The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Life is lame. I have so much homework, and I'm not even in classes!!! I have 70 more textbook pages to read and outline, 6 papers, 3 books, and at least 40 vocabulary words. What the heck? My teacher must think that we all have no social life. Gosh, I'm really ticked off right now.

To my friends: What the heck? You don't like my date because he's too involved in school...? Well I'm involved too, as are you guys. Besides it's only a date it's not like we're going to elope or anything!!! You guys really need to trust me, I have a somewhat good judge of character, and I think I would know if this guy is toxic. GOSH! I can't believe you guys are my best friends and won't even trust me about this.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my friend: I cannot believe you did that to me. I was not supposed to ready Harry Potter spoilers, and now that I read the whole first five sentances of the outline, I want to read it tomorrow! Only I told my parents they could read it first because I have two books to finish, and I couldn't jsut finish both of them, cause it would take me at least a week, and then I would be in Vancouver. And now I want to read it! But I simply do not have the chance too. Ah! Why, why, why? The idea was avoid spoilers. EEEE.

To that same friend and another friend: I am so happy you guys fixed your stupid fight. Honestly, it was soo beyond stupid, I cannot believe how stupid it was. You two were having an arugment over nothing. It was stupid, and the things we all used to do together sucked with only one of you there. I am just so glad you guys fixed that. It was just plain stupid.

To another friend: Hi. You suck. Thanks, you always do this. Aghhhhhh.

To my cousin: Why did you steal pajama pants from Walmart? Who would steal pajama pants? They're pajama pants. You're lucky they decided not to file charges, cause you were about to get arrested! Why don't you think? They were pajama pants? Yes, I do think Walmart is a horrible company, but still, you shouldn't use that as an excuse to me as to why you would take pajama pants. Last time I checked you wouldn't steal pajama pants cause you don't like the company...

To myself: Guess you should go to bed, I know you wish you were at Chapters or Indigo in line with a bunch of craze obsessed fans to get the Harry Potter book, but you told your mom you will go get it with her tomorrow at Walmart (even though you think Walmart should die) but face it. You're just not there and there is no need to stay up and go "I wish I had the book, in 10 minutes people will have the book" it's just stupid. Not to mention you can't even read the book yet...yeesh.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To life: Why are you this exhausting?

To dust: Stop infecting my room, I'm sick and tired of having to clean after you

To fingertip: Stop hurting, I'm gay, I need you, for christ's sake!

To furry friend: What the heck is wrong with your food? Could you just once eat catfood that does not contain sugar? You're a cat for christ's sake!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Argh! I just cut my finger while chopping vegetables and I feel like whining about it, but my girlfriend's on the phone and the cat doesn't care. Plus, I'm not a little girl and it doesn't even hurt that much. I still feel stupid though..damn.

Furthermore, I don't have the right pieces for the friggin drill so I have to put the cat tree project to a hold -again. At least I managed to work on it long enough for my back to start sucks. I don't think I'll get up at all tomorrow, spending the day in bed sounds like a pleasant change for once...
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Chris: You don't know how worried I am about you. Where are you? What's happened to my Futurama pal? I don't hear from you anymore. Not so much as an email.

To Jake: Find yourself a different girlfriend. Kath's availible, go ask her out. You've never said anything to show that you liked me, even a little. Leave me alone.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Jorja_Rain said:
To fingertip: Stop hurting, I'm gay, I need you, for christ's sake!

:lol: That just made my day.

To my mom: Gosh, I hate you right now. Sometimes, I seriously want to kill you, but I'll let your drinking. Your being a really big brat. Grow up, and sober up. Can you even remember the last time you were sober for 48 hours straight? I think it was probably... 4 years ago. Your an embarassment and I'm ashamed to say you made up half my genetic code.

To my dad: Now you care about my safety!? Well you know what, it's too late, SCREW YOU! Go out with your friends til 2AM, I don't give a crap about you anymore.

To my entire family: I'm the one who holds this family together and that's crap. I'm not even 16 yet and I'm beyond stressed out. Get your acts together and stop with this BS!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Sundays suck. They're boring.

@ Ashley: Your family sounds very screwed up, how do you live with that?

To my mother: How old are you? 60? Well, alomost...still, is it too much too ask you to remember taking the old carpet with you when you leave? What am I supposed to do with it here, leave it standing in the living room? Yeah, right, looks awesome! Moreover, how do you think I should get the f*** screws into the stem without proper tools? If you bring the screws you should also bring the according drill parts!

Yes, that is still bothering me.

To gf: Thanks for doing that, still burns but well...thanks for not stopping :p

To furry friend: Stop whining, I love you and it hurts me when you sound so miserable. I just want you to feel save and well in your new home.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Patricia:
You selfrighteous bitch! How dare you boss me around at work all freaking day, telling me what to do and snapping at me? I am not your f*cking dog! I have been doing this bloody job for over 6,5 years. I sure as hell know what I'm doing! What gives you the right.. You ignorant bitch! Thank God I'll be leaving soon. Only 5 weeks remaining before I can kiss this bloody job goodbye. And you.. you are stuck there for the rest of your sorry excuse for a life!

To mom and dad:
I wonder.. if I would tell you about me and Kerry, would you be happy? Would you accept the things as they come? Would you let me go see her, would you let me be with her? A part of me thinks you won't. Just to piss me, just to block me and just to ruin my life even further. The other part of me thinks you'll let me go right away. Let me go and live with Kerry in the UK. You said it so many times. You want me out of the house. You don't want me here anyway.
So would you let me go?

To self
Why are you so afraid to tell them?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

5.30... sunday's almost over, what did I do? Right, nothing... spent half the day in bed alternately with gf or computer, had breakfast, went to the bathroom about 3 times, watched some stupid car race on TV cause my girlfriend wanted to watch it, ate cake... was there more? No. There wasn't. As stated before, sundays are boring.

@ SaraSidle_girl: What do you mean by would they let you go? If you really plan on leaving I dounbt they can hold you back. Of course they might not like or accept your plans but aren't you old enough to make your own decisions?

In any case, I wish you the courage to tell them and hope they will accept your plans.

To hair: You p*ss me off, why can't you just be like every normal person's hair? Or if that's not possible, why don't you just disappear alltogether so I won't have to be so irritated by you!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

to brett:
i really wish you would stop bitchin to me every night about how lonely you are...lonely? you have 3 roommates and you have gone through about 20 boyfriends so far this year. the fact that you haven't slept with anyone this week does not call for you to condemn yourself to a lifetime of singledom. stop being such a drama queen...its gettin on my nerves. suck it up and be a man. if i can do it, you can.

to dad:
what is your damn problem? was your first waking thought this morning "i think i'll piss off everyone in the house by screaming all morning" well, congrats big guy, mission accomplished. sometimes you act like a 6 yr old instead of a 41 yr old.


to the 1:30 group:
if you hadn't noticed, we kind of have a schedule around here. that doesn't mean you can stand back there and scream and spit into our mics for 10 minutes after your time slot and then come out and apologize sayin well, he had the holy ghost. like that explains it for me. hey, the holy ghost ain't payin for the air time up here, wrap it up on time. thanks, you just backed up about 4 other programs.

and i swear to god if these preachers (who know me...know my to me every sunday) don't stop callin me 'young man' i'm gonna scream!! how many boys do you know named stephanie??
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my body: why are you so fat? And why are you still hungry after a whole damn Pizza..Arg i hate you, i hate the way you look and i hate weight you let me cary with me.. YOur ugly.

To my mind: stop bothering me & driving me grazy, you are not hungry, perfect or what else. YOu are a b*tch that cant do anything right. YOur not strong your weak, cant put up a fight against your fears, your eating disorder or what so ever. I am totaly not happy with you. Go away, get out of my head and give me happy thoughts. Stop nagging me, and having a hard time liking the world.

To me: Just get the hell out of your own dreamworld and start living in this world again. Dont hide yourself for yourself but be there, you made these choose so stand for them. Stop running..Stop it!!!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To the 2 stupd exs that still live in the same city I do: stop following me around, showing up at my house, calling, and contacting me on messenger. I do not want to date either of you again, even the first time was a mistake. Take the hint when I slam the door in your faces. I like someone else and well it's not you guys, in fact he's quite a nice guy that understand the word no! so stop with the stalker-atazzi or I will be contacting my lawyer and then a judge for restraining orders!!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To anyone really: It's the end of the school year but im sad, i dont want to spend all this time at home i want to be at school with my friends and the people who listen to me

To parents: Its my life ill got o whichever uni i want and do whatever course i want to do. Why are you so against me doing maths as a joint honours get over yourselves!

To self: well done you gave him the card and those words "i look forward to working wit you again next year!" nice one!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Mia:
No clue. I usually just tolerate it, I'm just really stressed out.

To my friends:
What the heck? I called you guys like 3 times and you didn't answer. It was kind of important but it's fine.
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