Travel Thread

I agree! We are going back to the summer in nothen half of the world and the southen half of the world just had their summer and maybe some made trips!

I haven't made any plans yet for this upcomming summer!

My list is: the Netherlands (where I also live), Belgium, France, Switzerland, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, England, Wales, Luxembourg & Egypt!

I am hoping to go to Canada one day and make a tour though the National parks whom are above Seatlle in Canada! Or Alaska would be great Other than that I really want to visit Shaolin Temple, China with a tour rhough that country, Another big tour through Finland. The big apple, USA and some parts of Australia... When I have done all these I'll make some new dreams to come true :lol:

ETA: have been to Portugal as well!
Hey I like this thread. So far I have been to:

Wildwood, NJ (every summer)

2006- Myrtle Beach, SC
2005- Myrtle Beach, SC
2004- Myrtle Beach, SC
2003- Niagara Falls, Canada
2002- Myrtle Beach, SC
2001- Niagara Falls/Toronto (twice; once in May with band and once in the summer with my family)
2000- Memphis and Nashville, Tenessee
1999- Boston and Salem, Massachusetts
1998- Williamsburg, VA
1997- Niagara Falls, Canada
1996- Niagara Falls, Canada

This upcoming summer, I am going to Myrtle Beach again (I absolutely love it there) and I may be going to Niagara Falls in June instead of Wildwood. There are many places I would love to see in Canada (Montreal, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ottawa, etc) and I would love to go to Europe (eastern and western parts), especially Ireland, Scotland, and Italy. And there are places in the US I would also like to go to, like Maine, Vermont, Vegas, etc.
yes BlueCurl! come to canada! canada is awesome! :D
its a year away, but next christmas im going to costa rica for two weeks. were going to quepos, puerto jiminez, and san jose. i cant wait.
i wanted to go there since i did some colouring for my mom. yes, colouring, with crayons and everything :lol: she had pictures from the book called 'the umbrella' and i was colouring them for her to use with her students. it takes place in a rain forest and for about a month after that i kept saying 'we should go to costa rica' and finally she said yes! :D
I'm hoping this is the right place to ask thing, because it is about travel...

I'm going to Paris at the end of March, and I was wondering if anyone knew any cool things to do (Off the beaten path/ unusual type of things). I know I'm already going walking in the sewers (they did it on The Amazing Race :p) but that's about it I know of out of the ordinary things.

I went to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico last year in October and it was SO hot! :lol: :p Seriously, I've never been so hot in my entire life. They have wet heat... well, here in California our heatwaves can get up to as high as 115 degrees farenheit, but we have dry heat :lol: Whew, definitely not something I was prepared for :p

I got to try a bunch of different alcoholic drinks, kaluha of which the people at the restaurant gave me for free :lol: :p (they didn't think anything of giving it to me :p)

And then we were walking around downtown and this man looked at my sis and I, held up these little dresses and said, "For your next baby." (do I look pregnant?? :lol: :p)
Been to:

Germany (Rhine Valley)
France (Paris)
Ireland (Dublin and Sligo)
Lots of places in the UK (own a caravan in Great Yarmouth)

Would love to visit more of the US, more of Ireland, Belgium, France, Germany, so many.
I haven't been farer away from home than Bulgaria. I really want to travel to the US if I have the money. ^^

Already visited:

London (three times)
Calella (Spain) 2times
some other cities in Spain, cause we used to travel there almost every year when I was a child
Sunny Beach (Bulgaria)
Lille (Belgium)
Bergen op Zoom
Haarlem and many other dutch cities along the coast. We also used to travel to the Netherlands almost every year during the spring and autumn holidays. It's still easy cause we're just living two hours via car away from Venlo the first dutch town behind the border. Really cool. :D
Szczecin (Poland)
Greifswald (Ger)
Rostock (Ger)
Kühlungsborn (Ger)
Stralsund (Ger)
Würzburg (Ger)
Hof (Ger)

I think that's all.
Anybody goin' away for the summer? Not me. I am going to renovate the house I am living in further. Maybe in the autumn Prabably showing my mum Egypt... I went there in 2002 :p
I go to Sweden (again) in the first weekend of Sep, to Göteborg to see this athletics thingie... or Gothenburg or whatever it is in English. :p Never actually been there more. A year ago we arrived around midnight there from Denmark and tried to go to the bar (Wednesdays) but Swedes don't like to keep their bars open during the week :rolleyes:
I just got back last week from going on a tour in Italy. We visited Rome, Sorrento, Capri, Florence, Venice, and a bunch of little towns famous for various reasons on the way. I went to Canada and Mexico before too when I was younger.
I am going to Las Vegas and Los Angeles, er next week! :D I'm excited, it's a long time since I last went on holiday during the summer, we are more winter holidayers. In January we went snowboarding in Slovenia, which was very nice but unfortunately there really wasn't any snow, so it wasn't quite as pretty or as fun as the year before when we went to the same place. I'm sure when I'm burning in the 43c heat of Las Vegas that I'll be remembering why we normally holiday during the winter! :p
DaWacko said:
I go to Sweden (again) in the first weekend of Sep, to Göteborg to see this athletics thingie... or Gothenburg or whatever it is in English. :p Never actually been there more. A year ago we arrived around midnight there from Denmark and tried to go to the bar (Wednesdays) but Swedes don't like to keep their bars open during the week :rolleyes:

we should trade places for a week or something. I'll go to finland and you'll go here :p drink a lot of beer :p