The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Ray stood outside the kitchen. Horatio was busy at the sink, the sleeves of his green shirt rolled up above his elbows and a dishcloth draped over his shoulder. Ray wondered if his uncle was still angry, but he had promised his mother he would speak with him. Ray shoved his hands into his jeans pockets, took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen. He stopped beside Horatio.

“Need a hand?” Ray asked tentatively.

“Sure,” Horatio replied, tossing the teen the dishcloth.

After a moment of awkward silence, Ray mustered up the courage to speak. “Uncle Horatio, about what I said today…”

“You were right. You’re not my son…" Horatio paused and Ray wondered if his uncle had been deeply affected by what he had said. He wished he could take back what he said.

Horatio continued “… I’m not trying to replace your Dad, but I'd be happy if you would think of me as your father.”

Ray felt a measure of relief, ”I sorta do, ever since Dad died.”

Horatio smiled slightly. Horatio was about to speak but Ray interupted.

“And before you ask, I’m cool with you being with mom. Really.”

There was still the issue of what Ray had said about his father.

“You said some things about your Dad.” Horatio turned to look at Ray.

“I know I’m not supposed to know but I kinda overheard you and mom talking about Dad being on drugs… and I know he was unfaithful to mom. She told me about Madison before we went to the hospital to give her my bone marrow.” Ray explained. Horatio recognised the hurt in the boy's eyes.

“It all makes sense now, why he was never around, and just before he died, whenever he was home, he’d always fight with mom, make her cry. I hated him for doing that.”

Horatio understood the boy had been trying to protect his mother. “And how does knowing all this make you feel?”

“I can't believe he'd do that to mom. And sometimes I think everyone looks at me funny, like they all expect me to turn out like my Dad.”

“Your mother and I don’t think that.” Horatio assured him. “Your father was a good man, His only mistake in life was to be hooked on drugs and it ruined him. It made life hard for you and your mom. But he loved you both very much to the end.”

Ray blinked back tears. “But I still feel ashamed to be his son.”

Horatio sighed. Wanting to lighten his nephew's burden he decied it was time he let Ray in on some things about himself. He pulled up a dinning chair motioning for Ray to do the same. When Ray sat down Horatio leaned forward looking up at the teen.

“I’m gonna tell you a secret, something I never told your mom.”

Ray nodded and looked at his uncle expectantly.

“When I was growing up I felt ashamed of my Dad too.”

“You mean he was like my Dad?” Ray asked.

“He was worse.”

Ray wanted to ask his uncle what he meant but Horatio continued, “He was always high on drugs and alcohol. And he was never around. When he was, he took out his frustrations on us.”

Ray wasn’t sure he understood what his uncle was trying to say. “You mean he used to beat up you and Dad?”

“I do.”

“I never knew that.” Ray admitted.

“We never liked talking about it, so your Dad wouldn’t have told you... I remember when I was about your age, after a particularly bad beating... I decided that I would never grow up to be like him. And instead of being ashamed of him, I would be proud of my mom who was raising me and your Dad alone…" Horatio let out a deep breath. Painful memories flooded his mind as he talked to Ray.

"So you see Ray, you’re not doomed to follow in your Dad’s footsteps, and you should be proud of your mom. She's doing an excellent job of raising you alone.”

Ray was silent, taking in all his uncle had just revealed to him. After some thought he smiled and said, "Well mom has you now, so she’s not exactly raising me alone.”

Horatio smiled. “You’re right.”

“Don’t worry Uncle Horatio, your secret’s safe with me.”

“Thanks buddy." Horatio saw Yelina standing in the doorway. "There she is."

“You two look liked you’ve made up.” Yelina said smiling as she walked into the kitchen.

“Well there’s still the issue of why he picked a fight in school." Horatio returned his gaze to Ray.

"I think I’ll leave mom to fill you in on the details. I better get back to my room." Ray replied. He got up and left tthe kitchen.

"No hard feelings right Uncle Horatio?" Ray asked as he reached the doorway.

"None at all buddy."

Horatio stood up and Yelina wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a light kiss on the lips.

"What was that for?" Horatio asked.

"Knowing that you love my son as much as I do makes you all the more attrative."

Horatio chuckled. "I have to finish doing the dishes."

"I’ll do that, you should go hit the shower and go to bed early. You have a full day in court tomorrow."

"Thanks. Love you," he said kissing her on the cheek.

"Love you too."

How'd you guys like this one? ;)
Next up Horatio reveals his past to Yelina... Stay tuned.
I'm speechless..

Makes me miss H/Y even more, which is a good thing. The harder you miss them the greater the pleasure will be when she returns.
^ He reveals his SECRET? Oh wow Hrockz this is incredible! SO waiting and counting the minutes until the next update. Thanks for blessing us with your amazing writing skills. :)
HI Hrockz love it so much that i had to read again then my daughter came through and started to read it as well.can't wait for the next one :)
Oh this is awesome. I love how Hrockz makes the fic the way we H/Y shippers want it.... :D ;) Great stuff, hope you can keep it coming. :)
Oh yes I forgot wanted to wish you a happy birthday Cainesugar . Hope you had an enjoyable day.

Thanks for the good comments, it's not a problem cos I'm a H/Y fan myself so it's easy to wrtie it the way we all like it to be.

Can't wait for Y's return as well. Will try to update as soon as I can, it's a busy week for me. I'm just so exhausted from work and family commitments. :(
^ Thanks, don't worry Hrockz here in LA it's still my birthday. You're not too late.
I'm a multi-shipper but I'm really interested in H/Y because they had the most development and it was the most obvious that H had a HUMONGOUS crush on Yelina. :D It's also great to read from a wonderful author. Can't wait for more!
A little something to wet the appetite...

the following takes place after the events of 'Skeletons'

It was the second time that month that Horatio had admitted to someone that he had an abusive father. The first time was to Ray Jr. This time it was to Jennifer Wilson, the girl he had watched over for the past ten years. While Walter Dresden was at large he had to make sure the person who had murdered her parents did not come back for her. She was a young woman now, a far cry from the scared little girl he first met in her parent's closet. Now that Dresden was finally apprehended Horatio knew he had done his duty.

"Thanks again for everything." Jennifer said.

They were at the marina, and they stood a distance apart watching the yatches rocking to the current.

"You're welcome." Horatio smiled.

"I think I'm gonna go now. You coming?"

"No, I think I'm gonna stay."

Jennifer nodded and started towards her car.

Horatio called after her. "If you ever need anything..."

"I know," Jennifer smiled back. "Thank you."

Horatio nodded, and returned his gaze to the water. His cellphone rang and he smiled at the number.


"Hey. I missed you."

"You just saw me a couple of hours ago," Yelina laughed.

"Still," Horatio grinned.

"You finally caught your him."

"Yeah, feels good to finally close that chapter." Horatio admitted.

"You coming back to PD?"

Horatio thought for awhile. It had been an emotionally draining case. "I'm ah... I think I'm gonna work late tonight."

"Ok." Yelina paused, "You sure you're ok?" She realised that everything that had to do with New York seemed to make Horatio grow more sullen and serious.

"Yeah. You and Ray go ahead and have dinner without me. Don't wait up."

There was a moment of silence on the line. Yelina knew that he was lying about working late. However she recognised that Horatio needed his space sometimes. "Ok."

Horatio hung up. He headed for his Hummer, preparing to fight his demons again...
Ah ha! An update! Thank you Hrockz!!

Aw man...Yelina suspects he's lying?! Shit! I hate that, because there's no chance of Horatio, like, getting some. :lol: :devil:

Hopefully we can get a big part soon! Thanks!
Ah, so excited to see what H's 'demons' are. Thanks for the update Hrockz. But we know H wouldn't 'get some' from Y anyway. *sigh* He is a liar...tell her, H!
Thanks. :D
Yeah, Horatio should tell Yelina about how he murdered his father. Well, she knows that his father abused him right? But does she know that his father killed his mother? Well, i have a good feeling that Yelina will take it in stride and tell no one. :) And then she'll be like "So thats what was causing the nightmares?" And Horatio will nod, and Yelina will kiss him to comfort him, and then it'll go on.... ;)
You want it, you got it ;)

Do you feel like a man
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Horatio drove aimlessly around the city he had sworn to protect for hours, battling his demons and trying to clear his head. When he got home, it was close to midnight. Entering the bedroom he was surprised to see his girlfriend still awake. Yelina was already dressed in her pyjamas; she was reading a book in bed.

“I thought I told you not to wait up?” Horatio asked.

“I don’t have to do everything you say,” she smiled.

“Let’s not make a habit of it,” Horatio teased as he removed his jacket and sat down beside her on the bed.

“You ok?” She asked, closing her book.

“I um.. I’m afraid… I’m afraid I’m not doing so well,” he said as he bowed his head.

Much as she hated to see him like this, Yelina felt as if they were making progress in their relationship. In the past eight months they had been together, whenever she enquired about his well-being he would reply that he was ‘fine’ or ‘ok’, even when it was evident to her he wasn’t. Initially it had frustrated her greatly and she felt like he was a closed door. He had once asked her to patient with him and she waited.

“You wanna talk about it?” she offered as always.

“I think I do.” Horatio replied as he looked into her large brown eyes. Yelina had always hoped that with time and with her love and support she would slowly chip away his tough exterior. And now looking back into his blue eyes she knew he was ready to talk.

“I’m listening,” Yelina said sitting up and crossing her legs beneath her.

Horatio blew out a breath. “Remember the trip I took to New York some months back?”

“You wouldn’t tell me why you had to stay those extra days.”

Horatio nodded. “My past caught up with me then.”

Yelina raised her eyebrows.

“Raymond and I had an abusive father…. He was never home. When he was, he was always high and he’d beat Ray and me. My mother wasn’t spared either. He would find any little reason to beat on her. I hated how he treated her.”

Yelina had suspected all along. When she and Horatio started getting intimate, she had noticed scars on his body that were similar to those she had seen on her late husband. When she enquired about them, she got the same reply she got from Ray, that they were the result of being injured on duty. Both brothers were also similarly reluctant to talk about their parents, changing the subject when she asked about them.

“I guessed you'd say something like that.” Yelina stroked Horatio’s cheek gently.

She never failed to surprise him. Things he thought she didn’t know about him, were things she somehow knew only too well. Perhaps he should have told her from the start and not lied to her all this time.

“Your nightmares. They’re about your Dad hiting you?” she asked.

Horatio shook his head. The second part was the hardest to tell her. Horatio sighed again. She recognised the pain on his face.

“It was my senior year in high school... I was home, sick with the flu… I woke from my sleep when I heard my mother screaming. I immediately knew he was home. I ran to the kitchen… “ Horatio could see the scene from that terrible day being played out infront of him again. “… my father was stabbing my mother with a kitchen knife… I tried to pull him off and he turned on me. We struggled for the knife… I’m not sure how but I stabbed him in the chest… I’d never forget the look on his face. It was one of anger and disbelief…. I called the cops... my mother was already dead. Ray got home from school not long after. There was blood everywhere…” he didn’t continue.

Yelina said nothing. She didn’t see this coming. She reached out for him and took him into her embrace, not knowing how he could have carried this burden with him for so long.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked.

“I was afraid you’d change your opinion of me once you found out I killed my own father.”

“Baby, it doesn’t change anything at all.”

“No matter what he did to us, I had no right to take his life like that…” Horatio said as he broke the embrace.

“If you hadn’t he could have killed you and maybe Ray too.”

“You don’t know that.” Horatio said, still blaming himself.

“I do know it was an accident, don't balme yourself for it." She said as if reading his thoughts. “Did NYPD arrest you?”

Horatio nodded. “The judge ruled I acted in self-defence, I was never charged so, it’s not on my record.”

“So when you went back to New York –“

“The case was re-opened.”

“And now?” she asked wondering if her boyfriend was facing some lawsuit.

“The judge threw the case out, there were no grounds to persecute.”

Yelina breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good." She felt new admiration for Horatio and Raymond for growing up in the midst of such adversity.

"I should've done something to save her..." Horatio said softly. "His blood will always be on my hands... no matter how many lives I save, no matter what I do as a cop... his blood will always be on my hands."

Yelina realised he blamed himself for the death of his parents. "I said it once and I'll say it again. Not everything bad that happens is your fault. It's time you got over this. You have to get over this." She hugged him again.

Horatio let out another sigh. He felt something lift from his shoulders. Maybe telling the woman he loved with all his being was the very thing he needed to heal. She kissed him on the forehead, then on the cheek and finally on the lips. He responded slowly. Their kiss grew more passionate and he began to unbutton her pyjama top. She understood that he needed distraction and relief from his torment. They made love with great gentleness that night, and he found the release he so needed in their union.

Horatio fell asleep in her arms. Bad dreams did not disrupt his sleep that night.

I know there're many differing opinions and takes on H's past especially regarding his parents' deaths, but I had to write on this and get the issue out of the way. Hope you guys liked it. Reviews please. :D

Next up H/Y working on a case together again...
she had noticed scars on his body that were similar to those she had seen on her late husband

Scars on his body???!

Actually, i find that kid of hot... :devil: ;)

“I was afraid you’d change your opinion of me once you found out I killed my own father.”

Ok, for some reason, i'm reminded of the Star Wars scene between Luke and Vader. :lol:

Their kiss grew more passionate and he began to unbutton her pyjama top. She understood that he needed distraction and relief from his torment. They made love with great gentleness that night, and he found the release he so needed in their union.


Yelina's so lucky. *crosses arms*

Thanks for the update Hrockz!! Hope to see Horatio and Yelina working on that case. ;)
Ya know, I really didn't expect that. Great job, Hrockz. Wow, that was such a pleasure to read. :D Yes, Yelina is very lucky. that must have been hard to write but you wrote it beautifully and it was so wonderful to hear H finally coming out about his past. I loved it. Now if only he would do it in the show...
Great update. Thanks.