It's funny you mention Henry, because I was thinking of him too, actually. :lol: And his ears sort of stick out too.
That's actually who I thought of when I first saw that part of the clip. :lol: It's funny that a lot of people were saying Greg while I was going Oh no, Henry! :lol:
And to me the fact that CM said "not a CSI" is a clue to me that it's someone in the lab or connected to it, but not one of the CSIs. At the beginning I thought it would be a ME assistant that we've never seen, but this person has been in at least two episodes, so that isn't it.
Hey what if it's that blonde lady that Grissom used to like, the one thats good at animal autopsies? She hasn't been around in forever, but she's been in more than one ep. What was her name? Terri? :lol:
However, didn't they also say "someone we've seen on the show before" about the Minature Killer? I'd never seen her on the show before the ep where they revealed her as the killer. :lol: I guess she could have been in the background, but how often do viewers pay much attention to the background? Most of them are busy watching main characters unless someone in the background is a shirtless guy or barely clothed woman (sadly this sells lol). :lol:
I'm still thinking Hannah is a possibility. She was a creepy little genius and could definitely have the knowledge to do that stuff. And now one would even think about it being her because of her age... but she's been in two or three eps and there was talk that she might return.
I still say the size 13 shoe prints could be misleading. A really smart suspect would wear shoes much bigger than his or her size to push the investigation away from themselves.