Travel Thread

So far I've been to Paris, Barcelona and Rome this year. I'll also go to Budapest and Stockholm (maybe)! I know, I have too much money. :lol:

Paris was wonderful, it wasn't the first time I was there. I really loved the Louvre (again), it's such a beautiful museum, they have so many things, from statues to the painting of Mona Lisa (which is pretty small, and boring). The typical touristy things are awesome. I love the Eiffel Tower by night, and the sight of the Notre Dame by night also always makes me happy. The Sacre Coeur is pretty weird, but it's wonderful on the inside and I love the view over the city there.

Barcelona is just a mixture of so many things. You get opera, lovely food, the beach, art, architecture (which is art, probably), lovely people and all the nice shops (let's say Zara, 'cause it's less expensive in Spain, hahaha!) in one city. When the weather is a little too nice you can go to the beach, when the weather is less lovely you can visit one of the many museums, but you can also go shopping in the Mercat de la Boqueria, which has a lot of fruit, fish, ham, cheese and nice tapas bars. And you should go to all the Gaudí stuff, of course, the man is a frikken' genius!


This is the Mercat de la Boqueria.

I went to Rome last week and I was stunned by the beauty of this city. All those wonderful buildings, museums and the food... mwah! I loved going to the Vatican Museums, I expected to see all kinds of churchy things but there were lots of ancient statues, lovely paintings and the security guards were pretty nice too! (ghehe). The Colosseum was awesome too, I was stunned to see a building that big, that old, still standing. Saint Peter's was BIG! w00t! I wrote a paper about the church so I knew pretty much about it, but when I actually saw it in *real life* I was stunned. The Spanish Steps were also awesome, with the musicians and everything, we sang all evening. So was the Piazza Navona.. well, I just loved the city.


Spanish Steps
Had to share, I'm going to Vegas in July. I haven't been there since I was 15 (I think that was my age, I was going into High School so that sounds about right) and now I'm 23 so I'm the right age WHOOO HOOO

I'll be with my big bro so we are bound to get into trouble :devil: I can hardly contain myself lol I have needed a vacation for a few months now with everything that has gone wrong this will be nice :)
So far I've been to Paris, Barcelona and Rome this year. I'll also go to Budapest and Stockholm (maybe)! I know, I have too much money. :lol:

Paris was wonderful, it wasn't the first time I was there. I really loved the Louvre (again), it's such a beautiful museum, they have so many things, from statues to the painting of Mona Lisa (which is pretty small, and boring). The typical touristy things are awesome. I love the Eiffel Tower by night, and the sight of the Notre Dame by night also always makes me happy. The Sacre Coeur is pretty weird, but it's wonderful on the inside and I love the view over the city there.

Barcelona is just a mixture of so many things. You get opera, lovely food, the beach, art, architecture (which is art, probably), lovely people and all the nice shops (let's say Zara, 'cause it's less expensive in Spain, hahaha!) in one city. When the weather is a little too nice you can go to the beach, when the weather is less lovely you can visit one of the many museums, but you can also go shopping in the Mercat de la Boqueria, which has a lot of fruit, fish, ham, cheese and nice tapas bars. And you should go to all the Gaudí stuff, of course, the man is a frikken' genius!

Have to say i love Paris the times i've been the Mona Lisa is actually not that exciting i went as an art student a few years ago and it was hilarious all the hype for something not that spectacular.

I've just came back from being in Spain for a week... Fuengeriola to be exact which is about 20min from Malaga.

It was soooo nice and I loved it we had a villa to stay in tehre was 7 of us girls and it was soo nice to relax.
And Zara in Spain, WOW i love that shop soo much i got 3 tshirts and a pair of shoes when i went in there hehe.

Hopefully might be going to Prague in the summer at some point with some friends but haven't thought about it yet.
These are the only states that I have visited

I have gone very far considering i live in California. But my family and I are going to Utah again which means we will pass through Nevada and Arizona to get there.

I want to go to England and New Zealand when I get older. I also want to go to Australia.
Countries I've visited:

The Republic of Ireland (I live in Northern Ireland)
America (New York State)

I'm going to Disneyland Paris next Tuesday, so I'll soon have been to France aswell, and then later in July, I'm going back to Canada for the third *is very excited* I love it over there. :D I'm hoping to get another visit to the States when I'm in Canada, but if my Dad has his way, that won't happen. :(
I have been to:
Australia (3 times)

At home here in New Zealand I have been to:

South Island
Hamner Springs
Lake Tekapo

North Island
Mainly i've stayed around Europe. I've been to:

France (twice)
Spain (twice)
Mallorca (five times)
Ibiza (3 times)
Turkey (twice)

I've also just made my first trip to the states, and went to Miami.

And in a few weeks I'm going to Greece :)
Places I have traveled to

Canada. Ok so I live here but I've been to all 10 provinces and at the time 14 years ago the two territories. Since then a third territory has been formed by splitting The Northwest Territory into 2 :)

United States. We've been to all 50 states. We've actually driven to 49 of them. We're waiting on the bridge to be built between Hawaii and the mainland so we can complete the drive :)

The Netherlands
Russia while it was still a communist country
Hong Kong

My dream vacation is to travel to Australia
wow Jacquie you are quite the traveller :lol: im bad, ive only been to ontario and quebec in canada :eek:

ive been to (well, driven through) most of the states on the eastern side, on the way down to florida or north carolina. have been to new york city and chicago, and i think i would pick chicago to visit again over nyc :eek: oh yeah...flown to hawaii too.

internationally ive only been to:
france (paris, nimes, and nice)
st lucia
costa rica
and in 6 weeks time i will be living in grenada for three years

where i would like to go:
new zealand
back to costa rica (we were on the pacific side, i would like to see the caribbean side and the cloud forests)

eta: forgot to mention new orleans. we were there a few years ago for one of my dads conferences. was so much fun, the history and people and all the stories (we went on a ghost tour and cemetery tour, creepy...) we were there in the summer though, deathly hot and humid! you had to ring out your underpants when you got back to the hotel because they were so sweaty :lol:
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Well I've already posted where I've been to, so now I'm going to tell y'all where I'd really love to visit:

  • Germany again (I'd love to go to Berlin).
  • Austria, I'd love to see Vienna.
  • Switzerland
  • New York City
  • Texas
  • Nevada
  • California
  • New England.
  • London, about an hour on a plane, and I've never been...
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Wow, if we're talking about places we'd like to go i think my list is huge:

San Francisco
Las Vegas (obviously ;))
New York
South Africa
Paris (considering it's only an hour and a bit flight i can't beleive I've never been)
Dublin ^ ^ ditto
Munich and Berlin

I think they're the main ones ;)
God, I have so many places I want to see, that I don't even know I will see them all in this lifetime :lol: Traveling is my favourite activity in the world. I will list my top 5 choices from my list: number 1 was, is and always will be London, and UK in general. Second is NYC (and it's not because of CSI:NY, I have always liked the place, and 7 years ago my best friend moved over there, and I just want to visit :) ) third is New Zealand, it is a great country and I actually know people that are from there and they are just lovely and the way they talk about their country is impossible not to be fascinated with it. Brazil is next on the list and close to Brazil is Chile. :D Last but not least South Africa. I have a teacher who is carrying a reasearch project over there, and I hope that in 6 left from my studies I will get to be involved too :)

This month I am going in the middle of nowhere to build the geological map of an unexplored area, it's supposed to take me 10 days, but I have a feeling that it will be more than that. After I am coming back from there, I will leave the country for a while with a group of friends and basically the destination is unknown, we'll just drive around Europe and see where the path is taking us :)