Unhappy Lindsay Fans over Kristine Huntley reviews harsh words.

Im not going to share my views on Lindsay/Anna, but about Kristine's reviews I would like to say.....
I've been reading Kristine's reviews for a while now, and have even gone back through the archives and read old reviews... I was wondering if any of the people who seem to dislike Kristine's reviews so much have ever actually tried to critique/review a programme/show? Its actually alot harder than it looks and there are lots of factors to consider. I cant help but wonder if some of the Lindsay/Anna fans have been 'dummed down.' Ive often found that after reading and review and re-watching an episode Ive noticed things mentioned my Kristine that I wouldnt have otherwise noticed, and for me, thats good reviewing.
Kristine's reviews are 3 dimensional and its clear that prior to writing all angles of show, characters and actors are considered. Its MUCH harder than it looks to write an informed review and in my opinion, Kristine does a fab job. :thumbsup:
Lola86 said:

The reason I feel that the amount of comments about Lindsay and Anna are unfair is mainly because I stick by my feeling that other opinions are "suppressed". From what I have seen of this forum, a negative remark about someone else gets swiftly pounced upon
If someone says something negative about Adam (for example), I'll disagree, but it's not about suppressing that person--it's just about stating my own opinion in response. Some of us are admittedly loud and, perhaps, verbose, but on other sites you might say "Lindsay annoys me" and immediately get 30 replies to the contrary--it's no different here. *shrug*

and the British in me likes to root for the underdog ;)
Hehe. I was going to respond to the question of "how people become so personally offended by someone's opinion of a fictional character" by saying "Identifying with the character or maybe rooting for the underdog"--I just thought it was kinda funny that you said that. [/dork] :lol:

ETA: Dannyfan2707, re-watching a show and noticing things I wouldn't have thought about is one of my favorite parts of being on a message board and, of course, reading Kristine's reviews. Sometimes I don't think of something or make a connection or have a certain perspective--and coming here gives me a look and makes re-watching more interesting a lot of the time. :D
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I also don't see how criticizing Lindsay or Anna's performance is not "fair." It wouldn't be "fair" if that were the only opinion allowed, but that is obviously not the case.

I must admit that I have the opposite view. I don't feel it's the criticism that's unfair but rather the amount of criticism. The reason I feel that the amount of comments about Lindsay and Anna are unfair is mainly because I stick by my feeling that other opinions are "suppressed". From what I have seen of this forum, a negative remark about someone else gets swiftly pounced upon and I believe that this is the reason that anyone that gives that kind of opinion stops posting it. I may of course be totally incorrect in saying that, but I do believe it is true that a lot of people who are disagreed with to the extent that they are will not be bothered to argue their opinion beyond a certain point.

I'm sorry but, again, not wanting to argue your opinion isn't anyone else's fault. That is a poster's choice and no one is denying anyone the chance to speak their mind if they choose to do that. You can't blame other people for "suppressing" opinions just because they aren't afraid to express and defend their own. I find it really interesting that whenever this topic comes up, it's almost always brought up by people who never post about anything else but how unfair and mean this board is. How would you know how people will react to you and your opinions if you've never posted anything? Yes, I'm giving you a negative reaction right now, but you're basically saying that the people on this board don't allow posts that don't go along with the most vocal people and that's not true. You've never posted any opinions on the show itself so you can't know how people will respond to what you say.
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I actually like Lindsay as an actress, but I disagree with this thread. I think it's been mentioned that the reviews are in fact the opinions of the reviewer. If the reviewer feels that Anna/Lindsay completely sucked on the show I think she should totally express herself.

To Top41: As I mentioned, I like Lindsay as a character and I do disagree with some of your reviews. Nevertheless, I still enjoy reading them because I love to read different interpretations of a character or a scene (whether it be about Lindsay or not). I completely respect your reviews and I always look forward to reading them on Thursday morning. Keep up the kick ass job!
Unfortunately some people seem to want to post/say things simply so they can slip into martyrdom. I teach teenagers - (ones with behavioural issues and I do adore my poppets, really) - and they make wonderful martyrs.
Faylinn and Springmoon (congrats by the way :)) I have been lurking quietly after a long sojourn and am now (shock horror!) writing Flack/Angell fanfic on ff.net. Faylinn and Kimmychu have been nominated for awards (as I have I).
Enough procrastination. I await the tomatoes being lobbed at my head for daring to ship Flack without Stella or Danny... oh, hang on - this board allows me to ship who I like :)
I thought I would de-lurke in order to post my opinion on this topic because my fingers were itching to type.

Firstly, I agree that ilovedanny2 needs to lose the attitude. Personally I like Danny and Lindsay together and I think some of your ideas are nice and I definitely do not dislike you but sometimes the attitude you take can be embarassing and a little immature which gives people more ammunition when they disagree with you and makes them much more likely to dismiss you.

Secondly, I agree that the reviews are the opinion of the reviewer and I try to respect other peoples opinions and if it turns out I dislike them that much I stop reading. However, I do think that a disproportionate amount of time in the reviews are spent critisising Anna/Lindsay and that sometimes the reviewer is a bit harsh. Therefore I would think it would be nice if the reviews were to be toned down slightly but I would never expect anyone to change their opinion or try and suppress their right to share their thoughts and feelings.

It's good to get that off my chest.

Thank you for saying this so very well. It is exactly how I feel as well.
Oh dear! By the time I've read all of your replies two more have popped out (and till I finish my post more will definitely will).

I have watched all CSI:NY several times in a row, and I wouldn't jump to do a review. I would like to add that I have reached a new level of respect for Kristine, thanks to her response to the thread.

I think that it's in the TalkCSI rules not to bring uP any other message boards (and that applies to all CSIs not only NY), so that little boycott of your is kind of looking ridiculous and honestly making you look, well stupid.

If you think that Kristine's words are harsh and you don't agree, then why the hell are you reading them? Criticism is constructive my friends, and for a person that appears on TV and takes a responsibility that he/she will be worldwide popular it should be more important. I was in a small theater acting band and I had bad and good reviews. It's life. Some people like an actor, some just don't.

Kristine's reviews are not biased, they are subjective. Just like your reviews might look like if you write them. Saying in a review "OMG Lindsay looked so good tonight, her hair was so nice, and look at her and Danny aren't they cute" is not quite a review. I suggest that the person who started this thread to look up the word "review" and understand its definition.

Personally I love her reviews, and for the sake of I don't know what I have counted the number of times that I disagreed with her, and there are 3 times.
I would like to appologise for getting a bit off topic here but I wanted to reply the quote below. I don't mind the reviews really, even if i occasionally think that they are harsh and I think that Kristine brings up some interesting ideas.

How would you know how people will react to you and your opinions if you've never posted anything? Yes, I'm giving you a negative reaction right now, but you're basically saying that the people on this board don't allow posts that don't go along with the most vocal people and that's not true. You've never posted any opinions on the show itself so you can't know how people will respond to what you say.

As my opinions are very similar to the opinions of other people that I have read on the board, I can honestly say that I have a pretty good idea of how people would react. I want to clarify that I'm not in any way saying that people with oposing views are not allowed to post, merely that I believe (from what I have seen) a post like that would get "jumped upon" quite rapidly. I'm not suggesting that there is any conspiracy to supress but I do think that it happens and I know that if I'm attacked, I usually retreat to a place I'm more comfortable and talk about my views with more like-minded people. To be honest, I would want to argue a point that got the same reaction everytime as I'd find it boring and monotonous (probably as you finding my post now ;)).

I find it really interesting that whenever this topic comes up, it's almost always brought up by people who never post about anything else but how unfair and mean this board is.

I'm going to be honest and say that is partly why i registered today. I wanted my say on an issue that i felt was a tad unfair and I don't see anything wrong with doing so. I'm not sure whether I'll post again after today; I guess it depends if there is anything that I feel I have to get off my chest. My other reason for registering was to attempt to make ilovedanny2 see, as a DL shipper myself, that she should be more eloquent in her arguments. I think her opinion is valid - it's and opinion after all - but sometimes she doesn't chose the best way to convey it, which can be a bit frustrating (particularly if I agree with her).

Thank you for saying this so very well. It is exactly how I feel as well.

Thank you back - that comment made my day :thumbsup: (the sadness of that statement can be explained in one word - revision!).
Wildly off-topic, but:

sarramaks said:

Faylinn and Kimmychu have been nominated for awards (as I have I).
Whut? I haven't been on ff.net in ages, obviously. I guess I should go look at my e-mail account that receives comments from there. Gah, its' the same one that receives stuff from LJ, I am not looking forward to this. [/off-topic]

As a general comment in response to the thread itself, not any particular posters:

Being biased isn't just being against something. Reading Kristine's reviews and only seeing the negativity against Lindsay or Anna or DL is also biased. Unless it's a big part of the episode, it's probably not a big part of the review, but people tend to only pay attention to that. Also, I think making a review that says 'Lindsay is the best character ever' would be just as biased as one that says 'Lindsay is the worst character ever.' But of course, I may be wrong.

To contribute to the recent comments--if someone says "I loved the DL scenes in this episode" in the grading thread, I rarely bother to comment. If I don't have something to say, I keep scrolling. If someone says "The DL scenes were the best part of the episode," I might post to disagree if I feel I have something to say. If someone says "DL is meant to be and you're just in denial if you think he should be with Rikki the skank" or something similar--yeah, it's very possible that I'll reply.

In the past, I might have replied to every comment I disagree with, but in my old age on the board (haha), I'm more selective about what I reply to--this isn't just things I disagree with, either. But if I've got something to say, I'll say it. (In the case of 4.19, it's not because I am insulted by the other opinions, of course, just that I feel I have something to contribute to a discussion/debate about the topic at hand.)

And even if I am disagreeing with someone--should I not post because that person might feel suppressed and/or someone else might also disagree and therefore drown out the original poster? No, because while that person has a right to post their opinion, so do I--common opinion or not.

Even if nobody else gave a rat's ass about Adam, I'm going to mention him at every opportunity because I do. It might annoy some people, especially when I comment on an episode he wasn't in saying that I wish he was there. People are welcome to disagree with me if they want to, but I'm still going to keep on keeping on.
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I wasn't going to get in on this--in fact, I don't even stop in the NY forum much anymore, I just happen to wander in today--but here goes.

Unfortunately some people seem to want to post/say things simply so they can slip into martyrdom. I teach teenagers - (ones with behavioural issues and I do adore my poppets, really) - and they make wonderful martyrs.

Truer words have never been spoken, as any adult who has ever worked with (or parented!!) teenagers can attest to. My high school stduents often say or do things simply to stir up trouble and have a "poor poor pitiful me" party or get some attention, even if it's negative. Unfortunately, though, this is sometimes a trait that people don't grow out of, and they do it well into adulthood. I'm not sure which is the case for you, ilovedanny2, but it seems to me that your "poor poor pitiful me" party didn't happen quite the way you had envisioned it, although you definitely got some attention.

As a lot of other people mentioned already, reviewers are subjective (that means they give their own opinion) and as such are not going to agree with everybody. Imagine how dull that would be--we wouldn't have this thread if everyone had the same opionion of Lindasy and/or Anna :lol:

If you're interested in actually having an intelligent conversation, there are many souls on this board that would be happy to oblige you. If you want to hang out with those that like Lindsay as a character and Anna as an actress, the thread for that has been pointed out to you.

If all you want is to stir up trouble, then you've come to the wrong place.

...and now back to your regularly scheduled programming... :D
I"m not going to say anything y'all haven't mentioned but :wtf::wtf::wtf: seriously? This is probably the most disrespectful thing I've seen on any board. It's just Ms. Huntley's opinion. She's one person. It's not going to affect Anna/Lindsay. I'm pretty sure actors or people in the public eye all went out and bought thick skin because they know they are not going to please everyone. Besides, Lindsay is a fictional character, don't get your panties in a knot ... don't like it, don't read it.

I look forward to reading the reviews every week even though I don't always agree with them 100%, but they are well written and entertaining. :thumbsup:

She needs to start saying nice things about Lindsay/Anna. I don't appriciate her down beating Anna with her rudeness.

She doesn't have to do anything.

Agreed. She'll probably give her credit when credit is due.

One good thing coming out of this is that lurkers are coming out to play. :)

Drama llama .....:lol:
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I'm not about to say anything new or vaguely entertaining... but if ilovedanny2 you don't agree with someone elses opinion you need to suck it up love!

You'll find in life that not everybody agrees with you and if you have been never had anybody disagree with your opinion then you are either very lucky or people are lying to you.

If you don't like the reviews then don't read them, you clearly like that the board is open to free speech and opinion as you have started this thread, fine it's your right and you are entitled to your opinion, but you have to except that people are not necessarily going to agree.

Lindsey isn't my favourite character and Anna certainly is not my favourite actress, I am entitled to think that, and so is Kristine. I for one like reading the review, and find myself agreeing with the reviews, so its no surprise that I find myself posting in alot of the same threads as Top but i'm sure there have been times when I have disagreed with something written, I deal.

As people have said, treat it as you would a movie review, I wouldn't not watch a film I wanted to see based on a bad review, and yeah I do feel a little protective of an actor/ess if I like them and they got slated but then I remember that people have the right to free thoguht and speech, so whilst I can disagree and put my own opinion forward I can't expect them to agree with me, and "Lashing" out at the reviewer is not going to help my cause.

I understand that people may be a little shocked (if you are new to this site and forum) that people are to out spoken and opinionated but hey everyone can have their say.

I wonder how people become so personally offended by someone's opinion of a fictional character. :confused:

Totally agree JellyBelly! The fictional character bit worries me, yes we all have our favourite character - Top you ever start on Flack and you and me might be duking it out :p ;)- but at the end of the day they are just fictional.

Anna Belknap is an actress and just like I have a yearly apprasial at work and I had school reports all through my school life, Anna Belknap will have reviews written about her. She has to expect that, now she may not read them many actor/esses don't but she chose her occupation, reviews of her performances are part and parcel of that career choice.

Starting a thread like this just feeds into the idea that most D/L fans are deluded 'teeny boppers' (or something like that) :lol: - which I'm not btw (at least not the 'teeny bopper' part).:rolleyes:

Unfortunately you are correct in your assumption... well I think most of us on here who aren't D/L shippers know that actually the majority of D/L shippers are articulate human beings, who can see reasoned arguement and respect that not all of us agree with you on all romantic aspect of the show. That doesn't mean that the rest of your opinions aren't valid on other aspects of the show. And I love debating with everyone! :D

Even if nobody else gave a rat's ass about Adam, I'm going to mention him at every opportunity because I do. It might annoy some people, especially when I comment on an episode he wasn't in saying that I wish he was there. People are welcome to disagree with me if they want to, but I'm still going to keep on keeping on.

I will always agree with you on the crime that is the LACK of Adam in the show Fay!

Well I have one thing left to say...
.. WHAT-EVER, talk to the elbow cause you ain't worth the extention!... :p
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ilovedanny2, I only know you from the D/L thread and I know that you are quite passionate about both Lindsay and D/L, but this is really not the best way to deal with your obvious dislike of Top's reviews.

You've been on board long enough to know that even among the D/L shippers and the people who like Anna/Lindsay there are very different opinions, and still we do get along quite well; it would probably be wise to consider this every time you read someone stating something negative about the things you can only think about in a positive way. I almost always totally disagree with what's been said in the reviews about Anna/Lindsay/DL, but I've been reading them long enough to expect what's coming and to realize that it's just one person's opinion, and if you feel so strongly about that you should reply there and state what you don't like.

althea said:
I always get to see the show very delayed not being in the states and all and reading Kristine's reviews is a highlight for me knowing what I have to look forward.
That's the only 'problem' I have with the reviews...there are lots of people who love this show and are not able to watch it when it first airs or shortly after that, so when they do read the review before they see the ep they may not watch it totally unbiased, but that's (like reading spoilers) something you get to decide on...

About the boards' 'war'; I know that there are many boards discussing this show, pairing, character, actress, etc. and each and every one of them has a majority of fans who like/dislike something and there is a lot of animosity going around, but in the end it just comes down to different people having different opinions and I personally like this board because imo it is the one were the most divergent opinions are shared.
Ok I just got back from a wedding but I couldnt resit comeing on here....But I think i'll have trouble with reading more than one page on this subject- infact i got a s far as the first two posts :lol: But all i can say on this topic at the moment is that I remember having a big rant on a random YT site when the person ramdomly commented on a csi promo saying they hated Kris' DL remarks.....Its a personal review so if someone doesnt like it then they dont....I dont like cream but i dont go around bashing people who have it- oh god this is totally random and I really shuldnt come on at this time never mind after drinks :p But I've gotta say that everyones entitled to there own comments!!

Oh and I appologise for my spelling etc...I did try and correct it! :D