The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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To throat - Ugh, why are your so sore? I HATE BEING SICK!!! If you wanted me to be sick, pick a time when I'm not busy. Which is never. So GO AWAY!

To Best Friend - COME BACK ON!!! I want to finish the plot - you left at a good part!
To the college I really want to attend, why do you feel like you are going to cost me an arm, leg, and possibly my apendix?! I know you're a private school and all but even with decent finincial aid I'm going to cry when I see the estimate.

T the snow that decided to show up just please go away. I'm tired of shoveling you and trying to drive in you with the idiotic people. Who, I might add, stink at drivig in hazardous conditions. If there is a snow covered road it's not cool to tailgate me, I'll just go slower and make you take more time.

Oh Monday night, why can't you be here sooner? I can't wait to go out and party with my friends. It shall be a good time and just like the old days.
To the many crazy drunk men of VanCity,

Please please please stay in your house!! You are quite scary to come across at night...especially at night! I mean really, some people who get drunk are just fine,very tipsy, but still they are quite nice, please try to stop being so scary!
To myself: You are so screwed if mom finds out that you are failing two subjects. She will take away the computer and also beat you up, literally. You have to get yourself together and focus more in school. Maybe its because of track that you are failing or maybe its because you are just too lazy to do anything and don't care about your future. Just try to get it together this quarter or else your mom is really going to find out about the progress report and you will get in even more trouble. Stay after school for help, maybe that will do some good.

To the year 2007: Thanks for all of the good memories and the not so good ones that helped me learn my lesson and also to all the new friends that I made. I don't want you to leave.

To 2008: You came to soon to the party, can you come later on in life?
To boss: I'm really pissed off from you! :mad:
You NEVER plan the duty roster correctly so that those who are present have to do so much more work to do that it's not fun anymore! And let me tell you s/th: New Year is plannable! I can even tell you the date for next years New Year - it is December the 31st and will always be, so why the hell can't you plan it?! *virtually slaps his head*

To brother: seriously, you could have taken a shower AFTER the breakfast, this way I couldn't get in the bath and refresh myself a bit from a silly and exhausting night at work - and you're still asking yourself why I'm bitchy today? Duh! Leave me alone! :mad:
To the schedulingmanager, please stop giving me 14 hours weekends where I have to work 7 hours per day...starting at 4 am and then expect me to be up and to work by 4 am again on Monday. Not cool, I'm in so much pain that I can hardly walk down the hall. Hope you'll be happy with yourself if I mess up my back again at work. Then you can stick it!
Dear Father: If you want me to attend college next semester I need you as a co-signer thank you.

Dear Walmart: Stop hiring people that glare at me. That woman hasn't stopped since that one time and we didn't even do anything. We went in to buy gifts for her daycare and still you glare and whine. It's not our job to take shoe cases out of the basket. Whine at the people whose job it it is. Hell I wasn't even a part of it. My friend grabbed the basket and I kept my big mouth shut about the trash can right there.

Dear said friend: I'm beginning to wonder if your headaches are an excuse. Do you not like spending a drunk time with me?

Dear mom: I didn't mean to upset your last night, it was just a joke. But I don't know if I upset you or not since I only got one exterminate message through the day. I think I did and that kills me.

Dear world: I wish you would go easy on me everyonce in awhile. Sure I got internet. But I got a lot of other stuff to deal with and I think my ulcers or back. All I want to do is to get into school for next semester I miss my classes and be told how to do things. I know it's weird since basically I don't like being told what to do. But when it comes to my art. I really like knowing what's best route or not. It helps me in the end and I realize that.
To Dearest mother and father: Can you stop trying to live my life for me? Every single thing I do can be changed in your eyes. You go out with guys to much, You wear too much makeup, Your hair looks better curly, You should use your cellphone less, Your shirts are too low cut, You shouldnt get a piercing on your face...OH MY GOD! SHUT IT! I am going to live my life the way I want too! God, I just somedays so badly want to be like "You're little girl is a lesbian" just so you wouldn't talk to me for months! I really can't handle you trying to control me! I'm a big girl now.

To Sam: You have to go and screw up our plans! AGHH! You're like "I can go Thursday" yeah, well, you suck! And I have no idea how I'm going to make any of this work at all! GRR!

To someone: I don't know what you want from me anymore, I really don't.
To exams- I really don't want to have to take these exams again in the summer when I'll already have 9. So please just be easy for once and ,let me pass with a decent grade!

To me- why are you so lazy? and ill? you can't be ill, not for next week! Passing this year is your only way out of this stupid town!

To my boss- You are an idiot, I never call in sick, and the day that I do, you shout at me down the phone and make me cry. I'm sure your customers want me coughing and sneezing over their food.
To my mother: Why why why do you always have to invite that man over our house. Every fre-king day of last week he was here and it really bothers me that he is here. He took a nap on my bed!! I don't think that he should be that comfortable with us here. I sure wouldn't. And he slept in the same bed as you last night? You might as well say that he's your boyfriend or that he lives with us. He could've slept on the couch or not have come at all yesterday. He could have stayed at home or gone to another persons house but no, you have to be a good Samaritan and let him come over when ever he wants. And it bothers me that he comes into my room whenever he wants. Seriously I'm going to buy a door knob that has a key to put it on my door.
My sisters... or my dad or anyone I can blame. I woke up to screaming this morning, and listened to it for half an hour before it ended. The tension was still there, though. Shattered inside, are you, but you'll never admit or let go and then you'll just end up suiciding or killing dad or just die from depression. This can't go on but we can't do anything, and then I just end up beating myself up because I don't even know you and I can't love you. What kind of messed-up relationship is that?
To me: Why are you still on CSI:Talk even though you know you have to do your work cause you have exams next week.

To the creators of CSI:Talk - I dont remember how the I found this site. But I'm addicted and I really need to revise and you are definately not helping!!!

To revision and exams: WHY THE FUCK DO WE HAVE TO HAVE EXAM STAIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS! Isn't christmas a holiday where we should relax and chill! It so fringing cold outside how do you expect me to revise.

To my friends from school: its like you've forgotten me. The holidays come and you distance yourself from me. Why???? Because i've changed??? Or because we're all too grown up and we've forgotten about each other and what we mean to each other I really reallly miss you guys and need you.

To God: why have I changed so much? Why am I distancing myself from my friends and family? Why can't I revision??
Why does life suck so much at the moment? Will I ever be happy? Will I ever have a life??????? Will there ever be anyone who loves me for who I am???? Will I ever fall in love with someone who loves me just as much?????????

To haters of slash/gay/lesbian thread: WHAT IS YOUR EFFING PROBLEM. the rules clear state that FLAMING IS NOT ALLOWED! So then you purposely come in to a thread and say stuff. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FOLLOWING THE FUCKING RULES AND STAY OUT OF A THREAD YOUR OFFENDED BY! Stop spamming other peoples threads. IF YOU DON'T WANNA START A FIGHT THEN WHY COME IN THE THREAD. JUST GO AWAY!!!! YOU LOSERS!! :mad: :mad:

To the creator of this thread: thanks you soooo much *Super huggs*. i feel much better now :)
shazza_018 said:

shazza, whilst this is the rant thread please be aware that what you are posting could easily be misconstrued. I don't believe that you are posting about something that has happened on this site, if you were then you yourself would probably be guilty of flaming another person by posting your comments above. So, please try not to bring issues from other sites onto this one, however rant-worthy you feel that they might be, as this can cause us all a bit of a headache. Also, posting in capitals is akin to shouting, so please in future try and tone it down.

Thanks. :)
Okay my apologise for that.....I know I shouldn't bring fights//arguements from other sites in here and I wouldn't do it again..........I guess I got lost in the rant and said somethings I shouldn't have said sorry. I'll try to tone it down a little next time. my apolgise to you gus sorry.
Uhm, anywhoo:

To my dad: I blend into the wallpaper well enough yet? I promise; I'm trying to be as unnoticed as you make me feel.

To my ex: It's for the better in the end...maybe I moved on a bit too quickly...but...I just hope you understand.

To a friend: It bugs me that you're upset over this. It really does. You are the stepping stone of my life right now. I need you in it; you really don't have any clue. I understand that you're not an open person, I respect that. But I know this is bothering you...I just need to figure everything out.

To her: I love you.
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