The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Congrats Lora, it'll be fun being an aunt. Yeah it's a crazy conincidence.

Everyone's curious as to how this is gonna continue but I'm not saying. :p Thanks for all your continued support of my fic though.

Stay tuned, I'll update when time permits again.
Trust me it is fun to be an aunt. Well official i'm not an aunt, since the kids aren't my brothers. But they do call me "Tante Tati" which translates into "Aunt Tati".

Sounds more cooler in dutch though :p

Anyways can't wait for your update!
After dropping Ray off at school that day, Horatio and Yelina decided on having breakfast in a quiet part of town before work.

"I still wish you'd put in that request for a desk job." Horatio said taking her hand.

"Horatio, we had this discussion before. I told you, I'd do that when I get too big to work in the field."

Horatio bowed his head and stared at his coffee.

"I'm sorry," Yelina sighed. "I seem to be snapping at you alot lately."

Horatio smiled, looking back up at her. "No worries, hormones."

Yelina smiled. After some moments of staring into each others' eyes she grew serious. "The Mala Noche trial starts today."

"Another reason why I wanted you safe behind a desk... I don't want you walking around with a man who has a green light on his life."

"You'll keep us safe," she smiled stroking his cheek.

Horatio smiled. He leaned over to plant a kiss on her cheek. "We'd better go."

Yelina got up from her seat. Horaito took her hand to cross the street to their car. At that moment their lives were to be changed forever.

Horatio's instincts had been fined tuned by more than twenty years of policework. He reacted instantaneously to the sound of screeching tires.

"Get down!" he yelled, shielding his girlfriend and unborn child with his body.

With one hand he pushed Yelina to the ground and with the other he whipped out his gun. He turned still keeping his body between Yelina and the potential source of danger. He saw a black Lincoln, it's windows rolled down. The sound of gunfire erupted and bullets flew towards them. Those precious seconds Horatio took to get Yelina to relative safety cost him. He only managed to fire his weapon once before he was hit in the chest, and then in the abdomen almost simultaneously. The force of the bullets entering his body threw him off his feet and he hit the pavement.

Yelina saw Horatio fall just as she drew her gun. She returned fire but the car and it's occupants, mission accomplished, was already fleeing the scene. She looked at Horatio who was bleeding from his wounds. She hurried to his side. His white shirt was soaked red with his blood. With one hand she applied pressure to his chest wound and with the other she called for help.

"This is Det Salas, shots fired. Shots fired at the corner of Ocean and Palmgrove. Officer down, I repeat, officer down. Request for back-up and rescue immediately."

She discarded her cellphone and with her other hand pressed on his abdominal wound.

Horatio winced. Everything seemed to happen so quickly. He remembered falling to the ground and thinking getting shot didn't hurt as much as he'd expected. He heard more gunfire and then her calling in for help. Then he heard her call his name.

"Horatio! Hang in there, rescue is on it's way,"

"Yeah," Horatio coughed out. "You ok?" he managed in his next breath.

"Yes," she replied, fighting back tears. He tried to get up but she pushed him back. "Stay down."

The initial shock was wearing off and Horatio was beginning to feel the pain from his gunshot wounds. He knew Yelina was trying to stop the bleeding but he could still feel the warm blood flow from his body. His head felt like it was spinning, a sign of insufficient blood and oxygen to his brain. He closed his eyes to fight the nauseating dizziness.

Yelina saw Horatio's eyes close and she panicked.


His eyes snapped open.

"Stay with me," she pleaded, the tears now falling from her face.

He tried to answer her but couldn't. His body was racked with pain and his chest felt tight. It was getting harder to breathe. He started to gasp for air.

"Look at me," she said, "Just look at me."

He tried to focus on her beautiful, grief-stricken face. It was getting increasingly difficult to keep the darkness at bay. His body was exhausted. It took every ounce of his strength to keep awake. The sleep and darkness that beckoned seemed very apealing to him.

"Fight this!" Yelina urged him. "Rescue is almost here."

Horatio heard the wail of sirens approaching. He looked at Yelina once more. The image of her face started to blur rapidly. His last thoughts were of Ray Jr and his unborn child. He felt regret that his time with Yelina was but for the brief one year that had passed, and then he subcummed to the overwhelming darkeness...
Ok, first off, WOW. That was so beautifully written, my teacher came over and asked me why I was staring blankly, my eyes HUGE at the computer screen. I felt I was there. It was amazingly believable and beautiful.

And while Horatio did get shot, this is exactly what I want to read. I want to hear out invicible H get hurt. Now I'm a bit nearvous, but I'm sure he won't die. But really, that was amazing, and exactly what this Monday needs. Perfect. Amazing. I'm going to re-read it a few hundred times.

You're amazing, Hrockz. Ama-zing. Can't wait to see what happens!
Looks like I got back from school right on time.

My lil H getting shot. Poor baby.

But he'll be fine right? Ofcourse he'll be fine! Right? RIGHT?!!

Can't wait for the update! :D
my teacher came over and asked me why I was staring blankly, my eyes HUGE at the computer screen.
cainesugar you get to read my fic in class?! Cool!

I want to hear out invicible H get hurt.
My thoughts exactly.

don't let us wait too long for more!
Sorry I got a whole lot of crap thrown at me at work today, so I may not be able to update so soon. Don't mean to leave you guys hanging for too long, will try update when I can.

As to whether I'm letting H die, I'm not saying yet ;)
Well if H died the fic would be over and I think Hrockz is enjoying writing it too much ;)

I also read your fic during my computer class and at my work experience too :p
I read during my Teachers Assiatant period, where I just sit around in a younger grade class and do nothging (well, assist the teacher. Which isn't much) So I read fics and go on TalkCSI. :D
You would never kill H. I know it.
Can't wait for more! Don't rush, I have tons of work as well, I know what it's like.
Well if H died the fic would be over and I think Hrockz is enjoying writing it too much
Kit, clever girl. ;) But it's fun to imagine he might die.
Your split screen avatars remind me of '24'.

cainesugar school sounds way fun for you, especially if you get to come to this website.

Here's a long update, it's been swimming in my head for a long time and I didn't have the time to post it.

Yelina watched Horatio’s eyes roll back and his eyes close.

“Horatio!” she creid.

There was no response.

“Horatio!” she called to him again, shaking him gently this time. He remained unresponsive. She hadn’t realised the paramedics had arrived until one of them kneeled beside her.

“You have to let us help him.” The paramedic said.

Yelina stood up, composing herself. She watched as the paramedic placed two fingers on Horatio’s neck.

“I’ve got a weak pulse.”

Yelina released the breath she was holding. For a moment she'd thought that her boyfriend was dead. She watched as one of the paramedics inserted needles into Horatio’s arms. The other tore open the blood soaked shirt and started applying gauze and bandages in an attempt to stop the flow of blood. The bandages soaked through.

“Yelina!” she heard her fellow detective call out to her. “You alright?” Frank asked stopping next to her.

“Yeah,” she replied.

“What happened?”

“It happened so fast,” Yelina shook her head. “It was a black Lincoln with tinted windows. The last alphabet of the plate is ‘G’, could be the Mala Noche… I thought the shooters looked Hispanic, I can’t be sure.”

Frank scribbled into his notebook. “How’s he?”

“We need to get him to the hospital now.” The paramedic replied. They placed Horatio’s limp body onto the gurney.

“I’m coming with you,” Yelina said. She turned to Frank.

“Go ahead, I’ll talk to you later.” Frank nodded towards the ambulance.

“I’m worried for Ray Jr… they could be after him too.” Yelina said.

“I’ll check on the boy myself.” Frank assured her.

“Thank you.”

The gurney was lifted into the ambulance and Yelina climbed in. The doors were slammed shut and they were off, flying down the highway towards the hospital, sirens wailing. Yelina clenched Horatio’s hand tightly. The oxygen mask obscured Horatio’s face and she was unable to tell if he was still breathing. The beeping monitors by his head told her that he was still alive.

“One thing for sure, the bullets missed his heart, else he’d be dead when we got to the scene,” the paramedic riding in the back of the ambulance said in an attempt to console her.

Yelina leaned towards Horatio and ran a hand gently through his red hair.

“Don’t leave me,” she whispered into his ear.

The ambulance screeched to a halt in front of Dade County General ER. The ambulance doors flew open and the paramedic jumped out, pulling the gurney out. Yelina climbed out. There was a doctor and nurse waiting for them. They took one end of the gurney and wheeled it into the ER. Yelina followed closely behind.

“What've we got?” the dark-haired doctor asked.

“Lt Horatio Caine. 45-year old male, GSW to the chest and abdomen, BP’s 70/35, and dropping. Weak pulse, massive blood loss at the scene. We ran 2 pints of normal saline on the way.”

“Thank you, we’ve got it,” the brunette answered as the gurney was pushed into the first trauma room. “You need to wait here.” she told Yelina.

The doors to the trauma room closed and Yelina could only watch through the windows. The group of doctors and nurses crowded round the gurney so that she was unable to see Horatio. After what seemed like an eternity, she saw one of the nurses reach for the defibrillator paddles. Her heart sank. Everyone took a step back as the paddles were placed on Horatio’s chest. His body arched up as electricity coursed through his heart to correct its abnormal rhythm. The doctor glanced up at the monitors and nodded at the nurse. The gurney was wheeled towards the doors and Yelina took a couple of steps back so that the doors could open. Horatio was wheeled past her. There was an array of tubes and wires running in and out of him. Yelina knew the tube inserted into his throat meant he wasn't breathing on his own. The nurse beside the gurney pumped air into his lungs.

The woman who spoke to Yelina earlier approached. “I’m Dr Zanetti, the attending ER physician.”

“Yelina Salas. Horatio’s my boyfriend.”

“We’re taking him to surgery now. We need to get the bullets out and stop the bleeding.”

“How’s he doing?”

“It’s hard to say right now. He’s lost a lot of blood and he has a collapsed lung. The gunshot to his abdomen may have hit his liver.” Dr Zanetti paused. “The liver very important to the human body. If it was badly damaged by the bullet, he may not survive this... unless he gets a transplant. But it's still too early to tell.”

Yelina took the news calmly. She had seen too many homicide victims and had been present at many post-mortums. From the position of Horatio’s wounds she knew it couldn’t be good.

“I’ll get his things.” The doctor turned and walked back into the trauma room.

Yelina remembered when Horatio turned up at her door years ago to inform her of Raymond’s death. She had shed only a few tears that day, she had to be strong for Ray Jr’s sake. She was in a similar position now, except that she had nobody to comfort her. She resolved not to cry. She had to be strong for the sake of Ray Jr and the Horatio’s child she was carrying inside of her.

The doctor returned with a brown paper bag. "His clothes and everything he had on him are in here."

Yelina took the bag.

"I'll take you to the surgical floor."

The elevator stopped on the fourth floor. Pointing to the row of chairs Dr Zanetti said, "You can wait here. The surgeon will come speak to you when the surgery's over."

"Thank you."

Noting her pregnant state the doctor added, "You might want to go home and get some rest, the surgery is going to take awhile."

"I'll be fine here."

Yelina took a seat and placed the paper bag on the seat next to her. She watched the doctor leave. Finally alone she had time to reflect on the events that took place barely an hour ago. She buried her face in her hands. With every breath she took she could smell the scent of Horatio's blood on her hands. She thought she heard Ray Jr call to her. She looked up to see him hurrying to her, Frank not far behind. Mother and son embraced.

"You ok?" Ray asked seeing the bloodstains on his mother's hands and clothes.

"Your uncle's blood." she replied.

"How's he?" Ray asked his voice quavering slightly.

"He's still in surgery."

"I'll stay with you."

"No, I need you to stay with Grandma till this thing blows over."

"But Mom - "

"Do as I say Ray."

The teen nodded. "Promise you'll call once Uncle Horatio's out of surgery?"

"I will." Yelina promised.

"I'll take him," Frank, who had been standing at a distance, offered. "I'll make sure he gets a police escort to and from school, and a squad car is at your mother's day and night."

"Thank you." She gave Ray another hug. "I love you buddy."

"Love you too Mom."

"I'll be back." Frank said. Yelina watched Ray leave with Frank.

Her solitude was soon interupted again by Eric.

"How're you holding up?" Eric asked taking the seat next to her.

"I'm fine."

"Any word on H?"

"He's still in surgery. The doctors aren't saying much."

"Calleigh and Ryan are processing the scene. We'll get the guys who did this."

Yelina nodded her thanks.

"The ER doc said you have H's stuff?"

Yelina handed the paper bag to Eric. "Hopefully this will help us catch the guys who shot Horatio."

"I'll get this back to the lab." Eric said. "If you have any news on H, or if you need anything at all..."

"I'll call. Thanks Eric."

He stood to leave. "What's he doing here?" Eric muttered.

Yelina looked in the direction Eric was staring at. She saw Rick Stetler walking towards them....

Ok we're now open for reviews and comments :D
Ooh the suspense! :)

very nice work Hrockz it's not easy to write such a scene so detailed and exciting but you nailed it alright!

Now i'm off to make you some icons :D, I was so nervous. The emotions are so real, I was holding my breath. That was fantastic. But Stetler...ohoh. God, why does he always have to ruin everything?

Can't wait! Thanks so much Hrockz.