Welcome to the third "Why Lindsay Must Go" thread. The title is, admittedly, unoriginal, but if someone can come up with something better, I'm sure the mods wouldn't mind changing it for us. 
For the old farts on the board, you might want to revisit the first few threads. For the newbies, you might wish to read through the first 2000 posts on the subject of why Lindsay Monroe should leave CSI:NY. If you are so inclined, you can find the first thread here and the second thread here.
The purpose of this thread is, of course, to debate and discuss (in a mature manner) the reasons why Lindsay should go or, if you wish, provide reasons why she should stay instead. To quote JDonne from the original thread:

For the old farts on the board, you might want to revisit the first few threads. For the newbies, you might wish to read through the first 2000 posts on the subject of why Lindsay Monroe should leave CSI:NY. If you are so inclined, you can find the first thread here and the second thread here.
The purpose of this thread is, of course, to debate and discuss (in a mature manner) the reasons why Lindsay should go or, if you wish, provide reasons why she should stay instead. To quote JDonne from the original thread:
And--go!JDonne said:
I just wanted to discuss this issue in a non-contentious environment, where everyone is of who steps in here knows what is in store, so if you want to come in and say otherwise, well great, but I ask that you leave you emotions at the door. The thread title makes it clear that there will be no love fest in here, it won’t be bashing, just opinions not in support of the character. In other words, I wanted a place where people were free to discuss Lindsay’s faults without feelings getting hurt, without people taking it personally, and I just don’t think comments of this nature would be welcome in the Anna Belknap/Lindsay Monroe thread. That is fair, but neither do I think extended discussions about Lindsay belong in the Aiden or Lindsay thread. So, this is a place to vent, a place to come clean, a place to say your piece, either way, or at least I hope so. I just want some good old talk about what you feel is wrong with her (or right), and not simply I hate her because she replaced Aiden or I love her because Anna seems sweet.