THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open.

"Ya. i told him to go for my case and he did and i took him down like that" he snaped his finger once and laughed "It was so funny"
Sara still had an expression of disbelief plastered on her face. Grissom just didn't seem like the type of guy to allow someone like Dan to knock him onto the floor. And she knew Grissom fairly well..."Really?" She said, beginning to get attatched to the possibility of her boss lightening up a bit. That smile etched into her face showed that she found it amusing.
"But trust me all those lesson's and training really did pay off, that's why that guy is dead upstairs instead of me" he laughed "And it's all about the guns" He flexed him arm looking at Sara. He laughed again "It's just the training!"
Sara's smile quickly faded into a frown again, as she was reminded by Dan of the man lying dead upstairs. That event would prove to keep her up for a while. Which, in reality, was fairly pathetic, seeing as it was actually Dan who had been placed in the life or death situation. "Right." She said, looking at him again, after a brief staring game with the wall behind him.
He looekd at her "Smile!" he laughe "Look dont worry about what happend" he put his hand on her sholder "If you wouldent have came up there it wouldove been me laying up there" he took a gun he had in his hoster on his ankle "Heres your gun. That gun you threw down is what I used to shoot him. So i should be thanking you" he smiled.
Sara's brown eyes turned away from his face, and refocused on the gun he now held in his hand. He was telling the truth, it was her gun. She knew once she saw the marks on it from where she had whacked her hand on a door frame...While holding the gun, which wasn't really the best thing. "Anytime." Sara replied, looking back at him with a small smile, her fingers wrapping around her gun.
"Great" he smiled and looked at her. He looked around "Well how about this case. We should get back to the lab and get this stuff to trace!" he stood out at the door and turned around "Oh ya. I dont have a car, getting it tomorrow. So can I get a lift from you?"
After replacing her gun in it's rightful place on her hip, she pointed to herself. "Me?" Sara asked, slightly surprised for a moment. Though, she quickly nodded her head. "Sure." With that small smile still plastered on her face, the woman fallowed him. Dan sure seemed eager on his first day, which was a good thing. It certainly helped when the job got tough.
"Great" he got into her car, his phone rang "Godard" he looked at Sara "Sorry" he mouthed at her. You could hear a lady talking "Ya, but.." *Lady talking* "WHAT!" he yelled "FINE. WhatEver" he slamed the phone closed, and put it in his holder. "Damn it" he got mad.
{Uh...From what I understand stokeluver, Dan and Grissom where screwing off at the crime scene, and they found blood. Sara, who was still kind of out of it do to earlier joined them, and now Sara is preparing to give Dan a lift back to the crime lab. ;)}

"What happened?" Sara questioned, a vauge look of concern coming over her face. Her head cocked to the side slightly, and she pondered the phone-call. Something had made Dan upset, obviously, and she was curious now. That was her job after all; to be curious. The cool desert breeze sweeped over them, making Sara fairly glad that she had chosen to work nights. The Dayshift in Las Vegas seemed to be a hastle, not to mention hot. Very hot.
He looked at her. He didnt really want to tell her. He took a deep breath "Well that WAS my girlfriend, but she said she has had enough. Not much of a breakup if ou ask me!" he looked out the window. As they drove they passed people on the streets. Las Vegas was so nice and cool at night.
Sara's hands were firmly grasped on the steering wheel as she maintained control of the SUV. I look of concern swept over her face as his words hung in the air around them. "She broke up with you?" The brunette questioned, slightly surprised that someone would end it with a phone call, rather then a face-to-face meeting. It seemed kind of pathetic to her, but she supposed that the desision was left up to the person who was starting the brakeup. Dark eyes reflected the shimmering neon lights of the hotel loaded Strip as they continued to venture closer to the LV Crime Lab.
"Ya. I knew she would. She didnt want me to move here enyways. It was a pretty big hint when she didnt move here with me, but oh well. Thats 2 years gone to waist" he was so mad. She couldove atleast told him before he left from LA to Vegas. "Man this really is a first day huh!" he smiled at her. He looked out the window once more looking at the light on all the boildings down the strip.