The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

What the hell were you thinking? You don't just tell someone how to grieve. To tell me not to cry because it was wrong to worry and said so in the bible was a stupid thing to do. Don't you think I already have enough on my plate without worrying about what God will think of me for crying. Not that I believe he would think badly of me. And PS-it's extremely selfish not to cry for someone but expect them to cry for you.
Thank you. I needed that. I needed reassurance that crying was okay and, whether you know it or not, you helped me a lot.
Thank you. For everything. For talking to me and praying with me. Thank you for not judging me for not being strong enough.
It's okay to cry with me. You don't have to pretend it doesn't hurt because I know for a fact it does. You're losing your mother, the woman who raised you and loved you. It's okay, I promise.
To: Mom
I love you mommy. Please, don't forget that. ANd I'm sorry I ended up with a mental illness. Thank you for being there.
To: S
I love you. Don't you see that. Don't you understand that that's why I can't accept your fiance or whatever he is now. I'm afraid for you. If anything happens to Daddy, I have no doubt he would hit you or worse your children. Please, realize this. I don't say things to be a bitch, I say things because I'm angry and I'm worried about you. And, BTW, STOP BLAMING ME FOR EVERY F*CKING PROBLEM YOU AND YOU IDIOT FIANCE HAVE. It's getting really irritating. Have you ever thought for oncet hat he takes at least half the blame?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a friend: Um so you tell me "Im coming to see you tomrrow, and i thgink i might be pregnant!" and then i see you today and im like " ahhh you *think* your effin huge! and shes your all like " i was kidding, im 8 months" i was like oh god, why did you not tell me!! ahh. Nice surprise bvy the way, almost give me a heart attack! gawd and so now im am prettty much forcing you to stay at my parents hosue with me. like why wouldnt you just telle me!!???
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To myself: You needed to read it for your peace of mind. And you did not cry immediately afterwards for once. That is a good thing. A very, very good thing. However, you want to now, though. Get a hold of yourself beforehand. Don't let it bother you. He himself would tell you not to let it bother you. Do it for him.
CSI_Dani said:
Hey, haven't you understand that it's stupid keeping telling me things like "CSI sucks", "You're so stupid for watching it" and things like these?! You really know that annoyes me, you know that I feel sad to hear tou saying that. And you certainly don't want me to keep telling you things that you don't want to hear about your favorite things, do you? Then just shut up about CSI. You even makes it look like I am always talking about it. Which I am not when you are there. Because I know that it would end up as a non-sense conversation. But you just try to talk about it everytime, just to be able to keep saying those things. So, please respect my feelings, what I love, if you want me to respect yours. Grow up and be aware that people around you also have feelings, and please be aware that anybody may have other passions, different from yours, so please RESPECT other people if you want everybody to respect you.

Yeah, I can totally agree. It seems like everyone at my school makes fun of CSI and tells me I suck for watching it and liking it. I am so sick of it!

To crazy "gangster" wannabees in the lunch line on Friday:
I still haven't gotten over what you said in the line. What, did you think I was deaf or retarded or something because I could totally hear you diss my new CSI sweatshirt I saved $50 for and bought in Las Vegas! I hate all of you and your little "gangster" friends because you are all stupid and immature. And what's with the cutting in line during lunch? Just because Harrison doesn't bust you for cutting (even though he can clearly tell you're cutting) doesn't mean I don't. And then you invite 50 or so of your closest friends to cut too?! What are you thinking?! I have to run to the lunch room just to get my freaking lunch in time to eat it before the bell rings! I hope you all end up working at McDonalds someday because that's what you deserve!

To Harrison:
Why don't you give detention to the people who cut in the lunch lines? You have seen them doing it every day since the beginning of the school year! You're supposed to do something if you see someone cut! I thought that was what all the "yellow tape line" b*** s*** was for! Gosh, you annoy me so much sometimes.

To S_____:
Get over your ex boyfriend! He was a no good loser and you know you can get better. But instead, you try time and time again to get him back! WTF?

To I______:
Yonts? Are you serious?! Yonts! OMG, that is crazy. I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be supportive of you (and Yonts) but come on. He's like 4 feet tall. He's a flippin 6th grader and you like him. And don't even get me started on those kids he hangs out with. They are so annoying. But at least you've gotten over Kelly, who still isn't back from China. He's into that one chick anyway, what's her name. Yeah, I know, she she puts the h* in w****, but you gotta move on. He's going to Wa-Hi next year, and you will still be at Garrison. It would never work.

To G___:
You are so stupid. And no, you don't make me feel like dancing, okay!
To a friend: Kay, you may have been through a lot, but you shouldn't be using people. You haven't seen your mother in two years, then suddenly you want to see her because you want her to buy you stuff. I don't think you can do that, I barley talk to my mom, but I have NEVER gone appologising to her so she can buy me stuff. I realized that it may have been my mistake, I don't go running back to her to go buy me stuff. That's super harsh, and totally not fair.
gahh! Okay, well thsi 'friend' of mine and I are in a fight. She called me a b*tch and then i called her one and like sent her this huge e-mailgetting mad at her and now suddenly all of her friends know. and they all are like 'you're a huge b*tch' 'why would you ever say anything like that, she's a gardian angel' and sh*t like that. the only ting she actully said was 'i don't want to fight' and 'im happy too, mostly because youre out of my life' and im like, uhh, well princess you started the fight and it seems like you want to keep it going. although i do like a good fight every once in a while :rolleyes: just because i like to argue :p, but still, she should at least talk to me, not get everyone else to fight her fight. it's just frustrating!

now i feel a little better.
Dear ex boyfriend,
you have a new girlfriend now, who is "so much prettier and smarter than I ever was," so WHY are you still bothering me? It's getting really old. STOP sending me messages, stop telling your FRIENDS to send me messages, stop following my current boyfriend around town, just STOP! It's been 7 months, thats longer than our entire relationship was! Get over it already!
to me:

Get over being so pafidic about your headaches, yes they are there and its afful. But the world knows that by now. Its so stuppid to conplain about it all the time and it doesnt get over because of that. It sucks I know but its hard to get true my day. Now I know it and i will stop nagging about it. It makes my mood go down and im getting depressed by it. Stuppid girly me!!!

To Lieske:

Yes its nice you understand me but thats not what I want from you. I want a solution instead of words. I need to call you when im in a Crisis and not being alone with it. You still makes me so F***** angry about it and also so sad. You dumped me and it hurts like hell. I dont want to feel like this anymore, i want to love my life and myself. Because its already hard enough. Yes you know my past and how it must be for me, you tell me everytime but its not working at all for me. Maybe i sound very selfisch right now but i dont care. Lieske you know im not selfisch and that i think more about others but he i have to think about myself for now, just to protect myself for getting hurt by you or others. Im just totaly afraid that you are really letting me go and that i will go under it. (you know what i mean by that and its not nice :( ) I hope we get better on in the future and you find my trust back but for now, NO WAY IM CLOSED!!!! :mad: and I am not getting open for a while!! :p
to the my inner self:

It's all gone wrong!...ugh!

you love him? or you dont?

i love him yes...but i cant tell him it could never happened between us!


i wish Kai was here to make me feel better and tell me what to do!...why did he have to go!...f***ing s**ks!

and now WTF is this all about...let's all ignore morgan and hope she just dissapeers...well F you...i wont be going talk to me you stupid man!...before i hate you!


okay...note to self: cheer up :)

xxxx kisses for my inner self and thanks for listening!
To My Boyfriend:
Things have been good between us lately. I hope that doesn't change soon.

To _____:
You've become my best friend, and rock over the last couple weeks and I don't know where I would be without you. You've been there for me so much lately and I don't know how I could thank you.

To my sister:
Stop stealing my stuff, If you want to steal go to the freaking mall. Than maybe you can get caught and get in serious trouble.

To myself:
Stop pushing yourself soo much, if your injured you need to sit out and calm down, not keep trying.
To my ex-girlfriend
Get your own life and stay out of mine!

To my teacher
Damn, I love you and it sucks! But still, I wanna be with you. Can't wait till next Thursday when I'll be with you again

i want him badly too...

it's funny isn't it...really...i mean, do you think were in love with them just because we CANT have them?

i want him badly too...

it's funny isn't it...really...i mean, do you think were in love with them just because we CANT have them?

Don't know.. This teacher is also a big support to me. She arranged a counselor for me when she learned about my selfharm. And I'be been seeing her for like over a year now.. I mean, she used to teach me once every two weeks and back than I liked her but wasn't in love.
But since me and her talk on regular base and she no longer teaches me, I discovered I am in love with her..
She's dating another teacher from my school so I have to face her boyfriend every day too. That sucks even worse!
My ex-girlfriend is in the same class as I am so that makes it even more complicated....
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