to get it and if I don't show up with it, she will shoot me. that and go out and just hang with everyone!!!!

maybe another tattoo??? :p Haven't decided. and the beach! :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

is there anyone that wants to share a room to cut down on expenses. someone, not me, needs a travel buddy if anyone is interested.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

MrsGiovinazzo said: long as we aren't attacked by any "Promises" escapees hitting our vehicles with umbrellas .

Fast food's fine; just make sure there's no tail sticking out or beady eyes looking back at you before you take a bite .

By the way, can we add rehab centers to our list of places to visit? We may need that list if anyone shaves their head or gets bad ink.
LMAO! PrettyEyes is in rare form today. :lol:

Thank you for understanding my sense of humor. No one responded, and I was afraid they all took me seriously. :rolleyes:

Rhonda, 40's the new 30, honey. You're not old to us. :p
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I think I'll pass on the show taping. I'd like to see Leno though.

Has anybody heard of a place called The Oasis? I got a hair cut today and was talking about the trip and one of the guys in there mentioned that place and said it was a nice place to go. He said something about musicians hanging out there and sometimes they play. I dunno..of course I've never heard of it.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I will stand in line to see Conan. That man is a god but sadly, his show is in NY :(. Oh, Conan & his hair :lol:.

I heard of the band Oasis, but not the place. If you didn't tell me what the place is about I figured it would be a salon where I can get my tan on :lol:.

Speaking of which, if I bring my ass down to LA is anyone willing to tan with me? I absolutely refuse to look semi-pale in the summer. No frigging way. I see that some of your ladies embrace your pale side, but no, not me. I love a little bronze colour...
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Speaking of which, if I bring my ass down to LA is anyone willing to tan with me? I absolutely refuse to look semi-pale in the summer. No frigging way. I see that some of your ladies embrace your pale side, but no, not me. I love a little bronze colour..

I love a little tan too, but my skin doesn't seem to agree with me :lol:

I can only get colour on my face and arms. Last summer was the first year I ever got a tan on my legs. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

jorja_fan86 said:
Speaking of which, if I bring my ass down to LA is anyone willing to tan with me? I absolutely refuse to look semi-pale in the summer. No frigging way. I see that some of your ladies embrace your pale side, but no, not me. I love a little bronze colour...

If you bring your ass down to LA? Sweet Cheeks, you are going to LA! ;) I am one that embraces her pale side, as I don't tan well! Are you wanting to tan while in LA? or be tan before you get to LA? I am confused. :confused: This of course due to my recent hair color change. I did go back to a lighter blonde yesterday. ;)

I will probably be using a tanning lotion, but may go to tan a few times before the trip~
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^^I will be tanned when I get there. I have a tanning bed. It was one of the greatest investments I've ever made.

I'm pretty sure he called it The Oasis..but I could be wrong. I'll be back in there in a few weeks, so I'll ask him again.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^^ Both baby :lol:. I will hit the tanning beds before hand to build a base colour & then when I come down I'll continue my tanning to turn dark, like a Greek gypsy :lol:. I hope that made sense blondie :p.

Rhonda, I don't know the name of one single place in LA so you're probably right :lol:.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I've heard of The Oasis, its a Hookah Lounge out on La Brea... but, I dont know if thats the same one he was talking about... its a nice place, they have parties and stuff there and the food is pretty reasonable, at least thats what people I've talked to about it have said. I'll look around and see if theres another one... and maybe I just got stuck in a Hookah Lounge rut. Heres a link to the one my friend told me about, so check it out... see if it looks interesting.
Oasis LA

As for tanning - I'll be tanned long before July, BUT... I tan over my tan, so I'll gladly sit out and tan... I love it!! I got more oils and lotions to help you tan than someone should be allowed to have - Skin Cancer in a bottle...
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

:lol: jorja, that's what I thought you would do, as that makes the most sense. ;) I don't tan- skin cancer scares me but I will put more tanning lotion crap on me to last a lifetime.

OOOOO a Hookah bar?!!!! I so want to go there!!!! I first experienced the Hookah from one of my best friends who is Bengali a few years back. Then another friend actually bought a Hookah for his personal use. :p It was a lot of fun.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

yeah, hookahs... fun... kinda of um... weird... lol... I have a friend (suprisingly the one that told me about Oasis), and he has like 5 Hookahs for his own personal enjoyment.... um no thanks... :)
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