The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

very nice work Hrockz it's not easy to write such a scene so detailed

Thanks you all for the encouragement. Actually it wasn't that hard to write. I'm writing from experience. Was in a similar situation as H less than 6 months ago, I wasn't near death, but I had life-saving major surgery. Was stuck in intensive care for awhile (all those tubes and wires coming out of me, not a good experience) then took a couple of months recuperating at home. Spent all that time staring at the celling coming up with H/Y ideas hence my finally posting them here.

BTW that's how I found this website! :D Surfing the net at home while recovering from surgery.

In the meantime trying to organise my thoughts, and will post again. Stay tuned...
Thanks cainesugar.

As you guys requested, more...

"What do you want?" Eric asked as he stood face-to-face with Rick.

"It's IAB's job to investigate officer-related shootings." Rick stated plainly.

"We're still processing the evidence."

"I'm here to talk with Yelina." Rick said glancing past Eric.

"What for?" Eric asked, eager to protect his bosses' girlfriend.

"She is a witness." Rick replied.

"It's ok Eric." Yelina said placing a hand on Eric's shoulder and pulling him back gently.

Eric turned towards Yelina. "You gonna be ok here alone with this snake?" He asked in Spanish so that Rick couldn't understand.

Despite the circumstances, Yelina smiled. "Yes, I'll be fine. Thanks." she replied also in Spanish.

Eric nodded and slowly backed away from them. Giving Rick another meaningful glare, he turned and walked to the elevators.

Yelina took a seat and Rick took the seat that was previously occupied by Eric.

"What was that about?" Rick asked.

"Nothing." Yelina said.

"I heard you were preganant." Rick said noticing her slightly swollen belly.

"16 weeks now." she said placing a hand on her belly as she spoke.

"Horatio's really outdone himself this time," Rick said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?"

"He gets you pregnant, then goes off and gets himself shot."

"Are you suggesting he got shot on purpose to shirk his responsibility to the baby?!"

"I'm saying if my girlfriend was pregnant, I wouldn't go make enemies out of a dangerous street gang. This getting shot and killed in the line of duty seems to run in the Caine family doesn't it?"

Yelina sighed. "Look Rick, if you're not here for IAB business then I'd rather you leave."

"Ok." Rick said. "What happened?" he asked.

"It was a drive-by. We finished breakfast and were walking to our car. This car pulled up in front of us and started shooting. Horatio was trying to protect me." She lowered her head.

"Did the two of you return fire?" Rick asked.


"And how many timess did Horatio discharge his service weapon?"

"I can't be sure, once maybe." Yelina tried to remember but the details escaped her.

"Where's Horatio's gun now?"

"I gave it to Eric."

"And yourself?" Rick asked.

"I got off three shots before they fled the scene. My gun's stlll here if you wanna check." Yelina turned to unholster her gun.

"No. I believe you." Rick said in a rather gentle tone.

There was a moment's silence before Rick spoke again. "I spoke to the ER attending. She said Horatio's chances aren't good. He might not make it through surgery."

Yelina's eyes avoided Rick's. "I know."

"If Horatio doesn't make it... I'm here for you ok?" Rick offered.

"He'll make it," Yelina replied anger flashing in her eyes as she looked up at Rick.

"In all probability, Horatio's not gonna make it. If he dies, I just want you to know I'll help you out."

"He'll make it." Yelina repeated herself more for her own sake than Rick's. She was about to ask him to leave when he added, "You hungry? I'll get you something to eat."

It dawned on Yelina that she hadn't ate anything for a good part of the day. She wasn't hungry but she knew she had to eat for the baby.

"I guess I could use some food," Yelina admitted. She didn't want to leave the surgical floor in case the surgeon came looking for her.

"I'll be back in a couple of minutes." Rick smiled.

Not long after he returned with a sandwich and a bottle of juice.

"Thank you." Yelina said as she took the food from him. She took a few bites out of the sandwich and drank her juice.

"I'll stay with you till the surgery is over." Rick offered.

"No. I want to be alone." Yelina replied.

"You need someone here with you, in case Horatio doesn't make it."

"I'd rather be alone," she insisted.

"Ok, I'll check back on you again." Rick gave her a pat on the shoulder. She didn't really want Rick to come back but she nodded her thanks just to get him to leave her alone.

Yelina finished off her sandwich and washed it down with the juice. She suddenly felt exahausted. The events of the day were taking it's toll on her. She closed her eyes and soon fell into a fitful sleep. She was jolted out of her sleep by dreams of the scene that unfolded before her eyes that morning... the sound of gunfire.. Horatio getting shot.. his blood-soaked body lying on the ground.

Her eyes snapped open. She glanced outside the window. It was dark outside. Night had fallen on the city of Miami. She realised that Horatio had been in surgery for a long time now and she started to worry. The sound of the OR doors opening caused her to look up. She saw a doctor with a serious-look on his face, clad in surgical scrubs, walking towards her. She stood up, bracing herself for what she had to hear.

For all you "Stetler fans", he'll be back as he promised. ;)
Stay tuned for more.
Oh're really preparing us for the worst! I can't wait, it'll be a long wait here. That was amazing, Stetler...grrr.....oh well he's being nice...sort of.
Gosh, the anticipation! The tension! The weekend! Thanks so much Hrockz!
Hrockz -- great, as always.

I took the liberty of translating the Eric-Yelina conversation to Spanish. I'm just learning so I have no idea if this hits the nail on the head. Lol...

Eric: “Tú que va a estar aquí solo aceptable con esta serpiente?”

Yelina: “Sí, seré fino. Gracias.”
Thanks chaostheory08 glad you did . I have no idea if you're right though.
Feel free to do so again, if ever I write something meant to be in Spanish in my later instalments.

I've got brass knuckles hanging from my neck and my chain
I've got brass knuckles hanging from my neck and my chain

- Good Charlotte

Sorry it's my fave song of the moment :) H should be saying lines from the song to Stetler, 'Keep your hands off my girl' :lol:
Well Stetler wasn't that big of an ass, which is good. Not really the time to be a jerk :)

I hope you won't leave us hanging for too long :p
Been having a fun weekend on this forum, mostly thanks to Kit. ;)

I shan't keep H in surgery any longer:

The slightly balding surgeon standing in front of Yelina introduced himself. "I'm Dr Fischer, the surgeon who operated on Lt. Caine. You must be Det Salas."

"Call me Yelina." she replied.

"Sorry it took so long. His heart stopped halfway through surgery, but we managed to bring him back." The surgeon paused before continuing. "One of the bullets pierced his lung, but we patched that up. Another hit his hepatic artery which caused all that bleeding. Fortunately his liver was spared unlike what Dr. Zanetti initially feared."

"Sounds like good news so far." Yelina said.

"It gets bad from here." Dr Fischer replied. "By the time the Lieutenant was brought to us, he had lost a large amount of blood and he went into shock. As a result his blood isn't clotting as it should. We've transfused him and given him medication to stop the bleeding... but if it doesn't work... he might lose his life."

Yelina took in a deep breath. "What are his chances?"

"Given the extent of his injuries, and the amount of blood he's lost... I'm not sure he'll make it throught the night. I'm sorry."

Yelina felt like she had been dealt a crushing blow. She had prepared herself for the worst but it was still difficult to hear this. Just a couple of months ago she had shared the news about her preganacy with Horatio and they were over-joyed. Now she faced the prospect of raising their child alone.

"Can I see him?" Yelina asked.

"We're taking him to intensive care right now. The nurse will come for you when they're ready."

"Thank you." Yelina watched the doctor leave before calling her mother on the cellphone. She knew Ray Jr. would want to say goodbye. Her mother picked up on the first ring. They conversed in Spanish.

"Mama. Horatio's not doing so well. I'm sending someone over to pick Ray and take him to the hospital."

"How're you doing?" her mother asked concern in her voice.

Yelina's voice cracked with emotion. "I'm not ready to lose him."

"He's a good man, he'll be ok." her mother comforted her.

Yelina hung up and called Frank to ask a favor to bring Ray to the hospital. Just as she hung up with Frank a nurse appeared to take her to Horatio. They walked down the corridor and as they rounded the corner the nurse spoke, "He's gonna look alot different from what he usually does."

The nurse led Yelina into a room where two sides were made entirely of glass. Horatio lay motinless on the bed.

"He's been given alot of painkillers and is heavily sedated, so he's not in any pain. The tube down his throat is to help him breathe."

Yelina nodded.

"I'll be outside if you need me." the nurse left and Yelina approached the bed. She could hardly recognise the man lying on the bed as her boyfriend. Horatio looked a pale shadow of himself. The beeping monitors assured Yelina his heart was still beating. She watched the steady rise and fall of his chest, the effect of the ventilator pumping air into his lungs. She took his hand in hers. There was a myraid of tubes and wires running in and out of him. His chest and abdomen were heavily swathed in bandages with two large tubes running from beneath them, draining blood from his wounds. Yelina let out a shaky breath.

"Horatio." she said. It pained her to see him like this. She closed her eyes and a lone tear fell from her face.

She opened her eyes again and stroked his hair and then his cheek. "Fight this... I can 't lose you... we can't lose you." She fought the tears that threatened to fall.

She didn't want to bury the man she loved with all her heart. "You promised you wouldn't leave me."

Yelina stood there holding his hand in one of hers and with the other ran her fingers through his hair. Memories they had made together flooded her mind. She wasn't sure how long had passed but a knock on the glass door brought her out of her thoughts.

"I'll be back baby." Yelina whispered into Horatio's ear. She walked to the door, exiting the room.

Sorry about the cliffhanger again guys, but you know me, I like to keep you guys guessing. :D
That was wonderful Hrockz! Oh gosh I know you're really trying to scare us...but it's working. It is April Fools though. :lol: WOw, can't wait for more! :D
Hrockz said:
Been having a fun weekend on this forum, mostly thanks to Kit. ;)

No worries :)

If they'd film such an episode as intense as this I'd probably not be able to sleep for days & days because H = my hero. Hopefuly he'll be back to his old self asap. I hope the situation isn't too stressing for Yelina & the baby though .. (look at me, talking like they're a REAL couple :p)
Translation time! Lol...

Yelina: Mama. Horatio que no hace tan bien. Estoy enviando a alguien encima Ray de la selección y lo llevo al hospital.

Mama: Como estas?

Yelina: No soy listo perderlo.

Mama: Él es un buen hombre, él será aceptable.

Again, not sure if it's on point but hey hahahaha...

I love this part... :)
Thanks chaostheory08 . Again I have no idea if it's correct :lol:

If they'd film such an episode as intense as this I'd probably not be able to sleep for days & days because H = my hero. Hopefuly he'll be back to his old self asap. I hope the situation isn't too stressing for Yelina & the baby though .. (look at me, talking like they're a REAL couple
Thanks I'll take that as a compliment. :D
Don't worry Yelina and the baby are ok, she's in the 2nd trimester the most stable stage of any pregnancy. But I'll be giving her a break soon.
BTW have we decided on the baby's gender yet?