Hi gang!
I've been lurking around here for a while, and I just have to put my 2 cents in for the "what to do with Lindsey" line of thought.
Now, some have suggested death. The lobotomy idea was pretty cool. But lately, I've been toying with another idea.
Is anyone else on this board old enough to remember the old Dallas "Bobby in the shower"?
It has been many a long year since this happened, but basically, the actor who played Bobby on this vastly popular night time soap wanted off the show. I'm pretty sure that the character died in a fiery car crash or something similar. The next season (Bobby-less) was just full of crazy nutbar kind of antics and the fans were all whining to get Bobby back.
In the next season opener, Bobby's wife wakes in their bed having had the most awful dream. Her loving husband had died! <ack!> But wait, we hear the shower, she walks into the bathroom, pulls aside the shower curtain....voila!... Bobby is taking a shower and the entire last year was nothing but a horrible dream!
Now, this is drastic soap opera stuff. But I tell you, I'm so fed up with Miss Lindsey that I for one would welcome such a rapid reset of the CSI: NY story line.
Think about it. Danny could wake one morning in his bed after an awful nightmare about some strange crazy ass teenage angst chick named Lindsey.
Danny could be sleeping alone or snuggled in next to his adoring girlfriend/wife Rikki. I don't care (dealers choice).
It would be hysterical if Danny spent the season opener telling anyone who would listen about the crazy dream he had. :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: Can't you see Flack giving him a WTF look? Mac just shaking his head and saying "Why would I hire someone like that? Danny, maybe you should take a couple of days off."
History wise, all of the cases happened just as they happened, but NO LINDSEY! Heck, we could even bring Aiden or Ruben back from the dead if we want. If we bring back Ruben, Danny could go into Super Over Protective mode and drive Ruben nuts.
Danny swears off pastromi sandwiches at 3AM for all time because he never wants to risk have a similar nightmare in the future!
Unfortunately, TPTB will never go for it. But the idea just gives me such delight. We get to make like she was never there! No "This is hard" or "It's a Montana thing, you wouldn't understand", and dozens of other Lindsey-isms that make so many scenes simply painful to watch. No more dead fish eyes!!! <sigh>
As we watch old episodes, we can merrily say to ourselves, "Oh, this little bit with Lindsey was just Danny's food induced nightmare!":devil::devil::devil:
So, what do you think? Any other suggestions on how to "reset" the story line sans Lindsey?