The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my sweety: You are the best, you made my internet work :D

On the downside, now I feel incredibly stupid for not being able do it on my own. But well... at least I got the nails into the walls by myself :p

To my neighbours from across the street: Damn, you two are disgusting! Not enough that you look like Amish Gremlins, do you really have to make out right in front of the window? In plain view of everyone! You could at least close the blinds!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

congrats on the job SaraSidle_girl!

to E:
i'm a jerk?? no honey, i'm just honest. you need to get a grip on life and realize that not everyone is going to jump to take care fo you if you simply bat your eyes at them. sorry it just doesn't work on me, princess. you are a spoiled brat and someday you are going to hit the ground hard and no one will be there to catch you.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To work: Yes I called in 2 days in a row and yes that is hard to believe for a hard worker like me, but I had the flu and working with food and other people wasn't going to happen. You can get mad all you want and scream at me when I come back but my health is important and I know I'm dependable but I'm not one for infecting others with the sickness that I got, it wasn't a pleasent weekend.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To someone: Ugh, just please text me, I need someone to talk to. Had a weird, confusing day.

To my sister: Stop it. Just please stop it. You know that you're worth more, and by doing this it's not helping you do anything. Just stop it.

To my emotions: You should really be less like ah! I don't want to cry every night, and I find myself crying every night!

To someone: Stop talking to me about cats. I don't care, they're cats, I don't need to know what you feed your cats and how soft they are. I kinda have other things on my mind, and those other things really have nothing to do with cats.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my lazy body: Get up and go work out! The computer will be there when you get back. Go out and run or swim just do something!

To the fridge: Stop producing delicous fattening food. I need to stay healthy and you are not helping! I guess thats my fault for not buying many healthy things. Grr

To myself: You have a busy day tomorrow and you have to keep a lot of little kid entertained. Just stay postitive and don't get angry and inpatient around them because I know thats what you want to do!

:rolleyes: Pheww... That felt good :)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Coortje:

YOur are a total b*tch by putting stuff on there with out telling me what is going on. I was freak out by it and i like to hear it from you as a person instead of reading it like that.. But i've it have to be like that than take me away for it because i am NOT a Dog or something like that. I dont feel at home there any more and you really hurt my feelings. Just trown me out instead of making me black.. ARGGGG I am so f*ck*ng Mad...

To Lieske:

I really missed you, it was so weird to talk to a stranger. I like you more than i thought and i am sorry for being angry on you. You are the best and the greatest and helping me more than you think. Thanks thanks thanks for it.. Dont leave yet..

To Karin:

Happy b-day my sweety i really hope you are going to like my present. I love you and dont want to hurt you or let you thrown away from a forum or so. I've i am doing it wrong than i will leave because i know that you need it more than me and its helping you a lot.. So sorry for that girlie..
I hope that tonight will be a great evening. Watching Harry Potter and being together. I will do my best i promis..Kisses to you...
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

First of all, to SaraSidle_Girl, congrats on the new job and evrything!

To my sis: I miss you, too, and I just hope you'll get along well over in the US. It was good to talk to you on the phone today, I guess it's hard for both of us, isn't it! But this is a lifetime opportunity for you, and I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job with the kids!

To Weather God: I am glad that you finally decided to let the sun shien, but does it have to be so hot? Think of the people who live right beneath the roof - my room is like hell today! How will I be able to sleep?

To internet guy: What do you really want? Do you just want to et to know me or do you want more? I looked at your profile and well, let's say I've seen more interesting people (and with better taste in music!^^) but on the other hand I should really not judge you by that, should I?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To myself:
Get off your a** and take a shower. Sure being sick sucks, but you should leave the house. Tell the two people who mean the most to you about your date Saturday. Because You're pretty much going to die of excitment in 10 minutes.

To my date:
I'm so excited. I can't believe we're finally going on this "dream date" you've been promising me for monthes :)

To sickness:
Gosh, I hate you. I hate being sick. GOSH!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To sisters therapist: I pretty much just love you. Thank you :)

To my sister: I am so happy you came to your senses. Okay, so you had help doing that, but it was a huge thing to do, and I'm so proud of you.

To a friend: You're very weird. And that's all I have to say.

To someone who really does mean the world: Ugh. I just don't know what do to. It's weird. Somedays I adore you with all my heart, other days you're just a bestfriend, I really don't know how I feel about you. You're so everything, and I don't know. But I need time, just please, I really need some time.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Him:
You said you'd call me back, and you didn't. I'm actually quite sure I am getting over you... But then I see you again, and I go back to square one :( Why oh why.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my ex-boss:
Yeah I had to quit. I can't combine this new job with the hours at the lousy department store. I worked there for 6,5 years and you refused to do anything for me so I could keep both my jobs! Thanks for nothing!

To Kerry:
You make me nervous and curious now that you said I can expect a delivery of some sort. And your question; yes I know its soon. But there is nothing I want more than that. You get me that ring baby :D

To mom and dad:
I really want to tell you about me and Kerry. I really do. But I just know you won't accept it. You won't accept her for who she is and I don't want that. If that forces me to live in a lie and arrange things in secret and needing to leave this house soon to be with her, than thats how things have to be.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To friend : Thanks for making me feel very happy when i was very sad.

To brother : I miss you like crazy!

To Chels : I love you Sweetie, it's gonna be fine...i promise. *HUGS*

To mom: Trust me mom, i know you can make it through this.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To self:
This is what you want. You shouldn't let them hold you back. If you love this woman, you have to follow your heart. Marry her. Stay with her. Cause everything else you have now is not worth as much as what she is gonna give you.

To Kerry:
Megan Gaia and Mika Alex...

To time:
Can't you just go a bit faster? Jump to february or something?!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my dad: I wish you were less over dramatic and paranoyed. Then I could tell you how I was punched in the face by a complete stranger that jumped into the car I was in. It was terrifying then, but now its just extremly weird.

To my little sister: You are a spaz. Wholly, you can yell at a dog when they're doing something stupid, but you can't yell at a dog for standing there. Not the dogs fault you screw around the house then realize that you screwed around for three hours and that you're going to miss your bus. Oh and it wasn't the doors fault either, no need to slam it swearing your mouth off. It was no ones fault but yours.

To my mom: I can't tell you this now, cause you're at work, but I have decided that you can read the Harry Potter book first when we get it on Saturday. I still have a CSI:NY book to finish and an Agatha Christie book to start and finish. This is a big step for me, so be proud that I'm not screaming and freaking out that I want to read it. Because I have before. Aha.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my dad:

Still you are not dying. I've never heard about a healthy guy who has been tested so much than you are. You are a drama queen. It's annoying. Remember how grandpa never whined, no matter how much he was in pain in his last months. Looks like every time doctors don't find anything related to cancer, you get disappointed and find something new and want to get it tested.

If you have a headache, you go "oh, I have a headache, I don't know why but I have it and felt like shit whole day"
You think none of us have ever headache? Yeah we do, but we don't spend all day whining about it and making it end of the world. And then you dare to say "it's nothing" to mom when she has bad migrane.

I don't know how you managed to be like that because neither granny or grandpa was like that.

You are like a 5-year-old kid even you are over 50.
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