The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Thanks guys, nothing negative so far? Comments are most welcome even if they're bad cos I need them to improve anyways.

Glad you guys liked it. As far as possible I try to stay true to their characters.

Just need a general opinion, if H/Y were a couple where would they go for their dates, like in 'Grave Young Men' if I'm not wrong they were at the pier?

I need a very short break from writing for awhile. Need to get my H/Y facts right, so going to do some researching cos it was along time ago when I watched these eps. It's only when it's discussed in the H/Y thread that it jolts my memory.
Plus it's been a rotten 2 days at work so I'm outa inspiration to write now. Whatever I write will just suck so I'm not going to try. :(

No worries, the events of '10-7' are up next , so stay tuned...
u want some negative comment :devil: we go, u make me to do it ....

re Ray's soccer ball lying in the hallway --> football have never been soccer :lol:

j/k love ur work, hope u`ll get great weekend and ur inspiration for new update to come soon ;)

also re 'Grave Young Men' - the whole scene H/Y/Ray Jn. is on the parking lot in front CSI Miami building :p

in H/Y thread u ask did someone different from Y`s mam have mention re Y family/past. the answer is no.
:lol: Pusher where I come from it's also called a football. (Don't kill me I'm a Chelsea fan by the way, hey the club can't help it if they have rich owners, great job buying Ballack... ok I'm way off topic here this belongs in the Misc thread)

But I thought since it's a Miami fic set in Miami where it's called a soccer ball... I didn't want people reading this thinking it was an american football.

Thanks I hope I'd get a great weekend too. Actually I was refering to the night scene where Y tells H that shes been happy and the first thing she thinks of when she wakes up isn't that Raymond is dead anymore. Maybe I got the eps mixed up?
^ no need to explain why u use soccer word in ur fanfic, i only was try to make silly joke. sorry my bad ;)

awww ur in big trouble if Lucy read this ...uhhhh..Chelsea fan ... :lol: hope she to be too pleased coz of the end of this work week and to miss ur comment :devil: j/k :lol:

re the night scene H/Y from "GYM" it is again in front of CSI Miami building - they just have finish work and we see this sweet chat ;)
Hey Hrockz after reading ur fics yesterday part of it was from Whacked. Went to watch tv last nigth Csi Miami was on living tv S3 ep24 I just sat there and :)
SHE SAID IT!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, now that i'm over that, It's great! I love this fic. You write H's wriggling and Y's "Ha, made you wriggle again" perfectly. So much fun!

(You crazy people in the rest of the world are just wrong, calling a soccer ball a football. Although it makes more sense than our football. Lol.)

Gillian S. Grissom
It's been a great day for me so far, spent some time chilling at a local coffee joint, my mind off work, I'm inspired again.
Before I go on, a BIG thank you to all those who posted here and on the H/Y thread for giving me so many ideas to work with. You guys inspire me to write more.

The following is set around the time of s3's 10-7, but it's my version of how things should have been so it's gonna veer off the orignial course...

The evidence never lies. It was this unchanging fact that always helped Horatio bring the bad guys to justice. At that moment however, part of Horatio wished the evidence was lying.

Horatio had to study the computer screen before him a second time just to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. The fingerprint anaylsis results from a rusty knife taken from the morning's crime scene told him that the brother he once thought dead was very likely at this moment alive and well. The big brother part of Horatio rejoiced, for the two brothers were always close, and when Raymond died Horatio had felt the loss almost as much as Yelina did. The part of Horatio that was in love with Yelina however was crushed. For if Ray was alive his hopes of having a future with Yelina were dashed.

It had almost been two months since the phonecall from Ray Jr had summoned Horatio to Yelina's house and that fateful night they had indirectly admitted to their feelings for each other. In the time that passed and in between dinners at Yelina's, long walks at the beach or marina and movies with Ray Jr, the two had become inseperable. Horatio knew that if Ray was still alive, it was only right that Yelina should go back to her husband and the thought of losing her albeit to his little brother, was unbearable.

Yelina wondered down the hallway of the crime lab looking for Horatio. She had heard from her fellow detective John Hagen who was working the case with Horatio, that they were on the trail of a bomber. Somthing right up Horatio's alley. She had grown tired of coming up with excuses to see him and right now felt that she didn't have the need for one. She just wanted his company. Since she broke up with Rick, Horatio had been the one constant in her life and she enjoyed his company immensely.

Bombs were Horatio's expertise but she was glad he was no longer with the PD's Bomb Squad as in their line of work she knew there was always the possibility she could lose him. If he was still with Bomb Squad the possibility would be greater. These two months, Horatio had been gentle, caring and attentive to her, all this while careful not to overstep the boundaries of the good friend she wanted him to be. And yet the past few nights, while lying in her bed alone she had began to toy with the idea of telling him that she felt she was now ready. She had lost Raymond in the line of duty and the thought of losing Horatio the same way, and never knowing what it would be like to be with him didn't seem acceptable to her. Perhaps it was time to take their friendship one step further. Seeing Horatio working infront of a computer in the fingerprint analysis room she walked in to join him.

The sound of someone entering the room caused Horatio to turn, and to his horror it was Yelina. He was planning to tell her but only after he had more proof that Ray was still alive. Hands on his hips Horatio tried to look casual while shielding Yelina from the computer screen.

"Hey!" He said hoping she wouldn't catch his uneasiness.

"Hey yourself," Yelina grinned, happy to see him. She stood inches away from him.

"I got an open and shut hit and run case, suspect's down at booking. He confessed to it even before I had a chance to interogate him."

"Hmmm," Horatio nodded, glad she didn't notice contents on the screen behind him. He shifted his weight from one leg to the other.

"I know you're still working on your case, but I thought you might like to grab a quick bite?" Yelina asked.

"I'm sorry I'm going to have to take a rain check on that, I'd really like to close this case soon..." Horatio wasn't lying.

"Ok, just thought I'd ask. Need my help?" Yelina offered.

"Umm, no, thanks," Horatio started to panic as Yelina tried to side-step him to take a look at the computer.

Just then a man walked into the room. "Lt. Caine?"

"Yeah," Horatio answered, backing up further towards the computer.

"Agent Park, FBI." the man stated. "I'd like to speak with you, in private."

Yelina took her cue to leave. "I'll see you tonight at my place ok?"

Horatio nodded. He watched her leave hoping she didn't sense anything to be amiss.

"I can see you found out about your brother." The FBI agent stated, nodding towards the screen.

"Raymond is still alive." Horatio said, a statement more than a question.

"Yes, he inflitrated a drug ring, they're using drug money to make dirty bombs, like the ones at your crime scene this morning."

"And you're finally telling me now because?" Horatio asked.

"Raymond missed his last check in. We think he's in trouble."


Horatio stood at an angle to the suspect Matt Young who was rambling on about how corupt the government had become. Hortio was beginning to lose his patience, but as always he never let it show.

"Pretty lady," Matt nodded to the people outside the interogation room. Horatio followed Matt's line of vision and realised he was refering to Yelina who was signning a document for a patrol officer. Horatio felt a quick flash of proctectiveness and wondered if Matt knew something he shouldn't.

"A pity she didn't take her husband's name, you know, like the son."

Horatio's expression changed and alarm bells started ringing in Horatio's head. Did they take Ray Jr?

He exited the interogation room and hurried toward Yelina's desk.


"Hey, what's up?"

"The boy, Ray Jr, where is he?"

"Right now?" Yelina asked surprised Horatio would be asking about Ray's whereabouts at this time. "At my mom's, why?"

"Check if he's there please," Horatio asked.

Yelina dialled the numbers to her mother's house. The brief converstaion in Spanish confirmed Horatio's fears. He tried to rationalise that the boy could be out with friends.

"Anywhere else he could be?" Horatio asked hoping Yelina would mention he was studying at a friend's.

Yelina consulted the Viking's soccer schedule pinned next to her. "Soccer practice ended two hours ago... alright Horatio, what's going on?"

Horatio detected the concern in her voice and decided now was as good a time as any to tell her the truth.

"Ray's out there and there're people after him, and they could be after you and Ry Jr too."

Yelina's eyes widdened in panic. "I have to find him," she said refering to her only son.

"No I will find him," Horatio stated firmly.

"My son is out there, I can't sit idly by - "

"If you go out there you're making yourself a target. I can't afford that right now." Horatio insisted using a tone he hoped she would comply. "I promise, I'll find him. Trust me," he looked into Yelina's eyes.

Yelina, now on the brink of tears nodded.

"I'll call you once I have anything," Horatio promised.


Horatio exited MDPD. He slipped on his sunglasses and got into his Hummer. He immediately sensed that there was someone behind him. He adjusted the rear-view mirror and wasn't surprised to see his supposedly dead brother in the reflection.

"Raymond," Horatio stated.

"Horatio, I'm in trouble and you're the only one I can turn to."

Horatio had always been there to bail his little brother out of trouble and this time it would be no different.

Ok this is going to veer way off the original '10-7' soon. Stay tuned more action!
With one hand on the wheel, eyes fixed on the road, Horatio used his free hand to press the speed-dial for Yelina's cellphone.

She answered on the second ring, "Horatio."

"Ma'am," Horatio sensed the edge in her voice, "How you holding up?"

"I'd feel better if I knew Ray Jr's safe."

"I'm on my way to him now."

"I hope he's ok."

"I'm sure he is... I 'll bring him back." Horatio promised.

"Promise you'll be careful," Yelina's voice betrayed her worry for both Horatio and Ray Jr.

"Always." Horatio hung up and deftly slipped his cell back into his jacket's breast pocket.

"How's she doing?" the younger Caine brother asked from the backseat of the Hummer.

"She's worried for Ray Jr." Horatio replied.

"No, I meant, how has she been?"

"She's doing alright, it's not easy bringing up Ray Jr alone." Horatio pointed out.

"I miss her you know, I mean I haven't exactly been faithful to her, but it's all part of being undercover..."

That statement from Raymond was enough to make Horatio want to jump into the back seat and punch his brother in the face, but he kept his cool and focused on the road ahead.

"... but she's still my wife, and I still love her." Raymond stated plainly. "This probably is hard for you to hear, I know you've always had a thing for her... while I was away you two may even have..."

"We did nothing to betray your trust," Horatio was quick to counter.

"I didn't say you did, all I'm saying is I wouldn't blame you guys if you did , she was always fond of you, and you guys thought I was dead..."

Horatio was once again quick to change the subject, "When this is over, I'll try get the three of you out of the country, away from the feds and the guys who are after you, you can start life anew."

"Thank you." Raymond replied, not realising the turmoil Horatio was experienceing while he said those words.

Horatio knew that in saying that, there was the possibility he would lose Yelina forever. But he knew he had to do the right thing for Ray Jr's sake. He knew Yelina loved him, but now that she knew Ray was still alive, Horatio wasn't sure if that changed anything for her. He knew it wasn't fair to make her chose between himself and Raymond but he would still give her the choice nonetheless. Horatio knew that he would very likely end up on the losing end, for he knew Yelina just like him would do the right thing for Ray Jr's sake and not follow her heart.

Horatio's thoughts were cut short as he pulled up infront of the warehouse where Ray Jr was supposedly being held. The Caine brothers exited the vehicle. Horatio handed his back-up revolver to Raymond.

"I'll go in from the front, you cover the back," Horatio instructed.

Raymond took the gun and started for the back.

Horatio called after him,"Ray! Be careful in there."

"You too big brother," Raymond nodded back.

And with one single purpose of saving the boy they loved, the two brothers made their way cautiously into the warehouse.
With his gun drawn and cocked, Horatio made his way into the warehouse. He spotted Ray Jr kneeling a few feet from him, a blindfold over his eyes.

A dark-haired man emerged from the shadows and opened fire.

"Get down son!" Horatio yelled, but the boy was too petrified to obey the command. Horatio quickly disposed of the assailant with two shots form his weapon. He ran to kneel behind Ray Jr, preventing the boy from seeing his father. He took off Ray Jr's blindfold.

"See the Hummer out there? I want you to run to it and don't look back no matter what. Now go!" Horatio gave the boy a push and his nephew took off running.

Horatio turned in time to see the exchange of gunfire between Raymond and another man. To his dismay Raymond fell to the ground after taking two shots to the chest. Horatio returned fire at the man who was fleeing the scene in a jeep.

Running to Raymond's side, Horatio got down on one knee beside his wounded brother.

"Hang in there Ray, help is on the way," Horatio said taking Ray's hand. With his free hand he reached for his cellphone.

"No... it's too late." Raymond replied hoarsely. "Ray Jr... promise me you'll always look out for him."

"You have my word, I'll take care of the boy."

Raymond coughed before continuing. "Yelina... she'll be happy with you."

"I don't want you to worry about them." Horatio assured.

Raymond managed a nod, then he closed his eyes. Horatio bowed his head, "I love you Ray."

For the second time in his life Horatio mourned the death of his brother.


“I just got off the phone with my son,” Yelina smiled at Horatio as he approached her desk. “Thank you.”

Horatio said nothing, only nodded.

“And Raymond?” Yelina asked.

Horatio remained silent but shook his head.

Yelina smiled bitterly, “I suppose it’s too much to ask for in one day.”

“I need you to come with me.” Horatio stated.

The route they took told Yelina they were headed for the morgue.

Horatio knew that this would be hard on Yelina but he knew that for the both of them to move on they need closure.

Horatio pushed open the door, letting Yelina in. Raymond lay on the autopsy table. His body was covered in a white plastic sheet from the neck down. As they walked to the body Horatio explained his actions.

“I remember you told me once that you found it hard to accept Ray’s death because you didn’t get to see his body, didn’t get to say goodbye.”

Yelina nodded remembering those nights she spent with Horatio at her house as he helped her with her grief.

“Alexx said you could be here alone for awhile... I’ll be outside if you need me,” Horatio said, wanting to let her say goodbye in private.

“No. Stay.” Yelina said her eyes locked on Raymond’s face.

"Does Ray Jr know all this?" she asked as Horatio took his place beside her.

"No, he doesn't know that Raymond was alive all this while."

"It's better this way," Yelina agreed.

She stroked Ray’s face with the back of her hand. “I loved him so much, but that was a long time ago... when I thought he died... I thought I’d die too. But... I had to be strong for Ray Jr.” The tears rolled down her cheeks as she spoke.

Horatio slipped his hand into hers and gave it a squeeze. Seeing her cry hurt him and he wished he could will her pain away. They stood side by side, Yelina mourning the loss of a husband and Horatio a brother.

After some time Horatio said softly. “We have to go now.”

Yelina nodded. Still holding hands they made their way down the hall towards the elevator that would take them back to her desk.

Halfway to the elevator, Yelina stopped in her tracks. Horatio turned to face her, still holding her hand in his. He tilted his head as he looked into her eyes, trying to read her emotions.

A lone tear slid down her cheek as she spoke. Horatio placed his palm on her cheek and with his thumb wiped away the tear. This simple gesture was to be her undoing.

Yelina's voice cracked with emotion as she spoke, "I’ve been too strong for too long... and I can’t be without you, Horatio."

Horatio took her into his arms as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She buried her face into his neck and she wept quietly. Horatio held her close, not caring about the stares from the morgue orderlies. He took a deep breath. The scent of lilies that was her hair made his longing for her all the stronger.

They broke apart and Horatio studied her face again. She looked less conflicted now.

“I know what you need,” Horatio smiled pulling out a couple of plane tickets from his jacket pocket. “You need a vacation.”

"As I recall, it’s been a long time since you took a vacation too." Yelina replied smiling back at him as she realised there were three tickets in his hand.

'Hmm..." Horatio agreed.

"When do we leave?" Yelina asked. Her heart leaped for joy at the prospect of taking a trip with Horatio.

"If we leave now, we’ll just have enough time to pick Ray Jr, pack some clothes and head for the airport."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Yelina asked with a grin.

Horatio held out his hand and Yelina took it. Hand-in-hand they headed for the elevvator.

That line Yelina says in the hallway is for you Pusher thanks for the idea. :) I love that Mary J. Blige song too.
Next up H/Y on vacation. Unfortunately, although we all agree they need a break from angst-ville, they don't get that break yet but soon enough they will :D
^ u make my day :D thank you !!! *hugs*


"If we leave now, we’ll just have enough time to pick Ray Jr, pack some clothes and head for the airport."


"Then what are we waiting for?"
Hey Hrockz keep up the good work can't wait for the update. I thinking at work if u had written anymore this is the 1st place i come to now when i come online :)
*hugs back* Glad I made your day Pusher . Brilliant stuff adding screencaps to the fic. Thanks alot! Feel free to do it again anytime!

Thanks HC hope I make your work day better too.

I'm still working on my next instalment, it's angst free so I'm trying to not make it too out of character. It's kinda hard cos we never see these two having a good time together but hey they're on vacation!

Will update again as soon as I am satisfied with how it's played out in my head. Then I'll start putting it into words for you guys. Won't be too long, promise. :p