The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Kit4na said:
Hunter you really read my mind. Yesterday & today i'm catching up on season 4. And as you know in season 4, the lab is been redesigned. I wondered immediately if there was somewhere a janitors closet for H & Y *hihi*

Well, the redesigned lab was almost ALL GLASS. ;) :devil:
All this talk about a janitor's closet. You guys only have one thing on your minds don't you? ;)

Thanks for your comments really funny reading them. :lol: I'll try update soon!
Well we've been waiting so long for H to get together with Yelina so we want him to score jackpot immediately hahaha :p

Can't wait for the next update :D
I know! But it makes the risk very sexy.
What risk? It's all glass they'd like get caught immediately! :lol:

Well we've been waiting so long for H to get together with Yelina so we want him to score jackpot immediately hahaha
Well he did already and it was mentioned quite a few times by me in fact. ;) Hence this update...

I know you guys gonna love this one:

Yelina stood at her 'cool off' spot, the staircase landing of the fire escape outside the MDPD building, her heart racing. The midday heat did little to soothe her nerves. Her mind tried to come up with the right words to say.

"Hey!" she heard her boyfriend greet her as he descended the stairs behind her. His presence always calmed her but this time he only added to her nervousness.

"What's up?" Horatio asked standing beside her. Yelina turned her head to look at him but his sunglasses shaded his eyes, preventing her from reading his mood. Horatio saw the worry etched on her face and started to worry that something had happened to Ray Jr. He recalled the phonecall he received from her earlier. He knew it had to be important for her to summon him back from the field where he had been working with Frank.

"Is Ray alright?" he asked concerned.

"He's fine." Yelina replied.

"That's good," Horatio said somewhat relieved. "Then what is it?"

Still unable to formulate the right words to say, Yelina decided the best way to do say this was to simply state the truth. "I'm pregnant."

There was a moment's stunned silence from Horatio. He found his voice and asked, "You sure?"

"Yeah. You know how I'm like clockwork, well I've been late for two weeks and just now at lunch, I went out and bought a home pregnancy test kit. It tested positive."

"I thought we always used protection." Horatio said raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah well they aren't exactly 100 percent full proof." she said rolling her eyes.

"Now you tell me," he joked.

Mistaking his words for disapproval Yelina sighed, "I know we neither talked about it nor planned for this but I'm keeping the baby no matter what you say."

Horatio was slightly taken aback. He had always supported the decisions she made. "What makes you think I don't want the baby?"

"You didn't seem too enthusiastic when I told you the news, and you're kind of hesistant."

Horatio smiled. "This is a first for me, so I'm not sure how I should react."

"So you're ok with this?" Yelina asked.

He beamed and said, "I'm thrilled."

Yelina flashed him a huge grin, "Good. I wasn't sure if you'd freak out on me, but well, you never freak out at anything."

Horatio chuckled. He reached out to her and pulled her into his embrace. He never thought it possible but he felt even more love for her now that he knew she was carrying his baby.

When they broke the embrace, Yelina said, "I have an appointment with Dr Donovan at four-thirty."

"I'll be there."

Yelina smiled again. "You'd better get back to work."

He nodded. "You sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You seemed kinda worried earlier."

"I'm good now."

"Um ok, you be careful out there."

Yelina laughed. "Yeah I always am."

"Good, good." Horatio couldn't stop smiling. "I'll see you later."


"This is gonna feel a little cold." Dr Donovan said as she squirted some gel on Yelina's lower abdomen. "I'm sorry the father couldn't be here."

"He's held up at work." Yelina replied the regret evident in her voice.

"Maybe next time." the doctor replied.

There was a knock on the door and Horatio poked his head in. "I hope I'm not too late."

Yelina grinned. "You're just in time." She turned to the doctor and introduced him. "This is my boyfriend Horatio Caine."

"Caine?" Dr Donovan raised her eyebrows.

"Uh, yeah. We get that alot." Horatio replied.

"So I'd assume you're the father?" the doctor asked.

"I hope so." he grinned.

Dr Donovan laughed as Yelina scowled at Horatio.

"Let's get started shall we?" the doctor said, placing the probe on Yelina's abdomen. After some minutes of silence the doctor pointed at a small round mass on the screen, "There's your baby. Good, strong heartbeat."

Horatio and Yelina smiled. She took his hand and gave it a light squeeze.

Dr Dononvan continued. "Judging from it's size, I'd say you're about 10 weeks along. You guys should be expecting the baby in September."

"Great," Yelina replied. "Now all we have to do is tell my son."

"I'm sure he'll be glad to be having a little brother or sister." The doctor added as she wiped the gel off Yelina with a paper towel.

Yelina got up from the table and started to get dressed.

"I'll see you in a month, but in the meantime, take it easy. You're not as young as you used to be when you had your son."

"I'll make sure she does," Horatio cast Yelina a knowing look.

They exited the doctor's office and headed for their car.

"You haven't stopped smiling." Yelina pointed out.

"I'm happy." He brushed a strand of hair from her face.

Yelina smiled. If there was ever another man she wanted to have a baby with other than Raymond, it had to be Horatio. "We'll tell Ray tonight."

"Yeah." he agreed. "I have to get the Hummer back to PD."

"Ok. I'll see you home. I'm making pasta."

"Sound good." He gave her a quick hug and kiss on the lips. "Later." He watched as Yelina got into their car. "Drive safe," he said closing the car door.

Yelina nodded. He watched her pull out onto the road and drive off into the distance before getting into the Hummer, all this while the smile never leaving his face.

Loving this one? I haven't decided if they should have a boy or girl yet, so I'm open to suggestions :D
Jeeeej :D Exactly how I imagined it would be. I vote for a boy. H could take him to the park & play soccer. *hot flashes*

Great update!

What risk? It's all glass they'd like get caught immediately!

All the more fun. :lol: ;)

Well he did already and it was mentioned quite a few times by me in fact. Hence this update... mean...again? YES! I haven't even read the part yet and H gets some! YES! :lol:


*in font size 72* OMG!!

Baby! A baby! A ba-bay! A...can i be the GodMother? Ah, i want to be the mother. But close enough. :lol: OMG, that kid will be, like, so handsome/ Wow. WOW!! Oh this is a dear diary moment! :lol: Champiagne for the celebration! *gets glasses* Not you Yelina, sorry, the baby. :D
Make it a boy, age him fast and I'll date him. :D
OMFG OMFG! OMG..........they're.........haveing a.......BABY??! Oh gosh, wow......this is awesome! I'm invited to the baby shower, right? *puppy eyes* I never expected this, this is amazingly awesome! Horatio's going to be a father! He'll do great! Lora, pass me some apple juice. Not allowed to have alcoho. *scowls*
Wow, so happy! Thanks Hrockz this is fantastico! My family is wondering why I'm going nuts, I better go explain. :lol: Thanks again and update sooooon.
H going to be a dad just brill Hrockz boy or girl it dosen't matter as long as it's healthly.caught my daughter reading ur ff when i came home from work last night she said there really good

can't wait for the next update
You guys are really FUNNY! :lol: Go ahead be the Godmother, oh and I can't age him magically cainesugar sorry. But I agree if he looks like H he'll be a real hot baby!

I guess the general concensus is a boy? We still have time to decide anyway.

Thanks for all the great comments will try update when I can.
Hmm.... for some reason, I want a girl.

I've seen H with little kids and of course RayJr. I want to see him interact with a little girl -- esp his own -- and not only just Madison or a victim's daughter.

Ok now I'm really undecided. I'd like H to have a little boy of his own and like Kit said it'll be nice to see them in the park doing guy stuff. But a girl would be nice too cos little girls are so nice and sweet and if she looks just like her mother, H will love her to pieces. I like the idea of 'Daddy's little girl'. Also think of poor Yelina with a house full of guys! I'm sure she'd like to have a girl.

So both boy or girl seems like a great idea now. So more help or comments you guys to help me make up my mind? If we're divided on this then I'll put this up to a vote. :p
Too bad she isn't pregnant with twins. Boy and Girl :)

That would be a bit too much.. or ;)

Can't wait for the next update :p