The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

I agree also, erase seasons 4 and 5. And 3 too, so we can have Speed back. :p

But H is having a nightmare! My poor baby...*hugs*
Another quick update while I have time :)

Horatio stood in the cemetary with his hands on his hips, sunglasses protecting his eyes from the glare of the morning sun. He watched as his team walked up the rise of the hill towards him.

A short while ago Horatio had been in a connfessional booth in the catholic church behind him, seeking absolution from his sin. The man on the other side of the confessional booth, Cardinal Benedetti, was the 'old friend from New York' he had told Yelina about. The man whom Horatio had unburdened his soul to many times before while he was still in New York. The man who helped keep his secret. The Cardinal had assured him he was no longer judged for the life he took so many years ago but Horatio remained unconvinced. The guilt of taking the life of his own father still haunted him wherever he went. Horatio's quest for relief from this guilt was cut short by the sound of gunfire outside the church and he had sprung into action. He hoped that the hole he put in gas tank of the suspects' escape vehicle would help them track down the killer quickly.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Horatio addressed his three CSIs standing infront of him. "The Mala Noche are one of our countries' most dangerous gangs. They are seasoned killers with no regard for life, and are reponsible for the lives of six police officers to date. So I would understand if any of you wish to step out of this assignment."

"Are you trying to scare us Horatio?" Ryan gave him a lopsided grin.

"I'm in," Eric smiled.

"Me too," Calleigh said as she flashed Horatio one of her brilliant smiles.

Horaito wasn't suprised, it was a response he expected. He nodded. "Keep your eyes open," he cautioned them to be careful, "Oh and welcome back."

The team spread out to process the crime scence. The sound of someone approaching caused Horatio to turn around. He wasn't prepared to see his new girlfriend walking towards him.


"I thought Frank was assigned to my team this month?" Horatio asked slightly concerned.

"He had to take some personal time so I'm filling in for him."

"Umm, ok I'll put in a request for another homocide detective to work this case..."

Yelina rolled her eyes at him. "Stop trying to protect me."

"That's not possible." Horatio asserted. For emphasis he added, "It's the Mala Noche we're dealing with here."

"I know." Yelina wasn't about to back down. "Our vic Aberto Fuentes was a Mala Noche member. He was supposed to be attending his mother's funeral. He was convicted for dealing drugs. But he was excecuted by his own gang for breaking their rules."

Horatio knew Yelina as always had done her research before working on any case.

"Then you would also know that the Mala Noche are skilled assasins. They would not hesitate to take the life of any law enforcement officer..."

"I thought we agreed we won't let our personal lives get in the way of work?" she reminded him.

"I remember..." Horatio looked down at his feet, "... but sweetheart this is different. I can't have you put your life on the line like this."

Yelina shook her head. "In our line of work, our lives are on the line everyday, Horatio."

Horatio nodded knowing that this was something associated with their chosen profession. He removed he sunglasses so he could now look her directly in the eyes.

"I can't... " his voice cracked slightly and he paused to compose himself. Yelina saw the raw emotion in his eyes. "I can't lose you."

Yelina's tone softened as she took a step closer to her boyfriend. It was rare to see him display any sign of emotion. "You won't lose me... I'll be ok."

Horatio knew there was no talking her out of taking this assigment with him. He nodded. "You be careful ok?"

Yelina nodded. "You too."

Horatio slipped his sunglasses back on and walked to help Eric. He prayed that by the time the day was over, both him and Yelina would be able to be back home in one piece.

Hope you guys liked this instalment.
It was part of the ep so I thought I'd mention the Horatio at confession thing.
Pusher I know you don't buy the whole H being religious bit but we did agree to disagree :p so hope you like this update too.
no worry for me Hrockz ;) this religious part is somehow personal for me, with reasons far way form Miami - most coz i`m not believer but at the same time have start to ask my self some questions over this subject hehe :p hope this make sense :rolleyes: but still H + church conception bug me :lol:

love ur update - well done (write) H feelings re his guilt/past and again shy/embarassed when try to protect Yelina from the world :D
It's still a busy week at work for me but here's a quick update to keep you guys hooked :)
Pusher no worries I know what you're talking about. It's good to ask questions about the subject. ;)

The hunt for the Mala Noche had led the CSIs to the warehouse of an abandoned limestone quarry in South Florida. Horatio, Eric and SWAT had went expecting trouble. They found a lone Mala Noche member who offered no resistance to arrest.

The suspect, who was hauled outside, remained cocky throughout Horatio's questioning. He claimed there was now a 'green light' on Horatio and that he would be dead before the war between the gang and the police was over. Horatio usually never took suspects' threats seriously but the Mala Noche kneeling in front of him seemed to shift his eyes in one direction frequently causing his senses to remain on alert. The sound of birds scattering in the distance caused Horatio to yell for Eric to duck for cover.

Everyone scrambled for cover as the gunshots rang out. Horatio's weapon was in his hands in seconds and he returned fire. He had no idea where Yelina, who had come along for the arrest, was and could only hope she got to safety in time. He knew the shooters had a better vantage point, and being obscured by the treeline, had the upper hand. He could only hope his bullets would find their target. As bullets whizzed past his ear Horatio hoped there would be no more loss of MDPD life that day.

Then just as abruptly as the gunshots started, they ended. Horatio turned round to check on Eric.

"You ok Eric?"

"Yeah." Eric replied holstering his weapon. "Nice reflexes H."

Horatio nodded, his attention now focused on finding his girlfriend. Just that morning he had tried to disuade her from taking the case. Now he wished he had been more insistent. His eyes scanned the group of SWAT and patrol officers desperately wanting her to be unhurt. The image of her lying in a pool of blood flashed across his mind and he forced the image out of his head. The ache he felt in his heart that morning at the thought of losing Yelina now tugged at him again. She had to be ok....

Sorry for the cliffhanger but 'It's Not Over'. (Sorry the Chris Daughtry song is stuck in my head). Stay tuned!
He wasn't prepared to see his new girlfriend walking towards him.

Doesn't that sound weird when you say it? "Horatio's girlfriend"? :lol: I can see the CSI team teasing him right now... but it's so romantic!!

"I can't... " his voice cracked slightly and he paused to compose himself. Yelina saw the raw emotion in his eyes. "I can't lose you."

*bursts into tears*

Argh! We're in the PD! We can't have this scene! *trys to stop crying* *starts crying*

As bullets whizzed past his ear

HIS EAR?!? OH MY GOD HORAIO IS IN DANGER!! *starts shooting*

"Yeah." Eric replied holstering his weapon. "Nice reflexes H."

And i bet he has some OTHER good ones too.... *start giggling insanely*

The image of her lying in a pool of blood flashed across his mind and he forced the image out of his head. The ache he felt in his heart that morning at the thought of losing Yelina now tugged at him again. She had to be ok....

*starts head-desking to keep the visual out*

Hunter you crack me up all the time. :lol: It's not weird cos H and Y were meant to be, so no way it's weird to refer to Y as H's girlfriend.
Back to the story...

His eyes finally found hers and they locked eyes, not wanting to take their gaze off each other. Horatio finally released the breath he didn't realise he was holding. He walked hurriedly towards Yelina.

"You ok?" Horatio asked as his eyes swept the length of her to make sure she was unhurt.

"Yes," Yelina looked relieved to see Horatio still standing. "You?"

"I'm fine." Horatio assured her.

"That was too close," Yelina told him softly. "They were gunning for you."

Horatio nodded, knowing she must have heard the exchange between him and the suspect. "It'll be ok sweetheart." They made their way towards a waiting squad car.

Yelina offered him a smile, "I'm glad you're ok. I have to get the suspect to lockup."

"Ok. I'll see you back home. There's something I need to do." He leaned towards her and whispered in her ear, "Love you."


By the time his shift was over most of the major players of the Mala Noche including the man called Diablo had been areested or killed. And he was still alive, contrary to what the Mala Noche had intended. However Horatio was still unable to find the peace he so needed.

So it wasn't surprising that he found himself back where he had started the day, in church, looking for forgivness. He removed his sunglasses as he entered the sanctuary and got down on one knee. Unknown to him, there was someone watching him from the shadows...


It was happening again. The same bloodcurling scream, the knife, the look on his father's face, the blood on his hands. For two nights in a row Horatio woke drenched in sweat. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and rested his elbows on his knees. He burried his face in his hands, taking deep breaths to slow his ragged breathing.

When he felt Yelina rub his bare back gently, he realised he had woke her as well.

"Bad dream?" she asked as she shifted so that she was now sitting next to him.

"Yeah, something like that." Horatio replied avoiding her eyes. "It's nothing, go back to sleep."

Yelina laughed. "You don't have to be the tough guy you always are with me... I know somethings bothering you. Is it the hit the Mala Noches ordered on you?"

Horatio suddenly wished she didn't read him so well. "Yeah, I guess that must be it." He hated lying to her but he wasn't sure how she'd react if he told her the truth about his past.

"We caught them," Yelina said as she kissed him on the shoulder. "They're all behind bars now remember?" She wrapped her arms around him and he rested his head on her shoulder.

Horatio let out a sigh. The weight on his shoulders seemed to lift a little. "What would I do without you?" he asked.

Yelina smiled. "Oh, I don't know, find some other woman..."

Horatio raised his head and looked her in the eyes. "Never."

Yelina smiled. "Try get some sleep, you've gota work tomorrow."

Together they got back into bed and Horatio pulled the covers over them as Yelina laid her head to rest on his bare chest. Soon her even breathing told him she was fast asleep. Horatio fought the sleep that threatened to come for being awake with Yelina in his arms was much better than going back to sleep and reliving that terrible day in New York. He knew he had to tell her someday but for now he was content to feel her close.

Up next some H and Ray Jr. The poor kid's been neglected for too long...
"That was too close," Yelina told him softly. "They were gunning for you."

Yeah because he's the BEST SHOT. And he's just TOO HOT. Hey that rhymes...

It was happening again. The same bloodcurling scream, the knife, the look on his father's face, the blood on his hands. For two nights in a row Horatio woke drenched in sweat. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and rested his elbows on his knees. He burried his face in his hands, taking deep breaths to slow his ragged breathing.

When he felt Yelina rub his bare back gently, he realised he had woke her as well.

Oh i can so imagine that scene... ;) Especially me rubbing his back. BARE back might i add... :devil: :lol: ;)

Yelina smiled. "Oh, I don't know, find some other woman..."

Horatio raised his head and looked her in the eyes. "Never."

Aww!! *start tearing up* That's so romantic, they're so faithful to each other...

Together they got back into bed and Horatio pulled the covers over them as Yelina laid her head to rest on his bare chest.

WHAT THE.. ARE YOU STEALING MY DREAMS OR WHAT Hrockz? :lol: I always have that dream, my head on his chest, like in the movies. ;) And now it's on here. Great! Love it!

Up next some H and Ray Jr. The poor kid's been neglected for too long...

*throws hand up* Yaaayy! So what, are they going fishing? Wait, no! Horatio teaches Ray to shoot a gun! Huh? Huh? :lol: No, Yelina wouldn't approve... :lol:

Update soon please!! :) :D
Happy Birthday Kit ! :)

Horatio stood beside his car, watching the group of youths playing soccer on the field before him. He smiled as he watched Ray Jr get tackled to the ground, then get up and throw his hands up in the air in protest. The boy seemed to have inherited his mother's quick temper Horatio thought to himself. Ray shook his head as his coach seemed oblivious to his protests and promptly got back into the game. Not long after the coach blew on his whistle, signaling for the boys to gather round him. Horatio's gaze shifted to the group of soccer moms on the opposite side of the pitch. He noticed one of them seemed to be checking him out. She smiled when she noticed him looking in her direction but Horatio shifted his eyes back to boys on the pitch.

Soccer practice was over and he watched as Ray, with his gym bag over his shoulder walked in his direction. "Ray!" he called out to his nephew.

The boy looked up, mildly surprised to see his uncle.

"I guess this means I'm not going to Grandma's?"

Horatio smiled and shook his head. "Your grandma's feeling a little under the weather, so your mom told me to come get you." Horatio popped the trunk of his car, letting Ray thrown his things into the back. He got into the driver's seat and Ray got into the passenger seat next to him.

"Mom's working late so it's just you and me tonight buddy." Horatio told the boy. "What do you feel like for dinner?"

"Pizza." Ray replied as he shut the car door.

"Pizza it is." Horatio said as he started the car.

"How was practice?" he asked as the car pulled out onto the road.

"It was alright I guess." Ray shrugged. "You're coming to my game on Friday right?"


They drove on for awhile before Horatio asked, "So how'd you like the way things are at home? I mean with me round all the time."

Ray looked thoughtful for awhile then replied, "It's ok. I thought at first you'd get on my case alot more, but you didn't... that's cool."

Horatio chuckled. "That's probably because you haven't given me reason to get on your case much."

Ray laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment." He became serious and continued, "I still miss my Dad sometimes..."

"It would be strange if you didn't." Horatio pointed out.

"But its got better cos you're around." Ray looked at his uncle.

"That's good to hear son." Horatio grinned.

"My birthday's coming."

"I didn't forget," Horatio reminded the boy, "unfortunately I haven't got the time to go pick out a present for you yet. I was hoping your mom would drop me a hint on what to get you."

"I'd do better than that Uncle Horatio," Ray laughed. "I need a new pair of soccer boots."

"Hmmm... for your game on Friday?"

"No wonder you're a CSI, you figure everything out!" Ray teased.

Horatio laughed. His nephew was always comfortable round him and he was glad that him being with Yelina hadn't seemed to change that fact. "What say we go grab some dinner and then go get you that pair of soccer boots after?"

"I'd say awesome but mom would say you're spoiling me."

"And I'd tell her it's not often I get to have some time off work to be alone with you."

"She can't argue with that," Ray smiled.


Author's note: For purposes of my fic the events of 'Felony Flight' and 'Manhattan Manhunt" occur before 'Under Suspicion'.

the following is set after CSI:NY's 'Manhattan Manhunt'

Horatio was glad to be back in Miami. The taxi from the airport took him straight home. He walked into the empty house noting that nothing seemed to have changed much in the five days he was gone. The familiar scent of Yelina's perfume reminded him of how much he missed her. Not long after he was done unpacking, he heard her car pull up in front of the house.

"Uncle Horatio! You're back." Ray called out as he walked into the house.

"Hey buddy, glad to see you too. You've been taking care of your mom while I was away?"

"Yup," Ray replied as he headed for his room.

Yelina walked in the front door and Horatio greeted her with a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Yelina repied as she gave him a long, deep kiss. She felt his physical reaction to the kiss and she laughed. "Didn't know you missed me that much."

Horatio smiled playfully, "I'll show you just how much I missed you tonight."

Yelina grinned. "Took you two longer than expected but you and Det. Taylor finally caught the killer?"

Horatio lowered his head, not wanting to hold her gaze. "Yeah we did. Sorry, I meant to be back here in a day or two."

"That's ok, you had to work."

"Umm, yeah." Horatio had not told her about the subpoena. He had not told her about his New York past, no reason to do so now. He had lied to her over the phone, telling her that they were unable to track down the suspect and so had to stay in New York for longer than expected. Horatio hated himself for the lie he had told her. He was glad she had not picked up on his guilt.

"You're all thoughtful now. Everything ok?"

"Just a little tired." Another lie.

"Well I could use a hand getting dinner started. You think you're up to it?" Yelina took his hand leading him to the kitchen.

"Sure," Horatio nodded glad to change the subject. The day would come when he would tell her everything about his past. He wasn't sure if that would change anything for them or change the way she saw him. But for now he would enjoy the life he had started to build with her and Ray Jr.

Another busy week for me at work. Will try to update when I can. Stay tuned, up next, 'Under Suspicion'.
Horatio's gaze shifted to the group of soccer moms on the opposite side of the pitch. He noticed one of them seemed to be checking him out.

*punches air* Yeeaaahhh...everybody wants a peice of Horatio...


Horatio popped the trunk of his car

....what happened to the hummer? :lol:

"That's good to hear son." Horatio grinned.

Whoa whoa whoa STOP. Son? Son? Look Horatio, i don't wanna get on YOUR case... but i think it's a little early to call him SON...

"I missed you too," Yelina repied as she gave him a long, deep kiss. She felt his physical reaction to the kiss and she laughed. "Didn't know you missed me that much."

Oh my word.... ;) Nice one [bHrockz[/b]....

Update soon please!
Well Hunter Horatio has referred to Ray Jr before as son, Like in 10-7 or in Rio even :)

Anyway great update as always. I'm very intrigued to find out how they both suffered from being apart from each other for a while. Maybe that's an idea for a future story? =)

I was thinking of writing some H/Y fanfic myself but I'm too busy working on a small movie project so for now it's out of the question but maybe later :)

Thank you for the birthday wishes I really appreciate it!
Thanks Kit for mentioning that H called Ray Jr son before. Think 10-7 was the first time H addressed Ray Jr as son. I like your idea for the story, why don't you pick up on it and write your own fic if you have the time. Cos it doesn't really fit into this series of fics, but maybe when I'm done with this. But I've got quite a long ways to go :)

Now back to the story...

the following is set around the time of 'Under Suspicion'

Like most detectives Yelina disliked paperwork, but it was an integral part of police work. And so she soldiered on through the pile of paperwork on her desk. She felt a headache coming and rubbed her temple gently with her fingertips, trying to massage the headache away. Her gaze fell on the newest picture on her desk, one of herself, Ray Jr and Horatio in Rio. She smiled at the memory. Out of the corner of her eye she spied an unwelcome guest approaching.

Rick Stetler took the seat in front of her desk. "Yelina." He stated looking her squarely in the face. They had not spoken since they broke up months ago.

"Rick." Yelina raised her eyebrows at him and wondered if she was under some IAB investigation.

"You're looking calm for someone who's boyfriend is in lockup."

"What are you talking about?" Yelina sighed.

"You don't know?" Rick asked mockingly. He looked like he was about to enjoy telling her what he'd done earlier. "I just arrested Horatio a short while back. He's in lockup now."

Yelina smiled incredulously at Rick. "Why would you... Rick, this is a new low, even for you. If this is your way of getting back at Horatio for being with me..."

"He was arrested for the murder of Rachel Turner." Rick smiled smugly at her.

"The ADA? Rachel Turner? That's ridiculous why would Horatio kill her?" Yelina didn't believe a word coming out of Rick's mouth.

"To keep you from finding out that he was cheating on you with her."

Yelina shook her head. "Horatio would never - "

Rick cut her off. "You don't believe me do you? Believe the evidence then. This morning Miss Turner's body was found in the trunk of a car. She was stabbed and bled to death. Horatio himself admitted to Frank that he was at her apartment two nights ago."

"He told me she asked him over to go over a case she was going to prosecute." Yelina clarified.

"So he's been lying to you. A search of Miss Turner's apartment showed that she had a romnatic dinner with someone before her death. There were two empty wine glasses on her table. One with prints that matched Horatio's. Blood found there also matched Horatio's. Her apartment was cleaned up and there was hardly any evidence left, so it had to be done by someone who's an expert at crime scenes. I tracked Horatio down to an uncompleted condo this afternoon. He was there to cleanup the scene of murder. The vic's blood was all over the place, along with the murder weapon. Delko and Wolfe are processing the knife now. I'll bet the prints match Horatio's too."

Yelina's head was pounding. She didn't want to believe a word Rick said but he was right. The evidence did point to Horatio.

"Horatio wouldn't - "

"Wouldn't what?" Rick cut her off again. "Lie to you?" He laughed. "You know that trip he took to New York? I did some digging. The case was closed the same day he flew over. But he stayed another four days. He told you he was still working the case didn't he?"

She suddenly felt anger at herself. If Raymond could cheat on her, why not the older brother? How could she have been so stupid?

Just then Frank approached. He looked rather uncomfortable.

"Sorry, Horatio said I should tell you... but looks like someone beat me to it." Frank said referring to Rick. "I'm uh.. gonna have to ask you some questions. I'm sorry."

"No need for apologies, Frank. Just doing your job." Yelina replied wishing Rick would make himself scarce.

Frank nodded. "If you prefer we can go somewhere more private?"

Yelina shook her head. "No, I'm sure most people know by now." she retorted glaring at Rick. "Go ahead." She nodded at Frank.

"Err... ok. Do you know what's the nature of Horatio's relationship with the victim, Rachel Turner?"

Yelina smiled bitterly. "As far as I know she's just the ADA who prosecutes cases Horatio's team gives her."

Frank nodded. "Ok. Any idea what time Horatio got home two nights ago?"

Yelina shook her head again. "No. Horatio told me not to wait up. I heard him get into bed but I didn't check the time."

"Ok." Frank closed his notebook. "Thanks. I can take you to see him. That's if you want to," he offered.

"No, thank you Frank." Yelina said as she got up from her desk, ignoring Rick's smile. "I know my way to lockup." She walked hurridly towards the elevators to take her to the lower floors. She blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, at the same time fighting the rage that was boiling inside.

Hope you guys liked this. More to come, stay tuned... ;)
I'll update when I can.