The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

"you know when you're obsessed with H/Y when the first thing you do when you get home is to see if Hrockz updated his fanfic"

Oh, man I love it when one of the ladies gets to make a tough arrest.
Yup I love when the women get to kick ass! Hence my writing it in.

Horatio doesn't need time in the PD gym
Everyone needs time at the gym even H ;)

the first thing you do when you get home is to see if Hrockz updated his fanfic"
Kit whatever made you think I'm a 'he'? I'm a 'she' btw. :lol:

Been busy but thanks for the great reviews and posts you guys added. Makes it fun to see what you guys have said after I updated. And polina you're not too late to join in.

Back to the story:

The suspect Jason Howard sat opposite Yelina in an interrogation room at PD. Horatio stood protectively beside her fingering his sunglasses between his hands.

“How’d you lose that tooth Jason?” Yelina asked.

“I fell,” Jason replied nonchalantly.

“Do you know this man?” Yelina asked as she pushed a photograph of the dead Luis Dominguez towards Jason.

“Never seen him before,” Jason replied.

“Then how do you explain your tooth ending up in the front seat of his car?” Yelina asked.

Jason shrugged.

“We have evidence to prove you were there in his car. And the bullet and shell casing match the gun we took off you today,” Yelina pressed, “We know you shot him.”

Jason shrugged again.

Horatio decided it was time to play ‘bad cop’. He placed his sunglasses on the table, leaned forward and growled menacingly at Jason. “I’m not in the mood for games, Jason. We already have you for attempting to assault a police officer. We have proof you shot a man. You can either make it easy on yourself or...”

“We’re trying to help you here,” Yelina was quick to offer.

Jason glanced at Horatio’s glare and decided it was time to confess. “I didn’t mean to shoot Luis. He punched me, it was self-defence!”

Yelina nodded at the patrol officer who handcuffed Jason and led him away to lockup.

“Nice work,” Horatio said again as he took the seat next to Yelina.

“You weren’t so bad yourself.” Yelina smiled. Horatio smiled and turned a little red in the face.

A patrol officer knocked on the door and entered.

“Excuse me Lieutenant, there’s a Suzie Barnum at reception asking to see you.”

“Be right there,” Horatio stood up. He looked at Yelina. “I have to take this.”

Yelina lowered her eyes. “Ok.”

Horatio detected her unease but decided he would address it later.

He walked out to the reception desk. He saw Suzie and Madison waiting for him.

“Ladies,” Horatio smiled, happy to see them. He noticed Suzie’s distraught look and he pulled her in for an embrace. From the corner of his eye he saw Yelina standing at the end of the hallway watching his exchange with Suzie. They broke the embrace and Horatio proceeded to squat down in front of Madison so that he was now at the little girl’s eye level.

“You’ve grown so big, you've been taking care of Mommy haven’t you?”

Madison smiled and nodded. Horatio smiled back at her. He ruffled her hair and stood up again, "It's good to see she's doing well."

Suzie managed a smile. "But we're sorta in a fix now."

"How can I help?"

“You took Jason.” Suzie pointed out.

“Jason killed a man. Not to mention tried to assault Yelina. He’s not a good person to be with.”

“I love him,” Suzie replied plainly.

Horatio nodded. “I understand that but he’s going away for a long time, and I don’t think continuing to see him would be what’s best for you and Madison.”

Suzie gave a resigned shrug. “I always fall for the wrong guy.”

Horatio tilted his head and offered, “Someday you're find a good man, in the meantime you have me.”

“I really hate troubling you like this, you’ve done so much for us..”

“We’re family remember?” Horatio reminded her. “Let me help you out.”

Suzie thought for awhile then looked down at Madison. “I’m out of a job and since you arrested Jason, we don’t have a place to stay.”

“You know what? I have an empty apartment down by the beach, you and Madison could stay there, I’m sure Madison would love going for a dip in the ocean.” He smiled at Madison who nodded enthusiastically. He smiled. “I always knew there was a reason I haven’t sold the place.”

“How can I ever thank you?” Suzie asked. “You sure Det Salas won’t mind? I don’t want her to get mad at you cos' of us.”

Horatio raised his eyebrows. Suzie rolled her eyes and continued, “I sensed the tension between you guys when I first met her. You guys are seeing each other now. I can tell form the way she’s acting.”

Horatio chuckled. He wasn't sure how women always seemed to figure out things like this. “She won’t mind, I’m sure."

He reached for his wallet and started to pull out some money. "This is only till you get back on your feet.”

“I couldn’t…” Suzie protested.

“Madison’s gota eat,” he said. "Besides the place needs some work, I haven't been there in a long time. Consider this a favor. You guys get the place nice and clean, and when you decide you had enough of it, hopefully my apartment will be in good condition to put it up for sale."

Suzie smiled. “How can I say no when you put it that way.”

Horatio grinned. “My shift’s over, I”ll take you and Madison over now but..." He turned his head to look at Yelina who was still standing down the hallway. He knew she wasn't really comfortable with this. "... there's something I need to do first.”

Thanks for all your support I'll update again when time permits which I hope will not be too long.
good way to start my weekend with this new update, thanks Hrockz :)

btw can i ask u and Kit4na from where come urs nicknames? thanks in advance ;)
Mortal Kombat! :D When I was little I used to play the game with my elder brother. And I wanted some cool sounding name to use as a nick @ online gaming. Owh and I love Kittens so with a lil fantasy you can see it in my nickname. :) I even invented my own quote (I know i'm such a geek, nah I invented it when I was 12 or so..)

"Angel with devil's tail" :D
Oh awesome!

I laughed when Horatio 'growled'. :lol: And i love how Yelina is jealous of every woman who comes into contact with Horatio, brings out the bitch in her. Love it! She's so protective of him! *sigh* I love your writing. :D
Wonderful. Yelina really wants to protect her man. And Horatio, that was so nice, lettinG Suzie use your apartment. Ah man I love this fanfic H, he's so...amazing.
What an amazing job. you're so talented, capture their characters so Perfect. Thanks, can't wait for another update! :D
Everyone needs time at the gym even H

No he doesn't. *crosses arms*

Wait, does it say they can stay at his apartment? He doesn't have an apartment, he has mansion, or sweet house. All in all, an extremely sweet pad. ;)
awesome Kit was wondering how you got your nickname and Pusher asked for me.

Wait, does it say they can stay at his apartment? He doesn't have an apartment, he has mansion, or sweet house. All in all, an extremely sweet pad.
uh-huh right Lora, think we might need a reality check here. ;) But you crack me up all the time with your posts.

Ok here we go again, back to the story:

Horatio walked down the hallway towards Yelina. Needing privacy she ducked into a nearby interrogation room. Horatio followed her in, closing the door behind him. He knew the people outside could still see them but they would not be able to hear what they were saying.

"I suppose you're going to tell me you're cancelling our dinner date tonight," Yelina stated as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm afraid so. I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you tomorrow night."

"There's no need," Yelina replied, anger flashing across her eyes.

"Yelina, they have no one to turn to. I offered to help them," Horatio explained as he turned his head to look at Suzie and Madison sitting on a bench at the other end of the hallway.

"Help them how?"

"I uh.. I offered to, I offered to let them stay at my old apartment. I'm also gonna help them out financially, that is till Suzie finds a job... if that's ok with you?"

Yelina rolled her eyes and let out a laugh. "Horatio what do you expect me to say? If I say no it would make me out to be a vindicative and petty woman..." she started at Horatio the anger still evident in hers. "She's the woman Ray cheated on me with, so you would see why I'm hesistant to let you get too close to her."

Horatio tilted his head and grinned much to her chargin. "You're jealous."

"Of course I am, if that makes me such a bad person - "

"No. No, it doesn't. It's a very natural thing to feel. In fact I'd wonder if you didn't."

Yelina was relieved that he seemed to understand.

Horatio took a step closer to her. "I know what I'm doing is making things hard for you... but to be fair to Suzie, when she first met Ray he was undercover and could not have known he was married to you, not till much later. It doesn't make what Ray did right it or not Suzie and Madison are family."

Yelina shook her head, she could see the logic in helping a dying child but this was abit much for her to accept.

Horatio took her left hand in his right. "I'm not asking you to accept them as your family, I'm just asking that you'll be ok with me helping them out when they need me."

"Like when you helped me and Ray Jr?"

Horatio understood the deeper meaning in her question. "No, not like I helped you. Sweetheart the only way I'm ever gonna leave you is if someone put a bullet in my head."

"No, don't say things like that," Yelina was quick to reply. She had always feared losing him in the line of duty like she lost Raymond.

Horatio smiled. "You're not losing me, not to any bullet or to any other woman. You have my heart, always have."

A smile crept across her face and they stood there hand in hand for awile.

"They're waiting for you," she said turning to look at Suzie and Madison.

"Thank you." He gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

Yelina nodded, "I'll see you home tonight."

"Yes you will."

Horatio exited the room and walked back down the hall.

"Ready ladies?"

Madison jumped off her seat and nodded.

"She's a very generous woman," Suzie said as she stood up.

"That she is," Horatio agreed.

"She lucky to have you."

"No, I'm the lucky one." Horatio was quick to add.

The elevator arrived and Horatio turned to give Yelina one more look. She smiled and nodded her head at him. Horatio smiled back and entered the elevator with Suzie and Madison.

How'd you guys like this one? More to come soon! Stay tuned!
uh-huh right Lora, think we might need a reality check here. But you crack me up all the time with your posts.

Hey, i like imagining things. So what if i'm insane? :lol: I hope i do crack you up, i live to laugh. :D

"I uh.. I offered to, I offered to let them stay at my old apartment.
YES! SCORE! *smile* Thanks Hrockz. :D

Horatio walked down the hallway towards Yelina. Needing privacy she ducked into a nearby interrogation room. Horatio followed her in, closing the door behind him.
Damn! It would of been funner if they ducked into a janitors closet. *snicker* ;) :devil:

Thanks for the update Hrockz. :D
Hunter you really read my mind. Yesterday & today i'm catching up on season 4. And as you know in season 4, the lab is been redesigned. I wondered immediately if there was somewhere a janitors closet for H & Y *hihi*
I loved the scene between H and Yelina because it was very believebale- she's upset because she thinks she may lose the love of her life again to the same woman, and she has every right to be, Horatio, she just doesn't want to lose you, and that really shows how much she loves you! (am I talking to Horatio?:lol:) This was awesome, I loved the bit about H never going to leave them, but could this be foreshadowing something? *ponders* Hmmmm..... watch out Horatio, Hrockz may have something in store for you.
Anyways, great update, love your writing, and can't wait for more. :D