The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Scars on his body???!
I would imagine there'd be some like if his Dad used something to hit them like his belt and it was continuos over some years.

Ok, for some reason, i'm reminded of the Star Wars scene between Luke and Vader.
I know! It crossed my mind too. I'm a big star wars fan btw :)

that must have been hard to write
It was a little. I had to try to not make it too melodramatic or angsty at the same time get the truth out. That song I posted was in my head the whole time I wrote this. Thanks for appreciating my fics guys. Everytime I update I can't wait to see what my 'critics' say. :lol:

After reading this i'm getting visions of an Horatio Junior.
And Kit let's just say it's a possibility ;)

Will get started on my next instalment soon, tomorrow or the day after. :D
I would imagine there'd be some like if his Dad used something to hit them like his belt and it was continuos over some years.

I know, i jsut said that so i could say 'i actually find that hot' afterwards. ;)

I know! It crossed my mind too. I'm a big star wars fan btw

Same here! Go Obi-Wan Kenobi! He's kinda like Horatio, all about the justice. :D

Can't wait for the next update Hrockz. ;)
More please.
Sorry, I haven't been reviewing but I have been reading since the start. The fic universe needs more HY fics -- esp the ones as good as this.

I like Obi-Wan too Hunter :)

thanks for the compliments chaostheory

The patrol officer raised the yellow crime scene tape allowing Horatio and Yelina to duck under and enter the crime scene located in a back alley.

“Alexx, what do we have here?” Horatio asked.

“Single gunshot to the head. I would say it killed him instantly but I’d know more at post,” the medical examiner said.

Horatio looked at the dead Hispanic man slumped over the wheel. “Do we have an ID on the vic?” he asked.

Alexx reached into the dead man’s back pocket and pulled out a wallet. Horatio pulled out a pair of latex gloves and slipped them on. He took the wallet from Alexx. Opening the wallet he counted a couple of hundred dollar bills.

“We can rule out robbery,” Yelina said.

He pulled out the victim’s driver’s license. “Luis Dominguez.”

“See if you can find out more about our vic ok sweetheart?” Horatio said as he closed the wallet and slipped it into a brown envelope.

“Sure baby.” Yelina replied without missing a beat. She turned and walked towards her squad car.

Horatio turned back to Alexx who had a grin on her face. “I never thought I’d ever hear anyone call you that.”

Horatio smiled, “She’s probably the only one who can get away with it.”

“Um-hm… well you better get started taking some crime scene photos, I need to get this body back to the morgue before it gets cold.”

“I’m on it, “ Ryan said. He had just arrived at the crime scene.

Horatio circled the black Chervolet. “I don’t see any shell casing on the ground.”

“So that puts our shooter inside the car.” Ryan said as he continued to snap pictures.

Horatio removed his sunglasses and ducked into the passenger side of the car. “Found a casing,” he said lifting it up into the sunlight. “Looks like a 9mm.” He sealed it into another brown envelope and handed it to Ryan.

“I’m done here, we’ll have to carry on back at the lab.” Ryan said.

Horatio bowed his head and slipped his sunglasses back on. “You take the body and the shell casing, I’ll take the car.”

“Ok H.”


Yelina walked into the lab. Horatio was busy dusting the car from the crime scene for prints. The scene reminded her of the time Anthony blew through Miami. She had been helping Horatio process a car that time. She remembered asking about the cut on his forehead, the smell of his cologne and being so close to him she had to fight the urge to kiss him. That was when they were still dancing round in circles with each other. She was grateful things had changed for the better between them since then.

“Luis Dominguez,” Yelina said as she approached Horatio.

Horatio turned waiting to see what she had to say.

“Our vic’s no boy scout. He has been charged for robbery, possession and dealing in arms and drugs.”

“So Luis isn’t short on enemies.” Horatio pointed out. “I found packets of white powder in the glove compartment. I sent it to trace, it should come back positive for cocaine.”

“Found anything to help us ID our shooter?” Yelina asked.

“Just some partials and smudges, nothing that would help,” Horatio regarded the car.

“So we’ve hit a dead end?”

“There’s no such thing,” he replied as he ducked into the passenger side of the car. “What do we have here?” he emerged with a small white object between his gloved fingers.

Yelina smiled. Horatio’s dogged determination was one of the things she liked among many others about her boyfriend. “Looks like a human tooth,” she said. “Alexx didn’t mention our vic missing any teeth at the post.”

“It could belong to our shooter. The vic may have punched him during a struggle. I’ll send this to the DNA lab, maybe we’ll get a match on CODIS.” Horatio said. “But that’ll take some time.”

“What about the crack in the glass?” Yelina pointed at the cracked passenger side window.

“The shooter may have hit his head on the glass when the vic hit him.” Horatio suggested.

“Which means he’s out there with a missing tooth and one really bad headache.” Yelina said. “I’ll check with the hospital ERs, maybe he checked himself in to get treatment.”

“Do that please,” Horatio said.


An hour later Yelina found Horatio standing in one of the lab hallways, talking to Ryan.

“Thank you Mr Wolfe,” Horatio said as Ryan walked off.

“Hey,” Yelina greeted Horatio.

“Hey yourself." Horatio was obviously happy to see her. "You look like you have something to tell me.”

Yelina smiled. “I called the ERs. Tthere’s only one person with injuries that fit our shooter. Jason Howard, checked himself into Dade Memorial with a missing tooth and multiple lacerations to the head. They stitched him up and let him go home.”

“Got an address?” Horaito asked.

“I’m on my way there now,” Yelina replied.

“I’ll drive.”


The address led them to a shady part of Miami.

“635, apartment’s on the second floor,” Yelina pointed out as they ascended the stairs.

They stood outside the door. Horatio spoke softly, “He could be armed and dangerous, so stay sharp.” He rested his hand on the gun holstered to his right side.

Yelina nodded. She knocked on the door, “Miami-Dade police...”
Please, call me Lora. :)

Aww....Yelina calls Horatio baby in public... :D

Oh man, i don't like that cliff hanger. It gives the feeling something terrible is gonna happen! :(

Thanks for the update, but you better update soon! Somethign's gonna happen...oh no...
The door opened after some moments and they were surprised to find a face they recognised staring back at them. Yelina felt a tinge of jealousy as Horatio said her name.

“Suzie?” he asked.

“Hotatio, what are you doing here?” Suzie recognised Ray’s widow and nodded a greeting. Yelina acknowledged it with a nod in return. The last time the three of them met was in Madison’s hospital room.

Horatio didn’t answer Suzie’s question but instead asked, ”You live here?”

Suzie nodded. “It’s Jason isn’t it?”

Yelina decided she would let Horatio handle the situation. She had told herself not to harbour any disdain towards this woman before. While they were in hospital with a sick child it was easy but now, for some reason with Horatio by her side and with his status changed to her boyfriend, Yelina was having trouble stopping herself from feeling jealous.

“Can we come in?” Hotatio asked.

“Sure.” Suzie replied and opened the door wider for Horatio and Yelina to enter.

“Umm… is Madison here?” Horatio asked worried for the child’s safety.

“She’s at school.” Suzie pointed out. “What’s going on?”

“We’re looking for Jason Howard.” Yelina replied. “Is he here?”

“No I haven’t seen Jason since yesterday morning.”

“You live here with him?” Horatio asked.

“Yeah, he’s my boyfriend. He’s in trouble isn’t he?” Suzie asked.

“Suzie, Jason is not the kind of guy you want to be with.” Horatio pointed out.

“He’s a really sweet guy, he works really hard and he’s good to Madison and me.” Suzie replied defensively.

“Jason could be a suspect in our murder investigation,” Horatio said removing his sunglasses and slipping them into his jacket.

Suzie gave a resigned sigh. “I always seem to fall for the wrong guy. He’s really not that bad a person… it's those new friends he has...”

“He’s a dangerous man, you and Madison shouldn’t be around him.” Horatio took a step closer to Suzie.

Suzie looked away. “He takes good care of us…”

“We need to speak with him,” Yelina said. She understood Horatio’s concern but at the same time she knew they had to find the suspect.

“Like I said earlier, I haven’t seen him since yesterday morning.”

“We need to get you and Madison away from here,” Horatio said. “If you guys need a place to stay…”

Yelina wasn’t sure if Horatio was about to ask them to move into their house. She knew that Horatio always helped victims out but this was the woman whom Raymond cheated on her with.

“Any idea where he could be?” Yelina asked cutting Horatio off.

“He should be at work…” Suzie said. As she looked up she saw someone appear at the door. “Jason,” she started.

The man noticed Horatio and Yelina in his living room and immediately took off running.

Horatio gave chase bounding down the stairs after Jason. He could hear Yelina not far behind him. Jason was fast and after a block or two Horatio was beginning to wish he had put in more time at the PD gym. Jason turned a corner and came face-to-face with Yelina who had her service weapon drawn and pointed at him.

“Nowhere to go Jason,” Horatio said, slightly out of breath. He pulled out his gun and aimed it at Jason. He was glad Yelina had the foresight to flank him and cut off the suspect.

Jason tried to reach into his jacket. “Hands where I can see them!” Yelina commanded.

Jason raised his hands above his head. Yelina holstered her weapon. With Horatio’s gun still trained on him, she was sure he wouldn’t try escaping. She walked towards Jason who tried to surprise her by taking a swing at her but she was expecting him to do so and ducked. She tackled him to the ground. Horatio was kneeling on the ground next to Jason in an instant, his gun now pointed at Jason’s head. He wasn't about to let the suspect try hitting his girlfriend again.

“I’ve got it,” Yelina said as she handcuffed Jason’s hands behind his back. She removed Jason’s gun and handed it to Horatio.

“Just making sure,” Horatio replied. Yelina yanked Jason to his feet. “I said I can handle it," she said. Grabbing Jason by the shoulder she said, "Let’s go.”

“Nice work,” Horatio smiled at her. Yelina gave Horatio a half smile. Together they made their way back to the Hummer.

I'm gonna be busy the next few days but will try update when I can. While waiting for my next instalment, reviews or comments please :D
Oh, man I love it when one of the ladies gets to make a tough arrest. Go Yelina!! That was awesome Hrockz.
Not only are you an amazing writer but this was realistic, plus we get the peace to know Madison's okay. And that arrest was awesome.
Thanks! Can't wait for more! :)
Whew, nothing bad happened... :)

Oh Horatio doesn't need time in the PD gym. He's in perfect shape. Fantastic shape. ;)

Thanks for the great update Hrockz!! :D
Thanks for the updates Hrockz i enjoyed reading them both.liked it when Yelina went after the suspect please keep up the good work ur doing for all of us
like i say in H/Y thread, great job with ur fanfic updates Hrockz. :D for my regret usually i can catch up with them only through the weekends. keep going this way ;)
Thanks for the update. Very cool that you bring Suzie & Madison back in the story. I'm curious how Yelina will deal with that on a long term. Will she / won't she confront H about it, that she isn't too comfortable with that? ^^

A lil gift to cheer you on :D
