To me: Why are you still on
CSI:Talk even though you know you have to do your work cause you have exams next week.
To the creators of
CSI:Talk - I dont remember how the I found this site. But I'm addicted and I really need to revise and you are definately not helping!!!
To revision and exams: WHY THE FUCK DO WE HAVE TO HAVE EXAM STAIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS! Isn't christmas a holiday where we should relax and chill! It so fringing cold outside how do you expect me to revise.
To my friends from school: its like you've forgotten me. The holidays come and you distance yourself from me. Why???? Because i've changed??? Or because we're all too grown up and we've forgotten about each other and what we mean to each other I really reallly miss you guys and need you.
To God: why have I changed so much? Why am I distancing myself from my friends and family? Why can't I revision??
Why does life suck so much at the moment? Will I ever be happy? Will I ever have a life??????? Will there ever be anyone who loves me for who I am???? Will I ever fall in love with someone who loves me just as much?????????
To haters of slash/gay/lesbian thread: WHAT IS YOUR EFFING PROBLEM. the rules clear state that FLAMING IS NOT ALLOWED! So then you purposely come in to a thread and say stuff. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FOLLOWING THE FUCKING RULES AND STAY OUT OF A THREAD YOUR OFFENDED BY! Stop spamming other peoples threads. IF YOU DON'T WANNA START A FIGHT THEN WHY COME IN THE THREAD. JUST GO AWAY!!!! YOU LOSERS!!
To the creator of this thread: thanks you soooo much *Super huggs*. i feel much better now