The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To life: I'm so glad everything is okay. I was so scared when that tornado hit. I was so scared, but than everyone was okay. It really put things into perspective.

To my friends: Okay, blow me off. That's cool.

To tennis: I'm so tired of playing. I seriously want to quit the team.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To someone: I warned you. I told you. And now I really am gone. I'm sorry.

To a friend: Haha, today was fun. Except you cried so hard I could barley hear. But that's okay, it was rather hilarous. And now we have matching shoes and lunchboxes...uhh, weird? Yeah. And my Harry Potter keychain may be pretty much the stupidest thing ever, but it is awesome!

To a friend I haven't seen forever: We gonna go have coffee tomorrow! Um, yay much? Haha, I'm excited!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my left ear.

Stop hurting so much, or of you have to keep hurting at least be nothing to worry about. I'd be ok if it was just acne in there or a side effect of my acutane. Just don't be like it was last time where I was sick for a week and had to be on massive painkillers. I don't want to be in pain this week especially on Thursday or Friday.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To self


why the hell are there so many old people in my city? I have nothing against them, but some variety would be nice! It's like all I see on the bus and in town and at work (especially) all damn day is people with grey hair and over-60 bus passes. You're all very polite generally and all, but my god, it's like an alien invasion sometimes!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my brain: Why can't you just simply remember the stuff I read? The exam is Friday! And there's still oh so much to learn. So please, work with me here.

To my chemistry professor: Why couldn't you just give me one more point? Just one more? Then I would have been outside doing something fun instead of learning your course book again, which, btw, has an insane amount of pages! Ass...
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To family:
You really don't care do you? I told you I am in Belgium but I am with Kerry in the UK and you don't even care where I am.

To self:
Stop your mind from fucking with you! Its gone far enough already!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my little sister: Saturday I go back. And I am going to miss you, even if you hate all my music. You've pulled through so much, I am so proud of you, hang on, you only have 4 years left until you graduate. I know it seems like a long time, but it will go by so fast. I will so miss you!

To my old roommates: I swear to god, if we don't do something when I come back, I will seriously freak out! Even just a glass of wine would be appreciated. Can't wait to see you all!

To my dad: Stop trying to give me wine at 11:30 in the morning! I am not going to drink wine before noon. You have got to be kidding me! Not to mention I have to go to work in 10 minutes, I don't want wine if I have to go to work! God, you make me laugh, I love you.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To hair: Why the f*ck are you damn ugly and complicated and thick and whatever? I just want f*ckin normal hair like everybody else! I hate you so much it's almost painful. And why do you grow so fast anyway? Didn't I like cut those stupid bangs twice this year already?? I hate how they fall into my eyes and get all greasy after 2 days. And I hate how my f*ckin hair makes me sound like some silly teenager but I just get so mad everytime I look into the mirror. Damn.

To my colleague: You are so annoying, can you please die? Like, today?

To stuff: Put yourself in those boxes that I'm sure exist somewhere in the house. I just want to go home, I dont feel like packing now. Or tomorrow for that matter.

To back: Stop hurting, others have to sit in those officechairs too all day, see them holding their backs all the time? No.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To girlfriend:

I think i am going to say sooner to you that its over between us, you are making me mad.. I really start to get the feeling to yell at you.. The way you just sayed goodbey true msn made me so mad... I am really going to break up with you.. Dont want this anymore, need time for myself.. So much stress... You wont let me.. I dont want to see you tommorow and i cant help it i've its hurting you. Yes i am pushing you away and walking away do you finaly start to get it... Argggg i am so pissed of now.. Thanks for that..

To my house..:

Let i be, please let me be the one who has been chosen from all the others. I've so i will be so F*ck*ng happy... Joy...
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

I feel like screaming right now! Since i don't want another telling-off, i'll vent on here instead. I apologize now for my language.

First off, why is life so fuckin' stressful! I start school next week, and i'm scared shitless. It's a big year with very important exams, and i'm worried that if i'm stressed now, when i'm supposed to be on holiday, that when i actually start school, it'll be too much. It got too much once... and let's just say, i don't wanna go back to how i was then.

Also, i just got told off by my music teacher for not fuckin' practising, when I have no fuckin' time!!! I don't even wanna play anymore, i'm sick of it! It's too stressful! But i have to keep playin for at least another year to pass my exams! And my parents will flip if I quit now.

Well, that feels... a little better. I'm gonna go punch something.

PSG xxx
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Bosses: Why wont you fire me? I hate my job so much! I was 30 minutes late for work and you still didn't fire me. I'm not going to be deliberately bad at my job but honestly 30 minutes? I mean sure it wasn't my fault or anything but really. I mean come one I accidentally rammed into an old lady's chairs with the soup cart last Tuesday! And I accidentally gave that one guy cranberry sauce instead of HP sauce! Obviously I suck at this job so why don't you fire me already?!?!?!

To parents: Why wont you let me quit this job? I hate it and you know that I hate it cause I have told you repeatedly. You keep saying that I will want spending money when I am at school but really I don't spend that much money in the first place. I am an extremely frugal person. I think that pants over 25 dollars are expensive. Honestly. I hate it sooooo much. Plus my first year of University I think I would much rather not having a job and having all that extra time to and what not. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Do you realize that almost every time I am on my way to work I hope to be hit by a car or fall down the stairs and break my arm that is how much I hate this job. I even considered slicing open my hand at work so that I could go to the hospital to get stitches instead of working. That must tell you something!

To life: Why does everything in life have to be so hard? And why do we only get 18 years to decide what we want to do for the rest of our lives? Why do we have to spend at least 12 years in school and then either continue on in school or else get a job and do that for the next 40 some years? Why do we only get a break once we are too old to really appreciate it? Why do schools expect everyone to be smart? Some people just aren't! Some people can spend years trying to learn something and they never will. Everyone is different and it is really annoying when you are expected to meet the same conditions as another person who is completely different than you? We have all lived different live that shaped us into different people so why don't schools start teaching us like we are different people who learn in different ways?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my sister: You want me to help you clean your room after I ran around the house looking for my stuff and putting it in boxes for four hours? You have got to be kidding me, I also ended up cleaning the computer area for some random reason, I don't even know why, not much of my stuff was even there. And you want me to help clean your room? I am tired, have no clean clothes because most of them are in the washer, which means I'm not even done packing!

To my parents: Are you trying to kill me? No better yet, you must want my roommates to kill me. If I seriously show up at 10:30 AM and go "Hi, help me, I have 40 boxes in my dads truck and you have to help me get them in" one of them just might punch me. And why do we have to go to Ikea at 8:30 AM? It's too early. All of this is going to be to early!

To school: I don't want to go back to you. Even if it's not as stupid as high school, I still don't want to go back. Ugh, stuck up snoby music girls, here I come!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a friend: I'm sorry. I know if I told you that you'd be like (...) "for what?" For not sitting with you at lunch the one day I had it with you. For not sitting beside you in english. For being a bitch. It's just, you can be really... hyper, I guess that's the word, and it gets annoying. That's why I act so distant. Sometimes you just take a joke or anything way too far and it's not funny just annoying. Or you keep rambling on about something that no one cares about. I can tell they don't because they just look away and ignore you. I don't have the heart to tell you that because it sounds really mean. But it's true. And now I sound mean but that's okay because I'm not actually telling this to your face. :p So, I'm sorry. I feel really bad.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To myself:

Why did you get so angry on yourself.. Why did you have to hurt yourself.. What are you doing? what the hell is wrong with you..??? I am so sad, and can only cry, cant stop it anymore.. its to much..Dont no where to go, cant write things of me on the other forums because of HER.. It sucks, just go talk to her and say its over.. :( :(

To K..:

I also think you fake a part of your disorder. I know its mean to think and even talk about it behind your back. But it so, and why cant you stop talking about it. or stop talking about only like you.. I never have the change to say anything about myself or your problem or thing is worser or more nicer to talk about. YOu just take away all of my energie cant handle that.. The reason that i just called you K.. is that in my eyes your not my girlfriend anymore.. And what the hell where you thinking to tell it about Miranda, maybe you wanna quit the therapy but i dont i need it..Bitch.. Argg more and more stuff you do or say makes me mad and dislike you evne more, we really have to talk soon. Because i cant go on like this anymore.. Sorry but its not good like this, dont even want a friendship with you on the moment.. Just leave me alone..
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