The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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My DVD player just broke with my CSI Season Six Disc One in it. I am really pissed off at the moment, and my mother is laughing at me. I can't even express my anger. (Okay, I know this is REALLY stupid.. But I want to just FREAK out right now. It has one of my favourite episodes on there..) UGH.

Stop being a lousy teacher. You are not my favorite, I dislike you, and you just reminded why today. You're annoying.

Bad day today.. Why can't anything just go OK?
To D
I had a dream about you last night. A really bad bad bad dream, if you know what I mean. I didn't even realize I felt that way about you, and I barely know you. Now I'm afraid to see you again... oh boy...

To my boyfriend:
Why are you being such a butthead?! No wonder I'm dreaming about other guys...

To dentist:
I HATE YOU!! I wish I could take your stupid dentist tools and make you feel the pain I have been in for the past 2 days. VICTORY SHALL BE MINE!!

To Stewie:
I love you. And Shin Chan. Haha.
*makes mental note to find better role models*
To self:
New haircut to make a brandnew start. Forget about all she's done to hurt you and get your own life on track. You can do it. Look in the mirror and see how pretty you are.

To ex:
As far as I'n concerned, you're just another picture to burn
*says thank you to Taylor Swift*
Congrats SaraSidle_girl!!! New haircuts as material as they sound are a great way to start over. Now go find a mirror!!

OMG!!! I'm always caught in the middle. My grandma has been trying to get a hold of my dad and he was out mowing so didn't answer his phone. That's legite to me. Well my grandma who is f***ing crazy is all mad about that and has been calling me asking why she can't get a hold of him. She kept asking me if he was mad and doing the 'woe is me' thing. Then she got mad at me for not knowing. GRRR. Now my dad had his voice mail removed because she won't leave him alone. This means she will be calling me all upset again and I will be stuck in the middle of their damn fued that never ends. GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
To some old people in my village:

Stop complaining, you are in minority. Because this has long affect to our village's future, would be nice if young ones with the kids and stuff could make the decision. It's really annoying that you write anonymous messages to newspapers and make people think more people are against this, like when you name groups even there's the same 4-5 people who are members of all those groups and all of you are older than 60, mostly 70-80! You ask if "any of you have been member at least of three of these groups", wtf, should us all be member of every friggin group that exists in this small village? No way in hell and at least I won't touch the church things even with a long stick!

If you have something to complain, at least have balls to write with your own name. And we wouldn't have started this if majority was against it but 2/3 of villagers were saying "yes" to this thing.
to my hair:

why do you insist on being frizzy? i don't understand, you are only an inch long! how hard is it lay down? the top of my head looks like a black q-tip and thats just not cool for me, okay? chicks don't dig it and therefore i don't dig it. i shouldn't have to put enough gel in you that someone can't even strike a match within 10 feet of me in order for you to look decent. i'm tired of it. what is it? do you not like my shampoo? i thought the coconuts smelled nice but if thats its i'll buy a new kind, i don't care. just stop beings so friggin frizzy. thats all that i ask.

to mr. 2:30 preacher:

thank you for being so nice to me, quite unlike lasts week attempt on my soul. yes i know jesus loves me but it was nice of you to tell me too. thank you for inviting me to your church even though i won't go and you probably know that. if all the people who came up here were as nice as you i'd have it made. you're alright in my book mr. 2:30
To myself:
Call your hairdresser, call the nail salon, call your friends, take a few days off, and buy some champagne! You need treat yourself this week since the last one was so sh*tty.

To my mom:
I wasn't kidding, I really do hate you. Plus, you don't even listen to me half the time and when you do, all you do is critcize me. Go have another drink and hit another parked car. I'm so f**king fed up with you.

To my dad:
Just stay oblivious. Me and my 12 year old sister don't need any help.

To my sister:
Thanks for finding my Sims 2 game. I know how I'm spending my summer break :)

To my therapists:
Obviously, nothing f**king works, when you just expect me to open up all of the sudden and share my feelings, f**k off and go screw something.
to him: okay i like you, i really do but why do u need to go to dr? grr. i really though we had someting but im the stupid one moving so slow like a turtle.

to me: omg ur so stupid and dont put your head down! pick it up and leave it high. at least you had the guts to talk to him and to tell him how you feel about him.
To xxx:
Please don't say you love me. You're my best friend, my co-worker, one of the mos important persons in my life and I never want to lose you - but I don't want to fall in love with you. I'm scared that it might destroy our friendship, and I don't want that. Well I know that there must be something between us, otherwise we wouldn't always end up kissing when we're drunk, but hell I don't want it! I just ted to forget that when I'm drunk. You and me, this will nevr work out. We need to stop that.

To self:
Stop making out with him when you're drunk. It's not a f***ing game, and you'll hurt him if you keep on doing this. Either don't get drunk at all or stay away from him when it's too late!

To guy at the Irish Pub:
Damn don't you know the difference between Ladies and Gentlemen? Or why did you go to the ladies' restroom and when I came in looked at me and just said "oh"?? Or why couldn't you at least close the door?? That's disgusting, really. Honestly, I like you English guys but when you're drunk you can be so stupid!

To woman at supermarket:
Hellooo?! I'm 21, do I look like under18? I don't think so, so next time I want to buy alc don't ask me for my ID! That's embarrassing!
To the headmistress of my school: What was the point in changing the exams? The way it worked last year, with two weeks of exams rather than one was much better for everyone. And now you had to go and change it. Why can't you leave so we can have our old headmaster back? Also, we know how the exams were like before, don't get your cronies to say we are lying when we ask why they've changed.

To my German teacher: I get that you're a rubbish teacher, but do you have to look at me with disappointment every time you hand back my work, I can't help being bad at German.

To my French teacher: stop giving me good marks, I don't deserve them, and it's freaking me out.

To my best friend: why are you going out with some boy over the internet? You know it can't last and you'll just get your heart broken and start self harming again. Which is stupid by the way. Come on, he's not worth it.

To the internet: please work lots, revision is boring and I have to do that when I have no internet.

To the person that runs creative writing club: why are you such an awesome person (and also very attractive). I can't have a simple conversation with you without feeling awful about myself and getting tounge-tied.

To me: stop writing this and get on with revision.
To parents:
WTF is your problem? I said NO MEAT! What part of NO MEAT don't you understand? It usually means that the person who said it doesn't want to eat meat anymore. And than you serve me paste that includes meat and tell me to eat it! When I suggest I'd make myself a sanwhich you tell me no!
What part of me becoming a veggie don't you understand? What is your problem?! Mom.. dad.. this is my choice! And you still looked funny when I tried to seperate the meat from the rest of my food and left it on my plate.. Why the hell don't you get it?! Do I need a tattoo on my forhead? I though you understood but it seems I was wrong. I AM A VEGGIE, you freaking idiots!

To self:
Try not to feel too horrible.
*hugs SaraSidle_girl* you don't need to feel bad. stick to your decision, even if your parents try to forcefeed (sp?) you. it's your choice, not their's. there are just somethings parents will never understand. becoming a veggie is one of them. you can do, girl! :D

to myself: study more! translate more! work more! and write that email to the energy company or you won't get the job. you'll never pass your exams if you don't study for 'em. gosh, i sound like my dad, but i seriously need to get my butt in gear.

to my granny: thank you! even if you can be a slight bit annoying at times, you totally rock! i love you and thank you for all the cakes you bake for me! :)
Thanks a lot. I worked overtime last night, and I didn't even recieve a thank you. So, here is mine to you for being such an ASS, then making me work tonight.. STILL with no appreciation. You're lucky I don't quit on the spot.
SandleDL said:

To woman at supermarket:
Hellooo?! I'm 21, do I look like under18? I don't think so, so next time I want to buy alc don't ask me for my ID! That's embarrassing!

I'm 22 (and half) and I've been asked ID when buying beer last two times :lol: :lol: I surely don't look like under 18 (I don't think so) so I just laugh at it.

Hey, don't worry about it... if it's embarassing to someone, it is to that woman :D They just have to do that if they suspect and like I've talked with our liquer store woman many times, it's so hard sometimes to say if young people are in legal age. There is actually three pictures in liquer store wall that has same person with different hair/makeup and it shows how much older/younger someone can look :eek:
To the GM: Thanks for thinking I didn't want a break today....I was left without help for 4 hours and made to do more work than I should have been. I'm one person who aready has to roll burritos, cook, and assemble. I don't have time to do the stupid dress table and the parfaits as well. Not to mention sticking me with the lunch testing, that was just ducky of you. There were still things undone when lunch rolled around...perhaps it is time to schedule someone else to help or you can find someone to replace me.
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