The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my girlfriend..?: Are you still my girlfriend? Because the way you acted yesterday, makes me wonder. I have no clue what''s up with you, but I really don't like it and I wish you'd just freakin talk to me about it.

To my mom: stfu. You're pissing me off. You keep talking and talking and talking and I'm obviously not in a good mood. So can you just step off?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my cousin and his new wife: GAH, I wish I could tell this to your face but I'm too shy to walk up to you and be like HOLY SHIT you are the cutest couple I've ever seen. Really. Like I hope you stay together forever because you're both amazing people and so funny and so nice. And it's so cute that you've been best friends since you were 5. So yeah, you know I'm happy for you but I wish you knew how much I love you as a couple. Hahaah. Oh and have an awesome trip to Italy. :D
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a friend: Why is it always like walking on egg shells with you? F*ck. I am really getting sick of this. Everything I say I have to think fifty times over before I say it. Everything is something to piss you off. I tell you I'm dying my hair, you get mad, you sign on MSN, make me send you a song, then sign off like a bitch. What is your problem? Ugh.

To my sister: Ugh, gag me with a fork please. You and your boyfriend seriously make me want to puke. He's here so late, and like what the hell are you two doing? And all I can hear this morning is "awe, you're so cute, awe, awe, awe, awe" dude, first off, you woke me up at 8 in the morning with that, and then made me play stupid love songs while you two kissed eachothers noses. Ugh, seriously.

To my mom: I don't want to help you move a couch, it's too much effort! I'm tired because I was woken up too early with the stupidest words ever, then couldn't fall back asleep, and blahh. I will help you anyways, but I really do not want to help you.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a friend : I hope you had fun at your birthday, i sure did! It was crazy fun. I hope you liked your lame gift from me!!! Haha i loves you! :)

To another friend : Wtf is wrong with you, i mean sorry, i never new i was starrting some lame little fight. I mean you say i over react but next time you talk, think about the owrds coming out of your mouth. Like seriosuly, dont just throw words around trying to be all tough.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my mother: I have my life. I don't think you need to worry why I'm not friends with someone, especially when this friend drinks too much, has gotten arrested, and is a flat-out b*tch. You just need to trust that I decided not to trust her anymore or be her friend.

To school: I don't wanna go back! I want more summer :(
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a friend: What? You sure do know how to waste 5 hours...for a sprain. You go to a walk in clinic doctor for that!

To someone: It really is time to grow up. It really is.

To another friend: Ohh my gosh! I am sorry I am getting my hair done! I'm lucky I get the day off even, and you're like "you should hang out with me, you're never off work" well I am not cancelling my hair appointment just to hear you wine about how much your life sucks. I'm sorry! God.

To my mom: Heh, I really want to drink bubba and grandpas christmas present. But I won't, because someone would generally notice if half a bottle of ice wine isn't there anymore. Hehe. And why are you buying Christmas presents in August?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my schoolmates: I know why I didn't miss you guys. Your all cold hearted, mean, self centered, pricks. I mean really, just because someone's a freshman doesn't mean they're inferior to us, they're people. and if I remember correctly we were freshman too last year?

To my tennis partner/best friend: Yayy! We're totally back in the swing. I had so much fun almost dehydrating with you.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To me:

Why did you take that meds, yes you slept very good, but now you are so tired the whole day, you sleep the whole day and that will mean you wont sleep at night.. Was it a good choose or was it wrong, did you really think it true when you took it? I am just wondering...

To Mom & stepdad:

Its cool that you wanna help me, but i have to say that i dont like to hear everytime you see me that i am fat.. I know that i am big & fat, but its painfull to hear that from you.. Stop doing it., stop telling me how i look and how wrong i look.. Be a bit nicer that can help me looking better at myself and be more happy with myself.. Thanks ...

To girlfriend:

I dont need to hear that you are in a bubble and that you cant feel at the moment.. YOu cant help me you tell, so i have to tell you something its just over between us. I dont feel the same, dont think its coming back. YOu just ask for all my attention but you never give me some. I always listen to you, help you, be there for you and so on. But when i ask just 5 minutes of your time to listen to me because i feel bad, you start talking about yourself.. I cant handle that. Dont want to be in a relationship like this, its not good, am sorry.. Its just what it is.. OVER..
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

^I'm sorry to hear that you're in such a bad place right now. I hope you'll feel better soon. And about that weight, I can sooooo relate to that, my mother does the same thing, no matter what size I am...she's constantly commenting on my weight, be it good or bad, I cannot stand it. I told her numerous times to just f*** stop it, but somehow she doesn't get it...I'm already dreading going home for the weekend, I know she will comment on my weight loss.

To Latin teacher: Go eat sth for christ's sake, you look emaciated.......or don't, I might be attracted to you if you didn't look like a walking skelleton :p
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To girlfriend's latin teacher:
Don't dare eating!

To weather: Quit being so damn hot! It's August, as in fall! I sit in a f*ckin sticky office all day, soaking in my own sweat! It's disgusting!

To job: You're dull.

To colleage: You're so irritating. Stop telling everyone how amazing you are, what great things you've experienced, what great things you own, what an exceptional present you bought for your wife, whatEVER!
Furthermore, quit talking to so many people on the phone all day. I don't care that your son is still in bed at 11 a.m., that you've seen the f*ckin Rolling Stones in front of the hotel, that your daughter went shopping and partying all weekend and whatnot. You're there to WORK not to CHAT. And what's with your "supercool" attitude? You're a 48 year old who looks like almost 60, you're annoying and dull. You haven't accomplished anything, or else you wouldn't work for a little temporary employment agency, doing a job the secretary could do better!

And anyway, how come you get like 5 files done EVERY DAY when all the others mange AT LEAST 7?

Gosh, I could strangle you.

Also, why are you on first name terms with the girl from upstairs, and why does half the office know half your life already, after like 3 weeks?

Okay, there's more:

How come this city is full of dykes? I mean, nothing against lesbians that show pride and bling even on straight peoples radars, but wtf was that the past two days? There were so many of them everywhere I looked! Not the tomboyish kind, but the "are you sure you're not a man" kind! Damn

And finally: I miss my girlfriend :(
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To someone: I'm moving on and I'm not coming back again. You had your last chance.

To a friend: EFF! Get your ass back here! I am soo bored, we have to go see Harry Potter in 3D! (Haha, although I already have, I don't care!)

To my sister: I cannot seriously believe you ate the last burito! Now I can't just microwave something, I acutally have to cook something! I am feeble! I can't cook, unless there's soup, I can cook that...
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To one guy in one messageboard:

You are annoying, y'know? Who would know you are an adult.... you give smartass answers and it ticks me off. Have you by the way even ONCE talked about the main subject there? Ummm no. Of course it's open forum but you spend lot of time there and we are friendy but srsly. Learn some basic messageboard behaviour :rolleyes:
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