The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Congrats Lunalove seems that a lot of ppl are becoming an aunt very soon. I'm staying behind *snif*
Yeah, my sister-in-law is about 15 weeks in now. :)

Horatio does have some moments where he needs to be bumped in the head. (lightly) :lol:

I hope Yelina shoots Riaz AND Stetler. I want Stetler to die a VERY VERY painful death. *growls*

Thanks for the update!! *hugs Hrockz, then moves onto Horatio*
YES, where there is ass to be kicked, there is Yelina! Or Horatio. So glad they're still together, can't wait for more! Thanks Hrockz! Congrats Lunalove!
Oops i didn't see her post. Congrats LunaLove! f you scroll up a bit, or look on page5 (i forget) you'll see that i am too! :D
Nah don't think so. I got 2 elder brothers, 34 & 27. I'm 18 by the way :p

27 his girlfriend got 4 kids, not his. They do call me Tante Tati which means Aunt Tati (Tatiana is my name) I think they do it because they're hoping for present from me. (just kiddin')

And 34 well he doesn't have a girlfriend and he doesn't want to have kids :p

Sorry for going off topic mods ;p
Thanks everyone.
Hunter, congrats to you too! :D

Kit4na said: They do call me Tante Tati

Well I'm going to be "Moster", but we also say "Tante" here in Denmark... :)
My sister is 35 and her boyfriend is 33, so your brothers still have time. They just need to work on it... Oops I went a little :devil: there.

Speaking of :devil:, H better get well soon so that he and Yelina can join in. Ofcourse they've already achieved the goal, but that doesn't mean they can't still have fun... :lol:
Speaking of , H better get well soon so that he and Yelina can join in. Ofcourse they've already achieved the goal, but that doesn't mean they can't still have fun...
I don't think the point is about having a kid though that is one of the goals... the idea is to have a good time like you said ok sorry I digress from the fic, sorry.

So H/Y's daughter really needs a name...
cainesugar's idea of naming her after H's mother is great but her name was never revealed so we have to make one up. How does Elizabeth sound? They could call her Lizzie.
Thanks Kit for your compliment on the H/Y thread. :D
Time to get back to our story.

Everyone at PD seemed to hold their breath as they watched Yelina walk towards the interrogation room where Frank and Calleigh were questioning Antonio Riaz. Frank saw her approaching and came out to meet her.

"Yelina. You can't be here." Frank said as he tried to prevent her from entering the room.

"I have every right to be." She said angrily.

"You're too personally involved," Frank reasoned.

"I just wanna talk to him."

"We have him. We have the evidence and he openly admitted to being the one who gave the order for the shooting. He's going away for life."

Yelina shook her head. "That man tried to kill me, and he almost took away everything I love." She stopped to calm herself. "Five minutes. That's all I'm asking."

Frank crossed his arms. He thought for a minute or two before nodding his head. He pushed the door of the interrogation room open, and Yelina walked in.

"Beautiful chica. Caine has good taste in women." Riaz said, more to himself than to the others in the room.

Yelina walked to Riaz, stopping to stand next to him. She said nothing.

Riaz looked her in the eye. Yelina returned his stare.

He smiled cockily. "You're even more beautiful up close. It was with great regret that I ordered my men to kill you. But Caine had to get in the way. A pity he didn't die."

Yelina remained silent, formulating in her mind what she would do, and fighting the urge to vent her anger on the sneering man seated before her.

"You're going to stare me to death?" Riaz laughed.

Yelina calmly unholstered her gun. "No." she said. She placed the barrel on Riaz's forehead. "But I could kill you with this."

Riaz looked unfazed. Yelina cocked the gun. Frank reached out to stop her but Calleigh pulled him back. Riaz looked a little worried.

Yelina gave a half-smile. "You're not worth it." With the gun barrel she pushed his head back. "I'd rather enjoy seeing you rot in a jail cell for the rest of your life. I'm sure members of rival gangs will like your company."

Riaz stopped smiling. Yelina re-holstered her gun and cooly exited the room. Everyone else tried to look busy at their desks. She rounded the corner, trying to find escape from the many prying eyes. She let out a breath.

"You ok?" Eric asked. He had watched the whole exchange from a distance.

"Yeah. I'm good."

Eric smiled. "I'd take you back to H."

"I have to catch up on work. I'll go to the hospital myself later. Thanks."

Eric nodded, knowing she probably wanted to be alone for the moment.


That evening Yelina returned to the hospital with Ray Jr as she had promised Horatio. The teen was visibly happy to see his uncle again. Horatio, still hooked up to some tubes and IVs, managed to swing his legs over the side of the bed and sit up by himself. He winced at the motion, then greeted his nephew with a hug.

"Glad to see you're ok Uncle Horatio." Ray smiled. "I thought you were gonna..."

""Hey, I promised the two of you I wasn't going anywhere." Horatio smiled at Ray. "I'm sorry I got you scared buddy."

Ray smiled. "No worries."

Yelina couldn't help but grin. In the year that had passed, Horatio had filled in the role of father to Ray nicely, and Ray had picked up some of Horatio's habits and phrases.

"Go get yourself a drink ok Ray? I need to talk to Mom about work." Horatio said.

"Ok." Ray ambled out of the room.

"How'd things go at PD today?" Horatio asked Yelina.

"They went well. Riaz is going away for life."

Horatio nodded. "You look tired. You need rest."

"I'll be fine."

"Think of our baby." Horatio said.

Yelina sighed. She knew he was right.

Horatio continued. "I'll get better soon. Be back home with you before you know it. I promise. Then we can start planning that wedding."

Yelina smiled. "I already had my big, fancy wedding with Ray. I just want something simple this time."

"Sure." Horatio replied. "Just as long as you end up my wife."

Ray returned with his drink.

"Another half hour then you guys have to go." Horatio said.

"Ok." Yelina conceded. Horatio was starting to take charge again. A sure sign he was on the road to recovery.

Had trouble ending this instalment. I could've gone on and on. Hope you guys liked it.
Jeej they're finally gonna get hitched and JEEEEEEEEEEJ on Yelina kicking ass again :p

No problem for the compliment Hrockz I probably just said what every reader of your fanfic was thinking haha
love the update Hrockz it was brill. Could see that image of Y stareing at Riaz in my head scary

please keep up the good work for us and i agree with Kit you would do a better job than the writers of Csi Miami :)