The Promise of the Future-GSR RP

Right about the time Greg realized Sara must have been in a dream the next thing he knew someone else had joined them at the bedroom door. It was his worst nightmare, their superviser.. Grissom.....

After Grissom almost came off as completely speechless, he left and rushed out of the house. Sara looked at Greg and then just started calling after Grissom leaving Greg sitting now in her bed all by him self feeling comepletely foolish, as Grissom did a few moments before.

Greg finally decided to go after them both, so he stood up and ran out the front door to the porch, but right as he was about to take the steps down he stopped by the view of Sara standing right by Grissom's window saying, "Nothing happened between Greg and me!"
Greg felt comepletely deflated at that point too, he thought something was happening. Grissom left, and he stayed there right beside Sara the whole time afterwards, and even though Greg always had the crush on Sara and he thought Sara liked Grissom, he thought she changed her mind after today.............
"Nothing happened between Greg and I!" Sara screamed through his window. "Please come out! or let me in and we can talk about this." He heard the desperation in her voice, but could not help but notice Greg watching them.

He rolled down his window as he stared at her eyes full of concern. " was a bad idea for me to come," he whispered as his eyes wondered over to Greg. "I...I got to go," and with that he pulled out of his parking spot. Looking out of his rear view mirror, he noticed Sara staring after his vehicle.

He couldn't think as he drove home as his chest felt tight and restricted. What was his problem anyways? Why did seeing Sara with Greg have to hurt so much? It wasn't like Sara and him were together. Before he knew it, he turned into her drive way. Feeling all dejected. And Lost. He scratched his head shocked at his own behavior. His intention was to go home, but instead he showed up at 'her' house. The glow from the porch light reflected in his eyes, so he knew she was still up. She was in fact quite the opposite of Sara, and he wondered why he ended up here as he opened his driver's side door and closed it behind him.

He hesitated before he climbed the few steps to her front door, and his finger lightly touched her sensitive door bell. He took a deep breath as he heard its familar chime.

The door opened ulliminating her small figure as her eyes widened in shock. "Grissom...?"
(here goes nothing lol I just hope I do okay; new chars make me nervous lol)
She was, indeed, surprised to see him there. She was just now beginning to get her life back together after the events of the previous year; and even now they came hauntingly back to her as she eyed him. Her emotions were mixed; she could not forget the way he'd comforted and held her that night in the desert...but neither could she forget the memories of their previous encounter, and their last parting.

"Apologies are just words..." (thought in her mind)

"Grissom..." she said to him.
"Heather...," he whispered. He only called her Heather when they were alone; a simple reminder to himself that they had developed intimacy in the past. Not the lustful kind, but one built on caring. "Long time," he whispered as he scratched his head. "How are things?" He found himself asking as he stared back at her. She seemed to have lost some weight, but continued to hold her head up high.
Greg watched as Grissom drove away again. Sara just stood there looking like she had just lost another part of her life, so Greg pulled out his phone, and first dialed Catherines number, him knowing she was the best with things like this. But she didn't answer, so he decided to go back inside the house and stand up to Grissom for once in his life. So he dialed his number, and it just rang......
"It has been a long time. They've begun to get better, though it's been rough at times. I wasn't sure if I would see you again or not" she said. "What brings you back here?"
Her voice soft but full of question as she wondered why he was standing on her door step. He looked down briefly as he took in a deep breathe. "I...I don't know why I'm here," he whispered as his cell phone distracted him as it vibrated. He pulled it from his holder, and frowned at his display screen. Greg. "I...need some advice I guess," he continued on as he pressed the ignore button on his cell phone. "Office affairs...," he stoped as he rolled his eyes. "I've never been one to commit them."
(Sorry, It took me a while to post)

Sara stood in silence and watched Grissom drive off. She felt one lone tear slip out over her eye lid. She stood there like that for several minutes before she remembered Greg was still inside. She turned around and walked up to the door. She walked in and saw Greg pacing around the room with his phone up to his ear. "Why do these things always happen to me!" She cried as she flopped onto the couch, "and now you hate me!!"
After Greg hung up his phone with no answer. He knew Grissom was just ignoring him. He started pacing around the room, but then he noticed Sara come back in too. So he stopped as he heard her cry, "why do all these things happen to me, and now you hate me too!"

Greg watched as she flopped onto the couch now crying her eyes out. He wasn't sure what he was suppose to do. Leave? Comfort her? Choke Grissom? He really had no idea. So he stood there for a moment, and then walked over in front of the couch as he said gently, "I could never hate you Sara, you're my best friend. I just don't know what to do right now."
"It's your friend Sara, isn't it? You did have a...thing...for her I remember." She was still a bit intigued why he'd chosen to come but she was glad they were on slightly better terms. She simply wished it hadn't been under such terrible circumstances the last time. She did wish to a point that he had come back for her rather than her advice. "Was it really my advice you came for?" she asked, studying him "Or did you perhaps come back for me?"

(I just hope I'm good, I get the feeling i'm bad at it lol)
"I could never hate you Sara, you're my best friend. I just don't know what to do right now."

Sara looked over at Greg. Her eyes were burning from the salty tears."Thanks but yo-you don't have to stay here. Yoou can go somewhere else. Im not trying to kick you out or anything it just seems like you are trying to get out of here."She said, her brain filled with thoughts of life and death. she glanced over at the chair to her left and saw the picture of her brother and her standing in front of the lab again. "I.......forgot about that" she whispered to herself as a whole new wave of tears fled into her eyes.
He stood there stuned as she guessed who he had feelings for. Grissom shut his eyes to the sound of Sara's name. Such a sweet name that he loved saying it. He loved the way her name felt as he uttered each beautiful syllable. He was interrupted from his train of thought as Lady Heather continued to talk.

"Was it really my advice you came for?" he heard the softness in her voice as she stared at him. He could not help but stare at her lips as she continued on. "Or did you perhaps come back for me?"

Women...damn them all was all Grissom could think as he opened his mouth, but remained silent. She was beautiful, stunning yet so not for him. Yet, she was thrilling and inviting. Their achievements were close, but too different in life. He battled evil, and she tried to control it. They in a sense worked against each other.

"Mmmmhh, maybe in a different life time I'd be back for you," he whispered as he suddenly leaned in towards her as he stared at her lips. He noticed as she remained firmly planted not surrendering, yet not rejecting.
Greg just watched as Sara was still beating herself up about everything. Then she said, "I'm not trying to kick you out or anything, it just seems you're trying to get out of here."

Greg had no idea what he was suppose to do to try and cheer Sara up. He knew it was mostly Grissom's fault now, and that's what he wanted to tell him, but couldn't at the moment.
He was just about to talk, but then Sara looked over at a picture of her brother as she said, "Oh, I forgot about that."
Her eyes started flooding again, so Greg sighed as he walked slowly over to her and sat down as he said, "I don't want to leave you Sara, not until you're good and ready for me to do so."
Greg gently wrapped his arms around her again, and just shut his eyes hoping the whole world would just dissapear at that moment.
She continued to look at him, feeling the tension in the air. She found herself leaning toward him, knowing full well he was likely to pull away, but unable to stop what was already in motion.

*hopes it's long enough*