The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

ok, i vote for Girl. she will be H little princess :lol: from the real life we know that fathers love more the girls then the boys ;) and it would be fun when she grow up (teenager) how will react H when boy come to take his girl on a date :devil:

hey Hrockz u think that this decision for Boy or Girl baby is difficult, but after this come the problem with the choice of name ?! ;) no worry we are here and will keep confuse u :lol:
^ I agree, I mean I wanted a boy but H and girls are just...cute. Remember Madison? I vote for a girl! :D And Pusher I love the thought of H maybe spying on some teenage boy taking his little girl out.

Wow, so excited! Update soon! Oh boy a name? ....
Kit4na said:
Too bad she isn't pregnant with twins. Boy and Girl :)

That would be a bit too much.. or ;)

Can't wait for the next update :p

Yeah, twins would've been too much.
Like I said before, I want it to be a girl. I want to see H doting on his little daughter -- running around the lab and hugging his legs when he comes home from work.
cainesugar H looks really hot in your avatar. Love it!

No twins. Like you guys said it'll be too much and too soapy.

Pusher you read my mind! I was just thinking how am I gonna come up with a name when I can't even deicide the gender of the kid. And I don't think I have enough ideas to write till the kid becomes a teenager! Unless I decide I wanna magically age the kid...

Anyway I have decided to put it up to a vote. I still have time, the baby isn't due to arrive yet. But before the vote, let's get back to the story:

They broke the news to Ray Jr over dinner. The teenager took the news surprisingly well adding that he was looking forward to being a big brother.

That night Horatio and Yelina spent a quiet night together in their bedroom. The nights were getting warmer and Yelina elected to go to bed in a spagehtti stripe instead of her usualy pyjamas. She lay in bed flipping the pages of a magazine. Horatio, clad only in his boxers, lay spralwed on the bed, his head resting in her lap.

"You think Ray's really ok with us having a baby?" Horatio asked.

Yelina lowered her magazine. "He doesn't really have a choice, but I guess it's as much a surprise to him as it is to us."

"I remember when my mom came home with Raymond. He cried all the time and my mom spent all her time with him. I think I was jealous."

Yelina smiled. "I'm the younger one but I still got jealous of my older sister. Ray'll learn how to deal with it."

"I don't want him to feel left out." Horatio said as he turned his head to look at Yelina.

"You think I should go talk to him?" she asked as she absently played with his hair.

"No, I'll go." Horatio got up and pulled on a pair of jeans. He walked down the hall and knocked on Ray's bedroom door.

"Come in," he heard the teen call from inside.

Horatio walked in. Ray was at his desk, doing his homework.

"I need to talk to you for a second, Ray." Horatio said as he sat down at the end of the bed.

Ray swivelled in his chair to face his uncle.

"Your mom and I, owe you an apology." Horatio began as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

"What for?" Ray asked.

"For springing this baby thing on you."

Ray shrugged. "I don't really like being an only child anyway, a kid brother or sister will help me take some of the heat from you guys."

Horatio smiled and ducked his head. "To be honest, your mom and I didn't plan on this, but if we did, we'd have liked to have prepared you for it first."

"You mean mom getting pregnant was an accident?" Ray asked looking surprised.

"Erm, yeah." Horatio answered sheepishly.

Ray laughed. "Remember the talk you gave me? You said a man should always be responsible for his actions, and that he should always use a condom to protect himself and the girl... you should have taken some of your own advice Uncle Horatio."

Horatio laughed. "I did... but I guess abstinence is the best protection."

"You told me that too."

"I did, didn't I?" Horatio grinned. "I guess what I really came here to tell you is that no matter what, you're still our son and your mom and I love you very much. When the baby gets here, we'll have to spend alot more time on it, but it doesn't mean we love the baby more."

Ray nodded. "I know, the baby can't take care of itself."

"But... I want you to remember that if you feel we're neglecting you or you need anything at all, you come to us ok?"

"I will."

"Good man." Horatio smiled at his nephew.

"But before the baby gets here, I'm thinking we need a couple more fishing trips."

"Yeah," Ray agreed enthusiastically.

"And, I've got tickets to Sunday's Heat game, if you're interested."

"You bet."

"Great," Horatio continued, "One more thing before I leave you to your homework... Um, what would you say, if I told you I was thinking of asking your mom to marry me."

Ray gave his uncle a half grin, "I'd say I saw that one coming... and I'm cool with it... You have my permission to marry mom." Ray teased.

"Thank you. You're doing a great job of taking care of her by the way... but I thought I'd help take the weight off your young shoulders." Horatio chuckled. He stood up and ruffled Ray's hair.

"Goodnight Uncle Horatio," Ray called as Horatio opened the door.

"Goodnight son." Horatio turned to look back at Ray.

How'd you guys like this one? I always loved it when H interacts with Ray Jr. in the show. He sounds like the perfect teen here but I'm working with the premise that he's a good kid especially now with a stable home environment.

Ok back to the vote. State if you'd want H/Y to have a boy or girl and if you like add a name for the baby too. Voting's open till next Friday Mar 30th.
Another great update. Horatio is gonna pop the question jeej :D I wanne be bridesmaid!

Well I preffer a boy myself but i'll give you some name ideas.

Damian for a boy and Tatiana for a girl.

Tatiana is my real name *snicker*
Here comes the comes the bride...dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dummm....

I don't know is i want it to be a girl or boy. Oh i can't choose! I want them twins! Well, maybe a girl.

I'm the Godmother!? Oh thank you! :D

I wonder if H is actually buying those tickets, or just confiscating them. :lol: It's what i would do. :lol:

Thanks for the update! Hope to see more soon! :D
Oh...H is such a father to Ray anyway. This was wonderful! Marriage? Oh wow, this keeps getting better and better. I so can't wait to see what happens. How about...David for a boy and Lilly- jk, that's my name. I don't know for a girl lol. How abouts Sophia (not for Sofia Milos, mind you, and David not for DC lol)

Great update! Thanks on the icon. *blushes* ih214 made it.
Ok personally I'm not sure about naming the kid after yourself. I don't really like the idea of that.

Sorry Kit and cainesugar nothing personal. :(

I'm thinking I'd like a girl and I'd name her Emily (not after Emily Proctor but I kinda like that name)
I just thought of this. If it's a girl, we won't see the Horatio Hotness. But if it's a boy, we can see the red Horatio hair, and Yelina's'll be beautiful. :) *wipes tears away* Just too beautiful...
I know Hrockz I was just kidding. :D A girl or boy would be beautiful! Anything, I'm happy with. Bring it on! Thanks, can't wait for more.
Voting's still open but for now it seems most of us are for them having a girl?

Oh and go ahead you gals be the bridesmaid, Godmother, anything you want. BTW Kit you have a really nice name, Tatiana. My friend's daughter has the same name as you. :)

Sorry side-tracked a little here, anyway back to our story...

The recent rainfall had moistened the ground benneth his feet. He made his way across the grass, his feet finally coming to rest at the grave he was headed for. He got down on one knee and removed his sunglasses.

Placing one hand on the headstone he said, "Little brother."

It had been some time since Horatio had visited Ray's grave, but he made it a point to come here to honor his brother's memory. There were times when he came with Yelina and Ray Jr. but today he needed to be there alone.

"Not a day goes by when I don't miss you... I know Yelina and Ray Jr feel the same... I'm thinking of marrying Yelina... we didn't plan on falling in love with each other, but it happened. I would return them both to you in a heartbeat in exchange for you to be still alive... I'll take good care of them... I miss you."

He got up and placing his sunglasses on his face once more he walked back to his Hummer.


The setting sun dipped into the horizon, giving everything on the beach an orange glow. Horatio and Yelina had just made their second visit to Dr Donovan. Yelina was now 14 weeks pregnant, and the doctor had declared that the pregnancy was progressing well. Their shift was over and they strolled hand in hand along the beach. The sea breeze gave them much needed relief from the day's heat.

"I'm beginning to show." Yelina commented.

Horatio glanced down at her belly, "Maybe a little. Everyone in the department knows."

"Yeah. I think we gave the gossip mongers alot to talk about... Yelina Salas getting pregnant by her dead husband's brother."

"Yes that is headline news isn't it?"

Yelina laughed.

"Does it bother you?" he asked.

"No." Yelina assured him, "It comes with the territory of dating Horatio Caine."

Horatio nodded and smiled. They walked on for awhile before he stopped. Removing his sunglasses he fingered them between his hands as he turned to face her.

"Call me old-fashioned but uh.. I um.. I don't think it's right, I don't think it's right for you to be carrying my child and not be married to me."

Yelina stared at him for a moment. "Are you asking me to marry you?"

"I am," he quickly replied.

"I don't want you to be pressured into marrying me."

"I'm not."

Yelina turned her head and looked out to the horizon. Her silence unnerved him. After some thought she turned back to face him.

"If I weren't pregnant, would you be asking me this today?"

Horatio knew what she was getting at but he couldn't lie to her. "No."

"Then you're not ready."

"Yelina, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I knew from the day we started seeing each other."

"So do I." she answered. "But marriage changes things... it changed some things for Ray and I."

"I'm not Ray." Horatio said.

"I realise that... but a few year later if things aren't going smoothly I don't want either of us to have an excuse to back out."

"I would never - "

"I know that baby, but you're not ready."

Horatio wondered if he was really the one that wasn't ready for marriage. "Let me be the judge of that."

Her mind was made up. "Ask me again after the baby's born."

Horatio bowed his head. He felt devastated. He couldn't understand why she didn't want to marry him, but he didn't want to force her into doing something she didn't want to. She was right in saying that if she wasn't pregnant marriage wouldn't have crossed his mind yet, but there was never any doubt that if he were to marry someone, it would be her. His thoughts were interrupted by her putting her arms round his neck.

"Don't look so defeated. I do want to marry you, just not now." She said placing a hand on his cheek. "I love you don't ever doubt that."

Horatio nodded. "I love you too."

She smiled. "Let's go, we gota go pick Ray from my mom's."

"Ok." He slipped his sunglasses back on, shielding his disappointment from her.

Hope I got you guys rivetted to the story. Things are going to get exciting...
Ok, this is just too freaky yet cool. I just found out yesterday that my sister-in-law is pregnent!! I'm gonna be an Aunt in 9 months! Isn't that a crazy coincidence!!


Whatddya mean 'things are going to get exciting'? Oh wait. Things are going to get exciting! YES! (I hope Horatio confiscates the biggest f'ing ring made. :lol: )

Thanks for the update!! *huggles*
congrats Hunter!! :D

Thanks for the lovely update there Hrockz I'm curious as to how it's going to continue ;D
Oh Yelina. You made the right desicion, but you should have married before you got pregnant.
Anyways, hope everything goes smoothly. And congrats Lora!! :) Hope it all goes well for you too!
Thanks for the update! :D