The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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To whoever came up with dates for Christmas break: Why do we go until the 21st? The 21st! Don't you think I would rather not be there like, 4 days before Christmas! I have to walk to Uni in the dark because it's the darkest day of the year! If I get killed in the dark it's all your fault!

To my family: Uhh...I love how I haven't decided what I'm even doing for the Holidays, I'll figure it umm...tomorrow, maybe. Hahaha, I have to do something today too, which will take me like, 2 hours...uhhh...oopss...I'll get it figured out, I think.

To music: You are my life :D God, I like youu!

To people: I hate you. Really dislike you. I don't like crying, it's mean when you make a girl run out of her class in tears because none of you can stop laughing. See, and people said I was unfriendly...well, now I have a reason.
To my friends: Why do you have to keep canceling our plans? If we're going to make plans, then why can't we just keep to them?

To my family: I wish we could all get along like this all the time. But I'm afraid it's never like this.

To me: I wish I didn't have this stupid disease.
To crying kids in shopping malls: You will get your turn to sit on santa's knee. Don't stress! And just 'coz mum won't buy you something isn't a reason to throw a tantrum!

*mutters* little kids....
To girlfriend's chrildren's christmas song casette: BREAK! You're terrible!

To head: Come up with a present for my granny please, cookies and liquer aren't really enough for a present...

To weather: Don't be so fuckin' cold, I'm freezing my ass and my feet off.
To weather: Don't be so fuckin' cold, I'm freezing my ass and my feet off.

That's why I love New Zealand Christmas's...Sun's always shining...Nice and warm =] Even better at the beach, :D
To Fog: Please goa way driving to and from work in you really bit the big one. Although the snow they are calling for tomorrow really doesn't sound much better...

To inconsiderate boos: Thanks for completely ignoring my request and not giving me off on New Years Day, nto to mention I turned it in 3 weeks early!! But if you expect me to drivin form my out of town plans to be there at 4 am then you are sorely mistaken. I won't be there to open and work 7 hours so take that and stick it in your high and mighty shoes!!
To My Dad- You do realise that it's now been 5 years since you last saw us at Christmas time? My little sister thinks it's normal to not see her dad until January for Christmas, that's pathetic. I know the stocks are important but you can check those on your computer for gods sake, I wish you would just come home for once.
To Mr. H,
Why was friday the ONE DAY you didn't stop to talk to me? Why is that the one time I want to be able to say hi, and give you a Christmas present, you decide that other things are more important? I'm sorry that I sound like a whiney teenage girl, but I really wanted to be able to wish you a happy holidays and not let everyone know that I got you something, but no, you had to disappear. Then I had to ask my CBD teacher to give you your gift, which defeats the purpose but allows me to avoide Ms. B asking awkward questions about why I got you something. I hope you liked it, and I'll see you in the new year.

To post office

To Ms. G
Thank you for the beautiful letter of reference, now if only I'd been patient enough to get the guidance councillor to sign my paperwork...

To Dean:
Why do you never visit anymore? Don't you realize how much I miss you and how much I need you to be with me again? You're breaking my heart, and I want to see you again.

To Me:
Why must you fall in love with older guys? Why can't you be happy with your own boyfriend, and stop falling for guys who are like twice your age? Why do you have to do that to yourself? It will never work, and you know it. So let go and move on.

To my optomitrist:
You're on crack if you think my eyes are still fine, because I can't read a board that's ten feet away! I'm remaking my appointment and you're gonna give me new contacts or I'm gonna punch you in the face and go somewhere else.
To the people who think they know everything just stop, you're annoying and make no sense when you spout off. I'm tires of being berates because you don't like with it this is life and it's not always fair or right. Somethings you just have to learn to live with!!
To Christmas: I'm not feeling Christmassy, please make me feel less miserable.

To the weather: Please warm up

To my town: why are you so boring?!
bubbles said:

To my town: why are you so boring?!

I feel like that too *sigh*. There's nothing to do here :(.

To the idiot who called himself my boyfriend- I did mean what I said earlier, and I'm not crawling back to you again. Thanks for everything. Hope she enjoys you.
bubbles said:
To Christmas: I'm not feeling Christmassy, please make me feel less miserable.

To the weather: Please warm up

To my town: why are you so boring?!

I was about to post the same!

To self: Why couldn't you get sleep last night now you're just too tierd to get in to the 'christmassy' mood!
This is going to be an angry/emotional post. Just warning you.

To my mother: Why do you have to take this whole thing so seriously? It's annoying. When you're not mad at me you say you respect my opinion, but when you are mad you get all angry with me and say you're sad about my opinion. What's wrong? And when I apologized yesterday you didn't want to accept it. Fine. But then I won't be offering my apologies anymore. This morning, when you needed help with your stupid groceries, you wanted everything to be fine suddenly. Aww, you're so cute when you're TRYING to be nice to me [fakeness, anyone?]. Well, that was stubborn me speaking, but I'm not going to help you all of a sudden. And well, what I expected came true. You became mad! You seem somehow schizofrenic. Oh well, and the fact I don't get to join you at Christmas dinner is fine with me. Didn't want to celebrate Christmas with you anyway. You probably won't see me celebrating Christmas at all, because I'll celebrate it at my dad's. Bye.
I'm really tired of stupid people and how they think they are always right. Knock it off not everyone has all the things that you get whn you want it, you do know that makes you spoiled right?

Some of us can't afford big, expensive digital cameras for photography. I'm pretty happy with my digital camera that my mom got me for my birthday, and if you can't handle that it takes just as good of pictures are your $500 one, then don't look at my stuff and stop trying to cut it down. Get off your high horse and come back down to earth, perhaps other people might like you betterm but I surely won't.
To my stupid brain- why are you so deficient? I've only written 3 paragraphs of my fic, and the deadline is today.

To a certain person- It's okay if I want to be a little sad right now, I have a good reason too. Just because it's Christmas it doesn't mean that you suddenly forget the people you've lost, not everybody is freakishly happy like you, stop ramming everything down my throat.
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