THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open.

Sara, who had allowed a frown to tug her lips down again, took her eyes off the road to look at him. She hadn't been a good relationship person, not by a long shot, but she could still help on occation. "That's fine," She said, offering him a small smile. Nodding her head, she agreed with him about the events of that day. "Yeah, it was."
Gil finished at the scene, then drove back to the lab. He couldn't help worrying about Sara. She seemed shaken up. He hoped he could ger her to open up.
"You know I actually like this place, and I know i've only been here for about 10 minutes total" he laughed "But it seems like a cool place" hey pulled up into the lab parking lot. He got out and grabed his case and waited for her to come.
(back at the lab)
Nick walked up to sara and said "hey sara... um, i know you like that dan guy and all, but... i have some bad news."
{Poor Sara, still caught in the middle. ;)}

Sara slowed the car by steadily placing pressure on the brakes. Pulling into the parking space, she turned the keys and shut the SUV off. Within a moment, she was thinking up a way to reply to the man. Brown eyes focused on the door to the lab ahead, she spoke, "It is, Dan. You'll get used to it." With that, Sara hopped out of the car and grabed her things.

ETA: Sara looked up at Nick, yet another concerned expression encasing her face. "What is it, Nick?"
Dan walked into the lab letting them two talk. he walked and looked around. He looked into his new office "Sweet!" he sat down in his chair.
Nick sat in the car wondering 'what the heck?' All he wanted to do was protect her, like how he hadnt had the chance to earlyier. SO he quickly ran up to sara and blurted out "Dans doing dope." he then stoped walking and foze. 'did i just say that?' he had just relized how the jelousy part of him was begining to get uncontrollable. ANd it was causing pain.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very opeoped n.

Dan looked at people crossing his doorway "HOW SWEE IS THIS" he yelled for everyone could hear. He never had his own office this nice looking.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very opeoped n.

Gil chuckled. "Easy, Dan." The new CSI's enthusiasm amused him. He remembered feeling that way.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very opeoped n.

he ran up to Gil "Hey is there enything i can do I am so hyper, cant you tell I sure can" he laughed, when he got hyper he couldent shut up eather "I can feel my blood rushing faster and faster" he took a deep breath "I really do like my office, but god it is hot in here, dont you think so?"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very opeoped n.

Gil chuckled again. "Well, I think Greggo needs a hand with some evidence in the lab. You up for it?"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very opeoped n.

"SARA! didnt you here me?" all though nick was kind of upset about himself saying such things, he also saw it was catching... or wasnt catching... sara's attention.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very opeoped n.

Dan laughed "Sorry about that, but i just love this job" he patted his on the sholder "Thanks for hiring me Gil. Your pretty cool even thoough I can take yo down eny time and enywhere" he laughed again.