Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

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If Anna doesn't care about Lindsay and her development and puts no thought into her, how can the writers possibly write a good character? Ever since the first episode of NY, we've seen the other actors turn their characters into believable people and surely the writers went with that and it made their characters easier to write. Maybe Lindsay has been all over the place because the writers are trying to find one simple thing that Anna can pick up on. If Anna doesn't care about Lindsay, why on earth should the writers give a crap about her? They've given her plenty to work with in THREE seasons, what's the point if she's still a terrible character?
Hmm... I have a title suggestion? (just something I thought of immediately after looking at it)

Lindsay Monroe Must Die?
too mean. D;
^LOL, maybe a little mean but hey, if it gets rid of her.... :lol: Sometimes characters have great/memorable deaths that kind of redeem them, or at least stand out. Rosalind Shays and the elevator shaft in L.A. Law anyone? :lol:
It would be great if she had some fabulous death that redeemed her. Although I am not sure Rosalind Shays is a good example -- I mean it was a great death and all, but she was a good character. You didn't necessarily like her, but you weren't really supposed to and the actress played the part well in my opinion.

How about

Lindsay must go because she doesn't care about her character and adds nothing to the show -- not even glamour.

Although I guess it is a little early for new thread titles.
If Anna doesn't care about Lindsay and her development and puts no thought into her, how can the writers possibly write a good character? Ever since the first episode of NY, we've seen the other actors turn their characters into believable people and surely the writers went with that and it made their characters easier to write. Maybe Lindsay has been all over the place because the writers are trying to find one simple thing that Anna can pick up on. If Anna doesn't care about Lindsay, why on earth should the writers give a crap about her? They've given her plenty to work with in THREE seasons, what's the point if she's still a terrible character?

I completely agree with you. Sometimes people go and blame the writers(witch can be the case sometimes) But they never seem to remember that the actor kind of guides them along too and influences what they write.

Hmm... I have a title suggestion? (just something I thought of immediately after looking at it)

Lindsay Monroe Must Die?
too mean. D;

That gave me an idea. As my friend likes to suggest as an alternate to death, what about a lobotomy?:lol: She would be nicer, although dumb as a bag of peanuts... but a nice bag of peanuts who would have to leave the force(again, due to the peanut factor) to go and take care of her cats (Because with her new found simple child like mind, she'll find cats highly amusing).

Everyone wins. Lindsay is happy (constantly), and she has to leave now because well, part of her brain is gone.

But you have to keep in mind though, if done wrong this can lead her to going batshit crazy... either way she'll have to leave though. Just might be harder to get the biting, ax wielding lady out (Well at least that's how I assume it will go down).

Wow... I see now why I can't write drama.:p
WhosLaughingNow said:
That gave me an idea. As my friend likes to suggest as an alternate to death, what about a lobotomy?:lol:

:guffaw: Oh man, that's hilarious! Isn't that one of the most well-worn plots in soap operas around the world? Or is it amnesia? :p Now amnesia, I can see the writers going for that if they feel they have no other option left to save what's left of Lindsay's character. Instant ret-con of past events! And with amnesia, they can even rewrite her entire personality and they'll have a 'logical' explanation for it too!
Or a one way ticket back to Montana seen as she likes doing "the walking in the rain montana thing":confused: and me being me just doesn't get it cos i never walk in the rain period !!;)
^Yeah, that had to be one of the stupidest lines on TV all season. Because only people in Montana walk in the rain. :rolleyes: :lol:

And the condescending line to Danny? Yeah, clearly, he could never understand the need to take a walk and think things over. :rolleyes: It's so absurdly vapid it's funny. :lol:
Doesn't help that it's a blatant rip off of a famous Jeep slogan either. :lol: It's like extra burn piled upon a humongous heap of burn.

I still don't get why the writers wrote that line for her, and that Lindsay had to say it to Danny in such a condenscending way ... unless, ya know, it's supposed to show viewers how self-absorbed her character is and awesomesauce she thinks she is. :p
Its lines like that which make me question why one of the only clear character traits they seem to be associating with this character consistantly in the writing is her petulant pre-teen girl attitude and this is just another check for that box. You'll never understand. Fits right in with other familiar phrases like "you're not the boss of me." or "I'll run away from home" Just wrought with that laughable, unfounded kind of angst typical in delinquents.

Either that or it's just another half hearted attempt at making her come off poetic and deep, but honestly, I would think of all the writers employed there a few of them would be above using such a viciously clichéd tactic for portraying that.
Its lines like that which make me question why one of the only clear character traits they seem to be associating with this character consistently in the writing is her petulant pre-teen girl attitude and this is just another check for that box. You'll never understand. Fits right in with other familiar phrases like "you're not the boss of me." or "I'll run away from home" Just wrought with that laughable, unfounded kind of angst typical in delinquents.

Or when they say things like "This is hard" and then storm off (Because we all know how the saying goes. When the going gets tough, run away from your problems like you ass is on fire:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:)

Oh wait...

This has actually happened!!!
roximonoxide said:
Its lines like that which make me question why one of the only clear character traits they seem to be associating with this character consistantly in the writing is her petulant pre-teen girl attitude and this is just another check for that box.

The only reason that comes to mind?

TPTB wants the show to appeal to people with that very mindset; petulant, pre-teen, angsty delinquents.

:guffaw: I dunno what to infer from that except: You reap what you sow, TPTB, you reap what you sow. Let us hope you've learned your lesson by now.
I saw this and I just had to post it. Solid proof(From the good people at Get Fuzzy) that Lindsay does not in fact rock...


Sorry "Linds", turns out you're just full of yourself.
^ That is so funny. Yes, if you say it yourself it is pretty lame. Hey, can we use "Why Lindsay Must Go: Because she rocks -- NOT!" or "Because she doesn't rock!"
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