The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

^ I'm sooooooooooo sorry, SaraSidle_Girl, that really is a tragic story. I hope the people who loved her will find enough strength to get through this.

To Furry Friend: See, you did not like your food, now another furry friend will eat it (and enjoy it) :p. Btw, I'm glad to finally get a night without you waking me ;)

To Shaven Friend: I know you will take good care of our Furry Friend, but I'm still missing the two of you.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

*hugs* ^ (Thank you for making me think I can post this :D)

To Benny: You died over a month ago now, and I thought I had forgotten what it felt like, when I heard the news. But something brought it back to me, I still love you, my 12 year old cousin, I wish I didn't feel so awkward when talking to your family. :D
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my immune system.

Do what you're supposed to do and keep me healthy. I'm sick of being so sick either during or right after vacations. I'm pretty good to you why must you take so much time to get me healthy. However thank you for not getting me sick when I was in NYlast week.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

So sorry to hear that SaraSidle_Girl life really is too short..I hope everyone who loved her finds the strength to pull through.

To someone: I kinda really like you...

To the roommates I left behind this morning: I miss you guys already. It's so quiet here. There's no threats, no yelling, no crying, no screaming, it's so...quiet. And yes, I do miss it a lot.

To my coughing: AHHH! Go away, it has been two weeks, I use an inhaler (which doesn't work) and you won't go away! AGHH, I would like to go out places wihtout looking like some disease carrier. Yeeshhhh.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To self: What the *** was I thinking when I said I would read that poem out loud in front of everybody??? I did not know that "everybody" meant 40 people :eek:
Why did I not come up with another gift for my grandparents? :(

To shaven friend: I really hope I'll manage to braid your hair tonight, I swear I'll do my best.

To mother: I really hope you do not expect a poem from me also. I really don't want to think about your wedding in too much detail.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

@ Rainy: I know you'll do fine. I believe in you :)

@ SaraSidle_girl: I'm sorry to hear about your loss

To a friend: Sorry I haven't called you yet, but I just wouldn't know what to say. I still can't wrap my head aroundd the fact that your father is dead, even if I haven't seen you and your family in a while I'm still a little shaken over the news. I totally didn't expect it. Now I don't know whether I should call you or write a card or something because we haven't really been ion contact in like forever and while I do want you to know I'm thinking of you I feel like this is not the right time to come by and say hi. I just don't feel this is a good moment and it's definitely a shitty reason to renew our contact.

I'll ponder this...

To hunger: Go away, I just had dinner!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my friend: I don't care how bad today was! At least you were there, even though it was the longest 6 hours of our short lifes :) Your my best friend.

To my other friend: Well when you open up, you just rip it all open, but that's good. I'm really glad we're getting close.

To my parents: I'm pretty miffed at all of you. Yeah, so if you wake me up at like 5AM tomorrow, I'm going to be so ticked off.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Omg Omg Omg what are you going to do? You are so dead! He's gonna kill you seriously! But whatever you can live without your cell for a couple of months right? God I can't even breath right rite now.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To someone: This lyric seems to remind me of you...

To my brain: Do you always have to pick the straight girls to like? GOD, pick a gay girl for once, yeeesh.

To Chelsea: Yeesh! So excited for Friday. I really hope we do manage to be able to go shopping, I will be sad if we aren't able too. Because I so need some new clothes, I have like none. It's quite depressing actually. Hehe, can't wait <3
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my coworkers
Don't bother me today like you did yesterday! And don't you dare send me into that hot, stuffy store room for a few hours again cause I will kill you! You nearly drove me insane yesterday.

To mom and dad
You'd better accept that I am going to the UK. I still need to tell you about me and Kerry and I just know you two are not gonna agree. But why can't you let me make my own choices and finally live my own life.

To self:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To mom and dad
You'd better accept that I am going to the UK. I still need to tell you about me and Kerry and I just know you two are not gonna agree. But why can't you let me make my own choices and finally live my own life.

^^ I hope you find your way, but sweety just follow your heart. Do what is best for you and feels good, dont let something go because of your parents. ;) ( I hope you get me with this?)

To Lieske:

Sometimes i just really dont understand you at all. Why do you make me so mad at one moment and then understand me the next? I know this is your job but it freaks me out and scares me. I wish i could tell you what i really think and feel but its not safe enough for it yet. And you know that. About today i was very happy that you listen to me, understood me & helped me. I am happy that we talked about it today so i can get more to my feelings about it. I will try to feel and not hide it. But that is very difficult for me. I will try to concentrate just on one thing at the time i really will i promis.

To myself:

I know these things are scary but its not strange. I know you dont want to remember or know what happend to you but you have to. Dont hide it anymore, talk about it, remember it. Its not okay what they did. Dont forget that, dont be afraid for the things your mind is telling you. Its real it really happend to you, dont erase it anymore. Because i've you accept it you dont have nightmares or other things anymore you will be more okay.. Please listen to yourself just for once. I love you!!!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

SaraSidle_girl said:
To self:

Stopping is like impossible. It's seriously so hard.

To Self:
I can't believe you stole beer from your neighbors. And than drank way too much and ended up losing all your stomach contents. Like 4 times. EW! No more drinking for you. STOP DRINKING!

To hangovers:
You suck and need to burn in hell.

To my mom:
Are you stupid? You honestly think I have the stomach flu? I haven't gone out in the sun all day and I've sat shut up in my room. Silly Mom.

To *******:
AHHHHHHHHH! The past couple of days have been amazing. Some of the best times of my life. But you have a girlfriend, I don't understand why you didn't tell me? And why my best friend had to be the one to crush my happiness after I told her about Sunday night.. Speaking of Sunday night.. Why did it happen? Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? Why do things always get out of hand with you? And Why am I still sitting here, two days later, thinking about you, and only you?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

I hate this feeling of being absolutely bored and unmotivated when there is actually a lot to do. I already did the dishes just because I'm f***ing bored! How sad is that?

It's really, really frustrating! I'm in the middle of moving, I should go out and buy stuff I need for my apartment, go over there and clean the windows, I don't know, I could sit down and write, too... just do something, anything... but I'm too lazy to even do anything that involves moving or thinking! At least I got dressed already :p

Life sucks.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my mother: I like my crappy paying job, it's just a summer job, I mean, dad already said that because I'm staying here I don't need to pay rent, and that I don't have to buy food. Although I do anyways, like I don't need some fancy job, I'm happy with this one. Okay, so it pays kinda badly, but it's just extra spending money. I don't have any bills to pay at the moment so...

To someone: I like you :)

To my little sister: We are very odd. I've been here for 2 weeks now, and you and I haven't had a classic sister arguement. It's like were friends, not sisters. Haha, weird. Ohh well, I'm not complaining :)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To myself:
Why in the world am I still, STILL, waiting for him to call? Gosh, You're a smart person, and you don't need to be wasting all your time on some guy who isn't going to call. Work up some courage and call him and see what's going on.
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