The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Thanks for the update Hrockz it's about time they had an evening together with what they have been through just lately.Please keep up the good work writting about them i really look forward to reading FF :)
Oh im imagining all right.... :devil:

Even i can't see Horatio in the backseat car. To crowded. Need room. A bed. ;) Love ya Hrockz. Need more. :rolleyes:
You want more? Here's more:

Yelina pushed open the glass door to the lab. Horatio was peering into a microscope.

"You're here to tell me that Damien Johnson's alibi doesn't check out." He said without looking up.

"So you're reading my mind already?" Yelina asked smiling.

Horatio looked up and smiled,"The fibers found in our vic's hand match those taken from Mr Johnson's shirt. He was lying about not being around the vic at the time of her murder. We can go bring our suspect in."

Yelina sighed. "I have to step out for awhile. Ray's principal called. He got in a fight, broke some kid's nose."

"You know what?" Horatio thought for awhile. "Why don't you grab Mr Wolfe and go get our man, and I'll go see Ray's principal."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, no worries. I thnk it would be good if I talked to Ray about this."

"Ok call me when you guys get home?"

Horatio nodded. He pulled off the latex gloves he was wearing and headed for his Hummer.


Horatio removed his sunglasses as he approached Ray Jr who was seated outside his principal's office.

Ray looked up to see his uncle, "Great..." he muttered.

"Your mom had to go catch some bad guy," Horatio explained to the teenager. Ray nodded but remained silent. "We'll talk more about this later."

Horatio knocked on the door and entered the office.

"Ma'am," he greeted Ray's principal as he gave her a firm handshake. "Horatio Caine, Ray's uncle."

"Joanne Bolton," the princpal replied. "I was under the impression Det Salas would be here."

"She had a suspect to bring in," he explained as he took a seat.

"I wanted to find out about how things are at home for Raymond. I understand it's hard for her to work and raise him alone, perhaps she has been so busy she has been neglecting the boy?"

Horatio shook his head. Beng a single mom was hard but he never doubted Yelina's commiment to being a mother to Ray. "I assure you she's never neglected her duties as a mother."

"And you would know because?"

Horatio felt like he was a suspect being interrogated. He had never been in this situation before and wondered if the principal made all parents and students feel this way.

"Ray's mom and I have been living together for some time now. We make sure Ray get's our full attention."

Ms Bolton raised her eyebrows with disdain. "I suppose you can't help who you fall in love with... maybe Raymond doesn't like the fact that his mother and uncle are a couple."

Horatio lowered his head. "Not that we know of. I don't think this has anything to do with Ray getting in a fight?"

"Maybe." she replied. "Raymond will be suspended from school till further notice, we can't have such violent conduct here."

"That's a litte harsh," Horatio gave the principal a firm stare. "Suspending him only gives him more time to get into trouble. How about detention and I'll personally ensure Ray doesn't get into trouble again."

"I have your word. If Raymond gets in trouble again he's suspended."

"I understand." Horatio rose to leave.


Sitting in the passenger seat of the Hummer, Ray sulked as he looked out the window.

"You wanna tell me why you got into a fight?" Horatio enquired.

Ray said nothing.

"Ray, if you don't tell me, I can't help you."

Again Ray said nothing.

"Do you have any problems with me being with your mom?"


"Raymond, you broke another kids's nose. You do know what you did was wrong."

From the corner of his eye Horatio noticed his nephew nodding his head sligthly. "Then why'd you do it?"

"You and mom are the same. You guys think I'm gonna grow up to be like Dad. That's why you guys get so worked up everytime I do something wrong." Ray blurted out.

"There's nothing wrong with turning out like your father."

"He was on drugs and he was never around, and he - " Ray stopped, biting back what he wanted to say.

Horatio was surprised Ray knew so much. The teen had been more observant than he and Yelina gave him credit for.

"Your father was a good man Ray. And I will not let you talk about my brother that way. He may have made some mistakes, but he tried to make up for it." Horatio paused to look at Ray who had his head bowed. He continued,"We all make mistakes Ray. It's how you make up for them that counts. You hit that other kid that was a mistake but you can make up for it now. You wanna tell me now why you hit that kid?"

Ray shook his head. They pulled up to the driveway of their house.

"Then you're grounded and that means no TV, Playstation, or going to soccer practice till you decide to tell me or your mom why you picked a fight in school."

Ray looked angrily back at his uncle. "But - "

"No buts son, you'll do as I say."

"Im not your son!" Ray yelled as he opened the door of the Hummer and bolted into the house.

Apologies this instalment doesn't feel as up to par as the rest but I wanted some more H and Ray Jr time and these two got issues to settle.
i think this is really good when will u be continuing with the H/Y fics and wen will be the next one be one here. keep up the good work
Nice! broke another kids nose! It was Grade 8 till i did that! (Purposely)

Oh man, Ray has a problem with H and Yelina being together!?! NO!

Ok, this is where i agree. I would NOT call Ray Jr. My son if i was Horatio. I would just call him Ray.

Aw man, wait until Yelina hears about this convo... :(

So do we ahve to wait 3 more parts later until Horatio gets lucky again? :lol:

Thanks for the update! :) :(
I think Ray jr knows H wouldn't want to take over his dad's role. But due to the fact that Ray jr is very pissed off he just starts lashing out at him :)

Great story as always. Can't wait for the update :D
Yeah if i was Ray, i wouldn't be too comfortable him calling me son. Just call me Ray and I'LL call you dad. It sounds better.
Horatio, you can be my dad! *puts out arms to Horatio* Come here Daddy, I need a big, teddy bear hug (RT, Delko, you get it)
Great updates Hrocks. Loving this. More soon, Ray Jr. can't run forever.
Hunter LOVE your avatar, I'm still laughing as I type this. It's like the funniest one I've ever seen.

Great reviews and comments as always. I always look forward to what you guys have to say after I post an update. As to when H is gonna get lucky again, I haven't decided yet :lol: Let's just say I don't always mention when he gets it on with Y so it's up to you to decide when ,in your heads, if you like.

Just out of curiosity Hunter why did you break the other kid's nose?

So back to the story, like you said Ray Jr can't run forever:

Horatio was cagey about the details about what went on with Ray when Yelina asked him over dinner. Ray had said he wasn't hungry and opted to stay in his room.

"There's something going on between the two of you." she pressed Horatio.

Horatio stabbed at his food with his fork, refusing to look at her,"Let's just say, I think I may have over-stepped my boundaries with Ray."

"That's impossible," Yelina replied, "You two have always been close, maybe he's just not used to you dishing out the punishments to him."

"I think he has some issues with us being together. In the past I was just his uncle, now I'm his uncle and your boyfriend."

"Don't over-analyse things. He probably said things in a fit of anger. What exactly did he say?"

Horatio shook his head and rose from his chair. "I'll get started on the dishes."

Yelina decided she had to get to the bottom of things and if Horatio wasn't going to tell her, then she would have to ask Ray. She left Horatio to clean up in the kitchen and went to Ray's bedroom. When there was no response to her knocking, she opened the door and poked her head in. Ray was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, his earphones blaring. He sat up when he noticed his mother at the door.

"I was wondering when you or Uncle Horatio was gonna come talk to me." Ray's voice was being to break and he sounded a little hoarse.

Yelina smiled and took a seat on the bed. "You wanna tell me what went on in school today?"

"It's no big deal, I got mad." He said avoiding her eyes.

Yelina felt amused. It was a common trait all Caine men seemed to share, the inability to look her in the eye when they were hiding something from her.

"Your uncle seems to think it has something to do with me and him being together."

Ray studied the designs on his bedsheet intently, refusing to answer his mother.

Yelina sighed. "I love your uncle very much... but... I love you very much too. If me being with your uncle bothers you that much, I'll end it with him - "

"No," Ray interupted. "It's not that."

"Then what is it honey?"

"I don't want to upset you." Ray explained.

"I'm already upset." Yelina pointed out.

Ray thought for awhile, then looked up at his mother. "There's this kid in school, Eddie Cortez..."

"The one who lives on the same street as Grandma?"

Ray nodded. " He said his mom says that you're always sleeping around and changing boyfriends, and your latest is the worst cos he's your brother-in-law..." the teen paused to see if his mother was getting more upset. When she seemed unaffected by what he said, Ray continued,"He said what you guys are doing is wrong, and he started calling you guys names... I don't think I should tell you what exactly he said... I couldn't just stand there and let him say these things about you and Uncle Horatio, so..."

Yelina smiled. What her son did was sweet, wrong but sweet nontheless. "When your uncle and I started seeing each other, we knew people would say things like that about us, and we were prepared for it. I guess we didn't count on them saying it to you too. I'm sorry buddy."

"So you don't care?" Ray asked.

"It bothered us a little at first, but we decided it wasn't worth getting angry over. We're happy together, that's what matters. Not what other people think."

Ray seemed considerably relieved. His mother ruffled his hair. "Thanks for sticking up for us. But, what you did was wrong, and you still have to be punished. Your uncle loves you as if you were his own and he only wants what's best for you."

"I know." Ray admitted. "I guess I said some pretty nasty stuff to him today."

Yelina nodded and finally understood why Horatio didn't want to go into the details of what was said between him and Ray. "You think you should go talk to your uncle?"

Ray nodded, "I guess."

"He's in the kitchen."

Ray got up and started for the kitchen. Yelina figured that she'd let the two of them work things out and decided not to follow.

I'm working late this week again so will update again sometime in the week when I can.
Hunter LOVE your avatar, I'm still laughing as I type this. It's like the funniest one I've ever seen.

Thanks. :) I think its funny too. :lol:

Oh, i there was this guy from grade 9 who insulted me being a tomboy, so we got into a fight. *shrugs*

YES! Update!! :D

Aww....everyones happy again.... :) I gotta go now. Sorry for not posting a little more. :( Bye! :)
^ In second grade, all the way up through fifth, these boys teased me about being a tree-hugger. You should have seen them after they ripped the wings off a butterfly. :lol:
Love Ray back to being a normal person again...didn't like him not liking my H. :D Thanks for the update.