The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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I love Greek mythology! I would trade in any English homework I ever had to be able to do Greek mythology...

(lol, when writing Greek I kept writing Greeg, :lol:)

To mom, you're totally pooping the whole idea of a chore list. You can't just do my chores and tell me to do yours. I did it to help you out, not to give you all the easy jobs...
to my mom: chill out man! i know you just got back from your one week trip what did you want us to do greet you with balloons and a party? at least i cleaned the house something that my father doesnt know how to do!
to my bff: what the f**k is wrong with you?!?!?! how can you let that bastard do that to you? i cant beleive you its like all a dream to me

to that bastard: i see you so differently now. i knew that you could do some nasty things but this is just to deep. i will never see you the same ever again
^Ahhh, friends suck, my former best friend did the same thing. (picking her a**hole boyfriend over me)

To *******:
Get off your lazy ass and call me. Seriously, I wanna just hang out with you and talk, go swimming or something.

To *******:
You don't forget to freakin call me, and I had to walk home, 3 MILES! Are you kidding me? That is such bull.

To My Mom:
I'm not deaf, I heard you open a beer, you lying b*tch.

To myself:
Yayy, for good grades.

To my English teacher:
My grade went down 20% because I missed one day. GOSHHH! I HATE YOU SOMETIMES.
I'm REALLY pi**ed with the people I work with! I always cover shifts when they ask me to, and the ONE TIME I need a shift covering because I want to go out for a friend's birthday, and NO ONE will do it. GAAH!

EDIT: AND it's student night on wednesday, so it's cheap drinks, and i'm missing out! :(

*rant over*
To ______: You bother me soo much! Miss happy one minute, miss I AM GOING TO KILL EVERYBODY IN MY PATH! the next minute. yeeesh, mood swings much?

To _____: You always act like this, and it's starting to drive me insane. I didn't do anything wrong, I asked you a question and you're like "whatever, I don't care" I didn't do anything!!!

To a friend: I love you, but to be honest, I am dreading your phonecall. You just irratate me on the phone...
To 11:11:
Wishes don't come true, and I hate how I wish at 11:11 everyday. I'm crazy.

To *******:
GOSH! I hate your friends, don't bring them to my house, and don't bring your self here anymore. Bye Bye babby :)

To Myself:
Well, you screwed yourself over, there's no way you can make up all these tests. HA!

To Mom:
When I say I'm not hungry, don't cook for me. And if you do cook for me, when I say not to, don't be all pissy because I don't want to f*cking eat. GOD!
to me: start doing your homework and get off this computer!

to my english teacher: wft if wrong with you woman! you already gave us a freaking packet last week and this week you want us to make believe your Zeus and worship you? yea ok like that's gonna happen!
To my friends at work: why the **** were you buying me double vodka and redbull

To my mum: i know you're annoyed i was drinking doubles and stuff, but i know what i was doing! i know you're worried but please trust me, i knew what i was doing and wouldnt have done anything stupid, and at least i was honest instead of lying!
To ******
I know you wrote the email. And now my mentor send an email to all of us, asking whoever it was to come forward. I hope you have the courage, the nerve, the strength but most of all the dignity to come forward. You really hurted me though I don't think you actually care. I think it was your intention to hurt me. You were after me for so long. But I just hope you're mature enough to stand up and admit you did it.. I may leave you alive when you speak up..

To Ineke (my mentor)
I know it wasn't your intention to go online and find my journal there. And I know you never intended to make me feel bad about it either. But actually I am kinda glad you read everything, except the parts about Dorette maybe.. But it made it easier for me to talk to you about what was going on in my life.
I am happy you told me you found me and gave me the tip to secure it better so nobody else would find it unless I wanted them to. Thank you for being honest. And thank you for supporting me..

To Angeline
I ddin´t know for sure if you had seen the cuts on my arms a few months ago. Since you didn´t come back to me or spoke to me about it, I assumed you didn´t. And yesterday my mentor told me another teacher had told her about it. And it wasn´t Dorette. When I asked, she told me it was you. So you had seen it. And told her. I don´t mind. I just kinda wonder why you never came to me.. Just wondering..
^hugs. I hate cutting. I struggle with it still.

To myself: WTF is wrong with you? Why are you just sititng around doing nothing. You know your mom is going to yell, even though she doesn't clean either. She's going to yell and it's all your fault. You just sit here and watch tv or go online. What the f*** is your problem? Why are you still going out with that guy. You don't like him, yes he's nice but you don't like him. Why can't you just tell people htat you are gay and stop hiding from people who you really are? Why can't you suck it up? Why do you fail at everything. Why do you always turn to the blade. All those scars all over, you are just making yourself more ugly, paving the way for accusing stares from people you don't even know. Why did you have to pick up the rezor today? Why are you so messed up?
^I used to have a cutting issue. I still get the urge once in awhile but as of now I haven't in nearly a year.

To Myself:
Go eat something. Don't vommit it up in 20 minutes either. No drinking or smoking either. You have exams next week and sports training, you don't need to get out of shape and kill your lungs.

To ****:
What is this I hear? You and Mikey in McDonalds? I know we aren't even friends anymore, but we promised we'd tell each other when it happened... I guess that doesn't stand anymore :( On another note, I really miss you being my best friend.

To my yearbook:
hahaha, I hope nobody signs you. It'll prove how much of a reject freak I am.
To my little sister: I am so beyond proud of you. I know you think it's stupid when someone says that about you, but I really am. You were hurt, being told htings like that, and yet you managed not to cut yourself, you managed to stay away from the stupid razorblade. I am so very proud of you :)

To my mother: What are you trying to do? Make all the thearpy a waste of time, money and effot? You cannot do that to her, telling her that she is a liar and a horrible person, you're going to make her do it again, don't you think she's already been through this enough? I mean, you scrwed up the relationship between the two of us, with you yelling and screaming at me, calling me stupid and an idiot, don't do it to her. You've done this before, don't do it again.

To my roommate: Umm, pretty much: f*ck you!
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