THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open.

Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Nick wasnt about to let someone like Dan prove to his Sara... his girl... that he wasnt capable of sticking up for himself. "oh, piss of Dan!" he said as he pushed Dan backward. "ya, i will talk as i damn well please to!" he said as he pushed Dan once agian. Now he was standing inside Dans office again. "if you got a problem with that, then face me!" he said. He then let Dan go, he figured that he also didnt want Sara to think of him as a bully either.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

{Yay!As Cordi is posting as Sara (props, by the way), I'll post as Greg.}

Greg was simply passing by, minding his own buisness when the man came across a flood of yelling. It wasn't offten that people raise their voices in the Lab, so he found it fairly out of place. "Nick?" He asked, looking at Nick Stokes curiously.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Well he shouldnt act like an ass. I mean acusing me of doing drugs. GOD!" he walked over to his desk.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

He ran up to him and grabed him by his shirt "I wouldent mess with a Marine buddy" he punched him in the eye "You piss off" he looked at Nick. He couldent belive what he just did.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

bleeding, nick got up and headed out the door, ashamed of him self. He was abviously going to get back at Dan, but in privite. He didnt want sara to have to witness such horrible things.

(hey where the heck is gill?)
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

He watched Nick walk off "Damn" he walked over to his desk again and sat back down. Speechless "Damn it!"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

((props? What props do I need? I didn't realize I did?! I'm confuzled! *hides*)

Sara's hand flew to her mouth and she cried out in horror, rushing toward Dan and grabbing his arms.
"Stop it! Stop fighting!"
She cried, looking over her shoulder at Nick.
"Just...get out of here!"
She said angrily, turning back to find herself face-to-face with Dan.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

He looked at her "Sorry" he looked around then sat back down at his desk. He was in deep thought.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

(uh... sara... nick wasnt in the room at the time, he ran off. remember? your gonna have to run after him! *smiles)
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Sara sighed and shook her head.
"I don't get why he's being like this!"
She said vehemtly, sitting down opposite Dan and reaching across to pat his arm.
"It's okay, I'm not mad at you. You were just defending yourself."
She was completely oblivious to all the under-table shots being fired whilst she was only seeing Nick as the bad guy.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"No I wasnt. I couldove just walked away" he looked at he and smiled as she patted his arm "Well back to the case. Im tired of meeting the team. I just want to know more about the case"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

She nodded and stood up.
"I'm gonna go get some more case files. Won't be a minute. If he comes in here again, just...yeah, walk away. He's not worth it."
She sighed, rubbing her head as she made for the door.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

While nick rummaged through the breakroom, looking for bandages, his head wouldnt stop spinning. "how could she?" was all he said. He then stopped the rummageing of things, and picked up his phone. "ill call her, and make it an anonymous call, telling her to meet me in the breakroom. With no one else." he thought it was a perfect idea. He even discuised his voice.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

He walked out of his office and looked around. He smiled at someone wo passed him. He walked outside to get some fresh air.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

O.K, so sara wasnt about to pick up. Thats fine. He decieded to walk out side, and look for Griss. But instead, he saw someone else... Dan. This was his chance to beat on Dan. But he wasnt sure if he'd be able to. So he walked up to Dan. "do you like Sara?" he asked. He then made up his mind, if Dan would answer any questions incorrectly, Nick would beat up on him. And if he was o.k, then nick decided to leave him alone. SHYA RIGHT!