The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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To stupid internet explorer: I hate you! Yes, I really do. JUST as I finally manage to figure out where everything is on the updated version, you update it! Yeesh, you cleared all the passwords IE was supposed to remember, I make up random passwords, now I'm going to have to go reading through all my emails to find those passwords again. Oh, and what bothers me most...I don't know where anything is again!!

To old lady at MS walk today: I AM NOT A SLUT! Do you even know what a slut is? You're like a bazillion years old. For your information, I was wearing a bikini top because a) it was 30C outside and b) i wanted a tan. And I kept pulling down my skirt not because I wanted to "show off my stomach" I was pulling down my skirt so you didn't see my underwear you idiot! It rides up. And you're like, a bazillion years old, shouldn't you know that it's extremly rude to talk behind someones back, especially when they can hear you? Yeesh!!!
CatherineWillows said:
To old lady at MS walk today: I AM NOT A SLUT! Do you even know what a slut is? You're like a bazillion years old. For your information, I was wearing a bikini top because a) it was 30C outside and b) i wanted a tan. And I kept pulling down my skirt not because I wanted to "show off my stomach" I was pulling down my skirt so you didn't see my underwear you idiot! It rides up. And you're like, a bazillion years old, shouldn't you know that it's extremly rude to talk behind someones back, especially when they can hear you? Yeesh!!!

Let the freaking old people talk, Levon. They seem to think they know things better anyway. But I have to say that I always kinda like the style you write with. :D
Haven't been posting in here for a while...but I'm bored now, so here we go:

1. To self: Quit skipping your classes because you're too lazy to do your presentation in time.

2. To cat: Quit keeping your mommy awake at night, it makes her cranky and then she cusses all night (and morning), waking me up and making me cranky too. Why can't you just walk around quietly like any other cat? Or jump on me insted of her, my sleep won't so easily be disturbed by it ;)

3. To TV: There are hundreds of talkshows in your archives, most of them have been on for years so there's plenty of funny stuff to choose from, why do you have to show the same clips all over? I'm getting really bored with those!

4. To friends: Why is none of you on msn when I'm bored?
to my sister: start doing your homework in time! and don't shove it off to me! alright, i'm may be studying translation but you just can't expect me to translate some freakin' text about the tundra when i'm all tired (and want to watch csi:ny)! if you had given me the text a coupla days earlier i wouldn't have complained. but, oh heck, i just translated it anyway. and now my brain is in slow-motion and i need chocolate bad! *pout*
oh! and when we talk on the phone: do not scream in my ear again or i will hang up on you. i don't give a darn if you're talking to somebody else in the room or to me - my ears freaking ring everytime we talk to each other.

to my english professor: i'm so glad you are back. i really enjoy your class and i'm kinda looking forward to your exam. your lectures are funny, witty and interesting. thanks!
~to the person who posted about their mother never being home and having them do everything. Sorry I can't remember your screename and when I typed this I forgot to quote and hit reply instead. *facepalm*

I understand where you are coming from completely. I am in the exact same situation with the exception of a sister. It's no fun and it makes you want to scream. My mom never does anything. I do everything and then she yells at me if I go one day without cleaning something. She never f***ing cleans anything.

Okay rant over, just thought I would let you know that you are not alone
To my brother-in-law and his wife:

MAKE YOUR FREAKIN' KIDS EAT A DECENT MEAL!! Ugh. They will never be normal if you keep letting them say "yuck" at every single good food they see and let them eat candy ALL THE TIME!! (I have never seen 2 kids that look so unhealthy, they are pale, thin and seem to always be sick, it drives me nuts!!)

Rant over. I just wish I could actually do something about it. It makes me sad......and mad. :( :mad:
Mommy: i love you, you're difficult to talk to, but I love you
Levon: I love you too
Veronica: I love you too!
random things: Gahhh!! why do I get so much hate mail? I'm tired of hearing from eveyone how I'm a stupid slut or a dumbass bitch or a c*** liker! it's not your buisness why i say I'm gay or straight! why do I owe you an explaination? Why do you keep making up your own theories on my sex life?! so because I went from gay to straight to gay again it gives you the right to say 'oh, she wanted to fit in with her lesbian friend so she became gay, but then she broke up with her bestfriend so she turned straight. When she coudln't get any with the guys she became gay again.' Like wtf?? why are you allowed to do that?? what gives you superior power over me and my actions??
To: Stupid people on internet,
Why do you people always have to be so condescending and rude? No, I'm not 15, but even 15 year olds don't deserve to be treated like that. If you knew how old I really was, would you treat me with more respect? I KNOW what I'm talking about, really, I do, and if I never hated anything in the world, I hate being told I'm WRONG when I'm obviously RIGHT and you're just too stuck-up to admit it. And YOU, you are SUCH a hypocrite! I'm so mad right now, who are you to tell me I'm a bad fan when only half a year ago you were doing the same things 10 times worse! HOW DARE YOU!

To: my friend's friends,
Don't tell him how to live. He's too sensitive, and he will listen to you, he'll grin and bear it, but tonight he will go home and cry himself to sleep. I swear, if he becomes depressed again because of you people I will be sooooooo pissed.

To myself:
Why do you have to be like this? Can't you just enjoy yourself and have a good time without this ever-present worry of impending death looming over your head? You got a free pass to Lagoon, WHEN does that ever happen? Yet all you could do was sit there and look at everything wrong with each ride, sitting there holding on for dear life just waiting for it to break. WHAT is WRONG with you? WHO does that? Remember what Raistlin said, "If you stop living because you fear death, then you have already died"? That's your favorite quote, and you can't even do what it says. YOU are SO pathetic.

To myself again:
It doesn't matter if it's then or than, just let it go, why does that bother you so much? Why do you have to spend 10 minutes looking it up? GOD, just let it go! Did I mention you were pathetic?
To self:
Why didn't you allow yourself time to grieve? Why did you fight so hard and pretended to have moved on after it was over? Only to find yourself in the middle of the pain right at the moment your ex is so over you and hates your guts. Now you realise how you miss what you had.
You want to hurt her like she hurt you. Its wrong. You shouldn't. You're actually jeaulous when you hear she might start dating again. She doesn't deserve it. You're way better than that.

To my ex:
I don't want you back. I just miss you. But I don't want you back. Its too late. It was already too late when I left. But the fact that I miss you makes it hard and painfull to be around you now. I don't wanna admit it. You hurt me. You really did. But you just say all I did was hurt you. You don't see you did hurt me too.
But I told you what I wanted to say. You refused to listen but I screamed at you anyway. And now my heart is empty. Of everything. And we'll see if we can ever become something that deserves the "friends" label.
SaraSidle_girl- I hope you and your ex can work something out so that you can indeed acheive that "friends" label. I hate it when I get involved in stuff like that. My heart goes out to ya hun, and if it never works out for you guys to be friends then don't sweat it. you are an amazing person with or without her as a friend. *climibs down from soap box* Take care
((Hugs)) :)
tehe forgot to put my rant up here *blushes*

OMG! Why can't you just come out and say to him that you are gay? I know you don't want to hurt him but come on, this is killing you. Is that really healthy for you? That and you always avoid him so that isn't helping either. Why can't you just speak up? Ughhh, you disgust me sometimes.
If you would come out you could go look for a girl and not have to worry about other people and what they think.
Just break up wih him already!!! Geeez, pathetic.
to the internet: who the heck invented you?? you consume all my time!

to myself: gah!!! get your butt up and do your freakin work! it's already 6pm and you still have to translate that stupid text. get off the internet. now!!

to my neighbors: why do y'all have to have a BBQ today?! i'm hungry. i want to sit with y'all and have a good time. but i don't know y'all. crap.
To myself: Go to your classes, stop ditching, and take your finals.

To *******: I like you, I think your awesome. We have a great time together, whether we're drinking or just watching a movie. Your the greatest.

To my car: AH start running, I hate taking the bus, hurry!
To *****: I can't believe you said that! You know how BAD I wnated to smack you right there and then and just like run away home god your a bitch sometimes but I can't beleive that I'm still your friend
To my brother: You are a complete and utter moron, and it is my displeasure to have ever known you. If I never had to talk or see you again, it wouldn't kill me. If you ever bother to get your head out of your @@@, maybe you can see the world doesn't revolve around you. Till then, I think I will be severing any relationship with you. You are the very thing they were talking about when they called people "Toxic". YOu are, and I can't waste my time or thoughts on you anymore after this.
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