The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

NO! Oh Horatio, no you're so loyal you would never cheat on Yelina... *sob* NO!
Upsate soon! (Great job by the way)
Thanks for your continued support you guys. You all reading my fic and posting here make writing all the more fun :)
Here we go...

Horatio sat on a bench in a caged cell, his elbows on his knees, head bowed. He fought the frustration and anger that was brimmming over inside. It wasn't easy to surprise the always cool and collected Lt. Caine but this had taken him completely by surprise and he was feeling blindsided. His past had cuaght up with him. Walter Dresden, a suspect from his days as a homocide detctive in New York had resurfaced and had framed him for murder. He realised that Walter must have been tracking his movements for days to know his whereabouts two nights ago. He was grateful the criminal's chosen victim was the ADA and not Yelina or Ray Jr. His thoughts dwelled on Yelina and he worrried about how she was reacting to the news. He knew she was strong but he felt immensely guilty for putting her through this again. Years ago his brother had put her in a similar situation and now he was doing the same to her.

Horatio studied the blood on his hands, a result of the punch he threw at Walter during their brief encounter earlier. He never reacted to a suspect's taunts but for once he felt glad for his loss of control, for he had in his hands possible evidence that could exonerate him from the crime.

The alarm to the cell door buzzed, signalling that the door was now unlocked. He looked up to see Calleigh entering the cell.

"You wanted me to bring my kit?" she asked as she sat down on the bench beside him.

Horatio held out his hands, "I have Walter Dresden's blood here."

"You're hoping the DNA will match those found at the murder scene and to his other murders from New York?" Calleigh stated.

Horatio smiled slightly. "I'm hoping to turn the tables on Dresden." He held out his open palms to her.

Calleigh began to swab Horatio's hands. He lowered his head again, waiting patiently for her to finish. When she was done he balled his hands tightly into fists, willing himself not to cave in to the frustration. He would get out of this mess soon, and Dresden would pay.

"You ok?" Calleigh asked.

"I'm fine but... I'm worried about Yelina. I don't want her to be hurt by this." Horatio confessed. Although their relationship had been made known since they got back from their trip to Rio, it was the first time he had openly talked about his feelings for Yelina to anyone else. "Did you see her?"

"No." Calleigh replied. "I'm sure she won't believe everything she hears."

"I told Frank to tell her I was here... that I was being set up. I wanted her to hear it from him first."

"Word gets round fast here," Calleigh pointed out. "The truth gets twisted, rumors start flying."

"Yes they do have a tendency to these days don't they?" Horatio sighed. "If you see her, could you tell her I'm sorry?"

"You can tell her yourself," Calleigh nodded in the direction of the door.

Horatio looked up to see Yelina standing outside waiting for her turn to come in.

"I'll leave you two to talk," Calleigh said. She patted Horatio on the shoulder as she got up to leave.

The door buzzed again. Yelina pushed the cell door open, letting Calleigh out.

Horatio stood up as Yelina entered. He could tell that she was fighting back tears...

You guys liking this? ;)
Yes...please more!
I always thought it was 'Resdin' or 'Resden', :lol: Great job, I am LOVING every freakin minute of thise! Keep up the amazing work!
NO! Oh Horatio, no you're so loyal you would never cheat on Yelina... *sob* NO!

NO HE WOULD NOT. Obvious that Stetler wants to get Yelina back... Tsk tsk. Some men.

*strangles Stetler with bare hands in background*
Lora after the way you've been acting...Stetler should be dead by now. *gets really, really great mental picture* *huggles Lora to death*
Thanks for killing Stetler! You're my hero! (although H killing Stetler would be great)
H: Stetler, what are you doing here?
S: Just came to check in, Horatio
H: Hm, well you have a habit of sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.
S: Well what are you going to do about it?
H: I'll tell you- *punches Stetler in face*
S: Ahh! *cries*
H: *kicks Stetler in adams apple (I stole that idea)*
S: Stop it! Stop it! *sobs*
H: *draws gun, pistol whips Stetler*
S: GAH! *cries*
H: *knees Stetler in crotch*
S: *sobs, falls*
H: *pushes Stetler against wall, punches, strangles*
S: *cries, slumps*

NO, our wonderful H wouldn't even hurt Stetler... :devil:
I'm not too sure about that cainesugar. He did threaten to kill him if he ever laid a hand on Yelina again. I wish Yelina heard it. I would've loved to see her reaction to that :p

Horatio : Her knight in shining armor!

I love how H can stay calm like that but I also want to see him lose it, just once :p
Thanks for the encouragement. Sorry to keep you guys waiting, been busy. :(
Here goes:

Yelina walked towards Horatio so that they were face to face. The cell door closed behind her.

"I'm sorry," Horatio said reaching out to touch her.

"Don't," Yelina replied pushing his hand away.

He knew she was angry and rightfully so. "I'm sorry," he repeated.

"You're sorry?" she rolled her eyes. "I gave you my heart Horatio... but you betrayed my trust."

Horatio bowed his head wondering how she could ever doubt his loyalty to her. His silence angered her more and she continued. "Why? Am I not good enough for you? Or were we getting too boring and you needed a little excietment on the side?" Her tears started to fall.

"I would never be unfaithful to you. You have to believe me." Horatio pleaded.

"I don't know what to believe anymore..." she paused to wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks. She wanted him to take her in his arms and hold her, to tell her everything was going to be ok. She wished things would go back to the way they were. Just this morning they had kissed each other goodbye before proceeding to work on seperate cases.

"The evidence points to me, but I'm being set up." Horatio saw the pain and hurt in her eyes as he spoke. He knew he was the cause of her pain and wanted to make things right. "Walter Dresden - the last case I worked in New York remember? He's here and he wants revenge. He planted the evidence to incriminate me."

Yelina remembered Horatio telling herself and Raymond that case was the reason he quit NYPD and came to Miami.

"I would never do anything to hurt you or Ray Jr." Horatio said. Yelina looked like she was starting to believe him. Her tone softened.

"What about New York?" she asked. "Rick told me that the case was closed the day you flew into New York. But you stayed another four days, you told me you were still working the case."

"Rick told you?" Horatio asked, his anger growing at the IAB agent.

"You didn't answer my question. Why'd you stay on in New York? Were you even in New York?" Yelina asked.

Horatio bowed his head again, refusing to look her in the eyes. "I can't tell you."

"You can't or won't?"

"Maybe both." He couldn't believe Rick was checking on him.

Anger flashed across Yelina's face again. "Then we have nothing more to say to each other." She signalled to the officer outside the cell and the door buzzed.

"Yelina wait," Horatio said. She ignored his request.

He watched as she walked out and the cell door closed. Unable to bear the pain and frustration in his heart he punched the cell wall, hoping the pain inflicted on his knuckles would numb the pain in his heart. He sat back down on the bench and burried his face in his hands. If this was hell he was living it.

Kit not sure if this fits your idea of Horatio 'losing it'. But I would say it's him losing it mildly.
Reviews please ;)
Perfectly. Although it doesn't look good now for H/Y i'm sure it'll be alright. We both know they're a match made in heaven :p
"You're sorry?" she rolled her eyes. "I gave you my heart Horatio... but you betrayed my trust."

You don't ACTUALLY THINK that he cheated on you did you?! Come ON Yelina!

"I would never do anything to hurt you or Ray Jr." Horatio said. Yelina looked like she was starting to believe him. Her tone softened.

Yes! Start to believe him! *mutters* Horatio in Heaven.... (RT people)

"You can't or won't?"

"Maybe both." He couldn't believe Rick was checking on him.

Anger flashed across Yelina's face again. "Then we have nothing more to say to each other." She signalled to the officer outside the cell and the door buzzed.

"Yelina wait," Horatio said. She ignored his request.

FOR HORATIO'S SAKE YELINA! COME ON!! Never thought i'd say this...but...Your acting like an idiot! Believing Stetler?? C'mon!

He watched as she walked out and the cell door closed. Unable to bear the pain and frustration in his heart he punched the cell wall, hoping the pain inflicted on his knuckles would numb the pain in his heart.

Oh man now i'm crying.... :(


^^^By the way, thanks for the visual Lilly. :lol:
No prob Lora. That was great! Come on, Yelina, he's a frakkin angel, he's like...a guy like Horatio doesn't even have the ability to cheat wired into his brain! (Update soon...or even just once within the week) :p
Thanks! :D Great, as always...but Horatio dosn't cheat, this is starting to remind me of Smallville because H can't tell the woman he loves his deepest secret...whereas Cleark can't tell the woman he loves that he's an alien freak. :p
Great job! :)
CSI Miami is alot like Sue Thomas F.B. Eye. Ever heard of the show? It's great! There's a 'unoffical-work-realtes-romance' also. ;)

Sorry, off topic. When can we get another part Hrockz? :D I can't wait for the update!