The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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Where has all the common sense gone? If you have a question about a person odn't ask someone else, go to the source and as them. It's not hard to think about if the direction is right or wrong.
To so called friend- Why do you think I choose to hang out with other people who I now consider I group of clse friends who I love and then you try and get me involved with your arguments. Try? what do I mean?!? You do! And just because you pi$$ them off doesn't mean you can suddenly come and invite your self to things I do with my friends! Because we've known each other since we were young and grew up together doesn't mean you don't pi$$ me. You Do!!!
To the trucker who almost drove me off the road: What the hell's the matter with you? Those white stripes on the asfalt are not decorations, they're lanes, you moron!


To self: Yes, you did a great job on the exam today but you're screwed for wednesday. Crap :(
To my mother- Don't just start pretending that you suddenly care about what I'm doing with your life. There's no point in suddenly trying to be my friend and suggesting we meet up when I have a lunch break. you broke that bridge 4 years ago and it still hasn't rebuilt yet. We've got a long way to go so don;t try and ruch it.
To Science Class: WHAT?!?!? I CANNOT get a B in this class. Usually I wouldn't care, but this is my BEST CLASS!!! I can't get anything lower than an A. What happened to being at the top of the class eh? I've studied my ass off and THIS is how I get payed back? Geez!

To BF: You kissed my head... Aww... *huggles*
To Kalsoom: Omygod! I cant believe what you told me!! I'm really confused?????? I don't get you. Your soooooo lost. I tell you to get off the smoking and you say you tried to TAKE YOUR OWN LIFE!!!!! Omgod you don't sound or look suicidal..........why the hell did you do that????? An overdose!!!.....and you said to me like it meant nothing!!!!!.........You don't know what you mean to me......(what all my friends mean to me)........Stupid Woman cant you see how much I care for you???????? Do I have to write it on my face. I've told you thing a billion times get yourself off the cigs and then your life will sort itself out!!!!!!!!! need to put things into perspective and attempting to kill yourself isn't doing that.......Sometimes I don't know why the hell I bother with you..........i can't believe how much I love and care for you and you throw it all back in my face........

To my former science teacher: Again dude please go away!!!!! I don't want anything to do with you. And no I'm not gonna give you a just get lost.
To my best friend: I know that this is one of the most ridiculous things to be mad about and all I have done for the past forty-eight hours is convince you that I'm not upset. But, I think you're right after all, I am mad. It's not because you fell for the same guy I've been in love with for the past three years (well, I guess that's part of it, but I know you can't help it) it's more the fact that you refrained from telling me for almost a year. I thought we told each other everything. Apparently not. Next time give me a little warning not just "Please don't be mad at me, but. . ."

To the guy that's causing this all: Why do you have to always complicate things way more than they need to be? I hate it. All you've done for the past three years is lead me on and cut me off and I just keep coming back for more. I'm almost positive that you know, how could you not? You're my best friend, you know me better than most people. I just wish you would stop sending mixed signals and just make up your mind. Either give me a chance or don't. Just don't keep leading me on.
To my ex- We broke up for a reason and I want you to stay away. It was only a matter of time before your temper got out of control and there are so many women in my family who have gotten into bad and abusive rlationships and I'm not gonna let that happen to me. If you sort yourself out then maybe we can be friends one day, but I can't ever be with you again, I can't trust you. So please stop calling me and apologising, you can say sorry a million times over and it will never be enough.
To D:
What the hell is your problem? Okay, don't answer, I know there are plenty. But do you have to bother me just because you're bored? Don't get me wrong, if there's a problem I'm willing to listen and give you advice, but I get the feeling that you don't give a shit anyway. So, you keep telling me the same shit over and over, but when I ask you don't answer. And then you ask me a hundred times to call you and when I do you don't have anything to say, besides you're bored. Guess what, so are others! Seriously, you've reached the age where you should be able to spend some time on your own. I am not your boredome therapist, okay?
I know your life isn't easy, and I've tried to help you on more than one occasion. Remember how we met? Remember how I accompanied you to the therapist (even though I was suffering severe stomach cramps and felt shitty)? Remember the summer? Or how I stayed with you, took you to the KTH, cooked with you? I was there for you, and believe me it hasn't always been easy. And now? You abuse me as your -I don't know, bordom release? I wouldn't actually mind if you told me your problems, but you only scratch the surface of everything and then you go elsewhere. If you want my friendship or support then actually take the effort to concentrate on our conversations for a minute, otherwise you don't have to come to me at all. I don't care about your childish squabbles with your friend and her boyfriend, because it happens EVERY day. For the past 3 years. It's tiring. Tell me what's going on with YOU, damnit, that is what I care about. Otherwise I won't be able to help you.
Seriously can anyone drive properly anymore? I'm trying to leave work and thanks to some lady had a nice break check. And all she does is put her hand up to say sorry. And all I did was shake my's a parking lot check your mirros and such before you move, I quite enjoy the front end of my car. And then to make things even better *sarcasm* another supid car decides they want to be in my lane...right where I am at the present moment, horn check this time. I'm starting to wonder if anyone can drive's getting redicilous! There are mirrors and windows in a car for a reason, use and check them!!
To the art teacher: Do you honestly expect us to finish a project in two hours that would normally take four days? I also think it's absolutely ridiculous that you would cut our grade in half if we didn't complete it. No one in our class completed it, even the people who have been working on it for three days. I wish you would just rethink everything and decide not to count the grade. With everything else that's going on with exams and Sam and Troy right now this is probably the worst possible thing you could have done. No wonder no one can stand being in your class.
To the assistant amanger: Seriously do you not notice how that one person doesn't do anything in the grill area and I am left to do everything? It's nice to see that the lazy people get rewarded and the good ones have to keep slaving away and hoping that we might get some sort of thanks. You might want to reevaluate how you look at things. Perhaps now you understand why I've been so stressed.
To School: arrghh you annoy me! I went in to school this morning when I could have gotten some well need rest but no effing teachers can gives an advanced notice that their not gonna be in!!!!! arrghhh hate it. The same thing happen yeasterday..........and whats worse if we randomly took days off without prior notice you be all in our faces about it!!!!!!!!! So why the hell cant it be the same for you guys!!!!!!!! urghhhhh its so stupid.......

To me: your so stupid!!!!!!!!! cant believe you banged your eyes into that wall like that whats up with you these days.....

to my head: stop hurting my eyes nearly better now.

my eyes: Stop hurting too......and you better not swell up!

To that girl in my maths class: thanks for asking if I was okay that was sweet.

To Tom and Chris: despite that fact that you clearly saw that I tripped you didn't bother helping at all.........urgh so annoying.....and yes Tom I did see you looking back for one second seeing what had happened and then getting back to your convo with chris!!!!!! Stupid boys!!
To one of my so-called best friends- it was my birthday, you know we celebrate, and we are going out tonight, and you are too 'ill' to come, ill my backside, you arejust over obsessed with you bf, i mean he cuold have come too, you are hardly a friend anymore, i mean you can't even come out from up the road when some people have caught trains back from uni to come out, I'm seriously sick of it, you obviously don't care about our friendship, which is a shame because I mean we've been friends since we were 5, 15 years, and now you can't be bothered.

Well I'm going to have a good night anyway so GGGGGGRRRRRRRR at you and I'm not going to bother to ask you to come out again...

To a certain someone : Ok seriously ALL i said to you was "wow ure on msn alot" < my exact words. and you totally freak out lke saying im rude and stuff! that makes no sense to me, then you call me a bitch and block me? no who is rude. i mean come on!
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