The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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Re: Rant Thread #2

Yay! New thread! I have some posts:

To the counseller: Leave me alone please! I'm not depressed, I only cut myself once because I was feeling down and that was the dumbest thing i ever did so stop treating me like i'm suicidal because i'm not!

To my riding teacher: I quit horse riding because of you, I've now sold my horse so stop calling me. You pushed me too hard and I'm sick of you making me feel worthless. Go pick on someone else

To Ho Hepa: Nicole really likes you, I'm not going out with you because of what you did to Nicky. Go out with Nicole and leave Nicky and I alone.

to my new skates: I love you so much! I've told so many so many people about you! Yay Bauer flexlite 9r's!
Re: Rant Thread #2

I return here to vent the most problematic part of my life (it also happens to be the sappiest thing ever).
To Dean:
I need you to tell me, right now, whether you love me or not. Whether you want me for more than my body and whether or not I will get to see you more than once a month. I need you here with me, all the time, with your hand on mine. I want to curl up with you on the couch, watch cheesey movies I would never watch if you hadn't suggested it, and lay on your chest so I can hear your heart. I want to know everything about you and have you know everything about me. I have never felt as safe as I did last weekend, with you protecting me from all the shit in my life. Can you look at with the love I feel for you? I know it sounds crazy but I don't care that you're so much older than me, I don't care that I shouldn't feel this way. I just want you to hold me and never let me go. I'm so tired of being alone, or being with someone I don't love. I can't stop thinking about you and it drives me crazy. Please, just tell me if you love me, so that I can either go on without you, or be able to say I love you too. Right now, you're my everything, and I can't think straight without you. You mke my heart flutter and my mind melt. Don't leave me.
Congrats on the new thread, secret keepers!

To my boyfriend: I really really love you, but I just don't get why you won't tell me if something is wrong. How would YOU feel if I didn't tell you the things that makes me sad?

To one of my classmates: You could have told your boyfriend that you aren't in love with him anymore. I hate such things, and your boyfriend is my friend. He's still hoping that this isn't a break-up. You better talk to him. How do you think he felt when he called your newboyfriendwannabe and HE told him that you two are not going out anymore?
God I haven't been here in a while, but I need it so badly lol

To friend #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7: Stop being two faced. Why are we still pretending? We have cliques in our school so that we can talk about the OTHER cliques, not the people in our own! I know you talk about me, and friend number 8 and 9 in a bad light, so why are you still pretending to talk to me? Why are we still doing things as a "group"? It's our senior year, in a few months, we're not going to have anything to do with one another until our high school reunion, so stop planning things as a group! We're not a group anymore!

Whew....that feels better :)
To a certain someone: Let's be honest. You need your own personality. You need to stop trying to be everyone else. It's one thing when I can't go shopping with you because anything I say I like you'll go out and buy. It's another thing when someone mentions their career choice to you and within a week it's suddenly your new career. Also you look dumb as hell when you try and fit in by pretending you understand what we're talking about but you clearly don't (we know when you do it it's clear). Like inside jokes. You don't even bother to ask. Then you use them and the only reason we think it's funny is because you really have no clue what you're saying and you just look stupid.
James: I wish you would realize that it's my name on the lease. Some of my money put down as a deposit, and absolutely none of your time finding said house. Regardless of how you feel about me in anyway, you can NOT kick me out. In fact you've been told to leave already so why are you still there. My mother is tired of dealing with the fall otu from your actions. Please leave my life and stop acting like you have much of a say in that house.

You don't even pay the bills, you take my mother's money and buy beer and I end up having to give her money so that she can feed my three siblings that still live with her.

And the next time you get moody because I'm using mom's car please keep in mind that regardless where I drive it to, weather it be to Walmart or to my apartment and back, I always fill it up, and if I don't fill it up I always put more gas in it than I took it with because it's the only thing that gets my baby brother to school and back. If it wasn't for that YOU wouldn't be able to get your beer because I'd be stuck doign the grocery shopping.

So far it's 0-1 in mine and kay's favor. You will never convince my mother that I'm a horrible human being out for her money when I bring the coffee.

So stop yelling and get a job, and MAYBE your marriage might be salvagable.

Dear Apartment Complex: I realize that eight o'clock seems like a reasonable time to start doing whatever it was you were doing but if you would just wait till after noon I would love you. I dealt with you digging up the cement and redoing it and my apartment the only one you did to the door and whatever you did the balconies but it's winter time now and after noon isn't unbearable anymore.

So in short, yes most people are up and at em at 8 in the morning, I am not. Just give me a few more hours so that even if you were taking my balcony down I would sleep right through it.
To a friend: What did I do to you? I didn't say anything to you. Then when I ask you, you sign off?, at least take the time out of your "very busy" life to tell me what I did that was so wrong. I don't understand, and telling me I said something to you at lucnh, then signing off, is not an answer! Like ohh my godd...

To my hands: Get warmer! My goodness.

To my gf: Your hair is going to look amazzing when you dye it. :)

To my roommate: Sick people don't read books out loud. So zip it!
To the a-hole at the Guitar Hero Contest today.
That's MY baby brother you were mocking today, and it wasn't him that was loosing, it was the other guy. You weren't up there playing so you get NO say in anything. You do NOT get to bad mouth my brother. He worked hard to get up there, and you did nothing. You mock him again and I'll beat you over the head with my 'good luck' poster. The only way that kid could be any closer to me is if he were my twin, conjoined at the hip. Don't be an a$$, shut up and get lost.
To my skating coach: WTF! You made me go to speed skating, hell dude I play hockey! And I was the oldest their! A teen next to some 7 year olds I thrashed them hehe! hmmmm.....Yeah I know i need to practice more as I was horse riding all the time and aren't as good as you want but really speed skating? Can't i go to rookie hockey PUCK YOU skate coach!
To my best mate:- Why do you not see that everytime we have a party your bf decided to get aggrivated with one of teh guests and a bust up ensues, you forgive him every time. He spend the whole night worried you were flirting with other guys and he thought his mate was flirting, what does that say. And for gods sake make him get a job, he hasnt had one since the summer and staying with you constantly is i know probably not the best at time, he hates the thought of you out alone and we couldnt even tell him abuot sin city cos he would be jealous.... Think for a few minutes and realise what we see.
To UCAS- I sincerely hate you! Why do you make your stupid forms so hard? And why do I only get 5 choices instead of 6! It's not fair!
To myself: Why the hell am i so stupid and leave every freaking thing to the last minute!!! I know i can get really good marks while doing this, but my body can't handle it! I didn't seem to learn anything after landing in the hospital from the caffeine and lack of sleep. GAH!
To self: Stop saying your really amazing ideas out loud. In the past few days many of them have been stolen by others and either passed off as their own or no one asked if it was alright to use your idea.
Dear car:

I know you're nearly 12 years old and you've been really good even after you got rear ended and had to wait 3 months to get fixed. But lately you've been getting to me. All this catching business if I take a turn faster than 60? Not good on keeping you un rearended. You're scaring me and giving me nightmares. Please behave.
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