Who is Dr. Jekyll? *SPOILERS*

From all the short clips of the next 8 episodes, guess the Dr. Ray theory is out of the mix, beings it showing him chase the Dr. Jekyll character down the halls of a hospital. And supposedly it's not a CSI, but someone we all know, who would that be? Natalie Davis:confused:
I'm putting these pictures here, because well...I'd like to know what everyone thinks.

Dr. Jekyll
same pic with some adjustments


Ok, now look at the Jekyll picture. He does look VERY similar to Greg. Hair is very similar, eyebrows, ears (though the lighting could be distorting them).

Now if they did go with Greg as Jekyll that would be cool (sorry Greg fans). Only because to have one of the CSIs be him would be something they've never done before. Even if it was one of the other CSIs or labrats. It would be different and cool.

Now would Greg kill people? Probably not, however it's always the one you least expect. :lol: For all we know, it's Nick. :lol:
I really do not think it is Greg. And if it was they would have an uproar from a lot of fans.
P-L-E-A-S-E, It's not sweet Greggie, he was so kind and compassionate in "Fannysmackin'", and I realize this is a split personality character, but in the 10 years he's been on, when has he ever exhibited a split personaility? He hasn't a mean bone in his whole little body. And the fans would be in an uproar, and he's probably going to be in S/11:bolian:no way Jose~plus Carol M. said it's not a CSI, but someone everyone knows:confused:
I both like and dislike this theory. Greg as a villain would be very interesting and I wouldn't mind seeing Szmanda's acting abilities as a bad guy.

However, there has really been no foreshadowing or hints that Greg so much as a dark side, let alone being a schizophrenic killer.

And I think Eric's ears stick out more than Jekyll's. If that truly is Jekyll in the promo.
It could be that the cap is Greg but not supposed to be Jekyll...kind of fooling us like they did with Catherine and Vartann's kiss. ;)
Haven't we had enough proof at how misleading this promos are? :lol: Case in point: Remember when the promo said "one of their one will die" and it ended up being Lockwood? They made you think it would be a major character and it was a barely recurring one. Just because that person is show in a mask like that in a promo about Dr. Jekyll does not necessarily mean that that person shown is actually Jekyll. It could be someone who works in a hospital (and therefore has a really really legit reason for the mask) and discovers a body or something. We just don't know yet. :)

Carol Mendelson said that Jekyll is NOT A CSI, so wouldn't that rule out Greg, Nick, Sara, Ray or Cath? She also said that it's "someone we all know" who has appeared in more than one episode. That could mean anyone from a labrat/ME/cop to a recurring character like Milander's son (the character has been in at least two episodes even if they were different actors).

Quite honestly, the person in that pic resembles Henry more than Greg. :lol: Now you wanna talk about someone you'd least likely suspect? Remember the saying about how it's always the quietest ones you have to watch out for the most? Henry is ultra shy and generally very, very quiet. Now THAT would be a shocker! :eek:
It's funny you mention Henry, because I was thinking of him too, actually. :lol: And his ears sort of stick out too.
You make some good points, GNRF! However, how many times as Mendohlsen said something was going to happen and it never does??????

Now see, I don't think it looks like Henry, at all. However, it could be him.
It's funny you mention Henry, because I was thinking of him too, actually. :lol: And his ears sort of stick out too.

That's actually who I thought of when I first saw that part of the clip. :lol: It's funny that a lot of people were saying Greg while I was going Oh no, Henry! :lol:

And to me the fact that CM said "not a CSI" is a clue to me that it's someone in the lab or connected to it, but not one of the CSIs. At the beginning I thought it would be a ME assistant that we've never seen, but this person has been in at least two episodes, so that isn't it.

Hey what if it's that blonde lady that Grissom used to like, the one thats good at animal autopsies? She hasn't been around in forever, but she's been in more than one ep. What was her name? Terri? :lol:

However, didn't they also say "someone we've seen on the show before" about the Minature Killer? I'd never seen her on the show before the ep where they revealed her as the killer. :lol: I guess she could have been in the background, but how often do viewers pay much attention to the background? Most of them are busy watching main characters unless someone in the background is a shirtless guy or barely clothed woman (sadly this sells lol). :lol:

I'm still thinking Hannah is a possibility. She was a creepy little genius and could definitely have the knowledge to do that stuff. And now one would even think about it being her because of her age... but she's been in two or three eps and there was talk that she might return.

I still say the size 13 shoe prints could be misleading. A really smart suspect would wear shoes much bigger than his or her size to push the investigation away from themselves.
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This whole Dr. Jekyll story is so exciting. I feel it is a little bit dragged but every time they visit the story in an episode, I become more excited. I've read the latest theories from you and honestly, I like Greg as Dr. Jekyll theory, next is Ray. Maybe Eric's departure from CSI is a very secret and he's not telling anyone except TPTB. Greg would make a chilling evil killer. I mean, who would have thought? That's crazy and shocking. Ray would be great too. LF is an amazing actor and he has this creepy look that is perfect for a killer.

I can't wait how the writers will deliver the story. The writers of CSI are just awesome. Whether it be Greg or Ray, I will still be surprised/shocked. If it's other new character I will still be surprised depending on how it plays out. We're seeing a lot of killers in the show but someone we've trusted for a long time makes the conclusion of the story more chilling.
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WOW> GNRF Hannah, I never thought of her, good theory, why not? and she would have the intelligence to disguise the show size. And I don't think Dr. Ray is creepy at all, to me he's "hott" and sexy and a great character on the show. He's also a gentle, sweet caring person;) I think your on the right track. Not Greg & not Dr. Ray, & Terri, she's a low-key caring lady too and gone. She got married and it's not her scenerio. And on Henry, nah, he's to nice too, and what would he obtain from doing this? unless he doesn't know it's himself. The split personailty describes Hannah to a tee:eek:
As a full-on-in-love-with-Greg-fan, I too both like and strongly dislike the thought of him being Dr. Jeckyl. The thought that it could be him has been in my brain for many months, and I just can't shake it.
I thought it odd in Appendicament that Greg used very specific medical terminology to describe the vic with the racoon on his face and it really bothered me that Greg was not present at the bowling alley until immediately after the 'raise a glass to the CSI family' moment in Lover's Lanes.
I just watched the extended preview of Irradiator and made this cap. I know it is super blurry, but it does sort of look like Greg to me.
The only reason I would like if it was Greg would be because it would mean more screen time for Eric in the short run. But of course, in the long run, it would also mean the end of his being on the show, which would break my heart. I had not read that Carol Mendhelson said that Dr. Jekyl was not a CSI, if that is true, then I will be relieved. I really would not want to lose my favorite character/actor...that would be 'do I still want to watch this show anymore' time for me.