Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

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privatename said:
Maybe she went to the Joey Tribiani school of "smell the fart" acting. (Does anyone else remember that episode of "Friends?" No? Maybe it is just me.)

:guffaw: Yes, I remember it! The irony to me is that, even though Joey is supposedly is 'bad actor' in the Friends universe, Joey was a very believable and lovable if rather thick-headed guy. Matt LeBlanc is a good actor and played the role of silly, funny Joey very well.

If her big goal was to show how being from the country affected her character then shouldn't she have been thinking more along the lines of how her character would handle things differently or react to things differently because she was from Montana rather than what wardrobe choices would let people know she was from the country?

Bingo. When an actor/actress has to rely on visible, physical proof to show an aspect of her personality, I dunno, something ain't right somewhere. It's kinda like a guy from Texas has to wear boots with spurs and be trigger-happy and go, "Y'all!" every few seconds to be 'authentically' Texan, ya know? :guffaw:
Maybe with the 'pushing performance' bit she was referring to the fact that on stage all the gestures, expressions, tones of voice etc have to be larger-than-life to be conveyed to the audience, whereas to a camera if you did that it would be way to over-the-top? Just my take on it.

That's probably what she meant; it was poorly worded to say the least. So much of what she says is. But I think because of that, it's kind of obvious she doesn't put a lot of thought into the role, or what she says about the role. You don't see that kind of stuff in interviews given by the other cast members.

If her big goal was to show how being from the country affected her character then shouldn't she have been thinking more along the lines of how her character would handle things differently or react to things differently because she was from Montana rather than what wardrobe choices would let people know she was from the country?

Bingo. When an actor/actress has to rely on visible, physical proof to show an aspect of her personality, I dunno, something ain't right somewhere. It's kinda like a guy from Texas has to wear boots with spurs and be trigger-happy and go, "Y'all!" every few seconds to be 'authentically' Texan, ya know? :guffaw:

Again, another problem I have...there's no depth to any of her thoughts about the role. Here you have Carmine putting a lot of thought into decisions like, "Would Danny cry after his brother has been beaten up?" or Hill thinking about Hawkes getting all the nitty gritty science and technology stuff, and Anna just talks about wardrobe and not being glamorous.

Honestly, if it hadn't been for the date, I would have assumed this interview was from season two. There's no depth there! No reflection of three years worth of character development. And yeah, while some of the development has been shoddy, she's got a gem to talk about in how the tragedy that apparently defined Lindsay has made her who she is. But there's none of that. And don't tell me it's not because the interviewer didn't ask--the interviewee can easily steer the interview and bring up big character points. She puts so little thought into the role--how can Lindsay have any depth as a character when Anna has just decided to play herself?
I kinda recall hearing that when Carmine gets interviewed, his answers have to be trimmed because he has so much stuff to say about his character. :lol: Well, in the case of character development, the more there is to say about it, the better. It's when there's nothing to say, that's when you have a serious problem. Pretty difficult to work on a character that has no depth, ya know? There's only so much you can write for one like that before you run out of options except to write the character off.

Top41 said:
She puts so little thought into the role--how can Lindsay have any depth as a character when Anna has just decided to play herself?

Now that's a really interesting question right there. If she has no idea who Lindsay is as a character at all, who can blame viewers for not knowing who she is after all this time? Moreover, if she doesn't develop her character at all past cowboy hats and constant references to Montana, can anyone be blamed for not having any interest in Lindsay whatsoever?
can anyone be blamed for not having any interest in Lindsay whatsoever?
Did I just have an epiphany? :lol: I read that last line and thought, 'You know, I really don't have any interest in Lindsay at all.' I mean, I already knew that, but it felt like a revelation (don't ask me why). :lol:

There would have to be a herculean effort to make me give a s*it - instead I just feel like she's in the way. Job-wise, she doesn't do anything Hawkes or Danny or Stella or Adam couldn't do. Character-wise, there's nothing compelling about her for me. Ultimately, I don't think there is a presence (character or actress) worthy of the time and effort Lindsay has gotten.
It is actually telling indeed that she doesn`t talk about her character in depth and only about appereance.

I said this somewhere else too but the more I read interviews with Anna,the more I get a whole different view of her.

She might be a nice person in real life but in her interviews she comes across as a bit arrogant and not really like she is willing to learn more.
Faylinn said:
Did I just have an epiphany? :lol: I read that last line and thought, 'You know, I really don't have any interest in Lindsay at all.' I mean, I already knew that, but it felt like a revelation (don't ask me why). :lol:

Well then, I had an epiphany reading your epiphany! :lol: Yeah, thinking about it ... I really don't have any interest in Lindsay at all either. The only time we even discuss her is when we come up with valid reasons for her leaving the show, and seeing as we're literally half way through the third WLMG thread, it hasn't been difficult. :p
In the sense that I don't really care what they do with her character as long as she has a minimal amount of screen time then I would agree that I just don't care about her character. Although I would care if, as it seems many are suggesting, they decided to start pairing her up with others even in a non-romantic sense because people think "wouldn't she be great with x" because she has succeeding in changing the character of Danny too much already and I don't want to see that happen to another cast member. And this is from someone who was never a huge fan of Danny. I think Carmine is a great actor, but I was never drawn to Danny as I was to other characters. Also, in the sense that I really would like her gone, I obviously do care as evidenced by my posts in this thread.
^^Yeah, I see what you mean. My only interest in Lindsay is in a negative way, in the sense of what she subtracts from the show rather than what she adds.
I really wanted to smack her after reading that interview. You guys have covered most of it so I won't go into great detail (though I really, really could ;)), but – aside from what's already been said – a few other things stood out to me.

First, this:
“The nitty gritty science of it all, it’s reality,” said the graduate from Middlebury College in Vermont, the United States who obtained her Master’s in Acting from American Conservatory Theater.
If I ever want to go into acting, remind me not to go to that school. It's obviously not that great of a program if Anna's "skills" earned her a Master's Degree.

Sorry if that sounded mean, but it's like, what are we supposed to do with that comment? Should we suddenly respect her acting ability now that we know she's got a Master's in her craft? Do we look stupid?

As for keeping it real, Belknap said that it’s impossible to completely reflect the real world. “Take, for example, the time it takes to lift finger prints. When my apartment was broken into recently, the police told me it would take two years!
Wow! Anna's apartment must get broken into a lot! It seems like every time I see/hear an interview with her, she's always telling us about how her apartment was broken into recently and how the cops said it would take two years to get the fingerprints back and blah, blah, blah.

I get that she was specifically asked about the factualness of the show, but it's sad that she can't come up with anything else to say. Surely, in the time she's been on the show, she's learned that fingerprinting isn't the only thing exaggerated on the show. Let's not forget that she's got that Master's Degree in Acting from that fancy school. Least she could do is act like she knows what she's talking about. :lol:

Boy, after rereading that, I guess I'm feeling rather snarky today...
First, this:
“The nitty gritty science of it all, it’s reality,” said the graduate from Middlebury College in Vermont, the United States who obtained her Master’s in Acting from American Conservatory Theater.
If I ever want to go into acting, remind me not to go to that school. It's obviously not that great of a program if Anna's "skills" earned her a Master's Degree.

Sorry if that sounded mean, but it's like, what are we supposed to do with that comment? Should we suddenly respect her acting ability now that we know she's got a Master's in her craft? Do we look stupid?

Well now, let's not blame the school for it's unfortunate student, or get violent. Having done theatre programs I know there will always be those students in perfectly good programs that leave you thinking "what the...?". And there will also always be students with oodles of money. Also you get out of a program what you put into it. So for all we know she didn't put that much into a good program.
Also you get out of a program what you put into it. So for all we know she didn't put that much into a good program.
Also, she could have finished at the bottom of her class.:guffaw: Somebody has to, you know and from what I've seen from her so far as Lindsay, she very well could have finished at the bottom.
This is thanks to 1csimfan who pointed out the following:

Remember the phone call between Danny and Lindsay in episode 4x19? Where Lindsay says, "It's a Montana thing. You wouldn't understand."?

If we needed an additional reason why she should go, then blatantly ripping off a famous slogan for Jeeps might be another one. :guffaw:

The original slogan goes: It's a Jeep thing. You wouldn't understand.

You can see the proof of it on Youtube, as well as a variety of online Jeep-related stores including Amazon.com. Heck, just Google the slogan and you can see it for yourself. :guffaw:Here's a tire cover showing the slogan and a t-shirt showing the slogan via Allthingsjeep.com.
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I have a friend with a Jeep and she has the t-shirt. It is a slogan that Jeep uses. In all fairness to the writers though I have heard people use that expression in other ways -- like "Its a girl thing. You wouldn't understand." Of course, it was entirely stupid and ridiculous in that setting to imply that no one outside of Montana would understand going for a walk in the rain:rolleyes: Duh, people from all over do that - -even those from NY.

Also, she could have finished at the bottom of her class.:guffaw: Somebody has to, you know and from what I've seen from her so far as Lindsay, she very well could have finished at the bottom.

I definitely don't think just saying someone has a degree is something means that they are good at it. Even having a Master's doesn't automatically mean someone is going to be good at what they were studying. I went to college with someone who is now a dentist and a bigger idiot you will never find. There is NO WAY I would let her work on my teeth. As a matter of fact she now works for an insurance company and no longer practices.
Wow! Anna's apartment must get broken into a lot! It seems like every time I see/hear an interview with her, she's always telling us about how her apartment was broken into recently and how the cops said it would take two years to get the fingerprints back and blah, blah, blah.

I get that she was specifically asked about the factualness of the show, but it's sad that she can't come up with anything else to say. Surely, in the time she's been on the show, she's learned that fingerprinting isn't the only thing exaggerated on the show. Let's not forget that she's got that Master's Degree in Acting from that fancy school. Least she could do is act like she knows what she's talking about. :lol:

Boy, after rereading that, I guess I'm feeling rather snarky today...

That's a really good point. If you read the interviews here with anyone who has given multiple interviews (Carmine, Eddie, Hill--take your pick), you can see that they're saying different things in each interview. Carmine isn't going on and on about the Sonny Corleone comparisons that Zuiker made early on--he's got more things to talk about, newer things because he's thought about the character and evolved him.

Anna is still saying the same things three years later. That's partially because the character hasn't evolved much on screen, but it's also telling with regards to how much thought she puts into playing Lindsay. If she'd given her character a lot of thought, she'd have new and interesting things to say in each interview, rather than the same old thing. Her interviews don't give any insight into Lindsay--kinda the way her performance doesn't give any insight into Lindsay.
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