Travel Thread

I love travelling, especially by plane, and have done so since I was a wittle baby. Places I've visited:
  • Taiwan - born there, returned 3 times since that I can remember
  • Within U.S -
    -Grew up/growing up in California
    -Some visits to Las Vegas, fun fun
    -Twice to Washington D.C.
    -Hawaii (but I was very young)
  • In Europe -
    -Twice to Holland, my uncle is Dutch
    -Prague, Czech Republic, very lovely city
    -Belgium (too young to remember, again)
  • Other parts of Asia -
    -Thailand, took a week tour...we rode on elephants, went parasailing, and watched a transgender show...seriously.
    -Indonesia to visit my father
  • Mexico, on a mission trip with my church three summers ago
  • And Argentina - I spent 2 months there when I was nine and stayed with a family friend that worked with the U.S. Embassy.
Yup, and that's the extent of my travels so far. This summer I'm pretty sure that I'm going to Morocco (again, staying with the family friends that work for the Embassy). I was supposed to have my senior year of highschool there, but I decided to stay here instead. I really want to visit New Zealand, France, and Japan someday.
wow...everyone has travelled alot!!
Trips I have been on include:
France (i actually got to see Paris!! sigh!)
Dominican Republic

and Alberta and BC in Canada...(haha... i live here and yet i have only been to two other sad is that??)
Muzzy_Olorea said:
I love travelling. Here we go:

- All over the UK obviously
- Hong Kong (14 times ...)
- China
- France
- Spain
- Ireland
- Australia
- Indonesia
- Prague
- Iceland
- Germany
- Greece
- Italy
- Austria
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Belgium
- Finland
- Estonia

This is just off the top of my head. Some places I went to when I was very little.

And then this summer I'm going to Hong Kong again and then America (finally!)

I'm very lucky to have been to all the places I have during my short life. My parents love travelling too!

I have alway wanted to visit Hong Kong and China! What is it like in Hong Kong by the way? You have already been to so many places. That's awsome. :D
Canada - (living in Ottawa for another 3 weeks...been here 8 months :eek:..crazy times)
Malaysia - (Went to Penang when I was 11..the benifits of having a dad who works abroad)
csi_fanatic87 said:
I have alway wanted to visit Hong Kong and China! What is it like in Hong Kong by the way? You have already been to so many places. That's awsome. :D

I don't have words that can praise Hong Kong enough .... I seriously seriously love it.

Hong Kong is actually made up of 236 separate islands so there are many beaches and lots of wonderful natural scenery as well as the typical image of HK which everyone has - the lights, skyscrapers and bustling streets. So it's beautiful both naturally and artificially. It's full of energy and it's literally the city that never sleeps.

Everyone should go to Hong Kong at least once in their life.


I can't do it justice but maybe this can: Discover Hong Kong
Family of mine says Traveling is my middle name. Ive been to:
Sri Lanka
New Zealand
US - Miami (lived there for awhile), Washington DC, Boston, New York (also lived there for awhile)
Mostly only traveled in the U.S. but have been to Canada twice. I loved it there I met alot of nice people.
Wow, a lot of you guys travel a lot. I haven't even been to the nearest theme park. :eek:

I rarely go out, so the list of the places I've been to outside my country is kinda short.


See? Really short.
I've been to...
Berlin, Germany
The Black Forest, Rhine Vally, Frankfurt area of Germany
Andalucia, Spain
Gran Canaria
South-West England
The Republic of Ireland
(And obviously being Northern Irish) Northern Ireland.

Admittedly I haven't been out of the E.U but the most of my friends haven't been out of Great Britain, so I think, for a teenager from the dreaded place that is rural england I'm doing quite well for myself on the whole travelling thing.
I have been to Canada once with my parents. Stopped at the Nigara Falls on the way home. Chicago IL, Denver, Estes Park, Boulder Col, Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, Nashville Ten, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, All over the east coast, {family vacation when I was younger,} I would love to go to Alaska and see the Northen Lights!!! Of course I have seen Ind and Ill, lived in both of these states.
Cool, never been to Canada or the US ;)
i´ve been waaayy to many times to France, also been in: Germany, Belgium, England, Luxemburg, Austria, Spain, Switserland and i´m going to the Chechz Republic(hope i spelled it right) this summer.
Muzzy_Olorea said:
csi_fanatic87 said:
I have alway wanted to visit Hong Kong and China! What is it like in Hong Kong by the way? You have already been to so many places. That's awsome. :D

I don't have words that can praise Hong Kong enough .... I seriously seriously love it.

Hong Kong is actually made up of 236 separate islands so there are many beaches and lots of wonderful natural scenery as well as the typical image of HK which everyone has - the lights, skyscrapers and bustling streets. So it's beautiful both naturally and artificially. It's full of energy and it's literally the city that never sleeps.

Everyone should go to Hong Kong at least once in their life.


I can't do it justice but maybe this can: Discover Hong Kong

That's incredible. Thanks for the link and the information. :) Hopefully I can go there, but I'm gonna need alot of money.
i love to travel

ive been to
dominican republic (caribbean)
margharita island (venezuela) honeymoon
uk all over the place

next stop is australia next christmas, fancy greece might go in school holidays this year
Here's my (short -.-") list (soon to be updated :D)

Spain (Barcelona, and didn't like it at all)
Ireland (LOVE!)

This summer:

Cheque Republic
Spain (Madrid)

Planning to go:

US (hopefully NYC)
I live in the Netherlands. I have spends some weeks on holiday in my own country as well...

I have some pics online because I have a travel log from the past few travel destinations. See my profile for that... But I have been to the following countries:

Portugal (Madeira)
Switzerland 2
Norway 2
Egypt 2 3 4 5 6 7

I will go to Greece in the last two weeks of August

Future goals:
- Shoalin Temple, China + Bejing
- East Coast, Australia (+ the rest)
- Several cities/parts of USA
- Another tour through Finland!
- after that, the rest of the world haha