The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

When Yelina left the room she was greeted with a hug from Calleigh.

"This must be really hard on you." Calleigh said.

Yelina lowered her head. "It's ok."

"How's he?"

"He er..." Yelina took a moment to blink back tears and compose herself. "The doctors aren't sure if he'll make it through the night."

Calleigh and Horatio had been good friends and colleagues for many years. She had difficulty believing what she just heard. Horatio had a perfect track record in Miami so far, till now. Losing Tim Speedle two years ago was a big blow to the team and undoubtedly losing Horatio would be worse. She couldn't imagine what Yelina was going through.

"You hang in there ok? Calleigh said to Yelina.

Yelina nodded. "Have you guys made any progress in the case?"

"Yes. We have prove that this was a Mala Noche hit. We've IDed the shooters, we just haven't been able to find them yet. "

"Let me know when you do." Yelina said anger in her voice.

"Eric was processing Horatio's things... he thought you should have this." Calleigh handed a small blue box to Yelina.

When she opened the box Yelina had to put a hand to her mouth. Keeping the tears from falling was an almost impossible task now. Sitting in the box was a diamond ring. Yelina removed the ring and slipped it onto her ring finger. The floodgates opened and Yelina began to sob. Calleigh pulled her close. After some moments, Yelina forced herself to stop. She knew Ray Jr would arrive soon and she didn't want him to see her like this.

Calleigh offered her a tissue and she took it, wipping away her tears.

"You had no idea did you?" Calleigh asked.

Yelina shook her head. "He asked me to marry him a couple of weeks ago... I told him no." Yelina paused trying to choke back the tears. "If only I knew... I should have..."

"Don't go there," Calleigh cautioned. "If there's one thing we know about Horatio, it's that once he puts his mind to something, he works at it till her gets it. He's made up his mind to marry you. He's not gonna let a couple of bullets stop him."

Yelina nodded.

"I'll stay here with you till morning comes."

Yelina glanced at her watch. It read one thirty in the morning. "It's late. You've been working the case all day."

"Horatio would have wanted one of us to be here with you. Let me do this for him."

"Thank you," Yelina said.

Calleigh offered a sympathetic smile. "You won't even know I'm here."

Yelina heard Ray Jr call out to her. She looked up to see him running to her, Frank not far behind. The boy had grown significantly in the past year and he was almost as tall as her now. She held the teen close to her as she nodded her thanks to Frank.

"The doctors say... your uncle may not make it to tomorrow." Yelina explained to Ray. The teen nodded understanding what his mother was getting at.

"You ready to see him?" Yelina asked her son.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Your uncle may look a little scary to you right now, you don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"I can handle it." Ray said.

Yelina put an arm round her son as they entered the room. They stood beside Horatio for a long while.

"This can't be happening, I can't believe this is happening. This isn't fair." Ray said.

Yelina could tell her son was on the verge of tears. "I know honey. I know." She kissed him on the forehead.

"It isn't fair. This is the thanks you get for helping other people?" The anger was evident in Ray's voice.

Yelina had no words to comfort her son. She knew he was probaly feeling like he was losing his father again. She wished she could help him make some sense out of this. The boy seemed to sense his mother's sadness and his anger subsided.

"I'm sorry Mom."

"It's ok to be angry." she assured him.

"Can he hear us?" Ray asked

"I'm not sure honey. But it's ok to assume he can."

Ray nodded and leaned towards Horatio. "Uncle Horatio, you've always been like a father to me... I'll take good care of Mom and the baby... I love you."

Yelina held her son tightly. "I'll ask Frank to give you a ride home."

"No, I wanna stay. Please."

Yelina sighed. "Ok."

Ray left the room to join Calleigh and Frank in the waiting area, leaving Yelina alone with Horatio.

She pulled up a chair beside the bed. Sitting down she took his hand in hers again. Putting one hand on her swollen belly and said, "We'll be keeping Daddy company till morning."

She turned her head to Horatio. "You can fight this," she said to him. It was only then that she realised how exhausted she really was. She laid her head on the bed and soon was fast asleep.

Yelina was awakened by the sunlight streaming in from the windows. The dawn had come without her even knowing. Her immediate thoughts were of Horatio's well-being. Did he survive the night? She glanced up at the monitors around his head.

Sorry cliffhanger again.... Hope this wasn't too angsty for you guys.
AHHH Cliffhanger! *goes crazy* Oh poor Horatio, poor Ray Jr., poor Yelina. So evil, please update soon! I must know if my Horatio is alright! *hugs Horatio*
I'm back! From a week of vacation, Italy was nice. :D Read it all Hrockz, and i have one thing to ask.... big was the ring?


And Yelina will wake up and Horatio will be right there with no bullet wound at all and he'll be perfectly...perfect because of his special healing powers. :D *nods* Yup, that's what'll happen. *smiles* *joins in the hugging*
Hunter said:
I'm back! From a week of vacation, Italy was nice. :D Read it all Hrockz, and i have one thing to ask.... big was the ring?


And Yelina will wake up and Horatio will be right there with no bullet wound at all and he'll be perfectly...perfect because of his special healing powers. :D *nods* Yup, that's what'll happen. *smiles* *joins in the hugging*

I was kinda wondring the same thing haha.
Have some space left for me? *sits on the floor and joins the hugs*
Welcome back Hunter Where in Italy did ya go? :)

The spoilers for the finale come pretty close to this story hopefuly they'll also involve Yelina in it.. :p
That's what I was thinking Kit maybe we'll get what we want afterall. ;)

And erm I think Yelina would get jealous with all you gals hugging her man :lol:
Omg I love the updates, I was in Miami last week to take a cruise. :D :lol:

I was searching for Horatio and Yelina, but I couldn't find them... I never thought of checking the hospital... :lol::D ;) :p
:lol: I'll update soon, probably tomorrow or the day after. I need to get my thoughts organised first cos they're all mashed up at the moment. Ideas for another H/Y fic just keep popping up even before I finish this one.

Anyways anyone has a name suggestion for H and Y's baby? Please no naming the kid after yourself. I've got a few in my head, like Kayla, Emily, Kirsten. Actually my fave female name of all time is Elena but they gave a similar sounding name to Yelina already.
What if she was named after H's mother? Does anyone know what her name was?
Take your time Hrockz I'll try and be patient. *drums fingers on desk* :D Can't wait to see what happens!
Lora, the diamond's big enough :lol:

cainesugar I don't think the name of H and Ray's mother was ever mentioned but you did give me a good idea that they'll name the kid after his mom. But this means we still have to decide on a name. If I'm not wrong Lora wants a boy, so he'll be as hot as H. ;)

Sorry to keep you guys hanging for so long, back to the hospital:

The steady beeping of the monitors told Yelina that Horatio was still alive. She breathed a sigh of relief. She stood up slowly stretching her limbs. She felt a dull ache in her belly and she felt a pang of guilt. Did she push herself too far at the expense of the baby? She forced the thought out of her head and concentrated on Horatio.

She stroked his hair and whispered, "You did good."

She heard the room door open and Dr Fischer walked in with a nurse. "Looks like the Lieutenant proved me wrong," the doctor smiled. "I'm glad when my patients do that. I need to see how he's doing. Could you wait outside please?"

Yelina exited the room, rounded the corner and walked down the corridor to the waiting area. Frank and Calleigh were still there as promised. Ray, asleep was curled up on a chair. Calleigh gently shook him awake and he sat up rubbing the sleep form his eyes.

Yelina gave them a smile. "He's still with us."

She took a seat beside Ray and hugged her son.

Dr Fischer soon appeared. "He's not out of the woods yet, but he is making progress. The bleeding has lessened. We'll transfuse him again. Hopefully if all goes well, we'll start weaning him off the ventilator and tailing down the sedatives. He could be awake by tonight."

"Thank you," Yelina said. She felt another ache in her belly and she instinctively placed a hand on her tummy, rubbing it.

"Why don't you guys go home, get some rest. He's stable now. The nurses will call if anything changes."

"Ok." Yelina replied.

As the doctor walked back down the corridor Frank said, "I'll give you guys a ride home. I'll also post a patrol officer at the door."


The sound of her cellphone ringing woke Yelina from her deep sleep. It was Ryan offering her a ride to the hospital. She accepted the offer. The clock on her bedside table read six in the evening. She had been sleeping for the whole day. After a quick shower she made Ray and herself dinner. Ray was dropped off at her mother's before they made their way to the hospital.

Ryan updated her on the case as he drove. "We've caught one of the shooters. He said the guy who ordered the hit was Antonio Riaz. That the original hit was ordered on you..."

Yelina took in a breath. Horatio had almost died trying to protect her.

Ryan continued "... we haven't been able to find Riaz yet."


When they got to Horatio's room in intesive care the patrol officer was there as Frank had promised. Ryan asked to be allowed to visit him. Yelina waited outside. When he emerged, he looked visibly shaken.

"I never thought I'd see Horatio like this."

"None of us did." Yelina replied.

"I'll wait, give you a ride home later."

"Appreciate it." Yelina realised Horatio's team were showing their concern for him by taking care of her.

Yelina entered the room and took her place beside the bed. She was relieved to see that he was now off the ventilator and breathing on his own. His colour seemed to have returned somewhat.

A nurse came in to change an IV. "He's off the ventilator now. He's breathing well on his own. It's a good sign. We lowered the dose of sedatives... sometimes patients need some encouragement to wake up."

Yelina nodded. She stroked Horatio's cheek gently. "Horatio."

Horatio thought he heard someone calling his name. He heard beeping sounds and then he heard his name being called again. He recognised the voice. He tried to open his eyes but his eyelids felt heavy. He saw a blurred image of the woman he loved before him. It took him awhile for his eyes to focus.

"Welcome back." Yelina said her eyes moist with tears.

"Where am I?" Horatio croaked.

"You're in the hospital."

"What happened?"

Yelina was slightly taken aback. "You were shot. You don't remember?"

Horatio shook his head.

The nurse spoke, "I't common for patients to have varying degrees of temporary amnesia after trauma like this. It'll come back to you." She assured both Horatio and Yelina. She continued, "I'll be back in fifteen minutes to give you something to help you sleep."

The nurse left and they were on their own again. "Are you in any pain?"

"A little. They drugged me up pretty good." He stared at her with a puzzled look on his face. "You're pregnant?" he asked, a question more than a statement.

Yelina smiled. "Yes."

"Did I do that?" he asked.

Yelina grinned, "You helped."

Horatio shut his eyes. "I'm sorry. I can't remember."

Yelina took his hand. "It'll come back... What do you remember?"

"I remember our trip to Rio... kissing under the stars... coming back to Miami... we had our first fight... making love in the backseat of our car." He smiled. "Was that when you got pregnant?"

Yelina smiled at the shared memory. She shook her head. "That was more than half a year ago."

Horatio opened his eyes and apologised again. "I'm sorry. For losing half a year of our relationship and putting you through all this."

"Don't be. You're alive, that's all that matters."

The nurse returned and injected the IV. "This should kick in in a couple of minutes."

Horatio's eyes were already beginning to feel heavy. Yelina kissed him. "I'll be back tomorrow."

"Love you." Horatio managed.

"Love you too." Yelina watched as Horatio closed his eyes and his breathing became slow and even. She squeezed his hand and left the room in search of Ryan for a ride home.

Gosh this instalment sounds kinda not up to par, I got writers' block in the middle of writting it. :(
Hope you guys like it.
Not up to par? It's fantastic! It's wonderful! I knew it I knew it I knew it! Horatio's alive! BUT AMNESIA? :eek: NO! Oh Horatio *huggles Horatio* oh Yelina *huggles Yelina*. Dogpile hug!

Anywho, this is great. I hope we get tp see something like this on the actual show. Remind me why we don't write this show? :lol: Can't wait for more!
Let's buy ourselves in the writing crew of CSI Miami *hihi*

Wonderful update. My H is pulling through ! jeeeej