The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

cainesugar I like the parallel between H and Superman, afterall he does act like superman sometimes doesn't he? :lol:
Love your banner Hunter . In my opinion, that's the Miami team.
Don't want to keep you guys hanging for too long so here goes:

Yelina walked towards the back of the PD building, hoping nobody would ask about the tears in her eyes. She needed to calm down and clear her thoughts. She pushed open the door taking in a breath of fresh air. She descended the stairs to the staircase landing. The fire escpae was located outside the building and this was where Yelina came to cool off when she was working a difficult case. She leaned against the stair rail watching the leaves blowing in the breeze.

Horatio hadn't cheated on her with Rachel Turner, that she believed. She felt remorse at having wronged him. Had she allowed her past misgivings about Raymond cloud her judgement of Horatio? When they started seeing each other, Yelina had told herself not to draw similarities or compare differences between the brothers. She realised she had probably been guilty of doing so on this occasion. But there was the issue of New York. Why did he lie to her about that? The last time he hid the truth from her was to keep her from finding out about Ray's affair. Was Horatio keeping another of his dead brother's dark secrets to protect her?

The sound of footsteps made her turn around. She saw Rick coming down the stairs. When they were dating, she had shared the location of her 'cool off spot' with him and now she greatly regretted doing so. Rick stood beside her, leaning against the rail, mimicking her action.

"You ok?" he asked his hand deliberately coming to rest on hers.

She pulled her hand away. "I could be better."

"Horatio's a jerk, forget about him. He doesn't deserve you."

"He didn't cheat on me," Yelina stated without knowing that back in the lab, Eric and Ryan had already proved Horatio's innocence.

"Even if he didn't this time, he still lied to you about New York." Rick pointed out. "Fact is he lied to you, who knows what other lies he's told you. He doesn't love you, he just wanted to get in your pants."

"I don't believe that," Yelina replied. She refused to let him change her mind about Horatio this time. Rick decided it was time to change his approach.

"It's been a tough day for you. Why don't you take some time off? Take a walk by the beach, clear your head. I'll give you a ride if you want."

"No thank you." Yelina shook her head. Just then her cellphone rang. Saved by the bell. After a brief conversation she hung up.

"I need to get to the morgue. I'm wanted at a post for the case I'm working on." She turned to go back up the stairs.

"If you change your mind, my offer still stands." Rick called after her.

"I don't think so," Yelina said without looking back.


"C.O.D was blunt force trauma to the head." Alexx said turning the victim's head. "See these markings? They correspond to tool marks. Did you find anything at the crime scene that could have made these?"

Yelina didn't reply. She seemed to be lost in her own thoughts.

"Yelina?" Alexx asked.

"Sorry, I didn't hear your question." Yelina looked apologetically at Alexx.

"Poor baby," Alexx said with a sad look. "You must be feeling terrible."

Yelina smiled politely not wanting to go into it with Alexx.

Alexx continued, "I know we haven't exactly been close but I've worked with Horatio for years. I know he wouldn't do anything like that. He loves you. He's been crazy over you for years, the whole lab knows that. And now that he's got you, he wouldn't go throw it all away like this."

Yelina was slightly surprised that everyone seemed to know about Horatio and her long-standing feelings for each other.

"You know Horatio best, forget what the evidence or everyone else is saying. You know if he's capabale of doing such a thing and hurting your replationship like that." Alexx said stating what Yelina already knew in her heart.

"Thanks Alexx." Yelina nodded towards the cadaver before them. "We better get back to the case if we want to wrap this up before shift's over."

Taking her cue, Alexx started repeated her autopsy findings to the detective.

More to come soon... keep reading and I'll keep writing :)
Snif, you made me cry and I don't cry!

Great follow up as always!

BTW I really didn't cry, I was kidding ;p
I must say Kit I really LOVE that avatar of yours. H just looks so handsome with that half smile on his face.
Oh awesome Kit it actually worked!!! I thought my computer would sputter and crash on me. Thanks a whole bunch. *hugs and kisses*

I took a few of your icons btw :)
No worries. As long as you keep writing H/Y fics i'll provide you with all the icons you want. I wish there were more ppl writing them. I have ideas myself but I don't have enough time to write them :(
Love your banner Hunter . In my opinion, that's the Miami team.
My Miami team is the original, with Speed. :(

*reads update*

...Can someone PLEASE give me permission to kill Stetler? PLEASE?!?
Hrockz thanks as always for ur fanfic update :D love to read them, wow such good way to start my work week with some new updates ;) btw i`m glad that Rick is in this sroty - i just love to hate him heheh :devil: keep going this way :D
Thanks you guys again for all your great comments, and at the risk of repeating myself, thanks again to Kit for providing me with all those avatars :) I'll keep writing as long as I have ideas in my head.

The day just kept getting worse by the hour. Judge Ratner, who held a grudge against Horatio for embarassing him in a case some time back, had thrown the case against Walter Dresden out, allowing the killer to go free. Hortatio knew it was a matter of time before Walter killed again, but there was nothing he could do to stop him. He worried for Yelina and Ray Jr. Would his girlfriend and nephew be Walter’s next targets? Was Yelina still his girlfriend? He wasn’t so sure now. Standing outside the house he shared with her, he wasn’t sure if he was welcome there anymore. There was only one way to find out. With a sigh Horatio turned the key, unlocking the front door. He pushed the door open, half expecting to see his things packed in a bag in the hallway.

Ray was seated on the couch busy at his Playstation as usual. “Hey Uncle Horatio. You’re late today.”

“Yes I am.” His eyes swept the living room. “Where’s mom?” He asked not seeing Yelina anywhere.

“When we got back she said she was having a headache. She told me to order pizza and she went to her room. I haven’t seen her since, she’s probably asleep now.” Ray said his eyes still glued to the TV.

“Ok, I’ll go check on her.” Horatio said, glad that Ray seemed oblivious to the fight he had had with Yelina earlier. He had worried about how to explain things to Ray if Yelina and him didn’t work out. “Um, Ray?”

“I know. It’s a school night. I’ll go to bed in fifteen minutes ok? Promise.” Ray said without missing a beat.

“Ok.” Horatio said throwing his jacket over the couch. He walked down the hall to the bedroom they shared. He hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door, and after a brief silence he heard her call out from inside, “Come in.”

Horatio opened the door slowly. He saw that Yelina was seated at the edge of the bed. She looked visibly tired. He felt a pang at his heart knowing he had been responsible for putting her through a hard day. He closed the door behind him and stood there, not knowing what he should do next.

“Have a seat,” Yelina said patting the bed.

Horatio sat down beside her, careful to keep his distance, fearing that anything he did or said might cause her more pain.

Yelina lowered her head and stared at her feet. “I heard the judge let Dresden go.”


“You’ll catch him someday.”


“I guess I owe you an apology,” she said turning to look at him.

Horatio raised his eyebrows. He looked into her large brown eyes trying to read her emotions.

“The whole time since I’ve been in here, I’ve been thinking, I was wrong about you. I knew you didn’t… wouldn’t cheat on me. I knew from the start, but I let Rick convince me otherwise.”

“Not your fault.” Horatio said feeling a measure of relief. “I’m sorry for making you go through all this again. I used to get mad at Ray for doing those things to hurt you…” His voice trailed off. There was still the issue of New York hanging over them.

“When Ray started to keep things from me, started to be away for weeks at a time, I had all these excuses. But at the back of my mind I kept wondering what he was doing, where he was. It created this rift between us… it ruined what we had…. I don’t want us to turn out like that.”

“I won’t let that happen.” Horatio said firmly. He knew he owed her an explaination but he didn’t feel ready to tell her. “I know I’m probably asking a lot of you, but I remember you once asked me to wait till you were ready. Now I’m asking if you’ll wait till I’m ready. I don’t want to keep things from you, I just don’t know how to tell you the truth. I assure you it’s got nothing to do with you, Ray or us. It’s my past, a long time ago in New York. It’s just that, I’m still having trouble dealing with it….”

Yelina saw the pain in his face. “The nightmares…” she said suddenly making the connection in her head.


“Ok,” she said taking his hand. “When you’re ready.”

They locked eyes and at that moment they both realised the depth of their love and commitment to each other. They knew at that instant that no matter what life decided to throw at them they’d weather it out together.

“Thank you.” Horatio said after a moment’s silence. He offered her a half smile.

Yelina smiled back. “You’re welcome.”

“So we’re doing ok then?” he asked.

“We’re good.”

Horatio felt the burden lift from his shoulders. He pulled her to him for a tight embrace. It had been a little less than a day that had passed but Yelina felt like it had been an eternity since she was in his arms. She took in a deep breath enjoying the closeness she thought they’d lost. After a long while he spoke, “I love you.”

“Love you too,” she answered as she gently pushed him away. “I’m still having that headache. I just wanna go to bed.”

Horatio smiled. “You know what? I have to go check on Ray, After that, how does a couple of aspirins and a backrub sound?”

Yelina flashed him a huge grin. “I’d say that sounds just about heaven right now.”

Horatio got up to leave the room. “Be right back.” He opened the door, feeling relief that the day was finally ending on the right note.

Next up, we interupt our regular programming to go for a romantic night out with H/Y. I'm still working on it in my head so bear with me it might take awhile.
Standing outside the house he shared with her, he wasn’t sure if he was welcome there anymore. There was only one way to find out. With a sigh Horatio turned the key, unlocking the front door. He pushed the door open, half expecting to see his things packed in a bag in the hallway.
Whoa stop everything. Eventhough i am IMMENSLY relieved that Horatio has been busted out, how did he get out? They didn't just let him go?

Horatio smiled. “You know what? I have to go check on Ray, After that, how does a couple of aspirins and a backrub sound?”

Yelina flashed him a huge grin. “I’d say that sounds just about heaven right now.”

Horatio got up to leave the room. “Be right back.” He opened the door, feeling relief that the day was finally ending on the right note.

Horatio: *adds big phony wink* ;)

:lol: Thanks for the update!!! :D
Hrockz glad H/Y are ok the last few updates had me nearly in tears can't wait for the next one on lates this week :(so i'm not going to get on here as much as i want to
Yeah i hope Stetler, like, is brutally killed. Oh! No, maybe they're having a CI, and Stetler's prints show up! And it's not a frameing or anything! (Ooo...)
Hunter to know why they let H out you gota go read the ep summary in the ep guide page. In case you didn't watch 'Under Suspicion', Eric and Ryan proved that walter Dresden lifted H's prints and planted them there thus proving H's innocence.

Am keeping Rick around as I may have future use for him in my fics. ;)

It's gonna be a crazy week at work. my boss wants me to work late. So am not sure when I can update again but will try to do so by end of the week. Bear with me here. :(
I'm finally back. Wanted to write something light-hearted and fun after such a busy week at work. ;)
Hope you guys like this one. Here we go:

Horatio stood, hands on his hips, head turned slightly to the right, watching Yelina at her desk. Their shift was nearly over and she was tidying her table. He watched as she stacked her files neatly into a pile and locked them in her drawer. Sunlight from the setting sun streamed in through the window, high-lighting her facial features. The image took his breath away. He had thought that the recent events with him being framed for murder would have tore them apart but it only made what they had stronger. Horatio felt like the luckiest man in the world. At times like these, he still had trouble believing the beautiful Colombian was finally his.

“Ma’am,” he said placing the single red rose he had in his breast pocket on her table.

Yelina picked up the rose and held it to her nose. She smiled at him.

“So I talked to your mom earlier and she agreed to let Ray Jr stay the night.” Horatio smiled playfully at her.

“You’ve been planning this for some time haven’t you?”

“For a couple of days, yeah.”

“So where’re we going?”

“A quiet little place in Little Havanna, I got reservations for seven.”

“Sounds good,” Yelina smiled. She picked up her purse and Horatio stretched out his hand for her to take. Hand in hand they walked towards the parking lot.


After dinner, Horatio had suggested they talk a walk at the marina, to which Yelina agreed. The moon and stars shone brightly that night illuminating their path. They strolled side by side along the pier. It was a quiet night, there weren’t many people around save for the occasional fisherman.

“This is nice, I’m having a really good time.” Yelina smiled at him.

“That’s good to hear. You deserve to be happy.” He took her hand in his and they continued walking.

“So I think it’s time you gave Ray the talk.” Yelina said.

“As I recall I gave him that talk last year.” Horatio replied, raising his eyebrows.

“He’s been hanging out with this girl from school a lot lately… I think her name’s Jessica. Ray’s thirteen now, I think you’d better have that little talk with him again.”

Horatio chuckled. “Ok if you say so. I’ll take him fishing next Saturday.”

Yelina smiled. “I’m lucky to have you.”

Horatio grinned back. “Nice job today apprehending the suspect. Remind me not to make you angry and try to get away like that or you might tackle me to the ground like you did Mr Jensen.”

Yelina laughed. “The suspect was trying to escape, I just did my job, unlike you. You just stood there.” She teased.

“I drew my gun and had him in my sights the moment he started to run.” Horatio teased back, “Besides, I knew you had him.”

“We make a good team. I’m glad I’m assigned to CSI this month.” Yelina admitted.

“Me too.” Horatio grinned.

They continued hand in hand along the pier. The sea breeze cooled the warm night, making their stroll all the more pleasant. Yelina stopped and turned towards Horatio.

“I think it’s time we start heading home.”

“It’s still early,” Horatio replied, reluctant to let their night out end. “I don’t want to go to sleep.”

“You’ve been having those nightmares a lot lately.” Yelina let him know she was aware of his disturbed sleep.

“Yeah.” He lowered his head.

“Whatever you’re going through, if you talked about it, maybe it’ll make the bad dreams go away.”

Horatio grew solemn. “I don’t want to go there right now.”

Yelina placed a hand on his cheek,”I didn’t mean to spoil the night, I just want you to know, I’m here for you.”

“I know. Thank you.” Horatio took her hand from his cheek and kissed her palm.

"Besides, who said anything about going to sleep?" She smiled.

They closed their eyes and tilted their heads for a kiss. The top buttons of Horatio’s shirt were undone and Yelina slid a hand in to touch his chest. He gasped slightly at her touch. As their kiss deepened, he slipped his hand under her blouse to caress the small of her back. As always, she felt her knees go weak at this touch. He broke the kiss to start planting kisses down her neck. She began to feel his physical reaction to what they were doing and she gently pushed him away.

“We’re in a public place, remember?”

Horatio wasn’t sure if it was effects of the wine they had earlier but he didn’t seem to care. He whispered in her ear, “I’m having naughty thoughts.”

“So am I,” Yelina smiled back.

“Um… we have a long drive before we get home, so um… I was wondering how does the backseat of our car sound?”

Yelina couldn’t help but laugh. She never imagined Horatio would ever suggest that. “I’m game if you are.” She replied with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

He flashed her a huge grin and blushed slightly as he nodded his head. He took her hand and they walked to where he had parked their car earlier. Together they got into the back seat to continue what they had started at the pier.

They're off duty, so no Hummer. :p
As to the details of what goes on in the back seat of their car, I'll leave it to you guys to imagine.