The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my so called friend: Yeah i'm short, so what? I know I'm short, and i'm pissed off about it as it is. I don't need you rubbing it in my face every single day! I'm so glad i'm on vacation just to get away from you!

To people at school: If you got something to say, say it to my face! You must think i'm blind or summet. Do you think i don't see the looks, you think i don't hear the gossip? Yeah, i may be different, but that doesn't mean you can pick on me! I'm sick of it, y'hear!

A certain teacher: Just coz you don't have a life, doesn't mean you can make ours a living hell! You may find homework fun, but we certainly don't! So get your head outta your ass and get a life!

To my dad: Why don't you ever pick up the phone when he calls? He's not always asking for money! It's not right, to ignore your son! I miss him, and you never let me talk to him! He's your son for god's sake! He derserves your respect, if nothing else!

As you can see, i have alot to rant about. I think that's it, for now. It does actually help to get it off your chest.

PSG xxx
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To week: Be over, now. I never knew it would suck so much to work all day and miss my girlfriend. I keep thinking of the money I make but that doesn't really work that well anymore, I miss home. Furthermore, my mother is seriously getting on my nerves reminding me why I had to move out and my ear hurts from pressing the phone to it for so long. I want to go back, why can't it be friday already?


*remembers not to be a girl*

*sits up*

Yeah right, just 3 days, that's nothing. No need to get all weird now.

To work: You're boooooooooooooooring and dull. I'm so not looking forward to doing this for another month!

*remembers money*

Okay, maybe I am, just a tiny little bit :p
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To someone: Ugh, get over yourself. Not everything is about you. I can't believe how rude you are. We invite you somewhere and then you say "I don't want to be here anymore." Well if you piped up, you'd have something to talk about with us. And don't leave the table and act like a wuss because I wanted to sit with someone other than my sister for once. Get. Over. It.

To work: GO AWAY. I barely get paid anything and it's boring. I sat there last time for four hours and played minesweeper! Boring! And I'm sick of hearing the same music over and over again every day.

To someone else: Stop calling. You're just trying to make it sound like you're all grown up and on your own. You know the reason you moved out? We don't want to pick up your garbage everytime you migrate into a different room. And have you seen your apartment? It's not food anymore, it's its own planet.

Ha. :p
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my best mate: Shut the hell up about your holiday! You must've told me everything about 2 times now, I get it! Even everyone else is complaining about you going on! And if you're not planning on replacing me, then stop acting like it, and I wont get paranoid. You of all people know why that kinda thing gets to me.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my mom: stfu. like seriously. I'm trying to do homework and your being louder than anything. Your pissing me off.

To my homework: Die.

To this zit: Go away! I have yearbook pictures tomorrow!

To my hair: You better look somewhat acceptable.

To my girlfriend: Ahhh, I can't wait til you come see my Saturday. It's going to suck when school starts, but we can do it :)

To my best friend: What the heck? I miss you to death! Where have you been!?! We need to hang out soon. After school starts.

To my other best friend: Why have we been talking on the phone? Seriously, the phone is not our thing. But your the best :)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Mom: I know you said I was a huge disspointment a long time ago, but I just want to know if I still am? I'm sorry I don't get perfect grades, I don't go out with friends like a 'normal' person but I hope I don't need to for you to be proud of me.

Mom: Oh and also, thanks for asking if I wanted to go see MCR in concert. I totally would but they aren't coming here. :( I guess I'll just watch them in Toronto on tv... like I always do... D: Means a lot that you asked, though. :)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To little sister:
Finaly its a bit better between us. I am happy to see you tomorow, even looking forward to it. Wish it was tomorow already. I missed you a lot and i do care. You so much nicer and sweeter with out mom or Peter. Thats when i like you the best. Just you & me togheter with out any one, the time having to talk, laugh & shop. I am so curious about your holiday. Hope you had fun.

To mother:
I dont understand you any more, and one moment you hate me and tell me what i did so wrong in my life. That i am a loser that can't do anything. And then you are there wanted to give me money and help with searching a new house.. I really dont get it. What do you want from me?? Tell me, what i am I.. The good daughter or the bad one. Because i dont know it any more. YOu confuse me so much, dont know i've i have to hate or love you anymore.. Argg you are driving me grazy...

To myself:
Why dont you do it right, or good. Why do you make people think you dont care & that you aren't doing anything for it. B*tch you care & work so F**king hard for things. Show it to them, cry i've its needed.. Argg i hate you..
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my sister: Well pfft. I am just cool like that. And I now know vague is not my middle name :lol: Ahaha, ily.

To summer: You're all like there! Then you all like go away! Yeesh, you're almost gone, and then I will be cold, and cold, and cold! I hate being cold, being cold is icky. I wish you would stick around longer.

To the person planning to dye my hair: Haha, you're my new hero. I cannot believe you said you would dye my hair for twenty dollars. You're like, my new hero. And you know, if you're hair didn't look so cool, I would probably not trust you. But you gots rainbow hair that looks cool! Therefore, I trust you with my hair!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my mother: Ummm. Your being extremly lame! My homework, my life, my time frame. I procrastinate. I'll get it done.

To my school: What the heck? Why is my schedule so messed up? I'm missing classes throughout the day and I have a super late lunch. I can tell this year's going to suck.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To the manager at my job who knows nothing: You have no right telling the people calling to check references that I have applied at that I violated my restrictions. You haven't worked with me since I was put on them. How the heck would you know? Have you been spying on me? I used to like you now I hope that you get in a huge amount of trouble for lying. You should have directed that call to the person in charge, you are just a fill in till mid Fall. I plan to take this issue up with the person in charge and possibly the district guy and if nothing is done I could sue for deframation on character and/or submitting wrong information. You should have never messed with me because it's not going to be pretty.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To the weather: Its freaking August! I should be having 30 degrees and sunshine instead of wind and rain! CHANGE!

To parents: Do you have any idea how close you are to losing me?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To body: Ugh! Why do you have to be sick? I want to enjoy my day at the beach today and I don't think that I will be able to.

To peeps goingto the beach: YAY! We're going to the beach! I'm glad cause I need to get my tan on!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my friend: AH! What the hell, what am I supposed to get you? You're birthday is tomorrow! I don't know what to buy you! You're going to end up with a gift card to some random mall if no one gives me any ideas!

To another friend: My hair will look fine! And it won't fall out!

To the missonaries that were just at my door: Heh. I knew that would work. It always does. Don't show up at my door and expect me to go "oh, you're right, being gay is really stupid, please fix me!" I am seriously going to show up at the door, tell you I'm gay and have beer in my hand (even though I actually don't drink it, I just randomly grabbed one to make you go away) like my goodness! How many times does someone have to tell you that they're not interested!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Harry Potter Books : Why do you have to be so damn awesome, i mean maybe if you sucked i wouldnt be so obsessed with you, like seriously. Im pathetically obsessed now...i hope your happy!

To Friend : You birthday is tomorrow and your present isnt that great but you can just deal with it, i have like no money left now, like OMG, sooo not fair. But we are gonna have fun swimmin' and tellin' old times when we were like 13 LOL.

To brother : Come home!! Like seriously, i miss you!

To Chelsi : Okay, yes the bathroom is quite nasty, but i am soooo not cleaning it!! Youy leave like used tissues and otehr things GRR, so you can clean it all by yourself, and get all the diseases that are probly infesting the space under the sink :lol:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my ex: Stay away from me. Seriously, your starting to freak me out. I walked outside today, and I saw you driving down the street. Stay away from me, my friends, my family, and my life. Seriously, you creep.

To my girlfriend: Ahh two days! I can't wait to see you. I'm soo excited.

To myself: Get off the damn internet!
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