The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

How could you say that about your writting it's brill it's great it's out of this world. You have got my daughter hooked as well and inspired her to write ff for SG 1

Thanks for the update :)
Lora, the diamond's big enough :lol:
Hey, i'm just saying, only the best for the wife of Horatio. ;)

Welcome back Hunter Where in Italy did ya go?

Venice. :) I tell ya it was fantastic. It the evening, when the sun is setting; the light reflects off all of the gold in the city. It's just breathtaking. And i had a vase and a glass horse made in front of me (they're mine now) and the gondala's and the language and the architeture is just superb! Ok, i shouls stop before i get in more trouble by the Feds/Mods. :D
Thanks you guys. Glad you all liked it. I seem to be going through some sort of writers' block at the moment and seem to have lost my inspiration.

I have to re-organise my thoughts and I'll update when I feel I have something good in my head. Hopefully will be soon.

cainesugar I don't think we'll see something like this on the show since the spoiler about s5's finale has been trashed. :(

Oh and Happy Easter you guys!
Hunter said:
Venice. :) I tell ya it was fantastic.

Very nice, I had the chance to go to Venice this year with my school. But I decided not to since you know school.. i'm not a big fan of that. I've been to Rome myself 7 years ago and Piano Di Sorrento etc.

Alrighty back on topic.

I still hope the writers will follow Hrockz' story. Get H in a hospital bed, bring in Y. And then my photomanip comes in place.


Happy Easter
Wow....thanks for the pic... It's a bit strange, Horatio face i mean. :lol: It looks stretched.

It's Good Friday, Jesus died today. :(
It's the original size, but the picture was kinda blurry makes it look all wrong etc.

I must say I laughed my ass off when I saw SM in ER. It would've been so nice if that scene appeared in CSI Miami but with Horatio in the bed, obviously..

We need such a scene in the fic lol :p
It's Good Friday, Jesus died today.
For our sakes.

Err Kit :lol: H's in intensive care, I don't think that scenario's possible. Maybe when he gets like discharged from the hospital.

For now I'd just about be very happy to see any sorta touch or contact betwen H/Y on Miami.

Right now I'm already thinking of how to end this fic cos I wanna start a new H/Y fic after this... Hence my difficulty in updating often, I wanna end it just right.
No worries Kit I like when my readers give all sorta comments.

Update as promised:

It was raining in Miami. Horatio could hear the thunder and the rain beating on the window of his hospital room. It was morning, the doctors and nurses had made their rounds. They were happy with his progress, but he still felt unsettled by his memory loss. He knew Yelina was probably on her way to visit him and he worried about her driving on the slippery, wet roads.


Horatio recognised the voice. "Rick." he stated. His eyes remained shut.

"I need to ask you a couple of questions about the shooting."

"I don't remember anything about the shooting." Horaito replied.

"I know. I talked to the nurses, they said you have some memory loss... but I'm just following protocol."

"Ok." Horaito contended. He opened his eyes to stare at Rick. He really disliked the guy, and even more so after learning that he had hit Yelina.

"What do you remember about the shooting Horatio?" Rick asked as he placed a recorder in front of Horatio.


"Yelina didn't tell you?"


"Look if you're trying to cover something up - "

Horatio interupted Rick. "I don't remember anything from the past six months."

It occured to Rick that this was an excellent opportunity to mess with Horatio's mind.

"You really don't know what happened, do you?" Rick asked.

"Why don't you tell me."

"It was the Mala Noche. The hit was meant for Yelina, but you got caught in the cross-fire."

Horatio closed his eyes again. He still felt sleepy from the pain medications. He coudn't imagine if the Mala Noche had been successful, they would have undoubtedly loss the baby. Yelina could have died. He heard Rick turn off the tape recorder.

"In my opinion, it's not safe for Yelina to be around you." Rick said. "The Mala Noche wanted her dead to get back at you. She might have been unhurt this time but what about the next guy you piss off. She might not be so lucky."

Horatio opened his eyes and replied, "I'll be there to protect her."

Rick laughed. "You can't be with her all the time. And she isn't excatly happy with you either. You two had a big fight last month, and she's been thinking of breaking up with you. But she stuck it out for the baby's sake. But she's been increasingly unhappy in your relaitonship. She wanted to end it with you already, but you got shot and she doesn't have the heart to leave you."

"And you know this beacuse?" Horatio asked, refusing to belive Rick.

"You two are a high profile couple. Everyone in PD knows."

"You're lying Rick." Horatio glared at him.

Rick retreated slowly to the door. "All I'm saying is that you think about what I just said. You're no good to her, she's better off without you. She would have been safer if you had died." He pushed the door open and left Horatio to his thoughts.

Now alone, the words Rick just said repeated themselves in Horatio's mind. He didn't believe the part about Yelina wanting to break up with him. But Rick did have apoint about it not being safe for Yelina to be around him. He had to think about Ray Jr and the baby that was on the way too. Perhaps Yelina was really better off without him.
No Horatio she loves you, she needs you. And us fans want the both of you together!

Think positive thoughts!!

Thanks for the update ;)
NO! *shoves Stetler down elevator shaft* Horatio, don't listen to him, he's a loser, an asshole, and once you're strong enough you can help me throw heve objects down the elevator shaft so that they'll hit him! *huggles Horatio*

And poor Yelina, if he tells her this she'll be crushed because she has a baby on the way and she just sat vigil for Horatio and she LOVES him! Maybe Horatio could get hit in the head and forget what Stetler said, yet remember everything else. *bribes nurses*

Can't wait for more, this was wonderful Hrockz!
Nice avatar cainesugar. Great suggestion btw to hit H on the head again :lol: But nah, things will work out between H/Y, you'll see...

The rain was still pouring when Yelina got to the hospital. It was Eric who offered to drive her that morning. When the two of them got to Horatio's room they were glad to see him sitting up in bed, visibly stronger.

"Hey," Yelina greeted him with a kiss. "You've got a visitor."

"How're you feeling H?" Eric asked.

"I've been better," Horatio replied. "How's the case coming along?"

"We caught the guy who shot you, but we're still trying to find Riaz, the man who ordered the hit. Don't worry Calleigh's got everything under control."

"I trust that she would." Horatio replied, stating his faith in his deputy.

Yelina smiled at him. "I spoke to Dr Fischer, he said the physiotherapist would be coming by later... if you can get back on your feet, he'll move you to a regular room soon."

Horatio nodded. "Yeah."

"That's good news H." Eric said.

"Ray's coming by to see you after school." Yelina added.

"Ok." Horatio closed his eyes to avoid her gaze.

"Are you in pain?" Yelina asked concerned.

"No." Horatio said, eyes still closed.

"Alright, what's going on?" Yelina asked sounding a little annoyed. "You're only giving me one word answers."

Eric sensed it was time to make a hasty exit. "I'll be outside." He hurried out the door.

Horatio opened his eyes again, trying to work up the courage to do what he felt he had to. "Have a seat ok?"

Yelina complied pulling up a chair and sitting beside the bed. Horatio couldn't hold her gaze knowing that she could read him only too well through his eyes.

"You know I love you." he stated.

She nodded, unsure what he was trying to tell her.

"I, er, I was thinking, I was thinking, maybe it's not such a good idea for us to be together anymore."

"What're you trying to say?" Yelina asked thinking that she might have heard him wrong.

"I'm saying... maybe we should stop seeing each other." Horatio bowed his head. Just saying those words made his heart ache, and he knew he was possibly hurting her by suggesting a break up.

"What? Why?! After all we've been though?" Yelina thought that besides losing his memory, Horatio may have also lost his mind.

"It's not safe..." Horatio explained, "... the Mala Noche hit was meant for you. You're ok now, but I can't let you risk being a target because of me."

"Who told you the hit was meant for me?" Yelina asked. She had been intending to hide the fact from Horatio till much later.


"Rick? That makes sense." Yelina seethed with anger.

"It doesn't matter who the hit was meant for." Horatio looked at her. "Fact is you could've been hurt of killed. I couldn't live with myself if someone hurts you in an attempt to hurt me."

"I've been prepared for that since we started seeing each other." Yelina said.

"I'm not." Horatio admitted.

"If we let that fact stop us from being together, then, we're letting all those criminals win... you of all people should understand this."

"I do know." Horatio replied looking visibly confilcted now.

"Besides," Yelina continued, "you're not getting rid of me that easily Lieutenant. Especially after you've got me pregnant."

Horatio managed a small smile. He reached for her hand. "There's no winning an arguement with you... I'm sorry.. I'm not sure what I was thinking.."

"I'll let it slide this time on account that you're heavily drugged up."

"I apologise. It must have been really hard on you to see me get shot and end up here, and now this. I just - "

Yelina put a finger to his lips to silence him. She leaned forward and kissed him deeply. Her hair brushed his face as she sat up again. The familiar scent of lilies filled him and he felt content.

"Just imagine what you'd be missing if we broke up." Yelina teased.

Horatio chuckled and winced at the same time. His wounds still hurt despite the medication. He fingered the ring on her finger.

Tilting his head he asked rather innocently, "Did we get married? Cos' I'd hate to lose that memory."

Yelina smied. "No. But you did ask me to marry you."

"I take it you said yes."

"Something like that."

They were interuppted by a knock on the glass door. It was Eric. He gestured for Yelina. She stood up and walked out to join him.

"Calleigh called. She wanted you to know, they caught Riaz. He's in lock-up."

"Let's go then." Yelina said. She wanted to meet this man who had wanted her dead and inevitably almost cost the life of the man she loved.

"Yelina, I don't think it's such a good idea - "

Yelina rolled her eyes. "Don't try to proctect me. I wanna be there when you interrogate him."

"I don't think H would - "

"He doesn't have much of a choice." Yelina stated. "Be back in a second."

She returned to Horatio's side. Eric entered the room as well but stood by the door giving them privacy. "They caught Riaz. I'm going with Eric to talk to him."

"Yelina - " Horatio started.

"If it were me lying in that bed instead of you, what would you do?" she asked.

Horatio was silent for a moment. "Riaz would probably not live to see another day."

Yelina nodded, relieved that Horatio understood how she felt. "Don't worry I won't do anything stupid."

"I'll keep an eye on her." Eric promised.

Horatio nodded. "I wish I could be there too. This is the man who ordered your assasination," he told Yelina.

"You just concentrate on getting better. We'll take care of this." Yelina squeezed Horatio's hand.

As he watched Yelina and Eric leave, Horatio felt a sense of anger and helplessness. He was used to being in control and being the one who took down the criminals. Now he was the victim, something he swore decades ago he would never be again. His recovery was more frustrating than he was prepared for.

Next up, time to see Yelina kick some ass again! Ok not a whole lot of ass cos she's pregnant, but still... :p
Ooh our lil H is going to be fine jeej! I'm so glad they're not breaking up, it would've torn me apart..

OOh Yelina is going to kick some ass next, can't wait :d
Oooh, Riaz will never know what hit him. (No pun intended.) :lol:
Poor H, that he won't be there to kick some ass too. Not that he's in any more shape to do so than Y. But then there's always verbal ass-kicking, which can definitely be done by both the wounded and the pregnant. As my sister has just proved: found out that I'm going to be an aunt come november just yesterday! :D