Travel Thread

My parents don't like go abroad, so I haven't been out of the British Isles much. I've been to Germany and France with school, but that wasn't really very exciting.

I would love to go to America. Hopefully, when i'm older I'll get the chance.

Next Saturday, we are going to County Cork in the Republic of Ireland for a week. This will be my first flight. I'm a little scared, but i'm excited too. Hopefully the weather will hold.

PSG xxx
I loved my school trips to France and Germany (maybe I'm just sad ;) ) but especially the second time, me and 3 friends were allowed to the bar in our youth hostel place, and we had great fun :)

PintSizeGenius, I'm sure you'll be fine flying, it's defiantely a great experience. I love it. My mom is terrified though, but I'm sure you'll be fine. It's great, a real rush.

Hope you have a great time :) (I go to Greece in 6 days now yay)
I've been to:

England (I don't know how many times now)
Wales (twice - beautiful over there)
Germany (lots and lots of times)
France (again, lots of times)
Spain (once)
Portugal (love the country and the people there:))
Belgium :D (love Brugge)

On my wishlist and probably we'll be going next year: CANADA :)
Also Ireland, Scotland, USA, New Zealand, Australia, Russia + Scandanavian countries
Errr Don't think I'm that well travelled. I've been to:

Canary Islands (All of um)
Dominican Republic.

Think thats about it.
I've been quite a few places around Spain and greace but i've also been france and wales :D

I went to Crete last year :D Which part of the Island did you visit?
I was in Agios Nikoloas and went to Elounda too
It's an amazing pplace and i'm definately going back the hottest day was 42 degrees i loved it How about you
Well I've been to:
-Austria and Switzerland (like hundred times) I go there every smmer and winter to ski and to hike.
-Italy (Venice, Rome, Tuscany, Calabria, Florence)
-France (Paris, Niort and a little village with a monestry; you probably know it. It's called Taizé and I go there every summer with my friends)
-Majorca (it's been like 15 years ago, I can't even remember:guffaw:)
-Tunisia (I've been there with my best friend and her brother, it was that fun :D)
-Cape Verde Islands (all of them, you can visit)

The weirdest thing is; I visited so many capitals, but I've never been to Berlin:brickwall:.

This year I'm going to:
-France, again
-Gran Canaria
-and finally to America with an exchange;).
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Well, I've never been out of the country, but my goal is to go to all 50 states and Holland because that's where my dad was born and lived there until he was 6.

I've been to:
NC - obviously, because that's where I live.
West Virginia
Florida - I love love love Florida - going to West Palm Beach in April!
Washington DC and Washington (the state)
I'm probably going out East soon, for the end of summer.

I'm hoping to go to Puerto Rico this Christmas to see my cousins' propiedad in the countryside...they have a little party house and they party from like the week before Christmas till the second week in January...I swear man, it's cool!
I was just reading about Diamondback, a new roller coaster opening in Kings Island, near Cincinnati, Ohio, in April 2009. A mile long, maximum height 230 feet, fastest speed 80 miles per hour, total ride time 3 minutes. Grissom might like a ride like this. The website has construction webcam, artist renderings, and computer generated video (don't eat before watching it) of what it will look like.
Guess I'm not travelling a lot, but I've been to

England (London - in College)
France - Paris
Czech Rep.
Russia - black sea -
Spend the last two weeks in England (South West Area) and loved it :D I have been to England many times now (actually lived there for 4 years, I studied in the UK) but everytime I go back, I just feel at home :).

Next holiday we hope to go to Canada, that's been a dream of mine for many years.

First of all, does England really count for me? I live in Scotland but still...

Orlando bout 3 or 4 times
Greece twice, the water is soo clear
Sydney (my new home :lol:)

Airports? :D

Hong Kong

There's also the possibility of either South Carolina or Orlando next year too. Woo!

Oh, if you visit Oz, you must, must go to Coogee Beach. Gorgeous!