Unhappy Lindsay Fans over Kristine Huntley reviews harsh words.

I think the writers have done a poor job with Lindsay. They haven't developed her beyond a one dimensional character. I remember this being said many moons ago; they should have developed her persoanlity before starting something between her and Danny. Lindsay works as a science geek, she should have been quirky, and yes, let her be arrogant over the fact that she's good at her job.
I used to adore Danny. Recently though, I've begun to want to give him a good slap. He's been an ass. Yes, I like to know a bit about the characters' personal lives, but I like it as a sideline.
I can understand why some people jumped on the DL ship pretty quickly. Lindsay is an 'everygirl', and it is sometimes nice to see a normal girl get her paws on a hawt boy (my class would so laugh if they ever heard me using that expression :)) But I think its been overkill.
The Flack/Angell thing though - now that I can believe. They do have chemistry - IMO!!!
As for the reviews, I love 'em. I read them because I want to know what's happening now, rather than having to wait for the programme to make its way to Britain, although we are now only one or two episodes behind. Do the opinions expressed offend me? No, because I can never remember them in great detail, and anyway, its a review. Not a petition to stop someone from beng awarded an Emmy (have I got the right award?).

I took a walk over to the CBS boards to assist with some procrastination from my current chapter. The person who began this thread is claiming that she has been banned from the board. That might explain why there's not been a response for a while.
Granted some of the discussions scare the bejesus (sp?) out of me :lol: because you guys can debate with the best of them

most of the discussions scared me out of the threads but that is beside the point. I guess Im just a little too sensitive on being treated like a 5-year old that needs to be reminded over and over again that Santa does not exist.

as for the reviews. Ive heard about them and I dont read them. she can write whatever she wants and since I know it will only upset me I see no need to read or think about it.

thats why I stopped reading reviews in the review thread which is a piy to a degree since some of them were really funny

now it may seemed that I dont like people disagreeing with me - I dont :) - but Im not very good in arguments. I need time to word my opinions and trying to do so I usually loose sleep. so I just gave up becuase it was getting unhealthy for me

I like the discussions here I just dont like when they turn unfriendly. and it happens more times it should
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PalmettoHunna said:
More than a few of you are so hard on Kristine seem to be the same kind of people who stopped watching CSI: NY because Danny stuck his penis in something other than Lindsay...really? You can continue to live in the land of cupcakes, butterflies, and rainbows where if you demand people to bow down to your will it is going to happen. The rest of us will gladly live in the real world and will be to busy trying to figure out why gas is four dollars a gallon to pay you any attention.
Those who are still posting here are also still watching and I don't feel that anyone (except for the TS) is so hard on Kristine; there are those who read the reviews and agree with what she says about D/L, there are those who read and don't agree and there are those who've decided not to read them anymore.

And I know a few -and only just a few- who indeed have stopped watching, and not because they don't live in the real world, but because they do live there and used those 42 minutes a week to enjoy the D/L romance and not have to think about more serious issues for a short while...

sarramaks said:
The person who began this thread is claiming that she has been banned from the board. That might explain why there's not been a response for a while.
Interesting, but given that this thead was allowed to continue I don't really believe it...

Top said:
you guys are eloquent and grammatically correct (the English major in me loves that :D ).
We try our best...
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PalmettoHunna said:
More than a few of you are so hard on Kristine seem to be the same kind of people who stopped watching CSI: NY because Danny stuck his penis in something other than Lindsay...really? You can continue to live in the land of cupcakes, butterflies, and rainbows where if you demand people to bow down to your will it is going to happen. The rest of us will gladly live in the real world and will be to busy trying to figure out why gas is four dollars a gallon to pay you any attention.
I have seen people claim to stop watching the show after 4.16, or complain about wanting to but not actually doing so--so to be fair, those people do exist. However, I don't think any of them are around these parts. :p

coruption said:

My only complaint is that sometimes it seems that the only thing people are talking about is D/L or Lindsey in general.
I get you--and it is often the thing we talk the most about. I guess it's just the fact that discussing what you like and what's going right is fun, but it doesn't have make as much opportunity for actual discussion or debate.

That being said, I don't equate 'giving people something to talk about' with quality or anything of the sort. That might sound random, but I know what I mean. :p Sometimes people say, 'well, if you're talking about it, it must be good for the show,' but I think that's bull. [/slightly random]
Okay, I'm going to digress off the topic for a moment.

Sometimes people say, 'well, if you're talking about it, it must be good for the show,' but I think that's bull. [/slightly random]

I have to agree, everybody on here already watches the show, we wouldn't be on here if we didn't...

It's only good for the show if it generates more interest in it, surely?

I guess some people have perhaps switched on for D/L, although how you would know about it and know that you would like it if you didn't already watch it is something I think someone would have to explain to me... :confused:

I personally wouldn't stop watching CSI:NY because of one romance (if it is a romance) but my parents have, D/L and the lack of any NY specific crimes have left them feeling like they'd rather be watching a movie.

I think alot of the reasons it seems D/L dominate the boards is because for a while it seemed to (and is doing so again) dominate the show. For the those of us that weren't fans we were forced to watch... fair enough, but when it takes up other actors screen time, stops developement of a new character, seemingly changes an established character and stops being subtle it then subjects itself to critique. That is ignoring how you feel about the actor/ess and/or characters involved in the (so called) relationship.

The same goes for Anna/Lindsey. She joined in Season 2, I think most people on this board were prepared to give her a fair crack of the whip so to speak. It can't have been easy for Anna Belknap coming into a show a season behind the rest of the cast. TPTB made a mistake in bringing in 2 new CSI's (thats not Anna's nor Lindsey's fault) but it happened. In season 3 however she got quite a major story line, for which no one would begrudge her as an actress, but hang on, I can think of 2 actors/characters who had been there for a season more who we still knew nothing about, who really needed more screen time and development. Again this might not be the actress's fault but unfortunately it put her in the spotlight.

By giving a character/actor centre stage TPTB that have created said character are allowing them to face peoples opinions. Think about Mac in the final episodes of Season 3, I for one wanted to beat him round the head, to stop being a hypocritical AHole and start behaving like a mature adult, but hey, usually I don't mind him, I can dislaike the character (He isn't REAL!) but my opinion of Gary Sinise is that he really made me feel those things about Mac, so in a way he did a good job. Others may think different (feel free).

I've waffled for too long now, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that the reason D/L and Anna/Lindsey may get talked about a lot is that she has an affect on the show and the scenes she is in, plus she has had two quite major story lines, the big "dark secret" that took up a lot of screen time in Season 3 and the D/L story line that is on-going and has taken up a lot of screen time in Season 3 and 4 (and a little of Season 2). If an actor/ess takes up that much time they will be talked about. Simple as.

Sorry that it isn't quite on topic but Fay made me think... so blame her!:p

Back on topic...

I'm really surprised but maybe not so much as I don't know how many of you here are british that no-one replied to...

... with "Am I Bovverd?!"
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I also have to disagree with the original poster. Kristine's review's are always spot on and depict Lindsay perfectly. There hasn't been a time where Kristine hasn't analyzed Lindsay's annoying performances or Anna's horrible portrayance of her character. I enjoy reading her reviews. I don't see what the problem is. :eek:

Me neither. The reviews always go up a few days after the episode has aired so that should indicate that Kristine has given some thought to what she has to say and I find by enlarge that I agree with her reviews esp of Anna's incredibly limited acting ability and the way her character hasn't evolved since her first appearance. :(

I can't believe someone has actually started a thread to say they don't like the reviews about Anna/Lindsay. If I wanted to start a thread every time I read something I didn't like on the board there would be no room in cyberspace for anything else! :lol:
Haha well....I go away for a few days and look what I miss. I do wonder though, since the OT is saying she's been banned from this board-any truth to that rumor?

There really isn't much to say here except for the fact that i agree with what everyone has already said. A review is someone's opinion on a tv show, movie, play, book, etc, and shouldn't be taken as the only interpretation someone could have on it. I read the reviews after every episode and I enjoy seeing things in maybe a different light that I hadn't considered before. There have been things I haven't agreed with in the reviews or some things that I interpreted differently, but all the same, the reviews are Kristine's opinions on the episodes, and she shouldn't have to fix her reviews so that absolutely no one disagrees with everything she says.

lol and btw, am I the only one that didn't know that Kristine was Top41? I'm really behind on these things:rolleyes:
I don't think Kristine is trying to deliberatly alienate anyone, but to her as well as many others Anna's performance is often times lacking. Is she terrible...IMO(she is not Jessica Simpson), but when you are acting next to Gary/Melina/Carmine/etc. she looks really bad.

If you are an above average or even average basketball player and you are having to share the court with Michael Jordan in his hayday you look foolish and untalented. Not your fault you are just playing with the best and I think that is the problem with Anna and Kristine just points it out.
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but to her as well as many others Anna's performance is often times lacking. Is she terrible....but when you are acting next to Gary/Melina/Carmine/etc. she looks really bad

well, my mom after seeing RSRD called Carmine D-rated actor and serioulsy considered stopping watching the show just because of him. she still has a hard time looking at him.

I think it is to a high degree matter of like/dislike of her rather then actual lack in abilities on her side. because it often feels like she can do nothing right in eyes of some people. that doesnt say a thing about her acting skills. I personally love her acting, so who is right in this matter? no one. it is just a opinion based on whatever
Haha well....I go away for a few days and look what I miss. I do wonder though, since the OT is saying she's been banned from this board-any truth to that rumor?

I'll go ahead and answer this because it's come up a few times and I don't want people to wonder/be misinformed about why. Yes, iluvdanny2 was banned. No, it was not for starting this thread--which, as you can see, is still open. ;) She was banned because she wanted to cause trouble between this board and the one at CBS.com; if you go over to that board, you'll see in several threads she asked people to come over here and "put them in their place."

That's not okay. We don't need someone in this community who wants to start trouble with another board, period.

Banning is a very, very rare thing around here and only happens when someone egregiously violates the rules of this board. People aren't banned for having dissenting opinions from the majority or from the staff or anything like that. Anyone who claims they were banned for such a reason is lying.

Banning isn't something we usually talk about publicly, but I felt you guys should know how it stood since this whole thread has been pretty high profile. Hopefully Bonz won't kill me. :p I wanted to let you guys know what happened with the OP, but let's leave all discussion of the matter there, and consider it concluded.

lol and btw, am I the only one that didn't know that Kristine was Top41? I'm really behind on these things:rolleyes:

LOL, don't feel bad. It actually wasn't something I wanted connected initially, just because I do like to differentiate my posting on the board with my official reviews of the shows. However, I wanted to respond to the points people made in my review threads, and since we're only permitted one user name here, well, there really only was one option.
It makes me laugh how many threads there are debating Lindsey :lol:.

I'm so behind.

And does anyone actually want to read a review where there's nothing negative to say? Where's the fun in that?

And to whoever (is too lazy to go find it) said that it would hurt Anna's feelings if she ever read the reviews she's an actress, if she can't hack it, she's in the wrong business. I've gotten some horrid reviews in the past, never did me any harm. I'm sure she's a big enough girl to handle herself.

And for the record Kirsten, you're review rock - but I've told you that enough times now :D I look forward to them. Especially the Miami ones. I have a good giggle at your comments. Teeheh.
And to whoever (is too lazy to go find it) said that it would hurt Anna's feelings if she ever read the reviews she's an actress, if she can't hack it, she's in the wrong business. I've gotten some horrid reviews in the past, never did me any harm. I'm sure she's a big enough girl to handle herself.

Thank you...like I said before she is big girl with big girl underwear making way more money than most people in the US...she will be fine.

In regards to Anna's acting ability I have never seen her on stage, but she has won awards for her theater work. She may just be an actress who does well on stage and not on screen their are many actors/actresses that are like this. Not everyone is a Gary Sinise/ William Petersen, and I suspect this is true because she has good inflection in her voice and usually good body language. Her problem rest in the fact that her face often looks blank in closeups not a problem on stage because the audience is not 3 feet in front of you. On camera the audience is up close and personal so achieving the balance and making performances look believable can be difficult.

If your face does not match what your saying the no amount of depth and inflection in your voice can save the performance.
Oh, I was just made aware that this thread existed and to be honest - I really don't see the point! I like Linds/Anna, yes but I am aware everyone is entitled to their opinion and if a reviewer felt that someone wasn't performing to the level which they expected then they have every right to say so without being harassed. Even if I don't agree, Kristine :p (cute avatar). Surely she must have realised that if she didn't like someone's opinion then the obvious thing to do was ignore/not read.

I'll be totally honest, the only reason I'm in here was to check out if the rumour ILD2 had been banned was true, I'm not childish enough to 'lash out' at someone's right to free speech. Bad person I know, but the comments she was leaving in regards to pro DL made me not wanna read the DL thread, they were annoying me to be frank and I'm a DL shipper! I'm aware I've contradicted my theory that people have their own opinions and if you don't like then ignore so I'm just gonna go away now cause my head is starting to hurt. :lol:

p.s - I also agree it would be incredibly boring to all have the same opinion & that's probably why I didn't ever join the CBS one. The debates here are far more interesting! :D
Geez, I can't believe this thread exists!

If you don't want to see what Kristine has reviewed about, don't read it! Everybody has a right to their opinion. I'm for D/L but I would never criticize anybody just because they like one character over another. I think it would be a boring place if everybody agreed on the same thing.