The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Well, they say "God will take care of them" :rolleyes: It's a religious group that I don't quite get sometimes (laestadians)

I'm still mad.
Dutchie said:
*huggles Ducky* Calm girl, remember to breath :)

To my parents: Oh come on. I knew you'd say that. I actually told you not to say it. Still you said it. Just leave me alone in my little CSI world, please, it's where I like to be. Telling me it's just a TV show isn't gonna help, and it certainly won't improve my mood. I KNOW it's just a TV show, I'm not insane. It just happens to be the TV show I'm addicted to, though, so please let me scream at the screen and feel crappy because of some spoiler I read.

To friends: Read the above :rolleyes:
You sound just like me! Everyone's keeps saying "It's not real. Get over it. It's just a show with fictional characters," and I am not stupid either, but I have a world(I basically don't do anything else besides shop anyways :p) that is filled with my thinking and why can't people (especially parents) just do along the conversation as a conversation. Not just saying it's all not real. They think nobody cares and they say that to my face.

Did any of that make sense? :D
To my best friend:

Are you friggen kidding me? You ignored me to go talk to your boyfriend(who you dumped), I needed 30 sec. of your time and you weren't there for me and than you ask how I can spend more time with my team than you!? easily, we respect and care about each other, like REAL friends do. Seriously, go pick your boyfriend but I'm not going to be here for you much longer.
To a cousin of mine: Agh, you make me so mad. I mean, you and I are super close, but ever since I told you I was gay, you're totally weirded out or something. And you keep telling me that I'm not, like this is my sexuality here, I'm pretty sure I would know. It just frustrates me when you won't believe me, because I am sure about this, I'm not going to one day be straight, and it makes me so mad when you're like 'well i still think your straight' because you won't accept it. It's irratating. I have not changed, I am the same odd girl you've known your whole life, I just wish you would see that.

To my roommate: Agh! You frustrate me. Yeah, I broke a phone today (I threw the house phone and it smashed, but we have like 3, so it's all good :p) but seriously, just because you made me mad, doesn't give you the right to smack me because you feel like it, or go take over the computer when I'm on it, not to mention it's MY computer. It also doesn't give you the right to take my clothes and start playing games on my cellphone. Like yeah, I flipped out today and broke the house phone, but seriously, if you think about it, if you hadn't thrown a pot at me (which almost hit me by the way) I wouldn't of thrown a phone of you (which hit the wall, not you) like god!
Nikki, Katie and xanessa, I absolutely understand what you mean...
To J******:
Hey, haven't you understand that it's stupid keeping telling me things like "CSI sucks", "You're so stupid for watching it" and things like these?! You really know that annoyes me, you know that I feel sad to hear tou saying that. And you certainly don't want me to keep telling you things that you don't want to hear about your favorite things, do you? Then just shut up about CSI. You even makes it look like I am always talking about it. Which I am not when you are there. Because I know that it would end up as a non-sense conversation. But you just try to talk about it everytime, just to be able to keep saying those things. So, please respect my feelings, what I love, if you want me to respect yours. Grow up and be aware that people around you also have feelings, and please be aware that anybody may have other passions, different from yours, so please RESPECT other people if you want everybody to respect you.
To J****:
Thank you for supporting my love about CSI, even though you don't appreciate it as much as I do. Ans sometimes you joke around about it, but it's all in a cool way. Thank you for keep interested in knowing, and thank you for trying to understand all the stuff. It's really nice of you.
Catherinewillows said:
To my roommate: Agh! You frustrate me. Yeah, I broke a phone today (I threw the house phone and it smashed, but we have like 3, so it's all good ) but seriously, just because you made me mad, doesn't give you the right to smack me because you feel like it, or go take over the computer when I'm on it, not to mention it's MY computer. It also doesn't give you the right to take my clothes and start playing games on my cellphone. Like yeah, I flipped out today and broke the house phone, but seriously, if you think about it, if you hadn't thrown a pot at me (which almost hit me by the way) I wouldn't of thrown a phone of you (which hit the wall, not you) like god!

I totaly now how that feels, and how i can react on that. I would do the same. Good luck with your roomy and all the things you have to go true with her.

To Lieske:

I dont understand a thing about it anymore. Why are you saying that you want me to talk about it? I know you said to me because its bothering me. But it also scares me that someone wants to hear what happend. I dont know ive i can say the right words for it or show how i feel. But most of all im afraid for it and for telling you what happend exactly. I dont know how to talk about it because it makes me feel it again. I feel dirty, afraid and so sad. I wish i could tell you more or crie about it. But i cant because its freaking scared and ashamed for me.. So ive you want me to talk about it, dont jugde me, help me and be there for me, because i need that so hard with this. I just want you to take away the fear of talking about. And i have to thank you for saying for me that is normal to feel guilty, angry about it. And that i can be angry on my other therapist for not listing to me and telling me that is my fault and that i asked for it. Your the best for now. ;) I hope i can get my nightmares away now and start living..

To my mom:

Dont you dare to embarsing me when my gf is coming over. Be nice to here, she is sweet and somethings aren't easy for her to. She is working very hard. Be proud of for what i am mom. Dont hate me, and show your love to me. Because i love you very much. Dont want to fight you any more but share the nice things for once with you. I will show you that im a adult now and have my own life and responsebilities. I can handle it, and yes i make mistakes but that is good because i can learn form it. So let me fall down and stand up on my own for now. I will ask for help ive I need you..
To _____: Um, why re we even doing this! I feel like im in grade school again. Why do you alwyas assume such idiotic things, i make a statement and you freak out. I say somthing about how i dont like something or that something is bugging me and you instantly have additude. Its really starting to get on my nerves and im actually sick of it!
To ____ : I do feel terrible for doing what we did today, but you shouldn't have lied and you shouldn't have threatened us the way you did. You brought it all upon yourself. You have lost all respect from every single one of us.
To ____: I don't even know why the hell I decided to start arguing with you in the first place. I don't know what I want, I am so confused and so tired. I feel like I've been hit by a truck actully. I'm overreacting, I realze that, I'm being a stupid bitch, I realize that, and I don't even know what you did. I'm just being a spaz, and I'm sorry. This is stupid, but as much as we are arguing, and as mad as you are at me, I still find a way to love's weird...

To love: Why do you have to be so weired? Like confuse me!!!
To ____:
Why do act so dumb? I mean honestly. You do things you know are wrong, illegal, and just plain stupid. Even if I tell you not to, I'm only looking out for you. and you need to stop being a b**ch. okay we're not talking, that doesn't mean you have to be rude to me when we HAVETO talk.

To ______, the boyfriend:
I think your cheating on me, I believed and forgave you last time. Why can't you just be with me? and only me. I'm sick of your crap. and lies. and annoying phone calls. Stop calling me while I'm at practice.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Because i am home alone at the moment, and my roommate would get mad, im just gonna tell this to anyone who feels like reading this:

Ok so, I think i might move. Because as much as i love my apartment :rolleyes: and the fact that its small, crappy, ugly, strict "rules" and i might have to get rid of my doggy (well most likely) so i want to move. The trouble is i have no where to go! Except *maybe* my parents house. That would make my little sister really happy. But i just dont know if i wanna go back. I like the freedom. So i really just dont know what to do....
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my classmates, well, some of them.
Are you all crazy?! :lol: Seriously, because lately it seems that you are all strange, I just don't get why. Am I like you? I don't think so, but whatever. Some people call this "Adolescence", but I am not sure if that's what we should call it :rolleyes: You know what I think, you are all so focused in your problems, that seem huge even when they are not, and just forget to live life. But you know what?! I also feel sad sometimes. I really do. But you know what I try to do those times?! I try to not show it, to stay normal, because i don't want to bother you with that. Not that I think it's bad to talk about our problems with friends, I know that's not, and I know that's my problem that I don't feel confortable with it. You also know, or should by now, that I am always here to listen you and to help, but for once please face your problems, and do not use others to say this and that. Face what you have to, make your own decisions and do not try to make it seem that you don't notice what is going on. I know that I may not help on that sometimes, but it's not JUST my fault. Then try to realise your "love" problems are going to be over sooner than you can imagine, but the way you acted would not be forgeted. Everybody needs to learn how to try to solve things without making everybody around aware of it, don't you think? And especially for you, D******, you know that I love you girl,or you should do!, but come on, I have no patience for that attitude, right now it seems that you're just trying to make people giving you more atention, and you are actually getting it...Maybe you're not actually doing it, it's just my impression, and I am sorry for that, but all these people confusions are affecting me, because I don't want to be in them, and actually I am already. That's why I don't say this to you. Because I am not sure if this is my problem or your problem. And because I don't want to make bad judgments. And because I know how to forget things that I don't like instead of keeping them in my mind. Because I just want to be happy, be with a smile in my face. Mostly, because despite of everything you may do, I couldn't live without my friends :)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To someone in my class:
Damit man you made my eyes hurt i mean really hurt. I know it was a good way to get the ruler back (Who belonged to that unknown kid Jonathan) but i found it last week and you found it this week and ha even after you pointed your laser pointer in my eyes i still won the ruler...then i gave it to Cody because i owed him icecream.
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