The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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To myself (boy the hate is strong today)

why can't you just go eat and not think about how fat you might be getting? Just go f****ing eat and don't go throw up. Just eat. You're only hurting yourself. You seem to have a penchant for that.
stop treating me like a slave. honestly. i don't want to work late night shifts. 9pm till 5am? are you friggen stupid, AND serious? with all the loonies out there.. i haven't gotten PAID IN A DAMN MONTH, and you expect me to want to work tomorrow night like that? you're lucky if i even step foot on the property.. if i don't get my cheque.. ugh, i'm not even stepping into work until i get it.
To self:
Hold on to your ideas. Stand up for what you believe in. You stood solid last night.. You have this ideal and you wanna make it. And you did last night. And again this morning. You skipped the meat.. Living like a vegitarian for almost 48 hours.. And tend to forever.
to whats-her-name:

i do not want to hear your self-righteous bullshit. i'm just doing my job, i get paid to let you pontificate over the airwaves and as much as i would like to, theres not a damn thing i can do about it. i go to the other end of the station so i'm not subjected to your constant barrage of religious travesties because unlike the people unfortunate enough to have their radio on at 3 i can't turn you off. thats fine, thats your right...america, freedom of speech and all that other crap. but don't come to me after your done, when i've got shit to do around here and ask me if i know jesus as my savior and attempt to 'enlighten' me in that sickening condescending tone. lady if i weren't on the clock i would have told you exactly where to go and how to get there but instead...i just had to grin and bear it. and i hate that. good job, you have managed to make me, a normally extremely polite and nice person, pissed off. see you next saturday, just remember that something could go terribly wrong and i might mess up and be unable to get you on the air or accidentally play music over your time slot...and that would be a tragedy for all parties involved.
to my best cousin: omfg!! stop wrting with zero's and o's together! its so annoying! and then how you spell "you" ju? wtf that is annoying too and i hate it also when you write with letters and numbers together! gosh that is sooo annoying! :mad:
and wtf everytime you IM me WHY do you have to call me a whore? wtf what if everytime i saw you i would call you a whore instead of saying hi or hello like normal people?
god and just because i didn the same topic as you did for that essay doesnt mean that i need to help you. i did it by myself ask your teachers for help they will help you trust me youre not that stupid! and stop trying to make me watch One Tree Hill which is like too much b.s. and stop trying to make me talk to boys and dont be telling me every weekend to sleep over your house cuz you never sleep over mines so STFU!!!!
OKAY. It's 5:45am. I have to be at work at 11am. I haven't slept since 2pm last night. I worked 9pm till 5am the night before, and i'm screwed up. I don't know what to do. I can't stay up for 26 hours.. ESPECIALLY AT WORK. Ughhhhhh.. I can seriously throw a chair at someone right now.. I mean, at 4am, I started crying because i wanted to sleep so badly.. I EVEN called work to see if I could come in like four hours earlier.. but NO ANSWER.. JEZZ WHAT ARE THEY DOING!!! I don't even want to call again, because I feel so stupid.. I should;ve been asleep.. BUT I COULDN'T sleep.. I'm over tired, I'm grouchy, my eyes are heavy, I am seeing friggen double everything. My feet hurt like crazy cause of my stupid shoes, my back hurts. I am falling apart at 6 in the morning. This is absolutely stupid, and I think I'm going to throw this computer out the window because I am just so frusterated.

Oh, and SSG, excellent job on being a vegetarian for 48 hours! Good luck! :D
To X:

I like you. I really do, and that's not self-evident as I've only known you for one week. Normally it takes much longer for me to trust people and get along with them well, but we've got so much in common that I feel like I've known you much longer. But... there's not more than friendship. Honestly, I like being with you but not in that way, you know? I don't want to offend you or something, but... you're too old for me. I'm 21, you're 34! That just doesn't work for me, sorry. What shall I do? I don't know how to tell you because I don't want to hurt you, and I feel bad when you make all those compliments and all. Can't we just be friends?
To my mother:

Hello, in case you didn't notice you're never home!. And it doesn't help that you make everyone else think you are just the "struggling single mother trying to make a living" and that I am just some lazy daughter doing nothing. I do a lot for this family. I cook, clean, do laundry. Hell, I practically packed our lives into a U-Haul! Twice! But no, my sister, the lazy one who goes out and GETS HIGH is "your little angel". Sheesh, is it too much to ask for a LITTLE CREDIT! And are you so blatenly ignorant that you can't tell I am depressed?! It's not that hard to see!

To Me:

Why can't you say that OUT LOUD! :(

To the weatherman:
F*&# you. Why do you say it will rain, and it turns out to be 102 degrees! You SUCK!

To the Beatles:
Quit being so addictive!
To my department supervisor
What the hell were you thinking? In the middle of the breakroom you suddenly point out the scars on my arm and start asking questions! There were co-workers present and you suddenly suggest I am selfharming....! You freaking idiot!
Lucky for you I stepped up to you half an hour later, telling you that the next time you had a question you could ask me in person. You admitted you were wrong and than I told you the truth about the scars on my arm.
You were nice. Thank you.

To self:
Yet again days passed without eating meat. You're doing good.

To parents:
Stop bugging me and just leave me the hell alone. What is it that irritates you so much (especially mom?!)
gsrLOVE, hope you get some sleep. ;)

To my friend: I'm not angry with you. I just feel you could try to be nicer. Can you do an effort?
Try to look at the brigth side, you have more time for yourself (you were always complaining you didn't had time for yourself).
Now, I just have to say this to you without losing my frent teeth. :rolleyes:
To myself:
Wow, your pissing me off. Last night, was lame. You did a ton of sh*t which you knew not to. AND today, wow. I was surprised, it's like I have this alterego, who choses to let go of her morals. HATE YOU!

To my neighbor:
I'm 15, the drinking age is 21, and we aren't Romania, where it's 18. So stop serving me alcohol.

To *****:
Well, to be honest, I totally lied to you so you would get out of my house, out of my room, and out of my bed. But it worked, and I don't regret it.

To my block:
Stop looking at me like I'm some kind of alcoholic, I had a few drinks, while you guys kicked back countless shots.

To ****:
As your friend, you should have told me, we were BEST friends, and I asked you straight out if he ever hit you, and you lied straight to my face. You know I would have been there for you in a second, and backed you up no matter what, I just wish you would have told me. This is so my fault, if I hadn't caused so many problems between you guys, maybe he wouldn't have hit you or maybe he would have. I feel guilty and like crap.

To ****:
You ever f*cking put a hand on my friend again and I will f*ck you over SO bad, I will mess you up, if you EVER lay a hand on her, whether she tells me or not, that's f*cked up. your f*cked up and to think, for a long time I encouraged, and you just hit her, I hate you and hope you rot in hell.
to my mother: omg wtf just stop talking!! somtimes i just want to scream at you to stop but i know that will have many consequenses that i wouldnt like. seriously it gets really annoying when your talking about dad and what he did wrong and stuff seriously stop talking about him every day constantly its soooo annoying and sometimes i seriously want to smack you

to *****: just break up with him already! god sometimes he acts like a dick and your saying what your doing wrong. guess wht your never doing anything wong hes the one that has like male PMS or somehting ok i know you love him but seriously he probably doesnt even like you anymore

to ***: stop talking about yourself constatnly!! no body cares how "fresh" you are wtf and nobody cares if you need money cuz no one is going to give you money first of all and second of all you already have enough f**king shoes to begin with!

to self: start doing your homework you lazy ass! and you have to study for two tests! good luck honey!

to all the people that dont talk spanish in my history class: do you guys seriously think that you are saying guerillas right? yea okay it sounds like you guys are saying "gorillas". but whatever you guys can keep on saying like that so i can keep on cracking up :D
To me:

Dont freak out!!! It will be okay she told you dont worrie so dont.. And about the freaking out about your tooth its okay to freak out!! It is scary dont let them take it away.. I know i am panicing now because i am totaly scared for the fact that they have to take it out. I freak out of needles and blood in my mouth.. Dont want to.. ARggg..I like to run away.. Okay Girl stay calm it will be okay i promiss i've not you can yell at yourself ...
Besides that you are not a monster. Maybe you arent pretty and you are fat, that doesnt make you a monster. You are kind and nice and sweet, a lot of people tells you. So start believe it Girl.. I hate it when i do this to myself..

To My Girlfriend:

Dont make a mistake, you came so far. Dont be afraid i will be there. Dont let your thoughts and controls taking over but try to find a good way to get out of it. I dont want to lose you, not yet please fight. I beg you to hold on and find for a better solution. Please try i've it is not for yourself do it for me. Dont ever give up there is enough beauty in this world love and care for that. I just dont know what to do to help you. I really dont know it.. Tell me and i will do it. I promise.

To Roomie:

Dont sing that loud all the time. It is driving me crazy and i start to get angry about it to. I just wish you couldnt be this happy all the time. There must be days you have a bad mood so show it to me so i dont feel like a totaly stranger or freak when i have a bad day. Because when i have its really enoing when you sing than.Its makes it even worse. So try to think about it for just once.
Thank you....
To Big Dumb Person in front of me:

This is the 10 Items or Less Line, can't you read. Did you drop out of school? Did you even make it past middle school? Can you count to 10? Read you poor excuse for a human, it's 10 not Bring as much as your cart will hold. I hope your kids aren't as dumb as you. Learn to count and read.

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